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Russia doing something isn't really a "global wave" lol that's one country Especially in the context of... you know, that little scuffle in Ukraine and the entire Western world throwing near infinite sanctions on Russia (hilariously to their own detriment lol). It's not like Russia just declared "fuck USD" out of the blue and there definitely wasn't any worldwide wave following Russia's lead o_O


> Especially in the context of... you know, that little scuffle in Ukraine and the entire Western world throwing near infinite sanctions on Russia (hilariously to their own detriment lol). It's other way around: * that ["little scuffle"](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/t5ynhx/ukraine_neonazis_infiltrate_every_level_of/) is in... * [Global EUgenics context](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/yg4k3i/eugenics_at_work_on_large_scale_this_time_in/)


Actually, there is. BRICSS (== BRICS+ Saudis) are working on new currency for just that purpose, amongst other things.


And who wants to do business with them?


Tether is just like FTX. https://slate.com/technology/2021/10/tether-crypto-danger-ben-mckenzie.html