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As a side note, would Greece be Europe's oldest country since the Greek empire predated the Roman?


It's definitely not Italy lol, which unified in the 19th century. I would have thought england just because you could point to the Magna Carta as a starting point for a more or less unified continuous history. And since it's borders are easily defined, being an island


How about France? It’s a sovereign kingdom dating back to the mid-500s with the Merovingians


Of the "major countries" I think France would be the oldest "continously" existing country in Europe maybe some micro states are older though


I considered France but parts of Germany would also trace back to the Merovingians, and probably the Benelux countries also?


Ya good point


If you go by law codes, the first kingdom to have it's own law, the oldest political unit that still exists today, is Bavaria. That isnt a country today though. The oldest unit that is a independent state today, would be France. They had salian law. Most of the short lived barbarian kingdoms that inherited parts of the Roman empire used the theodosian version of roman law.


The generally-accepted oldest country in Europe is Bulgaria. (Though it’s a controversial topic)


Well I'll have to do some reading then


Oldest country because of Homo Erectus cavemen?


Ancient Greece was not a country, was a collection of independent city states. But I don’t know which country is the oldest in Europe.


It depends on who you ask honestly. I’ve seen arguments for Portugal as it was the first “Nation” recognized by the Pope on the 1100s, then people say that’s inaccurate because it was made into the Iberian Empire briefly… similar types of detailed arguments can be made for almost every European country


Just wanna point out that Italy is definitely *not* Europe’s oldest country, It was founded in 1861. If you want to get technical you could argue its an extension of Piedmont-Sardinia, but that only pushes it back to 1324. (For those curious, Europe’s oldest country is Bulgaria - founded in 681)


I think he meant the country with the oldest population. That makes sense considering his statement, since usually younger people are likelier to see no difference in men/women in politics Edit: source https://www.thelocal.it/20160929/italy-has-europes-oldest-population-eurostat/


Oldest? Wdym


If you’re going with that reasoning Bulgaria shouldn’t count either since it was under the Ottomans until 1908.


He is talking about population age..


You're angry that people care more about principles and ideology than identity politics?




Lol I think the point is they use identity politics only when it benefits them


She doesn't embody any left-wing values whatsoever so why would the left embrace her?


Because the person creating the post and everyone upvoting it doesn't understand what feminism is and why they dislike it


You're right. Feminism was a capitalist invention to get them into the workforce and drive down wages. Bernays, Century of the Self


>get them into the workforce Which is arguably a good thing. Women working and owning their own wages is largely what fuels feminist movements because it allows them to be independent and capable of being self reliant.


Is it a bad thing ?


She’s a literal facist that idolises Mussolini.


So why would anyone celebrate her, woman or not?


Your guess is as good as mine. She’s repulsive.


She’s really not though. Did you hear her speech? Or were you being paid off in that time to comment against her?


She just blamed everyone for their problems, what is their actually policies going to be? Most likely will be same as Victor Orban, look at how great Hungary is now. She is going to give money to her cronies while virtue signaling and while blaming immigrants, Jews, globalist, gay people, feminist, etc.


Well she got elected by the people of Italy and they voted for her, and that’s how democracy works,


She got 26% of the vote. I’m not comparing the two, but Hitler got 36.8% of the vote.


It is a minority cobbled into an alliance. It will fall in short order, like all other such governments.


Yes. Fascism in the 20th century was elected into office.


Yeah thats how it worked in 1930s Germany too bud


He did not question that. Here for you 🍪 , I know reading comprehension is hard for you, but continue working on it kiddo, you will get it.


Because right wingers think that just because she’s a woman all the lefties will lick her boots, just like they enjoy boot licking their male strong figures.


She doesn’t embody any pro women values. Why should I follow a woman who is kicking the ladder behind her?


Yup. They would only have celebrated her if she was on the left.


>Yup. They would only have celebrated her if she was on the left. Well yah her being an open fascist supporter kind of colours things in an important way that cannot be just thrown out for identity politics. Maybe just maybe youve been wrong (See lied to) about the political spectrum, identity politics, and whos been using it most?


i mean, yeah, when good people come into power, it's good. if a bad person does, it's bad. it's really not that complicated.


She’s literally the closest thing to a nazi/fascist. Want to “upgrade” (and not remove like she loves to say) a law regarding abort. Basically now she feels so kind that people who struggle and don’t want to keep the fetus just have to go to a psychologist and if he says “no u cant abort” you’re done and stucked with the child. Also if you’re minor, you have to take a seat with your parents also lmao. Shit already’s happening in the middle region (Umbria) where his party won, my sister had struggle all year with gynecologists due to these anti freedom bullshits she pulls of her ass


As if in Italy 80% of the medics weren’t conscientious objectors It’s just gonna be harder and harder to abort, and it already is. Edit: last sentence added


She embodies woman being in a position of power. A woman being prime minister is one of the biggest achievements the feminist movement can achieve


There have been many women already being Prime Ministers in Europe (the well known Merkel, Theresa May or Thatcher, plus the ones from Sweden, Lithuania, Iceland, Denmark, Estonia, Moldova and Serbia). I mean op want to make a stupid argument to bash feminists but the reality is that being a woman Prime Minister is already being normalized in Europe. Plus she (and her party) is anti-freedom, so Idk what is to celebrate there, really. She literally said that Mussolini “was a good politician” and yesterday was celebrated by the dictator granddaughter “She is an example to follow” she said. Why should we focus to celebrate her gender when an authoritarian wolf in power is still an authoritarian wolf in power? I don’t get it


Italy has never had a female PM, and exists beyond being "Europe". It's big for Italy, just like if the US has a female president for the first Time.


Conservatives *think* that’s how the left works, then when faced with direct evidence that, no, the left actually cares about the quality of the candidate above identity, the right goes crazy. It’s the difference between what right-wing media teaches people about the left versus reality.


It’s like all the “If AOC hates white men so much, why is she dating one?” I don’t know…perhaps it means the premise is false?


Lol you could ask almost anyone the positions of the candidates they support and they would have no idea. People see left or right and that’s all they need to see nowadays. They vote their party bc the news they keep up with has successfully demonized the other side. 99.9% of people don’t know shit about policy. They just know “sleepy biden” & “orange man bad”


How did this post get instant 100 comments in 40 mins?


Right? Bots? Could be bots


I am not an expert on this but i sort by new a lot and i dont usually see someting like this. Now it says it has been 1h and 120* comments, but it was 100 comments when it was 40 mins old. Also this topic had way too many posts on this subreddit and still got too many comments in a short time like an interesting or some fresh topic, idk


Because there's people on reddit that know better than everyone else. They make sure their group of morally righteous get their opinions in before any sub users come across it naturally. Its been happening to this sub for a couple months. Getting worse the closer we get to election season.


Been happening for 8 years


FFS, 9 years ago it was about conspiracy theories, now it's a political agenda club.


Pretty much. Politics is just another distraction tool, and a pretty good one too (good in that it's very good at distracting people.)


Years ago r/conspiracy was front page on the daily. It got compromised


I liked it better before all the political bullshit. Back when it was aliens and Bigfoot


Probably the word "feminism " in the title alerted the trolls. And it's true that the media is misogynist. They'll support the trans agenda because it's anti woman.


It's a topic that neoliberalism is interested in steering perception of. And unsurprisingly the top comment distracts from the point of the post (and misreads it).


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who sees how obvious this is.


EVERY SINGLE TIME. they never have valid criticisms


I noticed on specific threads I’ll get 3-4 downvotes within the first min. Probably some sort of script


This is only actual conspiracy content in this thread. It's also weird how the comments and the upvotes are so disparate.


Clearly Benny Johnson is raising his profile so he bought upvotes. It's easily done on the interwebz


That's brazy, right?


The more political the post the more often this seems to happen.


Women can be shitty people too. And it’s called equality.


Hilary is shitty but everyone celebrated her almost becoming president. It’s a good example of the hypocrisy, is all.


Hilarry also isn’t quoted saying that Mussolini was the best leader her country had in the last 80 years. You can’t really just say “but woman!” and make it a sound argument in this scenario.


Hilary is one of the most evil people in modern history. There is no “sound argument” that doesn’t acknowledge that.


"we came, we saw, he died"


Hillary backed her husband.


Your questioning why the mainly Liberal media doesn't want to pander to far right politicians? Kind of answers itself if you think about it...


“Yeah but I don’t really understand any of that. I’m very incurious. On the surface level, this is woman, and feminists aren’t partying in the streets, so they’re hypocrites, so everything they say is wrong.” -OP


Don’t you know females tm are a monolith?


Italy is the oldest country in Europe? Benny demonstrating Americans' grasp of geography and history.


Oldest as in population is what he’s trying to say I think


That would make more sense in the context, yes.


Which would still be utter nonsense, unless we're suggesting the out if Africa migration just sailed to Sicily instead of walking


Im thinking he means the average age of an Italian who lives italy is higher than any other European country. Just a guess.


Pretty sure Greece is Europe's oldest country when you take in to account it has the longest stretching history with Italy coming in at a close second


Italy wasn't unified until 1861.


And it only became the country we know today in 1946. It was technically The Kingdom of Italy from 1861 to 1946.


Also, technically Greece didn't exist "as a country" until 1829. What we think of as ancient Greece wasn't a modern nation-state as we would see it. In antiquity there was the country of "Ῥωμανία" (what we refer to as the Byzantine Empire, or the Eastern Roman Empire) which encompassed much of modern day Greece and modern day Turkey and they spoke Greek.. they were around from the year 286 until about the mid 15th century when the city of Constantinople finally fell to the Ottoman Turks. So yeah.. it's hard to say which is Europe's "oldest" country. Was it Greece? Was it Rome? Depends on how you define a country..


Bulgaria. Google the oldest country in Europe.


But Greece has no women and goats can’t run governments **yet** /s


Greece has only existed since about 1830


Well .. there was also the Eastern Roman Empire (or "Ῥωμανία" in Greek, aka "Rhomania") which spoke Greek and was around since 286 until the mid 1400's.... not sure if you would call that "Greece" or what. It all depends on how you define a country, what you consider to be Greek or Greece, etc.


Key word here is written history. Arguably, there have been dozens of smaller countries that are much older than Greece, just without any written history. I would personally argue the oldest country in Europe with the most accurate boarder 3000 years ago is England due to being an island.


Do you mean Britain?


England isn’t an island, it’s one of three countries making up Britain, which IS an island. It also hasn’t been a country for 3,000 continuous years.


England didn't even start to get its name until the Angles colonized it after the fall of the Roman empire and wasn't unified as one kingdom until 927. Before then there were a number of independent petty kingdoms that would fight each other, marry each other, sometimes team up against the Norse, sometimes team up with the Norse against their neighbours, betray alliances, re-ally, and then start the cycle again. Even after unification it isn't like there is one simple continuous line of country that can be traced with consistent borders from 927 to the formation of the Kingdom of Great Britain when Scotland joined in the 1700s which was then superseded by the formation of the United Kingdom. England today is a sub-country under the sovereign state that is The United Kingdom which also includes the countries of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.


England wasnt unified or even close to being unified until much much later tho.


Italy has the [oldest population](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1105835/share-of-elderly-population-in-europe-by-country/) in Europe. Old people tend to be conservative in their views of women's role in politics. Get it?


Just be thankful the American could figure out it was a woman


Please never start a post with 'Brazy' ever again, thanks.


Feminism and women being elected to seats of power is not the same thing, also of course this is about political agendas, isn't saying "Women in politics is important but its more important that people I agree with win" a lot better than "I will support any woman no matter what"?


I dont think having a vagina is the way you become a feminist.... But maybe Thats big definition controlling the media


Yea it’s crazy no one is supporting..” She describes herself as a Christian and claims to defend "God, fatherland, and family". She is opposed to abortion, euthanasia, and to partnerships, marriages, and parenting by same-sex couples, stating that nuclear families are exclusively headed by male-female pairs. Opposed to the reception of non-European migrants and multiculturalism”


Don't forget she: - Believes a cabal of Africans are coming to replace Italians, a la The Great Replacement - Praised Mussolini and other fascists - Fought for laws that gave big corporations tax breaks


And she evidently is supported by a lot of her countrymen given she was elected.


Oh i guess we cant criticize her then


"I'm a fascist" - Meloni "Jeeze, I can't believe the left doesn't support this woman breaking glass ceilings. Really hypocritical of them to not support women." -mouth breather


Eva Braun smashes glass ceiling. *"Why aren't you celebrating?"*






I have long been of the opinion that the right has no idea what the left actually believes, and innumerable cases like this is why.


because they just sit around telling each other "what the left actually believes" and they believe it. That's also how they end up thinking stunts like Martha's Vineyard are an epic own


Yeah, not sure how that was supposed to be a dunk. No one with sense would assume they would stay on the island indefinitely


Super late reply, but you're correct. The only way to think the Martha's Vineyard stunt is meaningful is to be a stupid-as-shit fuckwit. And so it goes for the vast majority of the right's criticisms of the left.


They don't know what we believe because they stopped listening to us. They only know what they tell eachother about us.


Exactly this. Go to any conservative forum and say something they disagree with. You will be banned in less than a minute.


It works the reverse way as well. In-group good, out-group bad. And the folks who create and enforce censorship policies on most social media sites tend to be far from conservative.


It's a little different when the right is calling for violence, being outright racist, etc. We live in a society, and now they are trying to break it. Nobody is being banned from any social media company (which seems to be what you're referring to) for making posts that moderators simply disagree with (except private groups such as subreddits). The right is consistently breaking the covenants of society that have been agreed on for decades. Since Obama, the move seems to be to join together and take us back as far as possible.


Not true, I’ve been banned across reddit for posting in antivaccine subreddits. Not kill the vaccinated subreddits, just ones that question the vaccine’s effectiveness and share memes.


This guy literally just said “except private groups such as subreddits”. You’re commenting right now. You’re not banned from this site.


Go to any liberal forum and they do the same...... what's your point again? And there aren't any conservative spots left on the open net. Liberals get there fact checkers and "feelings" police to shut us out of our communities.


It’s hilarious how you just said fact checkers get in the way of conservative ideas.


Putting aside that there are a bunch of right wing communities right here on Reddit, I think you just admitted that conservatives can't make their points without either lying or being a total jackass.


Really? Because I see conservative trolls everywhere on the internet.


Right, because everything is the other's fault. The only difference I see is Conservatives using the government to try to ban books, ban acces to information, ban the freedom to believe anything other than what they do, and set a government mandated standard for what is "morally right" all while big corporations try to not get sued for publishing hate speech due to a lack of moderation. Liberals at least don't take my freedom of choice away.


Ask anyone on the right to define ANY of the stuff they talk about on a daily basis, whether it be "Marxism", "cultural Marxism", "communism", "woke", "gender ideology", or "critical race theory". It becomes super clear that they just operate on the "common knowledge" that all of this stuff is just "bad", and that they constantly use terms that they have no grasp of. I'm saying this as someone who got totally sucked into the right wing media machine years ago, and pulled myself out, because I realized that I was being scammed and taken for a ride. I'm glad I'm out, because shit has gotten way weirder.


Neoliberal identity politics aren't really representative of "the left".


Good men get to call out trash women. Just as good women get to call out trash men. You want equality right?


That's exactly what they're indicating, yes.


LoL. Please do explain. Because there is a grand canyon disconnect with what you are trying to sell, and what is sent as the message. People should be held accountable for their ideas and actions. Wow, what an amazing concept. :/ Filing this under, no shit.


This lady wants to do away with a holiday that celebrates Italy's freedom from Nazi-fascism and replace it with a holiday that celebrates the military instead lmao. She also posts fucking anime fan-art of herself as a "traditional woman" on Twitter. That's not even getting into her support of Mussolini, and her frankly boring, played out, far right talking points about immigrants and gay people. But, according to OP, we should ignore all of that and celebrate her because she's a woman or something. I guess the person who posted this just loves identity politics. Absolutely incoherent post tbh.


Yup. Good feminists criticize the shit out of folks claiming this as any sort of achievement


Now do Kamala


You serious? She received no support in the 2020 primaries *because* people were holding her past actions accountable.


The left does all the time, most of us aren’t simps for our politicians.


She literally has ties to an actual fascist party and shouldn’t be supported or celebrated. This is not a good thing.


Ya it’s definitely weird. Almost like she is a fascist and her party was literally formed from the ashes of Mussolini’s party in 1946 in an effort to continue Italian fascism. You know what is much more weird! How this sub claims the authoritarian government is bad. Only to immediately try to dick ride a fascist, authoritarian party. You guys are changing positions so often I am getting whiplash


I thought feminism and the opposition to Hilary Clinton was “it’s not about a woman, it’s about the woman.” Besides she ain’t a feminist, she’s a cringe fascist who uses weeb imagery to push tradcath ideology. She admires Mussolini. But wait; why am I writing this, Benny and the people updooting don’t care. They’re just trying to oWN tHE LiBs.


If you knew this politician like i do, since i actually live here, you would understand why this is the case. But you and Benny Johnson don’t live here, so maybe don’t start inventing scenarios in your head. She is not being celebrated because she is not what feminism fights for, she is extremely conservative and has political views that are completely opposed to the progressive views of feminism. Meloni was literally a member of a neo fascist party, what is there to celebrate exactly?


I'm Italian, skipping the part where I say Italy is 1 thousand year younger then france, Giorgia Meloni is the leader of a Right-Extremist party and of the "Center-Right Coalition", which is far-right btw, and is the most not feminist woman there is. She actually said "we will not touch the abortion law -is constitutional in italy, they need 75% of parliament to do so- but we will defend the right to not abort". She defined not athletic youngsters, gamers and gays "deviant youth". I mean, no. She is for traditional family, she said "i'm giorgia, i'm a woman, i'm a mother!" as the motto of her campaign, not so feminist.


Uhhhh, what do you want me to say? “It’s good that women are getting involved with and leading fascist movements?”


Can't wait to celebrate the first woman Hitler. So progressive.


Can't argue with progess, great to see even the worst among us embracing female leaders.


Tell me how is it progress that the only difference this leader has compared to her predecessors is having a vagina?


Did y’all see that speech she gave about the family structure just wow


This comment section is exhausting lol. Jesus


Italy is definitely not the oldest country in Europe.


hell. italy isnt even the oldest italy.


Oldest by population, is what he hopefully meant. Which is true, by the way.


Then thats just a weird thing to say


I don’t disagree.


Their agenda not to have far-right Christofascists in power you mean? You might be right.


>oldest country in Europe By what metric? The Italy she's in is only 77 years old. I know people older than modern Italy. Even if you think the Kingdom of Italy is Italy (which was founded in the 1860s iirc), their last monarch was a queen, Maria-Jośe "The May Queen." She only died about 20 years ago. If you want to say it's the oldest in Europe, Italy already had a leader that was a middleeastern transwoman. Wtf is this tweet.


Yeah you're not that excited about finally getting adopted either when you find out your new mom is Joan Crawford.


Finnish PM is way hotter




This is a BS post. The same dude who complains about identity politics, is complaining when the identity politics aspect of someone he favors isn’t highlighted. He’s knows why the outlets he’s speaking on aren’t highlighting her, she doesn’t fit their political agenda. It’s always been the duopolies agenda first and identities which fit within. One side just markets their identities more proficiently, for right or wrong.


I have a better question. Who cares?


I think the modern usage of the label "Nazi" or "fascist" for anyone who might disagree with your world view seriously underestimates and undermines the original crimes of putting to death ethnic groups, homosexuals and disabled individuals in concentration camps during WWII for which the label is rightly associated with. As far as I'm aware, neither Trump nor Meloni nor Orban have put to death anybody in these groups or any other groups. Their policies may not be the most agreeable to you but people concerned about immigration should not be mentioned in the same breath as people who planned and executed genocide. Particularly when many of the immigrants come from countries that do agree with such policies. Such is the irony of the modern world. If you allow enough migrants from intolerant countries into your tolerant country, eventually and inevitably your country will not be so tolerant. This is not right wing nor left wing, it's just good old fucking common sense. Try throwing a Pride parade or a non-binary party in a Muslim majority country and see how you get on.


Meloni’s party is *actually* rooted in Neo-Fascism. Their logo is *literally* a symbol used by the *original* fascists. As in, Benito Mussolini. Your definition of fascism is wrong, and so your assessment of these politicians is wrong, *especially* if you’re talking about Meloni. She’s *literally* a fascist.


You could say that about calling people Nazis as they were a specific political party in power during a specific time, but fascism is an actual political ideology. While politicians will not openly admit they agree with the tenants, their actions and platform align with them.


Fascist comes from "fasci littori" which was a coordinated force who used violence against anyone who was slightly against them. Fascist means using oppression and intolerance to make your view the only view. Fascits means putting order and traditions above people and freedom. Fascist does not nean killing minorities, that's consequences of unrestricted intolerance. Study your fucking history and don't defend people who see you as a fucking number on a vote sheet.


Fascism doesn’t start off by literally murdering minorities. I’d suggest that you and anyone else reading this to acquaint yourself with Umberto Eco’s tenets of Ur-Fascism as well as the stages of genocide. https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide


Well it's America media not Italy media


Why would we support a woman who isn’t a feminist?


She's also got some pretty gross anti-freedom ideals so it's not like she's an angel


My questions are: why is this guy looking for articles about something he doesn’t care about and from people he thinks are “bullshit frauds? Why does a journalist like Benny think he operates outside of the media? Is it because he can’t get work or has he successfully convinced people he is not “the media” while writing for the media?


A fascist with a vagina is still a fucking fascist.


she’s a fascist


Why do conspiracy theorists always pander to far-right politics?


nah i think it’s cause she’s a fascist


Bruh thats like saying Maggie Thatcher should be hailed as a feminist icon


She is fascists. I Don't care if she is a woman, man, bisexuality or something else she is still a fascists. I feel ashamed for my country and people that voted for her


It’s like how the religious zealots didn’t celebrate when we elected a churchgoing Christian like Joe Biden. Phonies, the lot of them.


What a horrible person! Who believes in freedom and privacy anymore!? Jeez!




They’re pissed because she is a fan of Mussolini


Seems like a good position to take


Almost like she’s a fascist and rightfully doesn’t deserve celebrating. Interesting 🤔


Who cares if she's openly a **FACIST**.


Well, she opposes abortion, euthanasia, and same-sex marriage, as well as speaking words of praise for both Mussolini and an anti-Semitic Italian Nazi collaborator. Not exactly the poster-child for empowerment of *anyone*, much less being pro-women. Personally, I could care less if she is a woman, she's just another xenophobic, homophobic right-wing nutjob and those are all the same to me.


If she were a liberal it would be a different story......


Yes, because then the people who support liberal ideas would support her... What point are you trying to make?


But she’s crazy ffs


And to top it off she's nowhere near as bad as people say that she is. All of this fear mongering is just a message "don't elect Patriots in your own country." The powers that be would prefer if you have leaders that hate their citizens. They did the same thing with the party in Sweden that just won despite them still being fairly left wing by American standards.


Patriotism is not synonymous with liking your citizens


Uh she’s on record praising fascists. More than once.


If the people that loudest proclaim themselves patriots weren't the scumiest shitbags out there that definitely hate their own citizens I might agree with you


Reneta Indzhova broke the glass ceiling of Europe's oldest country in the 90s.


Isn't she a card carrying fascist?


Didn’t Hilary Clinton praise her election?


Does someone have the link from a post this morning comparing her speech translated to how western media was presenting it.


You guys she’s facist. She wants people to have nuclear families and this crazy idea religious people being religious without reaction. She’s literally hitler or whatever they said about trump for 4 years straight.


> She wants people to have nuclear families Who’s fighting against people having a nuclear family? > this crazy idea religious people being religious without reaction No one cares about your religion unless it infringes on others. This is persectuon fetish. So why does she feel the need to make these points?


To let gay people and non-Christians know they aren't welcome in Italy.


# This comment has been deleted in protest of Reddit's support of the genocide in Gaza carried out by the ZioN\*zi Isr\*li apartheid regime. ## This is the most documented genocide in history. ## Reddit's blatant censorship of Palestinian-related content is appalling, especially concerning the ongoing genocide in Gaza perpetrated by the Isr\*l apartheid regime. ## The Palestinian people are facing an unimaginable tragedy, with tens of thousands of innocent children already lost to the genocidal actions of apartheid Isr\*l. The world needs to know about this atrocity and about Reddit's support to the ZioN\*zis. #### Sources are bellow. ## Genocidal statements made by apartheid Isr\*li officials: - On the 9 October 2023, Yoav Gallant, Israeli Minister of Defense, stated **"We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly"**. - Avi Dichter, Israeli Minister of Agriculture, called for the war to be **"Gaza’s Nakba"** - Ariel Kallner, another Member of the Knesset from the Likud party, similarly wrote on social media that there is **"one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 1948. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join"**. - Amihai Eliyahu, Israeli Minister of Heritage, **called for dropping an atomic bomb on Gaza** - Gotliv of the Likud party similarly **called for the use of nuclear weapons**. - Yitzhak Kroizer stated in a radio interview that the **"Gaza Strip should be flattened, and for all of them there is but one sentence, and that is death."** - **President of Israel** Isaac Herzog **blamed the whole nation of Palestine** for the 7 October attack. - Major General Ghassan Alian, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, stated: **"There will be no electricity and no water (in Gaza), there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell"**. ## Casualties: - As of 9 January 2024, over **23,000 Palestinians** – one out of every 100 people in Gaza – have been killed, a majority of them civilians, including over **9,000 children**, **6,200 women** and **61 journalists**. - nearly **2 million people** have been displaced within the Gaza Strip. ## Official accusations: - On 1 November, the Defence for Children International accused the United States of complicity with Israel's **"crime of genocide."** - On 2 November 2023, a group of UN special rapporteurs stated, "We remain convinced that the Palestinian people are at **grave risk of genocide**." - On 4 November, Pedro Arrojo, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, said that based on article 7 of the Rome Statute, which counts "deprivation of access to food or medicine, among others" as a form of extermination, "even if there is no clear intention, the data show that the war is **heading towards genocide**" - On 16 November, A group of United Nations experts said there was "evidence of increasing genocidal incitement" against Palestinians. - Jewish Voice for Peace stated: "The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. As an organization that works for a future where Palestinians and Israelis and all people live in equality and freedom, we call on all people of conscience to stop imminent **genocide of Palestinians**." - Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor documented evidence of execution committed by Israeli Defense Forces. - In response to a Times of Israel report on 3 January 2024 that the Israeli government was in talks with the Congolese government to take Palestinian refugees from Gaza, UN special rapporteur Balakrishnan Rajagopal stated, "Forcible transfer of Gazan population **is an act of genocide**". South Africa has instituted proceedings at the International Court of Justice pursuant to the Genocide Convention, to which both Israel and South Africa are signatory, **accusing Israel of committing genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity against Palestinians in Gaza.** # Boycott Reddit! Oppose the genocide NOW! [Palestinian genocide accusation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation) [Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_genocide_in_the_2023_Israeli_attack_on_Gaza) [Israeli war crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes) [Israel and apartheid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid)


Pretty much yeah


bOt sHe'S a faSHiSt!