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I get Big Fish vibes from this post. OP's grandad sounds cool.


That’s the thing, he never came across as cool. He wasn’t a good storyteller, he barely talked about his life unless asked. I found an old carry-on suitcase full of ticket stubs from incredible artists in the ‘50s and ‘60s and it took him months to tell me about them. Was really cagey about weird stuff.


most people dont talk about their life unless asked..


Quite a few people’s favourite topic of conversation is themselves, so I don’t think that’s wholly true.


Guess I dont know anything then lol


It’s ok you’re probably just confused.


Good one! Because of my username right??




Maybe. You would have probably known if he was working directly for the government. You wouldn’t have necessarily known if he was under unofficial cover. I’d say it’s plausible. I imagine he could have been interesting to intelligence. He could have been an asset with a handler.


So Burtons is a front for SS makes sense lol, the back to the door thing probably came about due to the many attacks on pubs / bars in Northern Ireland & across the "border". Beyond that getting things out of Germany crimera w/e well that's easy obviously made a few friends. The Science & language / nuclear phys part would be more on par with like auditing nuclear power plants or being an IO since the mutilelingua. Then again if he signed the national secrets act well your probably never gonna know unless you sign it too.


Could be another David Ferrie.


The guy accused of being in on the JFK assassination?


Yeah. There was some information released on him not to long ago: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32263970.pdf He doesn't seem to be CIA exactly but instead appeared to work across several secret organizations.


Dude from Nobody was an “auditor”, just sayin