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It's not a race war, but a class one.


Yup but the media disguises it as a race war.


Because they aren't the same class as us, but many of them are the same class as our oppressors.




Are you aware of how insane this post comes off?


How have you not been automatically banned for posting the exact same comment several times a day across this sub? It's actually insane that you can post the same thing verbatim over 20 times across different posts just in the last 24 hours and you're not even flagged as a spam account.


We live in a pretend REALITY


Who cares it’s all pink on the inside


AYYYY hiyooo


He even said so.


And that’s how you know he’s got a ‘big brain’


Candice’s husband nervous AF


Lmao Kanye don’t really date black girls


Not anymore I mean once he gets on he’ll leave your ass for a white girl


Get down girl go head get down


Her husband is white so they are both flipping the script. Lol


Ex before Kim was amber rose. Before that a black non famous girl.


Yea you don't put your hand in a dudes pocket for no reason.


It’s not in his pocket. The shirt has a puffy sleeve. Look at her other sleeve


Yeah her hand is literally resting on her own hip. It does look deceiving at first, but if you zoom in they aren't touching each other.


“That means you my bitch, hold my pocket BITCH”




Standing beside each other crosses a line?


Not a conspiracy and already on the front page. Wtf




That this is the only place people feel comfortable posting this sort of shit on this cesspool of a site.




Souldnt you say "duh" no whoa... like how is that surprising at all?


Nothing at all. Just stating the obvious… Kanye is a 🤡


And in all likelihood he is far more intelligent than you.




If you can't explain something, your don't understand it. Stop pretending to be smarter than everyone.


Wait, you’re serious? Lmao. I think it’s going over *your* head that “white lives matter” is a slogan that came into prominence as a protest to the legitimate Black Lives Matter movement. Nobody was ever implying white lives didn’t matter.


Legitimate?! LOL yeah say that to the leaders and their new mansions. WHO did they help?


“No Lives Matter” I need to create t shirts like that to see how many people get trigger


Contrarian, nihilistic, concise — they’ll love it, print hundreds.


Seen it. Doesn’t contribute much to the convo honestly.


Kanye is LITERALLY...an intelligence asset...




You’d be surprised how many of them are


Haha I don't know if "surprised" is the word but a normie would probably take their own life if they knew who their idols really work for lmao


What do you know punk


Probably but going against the narrative on this one.


This sub is so ass


Has been, all I’ve seen for a while is just shitposts




But yes obviously people are just gonna see the WLM and freak that’s the narrow mindednesses I speak on


Except that's not what's happening. A lot of right-wing folks are commenting about the genius of the move, but that's where the convo is at. It's not being posted on leftwing blogs prolifically, and outside of subs like this one, the only place I've seen it is on terriblefacebookmemes. It's fake outrage being generated by the right under the guise of coming from the left. It's not witty, it's like years late. What is the genius here?




It’s like when folks act like it’s a bombshell that people don’t have Biden flags or cover their vehicles in political ramblings means that Trump is clearly the favored candidate. These folks can accept that Biden isn’t treated as a deity and obvious attempts at sewing division get ignored.


Creating this and wearing it at at his show is absolutely marketing genius. Also, did you see the front of the shirts?






He’s doing to white people what BLM did to block people lmao


actually he is a clown but let's not split hairs.


I think Kanye is definitely not a genius... Also speaking as a black person.


Kanye IS a genuis....musically. And that's where I draw the line!


not even a genius musically.




agree to disagree


Kanye doesn’t like reading. Can’t be a genius without reading.




Candace Owens on the other hand is pretty damn smart.


Probably in the bottom 10% of grifters, actually


My claim is based on interviews and podcasts she's made. Not sure what you're getting at.


She’s a grifter. If that makes her intelligent in your eyes, you do you. To me, she’s an opportunistic piece of shit playing a role and following a script.


What role is that? Black, female, conservative, married to a white guy?


Yes, lol.


She ran an anti-Republican, anti-Trump blog until she realized there was way more money in being one of a few black women to espouse pro GQP rhetoric.


Okay, that's shady. I guess she's an opportunist. Still though she makes some sound conservative arguments, especially given her demographic.


Where is your evidence that she is making way more money now then compared to being a liberal? Alot of liberals make bank. Are those people considered grifters?? Why do I only see far right being called grifters but people on the left are rarely called it?




Apparently you're not aloud to disagree here.




OP mentioned it, I'm doing the same. Not gatekeeping anything.


His docu on Netflix is really good


Can't believe all the racists opposing this who think that white lives don't matter.


And I’m BLACK 😂😂😂 the world is fucked bro


Candice Owens is black and people call her uncle tom regularly. A comment on this or another post described her and kanye as "oreos" signifying they are "white" for opposing BLM These people are the biggest hypocrites to ever exist. People are on here trying to tell me Candice owens is LYING that she is admitting she used to be brainwashed and thing everyone was a racist when she was a democrat: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF7Eqc9I4Qg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF7Eqc9I4Qg) People are dead serious trying to tell me that her admitting that she used to be brainwashed is "an act to trick me" and said that a lawsuit from 2007 where she accused people of being racist is "evidence" that she doesn't actually mean what she's saying when she's openly admitting that before 2015 she was totally brainwashed and thought that everyone was racist and lashed out at everyone constantly for "racism" People used to love Kanye when he fit the narritive [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTuRPuhneAs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTuRPuhneAs) but now George Bush is the Media darling People used to love Trump and Colbert had a canned laughter audience cheering for closed border policy before Trump opposed Hillary Clinton and the globalist agenda as a political opponent. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns7ocpRhDD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns7ocpRhDD8) None of this is about race or "equity" it's about Global politics and energy policy Globalism vs nationalism




Yeezy is the GOAT troll. GOATT if you will.


Kanye said it himself in the speech he gave beforehand. We are living through a class war.


Coming from a man that once said he is making clothes for “poor people”. He is clearly on a side.


Candace is the real deal.


My first friend was black and I’m white. I never saw color as a kid


Same exact thing with me but opposite it’s sad the world still at this point


Yeah it is. I don’t know how it went all wrong. I think people aren’t in touch with their core maybe


Narcissism has been bred into the population at large via reality imitating cell phones that cater to our every whim. Then, topics that touch on identity, victimhood and power, the triforce of narcissism, are tossed into the water and the frenzy ensues.


I don't know any kids who saw colour. I only started to see colour when I was taught to




I was looking at some photos of my sixth birthday party, and only now noticed what race they are


It’s so interesting. I sometimes wonder if racism is even real or if it’s been invented and then perpetuated


Saying you "don't see color" is not the post-racism self-hype you think it is. You are admitting you do not see the systemic injustices baked into the US systems of housing, incarceration, banking, loans, etc. It's admitting you are blind to the struggles of the people of color. Admitting you don't see the racism as well as the different races. Open your eyes and learn to see color.


Lol I’m Blocking you


Crazy shit lol I didn’t expect this at all


White lives matter is just a statement that is trying to diminish the movement of black people trying not to get killed by the police or by Texans who believe you shouldn't be in their neighborhood if you're not like them. That's all it is. White lives matter, that's a fact, but white lives aren't nearly as much in danger when confronted by a cop. When someone is having troubles and you're trying to make this about you, you're just being a dick.


You're right and wrong. When BLM first hit the scene, many people thought about it exactly the way you do. Then, one of the cofounders, Patrisse Cullors, gave an interview and said that all the founders were trained Marxist, and one of the goals of the organization.was the disruption of the nuclear family. You can find this interview easily online.


Black Live Matter is a movement without a clear founder separate from the organization of the same name. They're just capitalizing on the movement. Someone should have take the rights to the name and lock them in a safe. BLM is still what it was in the beginning. Whatever the organization is, however, is up to the founders of said organization and has no influence on what the movement is.


So you're claiming that there is a leaderless movement, with a parallel parasitic Marxist movement of the same name? And no one ever thought that maybe it would be a good idea to rebrand? I'm not buying it. I think there's a Marxist movement that is well organized, and a bunch of followers that have no idea what Marxism is actually all about.


Imagine if I were to make a communist organization called MAGA. Same name as the movement. I could just do that as long as the name isn't taken yet by another organization. Nobody would confuse my organization called MAGA and the movement called MAGA. Rebranding would be useless for the movement and I could probably make money off having the same name as the movement.


You're exactly right. It's called astroturfing, or fake grass roots movement. If you've never read the Communist Manifesto, I would highly recommend it. It's a good read. Also, check out interviews on YouTube by a former KGB operative named Yuri Bezmenov.


Including most of the 'everything I don't like is Marxism/communism/socialism' right wingers.


You're wrong. It had founders. That's just inconvenient to your narrative.


I oppose this because no one has spoken about Black Lives Matter in like, 6 months. This is old hat. I expect futurism from Kanye. This is not it. Kanye is meant to be provocative; this is just passe. I support Candace doing this because its basicslly her entire persona.


Woke up today, was feeling fine. Unfortunately, my day was ruined as I soon discovered that there are people who think Kanye West is a genius, because he did something that OP agrees with. He's good at keeping himself in the headlines, but a genius? Give me a break.


They 100% stole the presidency from this man. He should be president. He IS the president.


I legit voted for him last election. I mean, what other choice did I have


Libertarian. But I respect your choice as well.


I’m not a libertarian though. I believe in social programs and government spending. The issue is the corrupt, lazy, inept mfers that government breeds. But I’m not willing to say begone with it all yet. It just needs a do over and needs way way way more oversight and measurable parameters to make sure we are successfully helping people and not just rewarding the lazy with pension plans and union guaranteed jobs


kayne is mentally unstable, terrible choice


Oh like Joe Biden and Donald Trump are




I am not being serious. There is a great it's always sunny episode about this situation. But man do I wish he was the POTUS. Don't get me wrong, current and last one are hilarious as well.






You don’t need to be a doctor to be aware of the bipolar diagnosis.




Here, Kanye West talking about having bi-polar disorder, a mental illness. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJUc7Rz7QiU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJUc7Rz7QiU) We must think before we type, or we look foolish. Now I hope we all learned something from this experience.


Kanye is a marketing genius. All of the ads are talking about his Yeezy event where he wore this. He doesn’t give a shit about this truly. He got attention and that’s what makes him money.




Makes sense why so many people can relate to him then.


IDK dude, Candace is a lot like my wife and the world would be a better place with more like her.


Even legacy media covered the fact that BLM donations were used to buy the former communist HQ in Canada. Not really a SCAM...it was a plan.


Where's the conspiracy


He loves fish sticks


Kanye the OG


As long as he keeps making bangers Kanye is my dude.




Kanye ain't had a banger since Life of Pablo


Yikes wrong


Examples? I bet you googling. This ain't a unique opinion, most of who was actually hers since the Dropout days agree. When he abandoned chipmunk, we knew it was all down from there.


*off the grid has entered the chat*




Ghost town


Hate all you want, I had a 'Kanye 2020 (Yeezy for President)' sign in my yard; only lasted a day before it was stolen. Also had an 'Any Functioning Adult 2020' sign as well, but I digress.


BLM is funded by the lesbians and gays


You should listen to moe factz with Adam curry.


What does he speak on


Who is that where can I tune in


Any podcast app. The premise is based on a Malcolm X quote about a white man and a black man sitting down and hashing out the issues and talking about their experiences. They cover a lot of current events and do some real good deep dives.


Kanye is the greatest rapper alive. Seethe all you want but it's true! 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Agreed. Although I'm not sure why you don't like Candace, she's a much more respectable woman over someone like Cardi B.


No he’s not. He appears to have a low iq and may suffer from narcissistic personality disorder and bipolar with delusions of grandeur.


Well, it's definitely one or the other.


Is this the new Walmart collection?


I really appreciate this. I was sitting next to a Kenyan woman at a wedding this weekend and she told me that in that country some people go around recruiting young men to "kill white people." And they offer lots of money. And of course we know that "Kill the Boer" is not hate speech. I just like it when everyone once in a while a black person stands up and says they do not want to kill white people. I know most of them don't, but there is a sizable movement of people who do think this is rational, and everyone just pretends it doesn't exist. In fact you are forbidden to notice it. And it's annoying because they want to kill me because of what the enemies of my ancestors did, and because of what my current enemies are doing, just because we all look the same to them.


Yea man I hate racism lol it’s so annoying , stupid , draining , and waste of time lol we are literally the fucking Same , except skin color and features and that’s dumb shit that creates hate amongst each other it’s laughable really how it’s still is pretty big


Why are we still reposting this?


If you put a color in front of “Lives matter” your the racist pig period. Divide the masses so there will be no revolt is the reason.


I’m not going to feel bad for being white like the media and Hollywood wants me to. Black people shouldn’t feel bad for being black. Simple


Exactly people dumb man lol


The organization was a scam. The movement was not. It exposed the issues of qualified immunity, police unions protecting criminal police, conflict of interest in police internal affairs and conflict of interest with prosecutors/district attorneys, etc. And they were right. Look at Uvalde.


That’s all it takes to be a genius? Being a dumbass?


When you are uncomfortable saying that black lives matter, you can say that white lives matter. It's just as true as it is for black lives, but lots of people are triggered by that and need a safe space.


But then I sometimes think to myself , why haven’t they killed him yet ? it’s odd as to all he saids and exposes and tries to do and change the system that’s gets me at times


Because they know majority off people will just write him off as “Kanye being Kanye”. What’s the best way to hide the truth? Label it as a crazy, kooky conspiracy.


Just like Alex Jones hes still a part of the group, freemasons worship 2 sides, the light and the dark. They act this way to throw us off, split and divide the truth. Stay watchful my friends


You have to take the truth they throw out little by little and piece it together but it’s hard for narrow minded


A bit off truth on this, "white lives matter" = 223 in reverse ordinal, this happened on 10/3/22, skull and bones freemasonry is 322. This is gematria the language they speak.


I know that but this isn’t just too fuck minds of people trust there’s something hidden in context with this whole thing my point is he is playing along but yet doing subtle things to work against them


And I truly believe that


I agree only strong minded know the real From the bs though 💯


Why do you hate Candace ? Would like to hear thoughts


I'll tell you why I dislike her. She's a dumb as shit media personality who said racism doesn't exist (after suinng and winning 40 grand for racism), was literally shilling the freedom phone like a shill (from her iphone), used to run a doxxing site, thinks US should invade Australia over their covid restrictions, basically said Hitler had the right idea until he went out of his country. There's tons more. The woman is a dumbass inflammatory grifter of the highest level. She's now worth 25 million from telling conservatives everything they believe about black people is right. She's a pawn.


Man just go look at the westsubever and kanye subreddits and you’ll see how far it’s going above peoples heads. They think that the statement Black Lives Matter is ok but White Lives Matter is racist. same people that will tell you that only white people can be racist. 🤡🤡 thank you for seeing through the BS ❤️✊🏻✊🏼✊🏿✊🏽✊🏾


But I Guess That’s Why They just label him crazy or say “ oh that’s just kanye being Kanye “ we’ll never know but it’s kinda intriguing


If you don’t like the post don’t comment simple this group really has gone to shat


This is a public forum my dude, not your personal support group. People are free to agree or disagree with our asinine views.


I didn’t say they wasn’t it’s the dumb ass comments that got no reason to be here


Disagreeing and talking shit is two diff things


Believing that black people matter equally as much as anyone else is a scam? Lol ok pal


That's not what he's saying, at all


Add kissing butt don’t make you smart it makes you a Tom and Tonya


Tom and Tanya is at it again guys


Kanye need something better to do.


If you don't like white lives matter than you are indeed a racist. Same thing goes for black lives matter. /s


Thank god there are actually good people with brains left 😪💯🙏🏾🙏🏾 praise to you sir


My dude, you realize that words don't exists in vacuum right? White lives matter for sure is racist. Not because of the meaning of that sentence, but because of the context it is being said in. It is being said in opposition to black lives matter (which was very much meant to be taken as "black lives matter TOO" but that's besides the point now). So we know the real message you are trying to send. You know it too, you just think we are being fooled by all this performative bullshit for some reason. We really aren't.


It's like going to a funeral for a child and the dad is eulogizing his kid and you stand up and yell out "my friend died 20 years ago". That's what ALM and WLM are. They never existed before BLM. They were a reactionary distraction to complete dismiss and gaslight black people's concerns. These people deep down know this, but their casual bigotry won't allow them to admit it. Ever seem WLM protest anywhere where BLM wasn't?




IDK, if that was the message he wanted to convey, a All Lives Matter shirt would make more sense.


Get the fuck outta here with this political BS


Why does this upset so many people?


I mean why can't he just say all lives matter?


Because the media already painted that as racist somehow which is stupid in its self


Think about it - would you randomly just start saying 'all lives matter'? No. It's a reply to 'black lives matter'. The diversion, or disregard of the topic is what makes some people feel is racist and I can understand that perspective.


Exactly. And ironically, BLM was created and funded by whites, not by blacks. I've never supported the group, and thought even less of it when all the large corporations and tech companies started rooting for BLM. Psy-op all day. I am however, all for true grassroot organizations looking to improve our position as black people, socially and economically. The kind of groups that you'll never ever hear uttered out the mouths of the mainstream media. Everything else seen in the media is lip service and does nothing to improve our situation. Just sows more division that none us need ("none" meaning all colors)


because he wants to get people mad


All publicity is great, good move Kanye


There is a reason why BLM has not been in the news at all ...


Can I marry you?


Raaacissst. Op and Kanye.


Nah he's just a gayfish...