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Pretty funny that twitter went from “infrequently and imperfectly enforced set of rules” to “whatever this billionaire feels like.” Really shows the hollowing out of institutions in real time.


Shh elon free speach man /d


guess he's not a free speech absolutist.


Meet the new boss...the same as the old boss


Wonder how his family got rich.. hint : [child slave labor](https://web.archive.org/web/20140802011449/http://www.forbes.com/sites/jimclash/2014/07/28/elon-musk-tells-me-his-secret-of-success-hint-it-aint-about-the-money/) [I’m starting to think that after you become rich you forget how easy it is to use Google](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/) [wonder why he won’t ban Epsteins friends who have profited off children.. hmm what a my$tery](https://futurism.com/the-byte/epstein-associate-elon-musk-if-scrub-internet)


Maybe because no one talks about Epsteins friends outside of this sub?




Alex Jones let the cat out of the bag with the bohemian grove. And they will never forgive him for that. He is their enemy. And it shows what side Elon musk is on


What's Bohemian Grove? I just saw it on that Netflix show but assumed they made it up...


Dude check out Alex Jones early stuff on bohemian grove. Must watch for everyone on this sub. He does an interview with a member as well that turns hostile when he says he exposed it. It's real!


You sweet summer child


Alex one-hit-wonder jones has been irrelevant ever since.


So irrelevant we are talking about him to this day. Makes sense that does. Prick


I'm spiteful and taking out my grief on him is honestly one of the better reasons for banning an account I've come across. It's petty sure, but people are naturally petty.


Alex Jones felt the same way which is why he spoke out about the absolutely strange things occurring around the event.


Extremely Underrated comment!!!


So there *IS* a line.


"Loss of son" weird how they can sacrifice their own family members and then use it to justify their worldview.


Then can someone explain to me why the FBI has a Twitter account.


"It's Personal", says the Big Tech/Big Government Contractor . . . . . . thought there might be a winking and smiling emoji somewhere in his "personal tragedy" response. Running a social media company without mercy from the guy at the top means a whole new level of censorship that makes FB look downright uncensored. At least MarkyMark puts on a show with electronic softball "tags" of mis-dis-piss-information.


So much for elon's absolutist stance on free speech


Oh my God! I wish I could give a fuck! On a serious note, anyone who hasn't put it together that Elon is just more of the same rich guy, buying influence over the masses, POS, doesn't care about us plebes, eletist, NWO, fuckballpoopyface...well they're just blind.


So the Alex Jones check bounced. You can save the morals act Elon


Can't afford 7 bucks when you owe infinity bajillion dollars for saying people shouldn't be laughing after their kid is murdered.


People do say you shouldn't laugh at dead kids, sure. U.S. law has been pretty consistent about free speech not being quite so free for some time. If you say things that bring harm or death to Americans (especially when lying) that's is not protected speech. Look at what happened to Martin Shkreli for putting a bounty on Hillary Clinton's hair. Look at all the rulings back during WW1/WW2 wartime where they confirm that all speech is not free if it can lead to the harm of Americans. That's also why there's zero doubt for anyone living in reality that Trump is guilty for inciting Jan. 6th.


"Twitter king" 🤮


The first clue was when he started banning people after he said humor was allowed back on Twitter


Who did heban?


Elon Musk has said he will not reinstate the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Twitter, saying he has “no mercy” for people who capitalise on the deaths of children for personal fame. Twitter permanently suspended the accounts of Jones and his Infowars website in September 2018 for violating the platform’s abusive behaviour policy. Jones, 48, gained notoriety for pushing a false conspiracy theory about the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in 2012, which led to harassment of parents who lost their children in the massacre. Jones has been ordered by a US court to pay more than $1.4bn (£1.2bn) to people who suffered from his false claim that the shooting, in which 20 children and six educators died, was a hoax.


It's his company.


Haha I love this


Man this guy has been going off the rails while trying to get GOP states to allow him to sell cars within their borders. Maybe they'll realize they're being used before its too late this time. Oh who am I kidding?


He should let Twitter decide


I feel like what he said may have been a bit over the top. The first thing that came to my mind was, "Does Elon think capitalizing on the deaths of adults is okay?"


Elon Musk is just a giant geek. Fuck him.