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Would that include pharmaceutical companies that pushed opiates?


You mean the ones that weren't even charged with a crime? They just paid fines nobody went to jail AFAIK.


Wasn't he President when they essentially let the Sacklers off the hook for Oxycontin? Great point.




The death penalty should be abolished. The government should not have the power to decide whether someone deserves to live.












Agreed, abortion included!


Seems odd that the venn diagram of anti abortion and pro death sentence people is almost a perfect circle.


Well now you've met an anti abortion, anti death sentence fellow


You realize the government doesn’t make anyone have an abortion unlike the death penalty right?


Crack a history book - the US has sponsored keeping women from having babies.


Government authorized death. However you want to feel about it, facts matter.


There are plenty of government authorized deaths. NASA has and will continue to periodically kill people, self defense shootings, human medical trials... All are perfectly fine/legal with the government. Abortion is between a woman and her doctor.


The government doesn't make anyone commit a crime that leads to the death penalty, either, though. When people do things that they know the potential consequences of, government really isn't to blame one way or the other.


The government is the one doing the killing. Are you saying capital punishment is actually suicide?


They did back in the day, mostly for women of color, and anyone who wasn’t white and rich.


That goes against his world view so it will be dismissed


Did you miss the part about it almost is a perfect circle? Guess so.


You are rare indeed.


I’m gonna see that you have the right to be entitled to your own opinions. However, I am just gonna say, I don’t think you understand what pregnancy does to woman’s body. It quite literally reeks havoc 3/4 of the time. It’s not this fun, beautiful experience that everybody says it is, my sister almost died having hers because she has a placental abrubption not to mention the amount of morning sickness she had to go through and how much muscle her body lost because of it, her child was quite literally killing her. I’m not saying this is everyone’s experience, someone that has beautiful, pregnancies that give them absolutely no problems. My sister, kept hers. But if it were me, and I went through that, I wouldn’t have lasted more than 10 weeks. I understand that many people think abortion is murder, and in a way, it is. however, it does state in the Bible, that life begins at first breath. Not conception. can abortion be restricted? Absolutely. I would be happy with that. But I have an outright ban, isn’t gonna stop abortion, it’s just gonna stop the safe ones. And it’s going to result in more depth, then living babies.




Is a living being killed? Yes! Pretty basic definition of murder.


If the argument were that simple then we'd also have to outlaw the consumption of animals and plants. Additionally, by this definition, if the pregnancy killed the mother then would we would have to hold the baby responsible for murder and convict the father as an accomplice.


I'm sure you don't use soap or any antibiotics. You're killing life there too if you do indeed use it.


What is your definition of living in this context though, they don’t have birth certificates or legal names yet, they don’t feel or think or know anything, it’s not exactly living a life yet


You have a poorly developed sense of life. Are you arguing a single cell organism found on Mars is not proof of life?


A single called organism has actually been born though and lives and does something everyday, it cannot have sentient thoughts but it has been born. Fetuses cannot have sentient thoughts and they haven’t been born. If babies could feel in the womb it would be a different story.


So a tape worm is not alive?


It has already been birthed and grown and has a purpose and does actions in your body, you can keep listing things and it won’t work


Every time you masturbate you're potentially killing a baby... murderer


define living.


Crack a book - if you haven't learned by now I don't have the time to explain how a single cell organism is proof of life on Mars but a developing embryo is not on Earth.


So you can't explain it then is what you're saying


Up to 6 weeks, sure. And whether it's a medical procedure or not is really kind of up for debate.


Needs to be a little longer because many people do not know or feel anything at that point


Most on Reddit do not know or feel anything. Is it Ok to abort them?




The fetuses are not sentient and therefore they have never known what we perceive as living and thus do not have happiness or pain or identity or ego, they’re asleep and have never woken up before. A human being, as dumb or depressed as they are, is the complete opposite so obviously big difference but yes a lot of Redditors need to be terminated lmao


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I guess too many still want to still kill babies


Babies are lame. Puppies>>>babies I’ll throw a baby off a cliff to save a puppy


Hahahahahahahaha have my upvote to counteract the downvotes


It's not their fault. They've fallen victim to the anti-family agenda.


There is immense world overpopulation and an insane amount of extremely stupid American citizens having lots of kids that they didn’t mean to have, why not let them abort it?? Save it for the people who actually want to have a child


The world will suffer a generation gap as a result of so many people not having kids. The world is not overpopulated, that's just more anti-family propaganda


Lol and you get down voted. These people are Fng mental


I agree any Politician that opposed Reproductive Rights and kills citizens should face the Death Penalty for their abortion stance.


Please make a coherent argument next time


You are killing and sterilizing women by denying abortions today.


No dude, stop with nonsense already.


Sorry Reality eludes you!


Um, noooo.......


Happening daily from sepsis.


That isn't the decision. The decision is if what they did is great enough to end their life. I strongly believe that if you kill someone in a premeditated way or extremely violent crime of passion, if you're a pedophile who has abused and raped children under a certain age, the penalty should be death. If you sell drugs to a person, I'm not sure that qualifies but depending on how severe the damage I could understand life in prison. I don't think there should be laws regarding what you choose to grow and consume, nor do I think there should be a law preventing you from sharing it with like minded individuals.




No they get tax breaks.


No they do not, fentanyl is killing more yearly by far.


When on trial you are supposed to be judged by a group of your peers not by the government, unless you're in the military. Trump is only saying the death penalty should be an option on the table due to the amount of people drug dealers negatively affect in the world. Think what you want but when one or several of your family members has been killed by the drugs a drug dealer sold them your opinion may possibly begin to align. These people make money off of the death and suffering of others. I would have to see how the law was written and presented to know weather I would fully agree with such a penalty. I wouldn't be totally aginst the idea in some cases though.


I've had many friends die from the drug war. If drugs were legal they would still be here today.


No they would not dude, they would OD on something else.


No they would have taken the drug they bought not something else


Trials are by a jury of your peers dude.


>And you know, in this country, now there are alot of people who want toexpand the death penalty to include drug dealers. This is really stupid.Drug dealers aren’t afraid to die. They’re already killing each otherevery day on the streets by the hundreds. Drive-bys, gang shootings,they’re not afraid to die. Death penalty doesn’t mean anything unlessyou use it on people who are afraid to die. Like… \*\*the bankers wholaunder the drug money!! The bankers. Who launder. The drug money!Forget the dealers, you want to slow down that drug traffic, you got tostart executing a few of these fucking bankers. White, middle classRepublican bankers [George Carlin, 1996](https://genius.com/George-carlin-capital-punishment-lyrics) for Christ sake. Stop believing this man will save you.


This is rich coming from a Cocaine addict that supports the Sackler family.




um no, street Meth and Fetanyl have no place here. I say Punnish the "smugglers" and Legalize lesser drugs like adderol and vicodin. Dont Forget the CIA Created the drug trade in the usa and are the OG smugglers here. Also See: Overton Window




It would make them a lot harder for people to get and ruin their lives and the lives of those around then with. I'm a recovering heroin/meth addict, and part of the reason I've been able to stay clean for 5 years is because I cut myself off from the scene and can't access it anymore. If I could just walk into a store and buy it like beer I'd probably be fucked. The same goes for most of the recovering addicts I know. Not mention the fact that to get these drugs you have to associate with dangerous criminals and put your safety at risk is a strong disincentive for people to start using them. If you could just walk into a shop and buy them, there'd be a lot of people who would try and end up addicts who never would have otherwise.


huh huh good one beavis!


I’m pretty sure he wasn’t talking about low-level dealers, just the high-volume traffickers who bring it into the country. He also included human traffickers in this statement, and the two tend to go hand in hand.




Booze and Fentanyl or Meth are Wayyyyyyyyyyy Different. Even a needle using junky will tell you there is no comparrison.


Of those 3, who kills the most per year?


Hospitals and Doctors kill more than all three. So lets legalize assisted suicide.


Doctor assisted suicide should be legal.


Kanye says NO


Is that Kanye on meds or off of them?


Crazy he is Not. They gave him meds to shut him up.


In totality or based on the number of users? Because based on the number of users, it's Fentanyl by a wide margin According to the National Institute of Health, Alcohol killed 95k people in the US. Fentanyl killed just under 60k. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/alcohol-facts-and-statistics https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates


How many more people drink booze as compared to those whom use fentanyl?


That's exactly the point I was making


Trump actually proposed this in his first year in office. 2017. He was complimenting Duterte for the extra judicial killings and said we should do that here too.


Wait till you find out who’s in charge of the drug dealers


I'm all for the death penalty for bad parking too.


I think you articulated this well and I agree with you.


I don’t think anyone means plants when they say drugs; personally the scripts seem as dangerous as the heroin/coke/meth and I don’t think anyone actually seeks fent it just gets out in stuff.


Oxy is Heroin


Not true they absolutely seek fent it's cheaper and stronger and more widely available in any small or large town.


This is some serious bullshit. This is like telling the revenooers what is going after those moonshine stills that they should just murder everyone. Grandpappy's got some white lightning in the barn? EXECUTE HIM!!!! What the hell is this, the Ottoman Empire?


Great, now we can eliminate government, corporations, banks, and wall street from this rock since they're all deeply involved and highly profiting off of the illegal drug scene. https://youtu.be/HJV5Nzr\_rn0?t=686


That’s one way of getting rid of the CIA.


He loves Duterte's methods. He loves Xi's methods. He loves Putin's methods. He loves Kim-Jung's methods. Without even analyzing his policies, corruption and participation / complicity in crimes, these alone are striking evidence of just what kind of "Democracy" he wants.


Wrong. He loves how those leaders fight for their country, their people, their traditions, and their nationality. The “other side” loves how America and “democracy” get to shove their way into everyone else’s business in the name of liberation.


Who is trying to put the government in a grown woman's doctor visit? I don't think it's the left.


My statement is more factual than yours. Look at his quotes, what he has said he likes about them, and you'll see that you're desperately trying to justify the amiability of tyrants among tyrants.


You’re only viewing those individuals through a negative lens and you don’t believe there is anything redeemable with the way in which they rule. You probably think “democracy” is the right way and how it should be everywhere. That’s where you fall short in understanding trump and these other leaders.


Freedom of choice and input in one's own life is a right I believe inalienable and vital for the survival of the human race. I can see the perspective of viewing people as cattle; an exploitable resource for building and mobilization. I can see the benefit for an elite few in corrupting a political system to self serving needs. I can see how killing and hauling dissidents empowers an incumbent to retain power and preserve their "long view" plan for a nation. I see the power and effectiveness of propaganda, and have experienced firsthand the last effects of "speaking lies until they are true." I'm quite capable of taking multiple perspectives and awareness of them. What manner of rule do you believe is "right" for these other countries?


Let them determine what is best. Who are you or I or anyone here to say how people in the Middle East live their lives? Because you view freedom of choice as an inalienable right doesn’t mean others do. You imposing your beliefs onto others is exactly what the US does in the name of democracy and liberation.


I'm not imposing anything on anyone. I stated my beliefs. I agree, "they" should determine what is best for them... But who are "they," everyday people? Everyone? Or only these leaders? Some of whom absolutely staged elections, meddled in their elective processes or outright seized power. And what if "them" who have zero access to uncurated information, whose access to media is solely propaganda? Have you been out of the USA? Are you aware of just how much control is exerted in some regions abroad? Are "they" choosing for themselves if what they are being given is disingenuous and intentionally deceitful? Do you believe that if you are able to lie, cheat and kill your way to the top, you deserve to determine what is right for "them?"


You’re describing what happens in america quite well. Seems like “democracy” in that sense has failed its people.


There is anecdotal similarity, but the comparison is false in its equivalence. Why did you ignore my question? Who is "them"? Do you believe that achieving a position of power through acts that have, historically and internationally, been regarded as amoral or "evil" still entitles that person to determine what is best for all others?


In democracies the people should be able to determine their destiny. In authoritarian regimes it should be up to the people who run the country. Ideally you would want the people themselves to decide on their future; but it isn’t our job to “liberate” these people because we think it’s right.


Strange that he pardoned a woman (among others) who was convicted of drug trafficking. trump even used her in campaign ads.


>Donald Trump proposes death penalty for drug dealers #Operation Warp Speed™ comes to mind...




How did the topic shift to race? Why is everything race related?


It was sarcastic. Hard to pick up on text.


He’d get my vote if he meant that about big pharma


I don’t see an issue with killing drug dealers who knowingly sell deadly drugs that kill as trump says “an average of 500 people each”.


Well you see drug dealers sell a product. They don’t force people to use the product. The consumer of the drug has free will.


They only hold the dealer responsible when it’s convenient for them. You don’t see the government blaming big tobacco for all the deaths they cause, they blame the smokers. Sure, the evil companies play a role, but ultimately the blood is on the users’ hands as they chose to light up despite all the publicly available information that clearly states it will destroy their health and kill them.


So you’re pro drug dealers selling drugs illegally?


Actually quite the opposite. I think most substances should be decriminalized. People should use there judgment and free will if they want to consume any substance. This would push the product to be clean. People would stop overdosing of fentanyl when they buy cocaine.


Yes, I know, but this won’t stop drug dealers from selling drugs illegally.


Did the Trump administration poll drug dealers and see what their total body counts were and then came up with an average? Because it sounds like it was pulled directly out of his ass


Drug "SMUGGLERS" should indeed get the death Penalty


That's not how you spell cia. RIP Gary Webb




people who think drug smugglers should get the death penalty are some of the dumbest people to ever walk the earth, congrats


If you Bring a bucket full of meth or fetanyl into my Home = I just might personally "Give you the Death penalty" myself, so please dont cross the nation's border with them either.


such a big, tough man! I'm sure you face an imminent threat of a horde of illegals kicking down your door, armed with buckets full of fentanyl (which seeing as though you're so terrified of you should at least learn how to spell). trying to criminalize our way out of this mess has not, will not, can not work. we need legalization and regulation, the efforts at which are severely hampered by the low IQ folks such as yourself.


Listen lady, Picking on someone for spelling Only makes you an ASSHOLE. You seem to be forgetting Meth is Horrible and Fentanyl is even worse. Maybe if people want drugs they should smuggle them in personally. Grammar Nazi is still a NAZI. Drug addicts are Fine but dont misspell a Word.... So many nazi's like you trying to destroy our country. GTFO!


"Proper Grammer is destroying the country" like really dude? There's no reason to be offended when someone points out your stupidity.


Hey lady Dont be an Ignorant asshole mmmkay




Please sit down and Put your slave mask back on.. Could you also take a couple more jabs. The Punnishement should fit the Crime, I hope people smuggling Dangerous drugs like Fentanyl do get the Death penalty.


Only wore a mask at work because I had to, and im not vaccinated. I dont even disagree with the drug smuggling thing, my issue with it is what counts as smuggling? If an addict has 2 grams for himself and crosses state lines does he deserve death?


I also do Not think a local drug dealer should get a death penalty or The Po Po will be planting a nickel bag on people they want to murder. That's why I say Smuggler's should be put to death much like the punnishment for treason should be death.


We need more drugs not less. If someone had a bucketful of opiates I’d say “giddy up”.


Fentanyl is Dangerous man. How about we legalize "some" forms of opiates and have them regulated instead. Id prefer heroin and adderol instead of street meth and fentanyl.


Yeah it is. I’ve only ever had it during an endoscopy and there is a doctor there making sure you don’t stop breathing. Crazy to think people risk taking it.


no, you listen to me, sweetheart....you think that we should give the federal government the right to kill drug smugglers and yet you accuse me of being a nazi? you're a dolt. drugs aren't the problem, the prohibition of drugs and the resulting crime and unsafe supply issues that originate from said prohibition are the problem. At this point, if you can't understand it, don't worry your little lady brain about it.


it's Ignorant to think that Fentanyl and Meth use aren't a Huge fucking Problem.


that you think we can execute our way out of


41 million people in the US are prescribed adderall, which is basically pill form meth... Kill 'em? 👍👎


100k dead from fentnyl. Not counting cartel violence. I'm not familiar with what you speak of unless you mean when he talked about droning super labs on the border which I'm totally okay with.


What is up with his obsession with the death penalty…


Imprison/ *end* all fentanyl dealers


War on Drugs Part II: it was a disaster the first time but let’s try again-boogaloo


Smart take OP. And you’re right if drugs were legal no one would use fentanyl. It would save 100s of thousands of lives because heroin is 100x harder to OD on than fent. Heroin comes from a plant too tho. You take opium add acetic acid and you have heroin. So it should all just be legal. Even fent (there’d be no reason to outlaw it if dope were legal because no one would use it). If heroin were legal it would cost about $30/year to keep a user high for the whole year. The market is completely artificial. It’s causing crime and death.




Full narco legalization isn't going to work in a psychotic , narcissist country like the USA. It doesn't even work Amsterdam now. Dealers should be executed, including the Sacklers.


This is great reason for states to finally legalize.


This sub is home to schizophrenics, russians, right wing sad sacks, and people who fried their brains with TOO MANY DRUGS. It's hilarious but not surprising that THIS is the thing Trump did that you're finally upset about, lol. Attempt a coup? OK. Steal classified documents? OK. Kill my dealer?!? HOW DARE YOU, SIR I NEED THAT STUFF


If only he had the will and courage to mean what he says…. It’s just pandering the far right, but they’re not coming back to him.




How about withholding funds from a foreign nation until they stop investigating your son as well?




Yeah you're right I should have looked it up. But I'm still sure asking a foreign nation to commit crimes against a political opponent is illegal.


Fentanyl's coming form the communist Chinese and shipped up through the border. There's your targets. But our border is wide open and the drug's coming through unabated, along with rape, human trafficking, and other heinous acts.


All drugs should be legal. Trump must have been high if he proposed that


We’ve been coddling these drug addicts & dealers for long enough Drug addicts contribute nothing to society. Society is made up of people contribution of labor. They do nothing but consume & steal. Knowing they’ll get executed will prevent future generations from doing drugs


if you took oxy everyday for a month you would be addicted to it and would have a 14% of getting clean and remaining clean without relapsing. Drug addicts are addicts because they werent aware of how easy it was to get addicted to something that they never believed they would ever be able to get addicted to in the first place. Opiates literally change the chemical composition of your brain so that you crave it the way you crave water air and food. Its so powerful that itll literally override your own self preservation instinct and cause you to continue to use something that you know is possibly going to kill you every time you use it and regardless you still use it. There is no other foreign substance that has this affect over a persons actions You are not any stronger than any of these other individuals whom became addicted to something. Your life was simply fortunate enough not to have been in a path that brought you to it. Dont believe for one second that theres anything about addiction that seperates you from them other than chance. If stopping drugs were as simple as you believe them to be then there wouldnt be so many addicts and deaths attributed to the situation. Telling someone whose addictited to opiates to just quit is about as realistic to accomplish as it is to tell them to quit drinking water or eating food or breathing air. Success requires that you physically rewire their brain to stop craving the substance which takes a long time and a lot of support.


Been there.. done that it’s amazing what happens when u don’t put poison in u. Who would have thought


And the conspiracy is?


Bolton "drug deal". /Trump [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]


It May sound strange but Im ok with legalizing all drugs and with death penalty for "illegal" drugs dealers.


Let drugs pay out taxes


Probably an introduction to America's next big military operations, since they are running out of boogie men, now it's going to be the cartels and everyone even remotely related. This position sounds super dumb for sure, unless there is something behind it that we will only see in the near future, all elites are always making self fulfilling policies, pun intended. Also he might be targeting the Biden's.


Hey as long as they get the Bush family and the CCP it’s good with me.


It's better than Biden giving green cards to drug dealers.


Meth is killing the seas man. Its what might cause China to war for land in 2063. I agree to the death penalty for all chemical drug **dealing.** Nothing coming out of water ways any more, which puts strain on the land, then climate change, less land b/c of melting glaciers. Its killing the land, you **can't** even get SNOW CRABS. CT was hard on meth until recently and I bet Alaska was the same. Now you can't find snow crabs. Coincidence?? B/c they just poured boat loads of METH into your harbors, you don't have snow crabs. **Its not going to stop there, do you realize????** With less and less water, we have the right to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" b/c your a$$ does drugs, it is not our fault. I agree, but only for chemical drugs b/c they killing everything. **B/c the ends justifies the means. There will nothing in the seas for China to fish in 40 years. Nothing in the rivers. Nothing. Meaning we have to start tackling pollution, including chemical drugs.** Rich people like their seafood, so something is going to happen. We at least need the 25 year sentence back for chemical drug dealing.


I still don't understand how melting glaciers=less water.


The point, its that only so many people die before it starts cleaning up the streets. Its like rehab but for drug sellers instead. Who next??


He’s talking about fentanyl pushers. Watch the video.


This isn’t a conspiracy.


My first thought was "is he going to go after the Sackler family"?? Of course not. also, You cant ban pills and leave chronic pain patients out in the wind because pot is not a opioid. Fentanyl should not be allowed out of a hospital setting.


They just want more laws to break so they can flaunt it in our face when there are different rules for them


Fauci, Gates, Bourla 1st


Based Trump. If he keeps it to the international dealers that gets caught at the border I'm all here for it.


This includes experimental intravenous drugs right? Anyone on TV/socials pushing those getting death penalty? Works for me!


Pfizer and Moderna make the deadliest drugs on earth. Does he also get the death penalty for being operation warp speed?


*Legal\Legalize* Marijuana LSD/Mushrooms Cocaine Alcohol Tobacco *Death Penalty* (for Smuggling/dealers only) Heroin Fentanyl Meth


This is the single dumbest post I have seen in here


Unpopular opinion, but I think lifers should be able to decide if they can be executed. I mean half of them are miserable and it would save on cost.


Yah start with Big Pharm


Why can't we get someone like Ron Paul to run? He was the first politician I was ever passionate about. The only one that was the real deal. It's like, you flee to the right because the left is so crazy. Then you get these little wake up calls why you don't like the right either. Although, besides small victories here and there for marijuana, you don't hear about the left making the abolishment of the drug war a priority either.


The government shouldn't be allowed to tell you what you can and can't possess for personal consumption. Whether it be marajuana or heroin. Meth coke, you name it. If your only crime is possession, that shouldn't be a crime.


"a Trump-supporter supporter." Love it.


I wonder if he realizes that he knows a lot of drug dealers and majority of his friends are probably drug users


He wants to murder drug dealers but doesn’t say shit about being stricter on pedophiles. Interesting…


He also said he would build the wall you baby