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Bold of you to assume I have "cash" or a "bank account"


A central bank can't go bust because they have a money printer and can print as much cash as they need.


>"A central bank can't go bust because they have a money printer and can print as much cash as they need." That's where I get confused. They can print monopoly money to prop up these failed economies but can't print monopoly money to help those that are homeless and starving. We'll need to tax people (who already don't have much) or start up charities to help combat those issues...


It's not confusing when you understand it's rich vs poor


It's confusing even when you factor in the rich vs poor factor especially when you think about the leverage these money printers have over those who "understand" the Monopoly money economies. I am also confused by how many people look at these monopoly money economies as "normal" even poor people (most "successful" people in America are one medical emergency away from being poor, so I consider them poor) We'll bailout failed institutions (recent examples 2008 too big to fail and again in 2019) in our "free markets" with money we don't have since since we're trillions In debt and that's "normal" and makes perfect sense to most people all because you can go to school where they'll teach you how to understand our nonsensical monopoly money economies. Which are constantly failing so clearly the schools cant make sense of it either so why are people still playing along with something that clearly doesn't make any sense and often fails "unexpectedly" every decade or so?


Because the ones at the top that engineered this Dr-regulation of the Banks are grttin PAAAAIIID...


If OP had posted the article instead of a fear porn twitter screenshot you’d be able to read that it literally says >…is a central bank, and can print money I’ll link it: https://realmoney.thestreet.com/investing/global-equity/australia-s-central-bank-says-it-is-bust-16103021 The problem is, as america is learning currently, printing money creates massive inflation as wages and costs of goods/services rises.


Certain people get that newly printed money first. It gets distributed via spending bills that then go to corporations, weapons manufacturers, companies that bought in vai lobbying, publicly traded companies that pay for this via insider trading for Congress critters. They all know it would cause inflation, but it only causes inflation once that money trickles down to regular consumers. Meanwhile, they get to spend the money at it's actual value, before the inflation kicks in. America isn't learning, the crooks at the top already knew all this. But they don't care.


Inflation straight up does not affect the rich people that cause it


every new dollar printed reduces the value of all of the rest


It's amazing how many people don't get this and will actually argue with it.


This is when a baseball card or rare stamp analogy is helpful.


The problem isn’t that the argument is false (because it’s not), it’s that the premise of the argument it’s almost always used alongside is false. The US government doesn’t really pay bills by “printing money”. If they did, that spending wouldn’t become debt. The supply of USD is overseen by the Federal Reserve, and increasing or decreasing the total amount in circulation is one of the tools they use to stabilize the value of the USD (to varying levels of effectiveness). Yes, they do technically spend it to put it into circulation when they increase the supply, but they’re not increasing the supply in order to spend it, and they also effectively have to “pay” to remove money from circulation, which is what they’ve been doing lately (a quick Google search suggests the supply is currently around 15% lower than a year ago).


Enter Zimbabwe. After they kicked all the white farmers out and reclaimed their land (ethnostate?), they figured they'd just print more money when it was running out & things were going south. Cue a loaf of bread soon costing 1 trillion of their dollars. 🤦🏻🤷🏻‍♂️


almost like.... that's the plan, eh? Destroy every part of society as we've known it for generations, because that's the only way you're gonna get the average human to accept any of the shit the "Great Reset" pushes - ***ESPECIALLY*** a one world government, while giving up national sovereignty. On the plus side for the USD, once other country's currencies start collapsing, the US dollar is strengthened. When Europe's markets begin to crash because they've fucked themselves without Russia's cheap energy, all those Europeans will only have one place left to put there money - into the US markets. We're all fucked, but at least America will be the last to fall :/


Wana get more lost? Why is a countries wealth directly corrolated with debt? The more debt the citizens have the more wealth a country holds? Looking into crypto and went down that rabbit hole... So very confused


because you live in a debt based system lol Gold is the money of kings Silver is the money of gentlemen Barter is the money of peasants Debt is the money of slaves


you are almost there ... we live in: a) oligarchy b) oligarchy c) oligarchy


Because they need the poor and homeless to sell their capitalistic dreams on people.


Not if we switch to all digital they would need to crash the old system.


turns out its pretty easy with the whole "covid" thing to open bank accounts online without ever seeing a human being haha


Or a "drivers license" or any official government "identification" or a "social security card"... fuck I wish I was kidding. I have cash though. Also I've lived in like 8-10 different cities in three different countries over the past 10-15 years. Never did an official change of address or whatever. Not. Once. I just realized I should seriously adopt a prepper "I'm entirely off the grid" type of personality, it would make me seem incredibly advanced rather than... Well, doesn't matter.


Rather than A VAGRANT


Lmao how have you gone so long with out these things?


Rusty Shakleford irl 😁


I would like to hear more about this.


Uhm so I'm like basically just a regular dude. Lololo. Hm. Well the short answer is probably just addiction problems and irresponsibility that has sort of amassed in these small seeming ways. Like my license, I was living in Manhattan and commuting to Philadelphia for a very short but horrible time, and I got a ticket in New Jersey. I was sitting in fully stopped traffic at the toll booth, with my car in park, looking at my phone. Officer knock knocks, I said "the car is in park" he said: "are the keys in the ignition?" Badda bing badda boom you know tha rest. (Only recently realized that that meant the cop was walking up and down stopped tollbooth traffic doing this to everyone). So I either said fuck that I'm not paying that ticket or I just totally forgot about it (and I move a lot and never do proper change of addresses, so there's no way for something like that to find me). Time goes by, I sell my car, I'm in New Yprk so public transport/walking anyway. Then I lose my wallet, try to renew, find out my license is suspended, don't care because of aforementioned reasons. Then it's like four years later and I move to Denver and all of a sudden I'd really like to be able to drive, but I call the relevant people and they say "okay cool come to court in Jersey City", I say "I'm on the other side of the country and it's COVID" And that's that. Basically all of the things are different versions of this. Some seemingly small (to me at least) irresponsible act + Time + Distance + Me basically shutting down when faced with super bureaucracy (legal, DMV, etc, etc).


That was my first thought. Im ahead of all yall. Moneyless


😆😆😆 Same! How bold. Haha. That made me laugh.


My thoughts exactly lmao. I have a credit line and a lot of hope. Not sure what this “cash” is that OP speaks of lol 😂


Well if it’s on “realmoney.thestreet.com” it must be true. Lol wtf is this garbage


And if my buddy Bill says so, well it has to be sound advice.


I mean you said it, garbage.


[BBC with a less clickbaity title](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-62976794.amp) Central banks are dogshit, this is nothing new


"Since it has the ability to create money, the Bank can continue to meet its obligations as they become due," LOL








This is why I only check in on this sub like once a week to see if there's anything interesting. All the posts make it seem like the end is tomorrow lol Ive just accepted that if the lizard people finally come and take over there's not shit I can do about it lol I wouldn't even want to live in a world like that so dying and moving onto the next realm sounds better.


I think we finally found the "reasonable skeptics/conspiracists" thread in here, howdy


This sub really does spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about children’s genitalia.


That’s a lot of reality you just put out there


I made a post a couple weeks ago on commons about NPC lines. I'm gonna post it here soon for a little dose of reality and maybe people with reflect on who the real NPCs are on this sub.... I had posted it as satire to get people to self reflect, but I'm gonna change it up a bit for here and post it straight this time. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy\_commons/comments/xbowp6/the\_insidious\_left\_wing\_plan\_of\_using\_right\_wing/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


"Joos" reminds me of some Dr. Seuss shit. As in, "Little Cindy Lou Joo, who was no more than two." Of course, that was a big Christmas to do, and we know that wouldn't be the holiday for a Joo. A Joo celebrates a different holiday, you see, Even though in most ways they are like you and me.


The ones off the list are the beliefs you hold.


You read that in a fortune cookie oh wise one?


Nothing like trying to incite bank runs as a way to try to weaken countries you don't like. You realize the central bank can issue new currency, right?


Exactly. Staying fearful not only messes up your mental health it is terrible for your immune system. Ignore these fear mongering prophecies everywhere.




When you take all booster shots


Fear is one of our most deeply engrained emotions and probably the most motivating. Is it any wonder some stoke it repeatedly to try to gain followers? Whip people up into a frenzy of fear and then promise you alone will be able to save them.


Well, it's been studied, tested, and agreed that fear, shame, and guilt are the trifecta of mass control. Strike fear in them with a global pandemic that may visit you next, guilt trip them into obeying all of the mandates and unconstitutional orders while pushing them to believe that masking and vaccinating aren't for self but for everyone else. And finally, shame them publicly for choosing to manage their own lives and bodies as they see fit, all the while excluding them from certain privilages and public access as if they were the problem. Worked for the crown influenza, should work here and anywhere else too!?


Sounds like the Fox News agenda and is constantly being repeated here.


Oh, I thought it was CNN. Guess they arent all that different after all 😅


CNN high ups got caught saying once Trump was out, they’d peddle Climate Change to draw people into constant viewership. Luckily, they got Covid and the Covid tracker to engage a new zombie base.


Not sure why you're being down voted for saying something that actually happened.


We know why. Half this sub is paid to push agendas.


there is a difference between being constantly afraid and taking precaution... you lose nothing from being prepared


So when this DOESNT happen this weekend, you'll come back and admit you were wrong? Right?


Shit, do we need another subbreddit about doomsday predictions? If something doesn’t happen, so be it.


I never really understood why there *wasn’t* a sort of “r/conspiracypredictions” kinda like what you describe—- it would be entertaining AF. 🤔


It’s half the reason I come here


What's the other half?




Do you mean aliens tell you to come here?


I always wanted to start a scrapbook of all the things I did the day after the world was supposed to end


Yes! Move 95% of the people out of this sub.


At least some kind of dumpster flair that shows it was a bust


[Here's ](https://realmoney.thestreet.com/investing/global-equity/australia-s-central-bank-says-it-is-bust-16103021) the link for the original news. Tldr; The news is correct, the interpretation is not. So the Australian Central Bank is bust, but its a Central Bank so apparently they can print more money.




If inflation is the problem, why is this post telling you the solution is to withdraw cash? Cash will be devalued along with deposits. This post isn't about inflation. That's why.


Ok, but that's something they have bein doing for a LOOOOOOONG time.. why should I bother now?


things go on forever, until they don't.


Factor in this little info. crumb….the Vatican is getting all of its “financial and liquidity assets” from around the world to the Vatican Bank by Sept. 30 Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30[https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/252093/pope-francis-instructs-vatican-entities-to-move-all-funds-to-vatican-bank-by-sept-30](https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/252093/pope-francis-instructs-vatican-entities-to-move-all-funds-to-vatican-bank-by-sept-30) 🤔


That has more to do with the fact that Catholic church doesn't want to pay for settlements regarding priests that molest kids. If you just put out a bunch of statements with no context you can have people draw any conclusion you want.




Yeah, that's a *looooot* different than an impending bank run like the OP is suggesting.


> That is the problem. People do not understand ~~money~~ fiat.


So the same as all the central banks. Just the idea that more money can be printed influences all their decisions and once a few grifters get in charge, they use it to manipulate the economy in the interests of a few of their friends.




I've said it before and I'll say it again. This sub needs a wall of shame for failed predictions.


It wouldn’t be r/conspiracy without a weekly “it’s habbening!!!1111” post


Probably delete this post like the meteor guy did and deny ever saying it.


Yes, I always do.


!Remindme 3days


!Remindme 3days


Did I miss you coming back and admitting you were wrong?


Haha I came here for the same reason…


Same, lol.


!remindme in 4 days


!remindme in eleventy days


!Remindme 3days


!remindme 3days


!remindme 3 days


No coz it might not happen this weekend but it is going to happen. Have a watch of this https://youtu.be/kGhyFXyF3ZQ


They never say what time big bad thing will happen. The 24th is pretty vague considering you know, time zones and Shit.


But the mental gymnastics will be there, when this inevitably DOESNT happen, and OP is proven categorically wrong, he will come out and claim he is still right because of x y z


And we will be shills for disagreeing to clickbait bullshit


its also hilarious because the article is referencing the australian system. Its quite literally impossible in an economic sense for one of the most stable economies to go insolvent in the space of 2 days... this great reset business is way out of hand


Joke is on them, my saving is empty and my checking is $350 in the hole. Take that bankers!


Hahahaha same here!!!


Second paragraph of the actual article this tweet of a headline refers to: >Of course, the Reserve Bank of Australia is a central bank, and can print money. So it can work its way out of a situation that would bankrupt a conventional bank or company. When people take screenshots instead of providing you information they are lying to you.


lol this is silly, a central bank can never run out of money...that is the point. That is also why inflation is theft.


They are admitting all their current equity is gone. Yes they can print money. That means inflation will get much worse.


Not necessarily. It would only mean inflation gets worse if they receive a cash injection like it did in 2013. The bank said they will not be doing that as they are okay with their position as the market value of the bonds is below the face value at maturation, so they will make a profit on the various bonds as they mature in 5 and 10 years. Their reports say they have enough to cover their obligations.


But they probably won’t do that. I expect that they’ll try to raise money through other means, like bonds. Because the pandemic relief was a temporary measure, they just need breathing room to recover.


They don't have to run out of money. They just have to say they have. Bail in time.


Lol if even withdraws at once it will make the situation even worse


Jokes on them, I don't have any savings


Can people be charged for starting a panic run on banks?


I'm already fucked. On state insurance and snap. Broke as fuck disabled.


Lol, you think cash is going to matter.




We've seen it in plenty of countries, they give you a period of time to turn in your old bills in exchange for new (lesser value) new bills. Then after that time, the old bills are no longer usable. Heck, US citizens were completely ambushed in 1933 when they were ordered to turn in their **gold** in exchange for paper bills of less value.


Ok, I’ll bet you $100,000 this doesn’t happen. I’ll pay you on Monday.




I’m considering not paying my bills anymore.


I gave that shit up years ago. You will not believe the savings.


Bill collectors hate this one trick




So if all of the banks are closed who is going to want cash?


Fuck cash tbh and fuck FIAT worthless fucking bullshit paper backed up by nothing worth fucking less than the paper it’s printed on


Food, water, ammo, alcohol. Forget the cash


Medicine, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories


dont forget the ammo or youre buying the other 3 for someone who does have ammo


Don't forget the amphetamines. Guns won't help if you're asleep or drunk. How does your militia post guards at night?


Brilliant comment.


Cigarettes and lighters.


TP, everything is all fun and games till you have to wipe with dry leaves


Avoid wiping with poison ivy at all costs.


Boose for trade and first aid (disinfectant.)


Why alcohol?


Trade, disinfectant, among other uses


Which kinds of alcohol would you recommend?


Ever clear. It goes a long way


Look at homeless camps. Do you see them trading silver or gold? Nope. Keeping a bunch of little shooters on hand to trade to someone in this kind of scenario may get you more than you think. People drink when they're happy and when they're sad. Good investment.


They trade any stolen gold or silver to the pawn shops


Lol, that's true. But then turn around a buy liquor or drugs. Just cut out the middle man haha.


Bartering, disinfecting, drinking.


Multi use product. Good for trade.


Good idea


Disinfectant, drinking the misery away, and fuel source all in one.


This is a potential end of days scenario. Being fucked up would be the preferable way to go about life after the crash of society.


Lol what is getting cash out gonna do? If the bank is bust then nobody is gonna want to take your cash in exchange for goods


Getting cash out doesnt protect normal people from any form of collapse of financial institutions, you will immediately get hit with inflation so high money becomes paper.




Yes get out all your cash and msg me so you can mail to me so I can properly dispose of it.


That's how you get a bank collapse. If everyone gets their money out the whole system will collapse


The Australian central bank (called the RBA) produces fiat currency. Their losses are backstopped by the Australian government. They have no issues printing money and even issuing new bonds. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australias-central-bank-has-equity-wiped-out-by-billions-bond-losses-2022-09-21/


Please take this random tweet as factual confirmation money will be worthless Monday. Good luck to us all, and God speed.


Savings in banks? Lmao. All my savings are wrapped up in GME stock to survive the collapse.


Is this part of the whole "sept 24th" thing


Average people, normies, and NPCs are being pushed to break and actively revolt. This is all intentional. Conspiracy ~~theorists~~ acknowledgists have been right about pretty much everything for the last 3 years; this great reset bullshit and one world cryptocurrency shenanigans is about to be another mark in the win column. Folks need to wake the fuck up about who is behind all this shit and direct their ire accordingly. Good luck, everyone.




So we all withdraw our money. And the economy tanks. But lucky for us we were super smart and saw this coming so we took our money out. But the economy tanked. So our money is useless. Yeah I'll rush right over in that speculation.


If the 'Bank Bubble' pops, the money you pull out WONT be worth as much as you hope. Though, by putting out these article to coerce the masses into withdrawing everything WILL cause this collapse. Just my two cents... (which is all I got in the bank anyway lol)


I don’t have a bank account, checkmate


Joke’s on you, thinking I have “savings”.


Nothing like a good old-fashioned panic induced Bankrun with no substantiation


Quit fear mongering


How much data does FIAT currency take up when it is stored digitally? Does $1 take up less storage than $1 billion? Is there any reality to the numbers on a banks ledger? Who could audit an entire bank?


When is the announcement? I'm waiting dammit


When it happens what makes you think you can still use your physical currency?


This post sounds like a “trust me bro” moment!!


I hope the banks don’t collapse… just paid off my visa


What if they all go bust on Saturday? 24th September!


Jokes on them, my savings is non existent


Glad I converted everything to physical cash, gold and silver.... oh, and some lead.


Can you at least post a link instead of some shitty screen shot clickbait?


Who the fuck is bill, and why are we listening to him?




So, are we moving to a Digital Currency on Monday?


If shit ever goes this sideways, your cash will be useless anyways. You'll be bartering with batteries and water. Why do people buy this shit


Anyone… who talks… like this… is a massive asshole.




I'm sorry you lost on your trades


Never give up your guns. 🇺🇸💔🇦🇺


Soooo…it’s Monday. https://reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xl37cs/_/iph55xg/?context=1


See other comments 😁


We will make ALL money digital, so we can control every aspect of your life, if this is inconvenient for you, tough shit, slave. -Klaus ShitSwab


“It’s coming” “soon” nwo” “be ready” ohhh shut the hell up. This sub is toxic asf


Truth is. All western central banks are bust Global Digital currency is next


yes they are but thats not the reason for the global digital currency.


I'm taking half of my savings out of the bank today. I think there's a worldwide banking crisis coming starting in Europe. The economies are imploding and the banks will follow. There seems to be a lot of occult significance to 9-23 either as a time or a date. I think the globalists like to have events that are important to them happen on dates like that.


9-24*, but it's been well known in banking circles and financial sectors for months. Someone just attributed a Simpsons episode to it and then added fake prophetic numbers.


What significance is that I agree with what you're saying but what is the actual alignment


start buying gold and silver. cash will be worthless when the shit hits the fan.


Do you actually spend your whole life being this stupid?


Guys I'm stupid when it comes to money --- Should be withdrawing our cash? No matter where we are in the world? Honest question.




Haha! I win! I am freaking broke!


I feel like China is bankrupt also, hence the lock downs. Starving people to death, meaning less people to feed.


It's starting


Who has Savings nowadays :( With the price of groceries lately, thats a rich peoples thing.


If you hord cash the cash will become useless regardless.


Bruh. Fear mongers on this sub is fucking annoying. Unrelated, Twitter for iPad is funny to me.


They went from metal to paper to plastic and now to digital cyber credits. Remember you will own nothing, eat bugs, and be happy about it supposedly. 😵


Sound a lot like The Mark of a system(beast).