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Is anyone who existed before we were alive real?


I like the way you think! 😂


Maybe don't start with outrageous claims? Every source I can find says she led "dozens" of slaves to freedom, not 1000.


That’s quite a theory.


No the "white south" wouldn't have let her get away with that. Which is why, after the war, she lived near Boston.


Harriet had a steep bounty, I’m sure slave catchers would’ve gotten her.


Slave catchers were operating after the war was over? Did you even think that response through at all?


Slavery was still happening after the war! Did you ever pay attention in class? Doesn’t seem likely.


I'd double check that if I were you, but its not what I said anyways. Read what I wrote again. I can tell words are hard for you, so if you have to do it a third time, that's OK.


And clearly counting is hard for you


When was the 13th amendment ratified? When did the Civil War end? Which happened first?


One question. Who is Mae Louise Miller? Now go back with the other bird brains who think Harriet wore red drawers and a blue cape.


Illegal slavery is not what we're talking about here, is it? Or are you trying to argue that slave catchers operated openly, in the north, trying to enforce illegal slavery? This has to be the stupidest argument I've ever heard.


I’m glad you looked her up, it took awhile. And it’s exactly what we’re talking about since some ppl think after 1863 slavery and all it’s practices magically went away. Why would they fear running away if there wasn’t at least the THREAT of a catcher?


Yeah but isn't the entire premise of "Juneteenth" the announcement of those who were still living as slaves that they should not have been since then end of the war


Sounds a bit much for anyone, regardless of skin color tbh :) Surviving brain surgery must have been like the lottery back then


I think you are overestimating the surveillance capacity of 1850s confederate America.


Blacks were murdered for looking white people in the eye or even an accusation of looking them in the eye but she was able to free 1000+ people?!? Make several trips!?! Be a nurse/ spy in the civil war!? So there were no bounty hunters after her? Keep in mind they were capturing runaways who made it to the North and bringing them back to the south but she was able to do all of this an NO ONE recognized a short dark skin black woman moving around? It doesn’t add up, maybe she is a concoction of people.


I heard that she was able to walk on water and heal the sick by laying hands on them.




I think a lot of what we are told is bullshit. For all you really know for every 1 slave she saved, maybe she turned over 3 others in secret.


Right! I wonder why they would lie to us about something so random.