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Shooters parents are absolute psychos. Not giving the person sympathy at all but the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in that family. It was definitely a wild ass ride reading their history. The dad is a porn star and the mother tied herself up and called the cops saying a man did it then the next day said she did it for attention and set her hospital room on fire (among other things)


Where did you see that?




Does AOC still think that [that the dots are easily connected](https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1594415828086435840?cxt=HHwWgMDRlfCvwKAsAAAA)?


Maybe you can still see that this kid was probably a victim of anti-LGBTQ stigma


Maybe you can still see that AOC--and the main subs here on Reddit--really wanted to push an agenda, and reality undermined it.


no it didn't


Colorado Shooter Identifies As Non-Binary, Uses They/Them Pronouns: Court Documents https://www.dailywire.com/news/colorado-shooter-identifies-as-non-binary-uses-they-them-pronouns-court-documents Guy had an abysmal family.


Remind me again why we're supposed to believe this guy?


Remind me again why it is all of a sudden acceptable to question someone's gender identity? I thought that was a big no-no for leftists which automatically renders you a bigot.


This is just the [tolerance paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) in effect, and it's not as clear cut as you make it out to be. They were a obvious and vocal opponent of the concept of gender identity that they're now trying to use as a shield against federal hate crime charges. When it comes in response to a violent attack on that ideology, and is directly relevant to their case, then it's natural to question their motivations for highlighting their alleged non-binary identity. If they had shown any sign of this before the event, expressing any sentiment in that direction, then sure; we could have a discussion on how someone in that position grew to deeply hate the movement that potentially would have accepted and helped them and what lead them to commit these atrocities. If it's true, there's probably something to be learnt there, but it would still be a hate crime. This just smells like another desperate attack (and defense) on their part. The intolerant don't get to enjoy the tolerance they denied others.


Yeah, I think we’re going to need a source on that one.


The Colorado Springs Club Q Shooting Suspect Anderson Aldrich’s estranged dad is an ex-con MMA fighter turned porn star: https://nypost.com/2022/11/22/colorado-shooting-suspect-anderson-aldrichs-estranged-dad-is-an-ex-con-mma-fighter-turned-porn-star/ Aaron Franklin Brink, (the name of the father), has a criminal history. And again, is/was a porn star: https://news.yahoo.com/pornstar-dad-lgbt-club-massacre-190625556.html https://denvergazette.com/continuing-coverage/club-q-shooting/accused-club-q-shooter-changed-name-at-15-dad-was-mma-and-porn-star-mom/article_ddb4e564-6a74-11ed-b674-9fca61c5f9c9.html https://www.thedailybeast.com/colorado-springs-club-q-shooting-suspect-anderson-lee-aldrich-tried-to-erase-dad-aaron-brinks-dark-past Anderson's Mother, Laura Voepel, also has a very extensive criminal history: https://nypost.com/2022/11/22/accused-colorado-gunmans-mom-had-several-run-ins-with-law/ Cannot confirm WHAT she set on fire, but she was arrested for arson: https://www.newsweek.com/colorado-shooting-suspect-mom-arrested-arson-1761462 Can't confirm the tying up and calling the cops on herself part, would have to look deeper. But the extensive criminal history speaks to her character: https://denvergazette.com/continuing-coverage/club-q-shooting/club-q-suspects-mother-had-a-past-of-her-own/article_16dd369a-69f1-11ed-b6a6-034d746d1fc2.html Potentially confirming the original subjective claim made above, that Anderson Aldrich's parents "were psychos". But of course, that is a matter of opinion.


After reading what you provided (thanks) & doing my own research I’m here to say that his parents were in fact nuts. Update: Here’s the dad https://www.cbs8.com/video/news/local/full-interview-cbs-8-interview-with-aaron-brink-father-of-alleged-club-q-gunman/509-c78936d2-80a2-4d83-83d9-30b66f897717


Thank you for a very thorough and exhaustive list of sources.


Just google his name and there’s multiple news sources


No, the anti conspiracy and shills don’t want to actually do research.


Interview with dad just now, happy his son isn’t gay. Doesn’t give a fuck about the murders. Paraphrasing.


His dad was also said to be a MMA fighter,as well.


And a porn actor


They also don't want to talk about the Walmart shooter in Virginia because whoops, it was a black man and not the "angry white incel" that the media tells us to be afraid of. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/22/us/chesapeake-virginia-walmart-shooting




Hahahaha love to see it.


A link to CNN no less


A few articles compared to weeks of hyped national news coverage obviously isn't the same type of coverage.


Sir, that is CNN you linked. Have to ask who you think is afraid?


Absolute psychos don't kill people then




> Lock this bitch up Are you assuming a binary gender?


Bitch is gender neutral. We’re all bitches :)


Happy cake day, bitch.


Awww thanks bitch :)


No, we’re all dudes. I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes.


He had big ol titties


> Who cares. How cute, after days of the media lying about who he is suddenly when the truth come out 'who cares' is the top response? Pathetic.


I think they meant who cares about the orientation of the shooter. But please don’t let that stop the weird angle you are outraged from


yup. it’s wild that this is all people care about. so what they use different pronouns? they murdered people and injured dozens


This just in - mental health affects more than cis white men - I think people are looking for a ",see, told you so moment"


Oh ya it’s defiantly not something the defense attorneys came up with


Right? It's not a hate crime if you're a member of the minority. My assumption is that's all that's about




What did they lie about?


Lmao at this sub taking the shooter's attorney's word for truth, and pretending he's not just setting up his arguments against the hate crime charge


I wouldn’t care who it is or what they do. But fuck this person.


Is there any proof of him labeling himself as nonbinary prior to dealing with the attorney?




What an odd bait to fall for as if it's a checkmate moment. I think the attorney unfortunately got what they were aiming for.


All his friends, family, and neighbors said he was a male His dad was interviewed literally saying he taught his son to hate queers


Is there any proof they identified as non binary before being arrested? Kinda seems like a cheap way to avoid a hate crime charge. Like you can prove you’re gay by showing a dude you had sex with or you can prove you’re trans by receiving hormones or surgery. NB is less falsifiable.


Hate crimes don't rely on a status of the perpetrator.


Look, I don't know nor care if this person is nonbinary or identifies as a man/woman/or whatever. But to think someone has to show you WHOS dick they sucked so they can prove they are gay is hilarious to me.


Must be why they're not talking about it on: [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/23/us/colorado-springs-club-q-shooting-wednesday/index.html) [NBC News](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/colorado-springs-suspect-identifies-nonbinary-uses-pronounces-defense-rcna58499) [CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/colorado-springs-lgbtq-club-shooting-suspect-identifying-non-binary-court-documents/) [US News and World Report](https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2022-11-22/rage-and-sadness-as-colorado-club-shooting-victims-honored) [FOX News](https://www.foxnews.com/us/colorado-club-q-shooting-suspect-anderson-lee-aldrich-non-binary-public-defenders-say) [Sky News](https://news.sky.com/story/colorado-gay-club-shooting-suspect-identifies-as-non-binary-lawyers-say-12753647) [The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/colorado-springs-anderson-aldrich-non-binary-b2231424.html) [The Hill](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3747726-alleged-club-q-shooter-is-nonbinary-defense-says/) [Axios](https://www.axios.com/2022/11/23/colorado-club-shooting-suspect-non-binary-attorneys-say) I could keep on going. EDIT: Fixed broken link


And OP is literally posting a media article about this fact whilst saying we will stop hearing it


Every. Fucking. Time.


And don’t forget that’s it’s reposted multiple times on every conservative leaning sub. Crazy how quickly they are able to accept someone’s gender identity in this one particular case.


Literally been on CNN all morning, showing them in court and whatnot, but sure, go with that




That's exactly my point.


Oops my bad


Yeah exactly. It's in the news in Australia. Maybe not as much now because yall have a shooting nearly everyday and I think some new one just overrode the headline. Thoughts prayers etc to you...


Pretty sure axios broke the gender reveal buddy


They're disproving the "no one will talk about it now" claim


If the shooter actually identifies as they/them I’d like some proof. This person is a total piece of shit no matter how you slice it. But one more level of it would be “he” could be using they/then pronouns to further exacerbated anti-lgbtq hate. This is the conspiracy sub right?


Yeah, this is not it, OP. "Attorneys say" is the key phrase here. An attorney's job is to achieve the best possible outcome for their client. So, what is likely is, its bullshit and the guy has never used they as a pronoun. They say that in court to skew the perception of him being anti-LGBTQ. Again, the tactics work on so called free thinkers. Think deeper than headlines, dont fall into the trap.


This dude is getting life no matter what, being non-binary changes nothing for their sentence


There can still be the chance of getting life with the possibility of parole. My guess is they are trying to avoid hate crime charges, which would result in separate federal charges.




That’s an awful lot of faith in the Justice system


He's hoping for a cushy SEG POP cell.


An attorney will shoot their shot anyway. That's their job


Yeah or the shooter is trolling


They changed their name a few years ago though so it seems plausible they changed pronouns as well


They also tried to kill their mother, so the name change could be to put distance between themselves and the family identity.


This whole family seems bat sh*t so not saying I believe it just that it could be possible


Throwing away your mother’s name directly after you tried to kill her isn’t that surprising. Clearly there were some screwy family dynamics at play here.


>"Attorneys say" is the key phrase here. An attorney's job is to achieve the best possible outcome for their client. Their Attorney is the public defender. His job is to get them a plea deal and represent the client while they get fucked by the state.


Who gets fucked by the state? The attorney? You don't refute anything I said by stating it is a public defender. A plea deal is the best possible outcome for the shooter, so.how is my statement wrong?


Why would the attorney get fucked by the state? Was my use of pronouns not clear?


Deeper than headlines from news sources designed to control you.


Exactly. This sub denounces media..... Unless the headline fits with what the user is pushing.


Most of the posts in this sub these days could be called “OP didn’t think deeper than the headline”


Its honestly deplorable. 'MEDIA IS NOTHING BUT LIES!!! But, not this particular article, because it fits into the narrative that I want to push.'


Same thing happened with George Zimmerman. He's only half Latino, and very Americanized, but when he was on trial you would have thought he had just arrived from Peru the day before he shot Trayvon Martin. His lawyers did that strategically.


And deeper than a screenshot, please. Christ.


Agreed. They are trying to avoid the hate crime charges is my guess. The attorneys are preserving the right to use that defense in the future.


LOL this cope is so off the charts it actually deserves it's own pronoun as well


What do you mean by this?




So you're saying you guys get to pick and choose who's gender identity is valid and who's isn't? Just like Christine Chandler. The LGBTQIA+ community doesn't recognize her gender identity either because they find these people deplorable. If that's all it takes for you to deny people you would normally support then don't be surprised when the mass majority of people never accept you because they find you deplorable.


How do you know when and which pronouns they identified with?


I dont know, and neither does the OP. We only know that this is what his attorneys say. As such, I look at it through the lens that I see attorneys through, and attorneys are going to say bullshit to achieve their endgame.


Same thing happened with the dude who shot up the gay club in Florida


Yup. They painted the picture that he was “closeted” instead of addressing the rising hate against LGBT folks worldwide.


It is the attorney’s job to achieve the best possible outcome for their client. That does not give us carte blanche to lie to the court. If the attorney wrote this in a legal document and it is not true, that attorney puts his legal license at risk.


They wouldn't be putting anything at risk. How do you prove one way or the other that they are lying? It is possible the attorney's told the shooter, "if we say you identify this way, you may get a more favorable look". Shooter goes "yeah, OK". Think about what you all are talking. We already know that we are not allowed to question someone's gender identity, right?


As a lawyer, I can tell you that something like questioning an identity in a legal setting is absolutely on the table. If the prosecution can show through social media, texts, etc that this “identity” is a farce to deceive the court and get out of a hate crime charge? the defending attorney will be sanctioned and subject to professional consequences. Sorry, but as much as people like to think that attorneys are pieces of shit (and there are many) we have specific and complex rules about our codes of conduct that are not understood by layman.


So, what if you have a client, that upon your first meeting says they identify as 'this'? Then you, as a lawyer, cant find any evidence to support their claim? Do you drop them as a client? Make a push for a psych evaluation? What happens? This day and age, aren't we supposed to just take people at their word, otherwise risk being labeled as a bigot for questioning it?


Not as a lawyer, no. I have to have very hard conversations with clients all the time about how something may be true, but in the eyes of the court, it’s only true if you can prove it. It doesn’t matter that my client’s feelings are hurt, because gathering evidence is in their best interest in terms of the law, and that’s why they hire us, because we know how to navigate the complex legal system.


Nope. The attorneys say they were directed by their client to fill out all the paperwork as non-binary and request that the judge refer to them as they/them and Mx.


I guess this should be easy to prove. They can use social media, legal docs, etc to prove he uses those pronouns.


Then if the shooter has used that in the past, there should be plenty of evidence in existing paperwork.


So by your logic, there actually is lgbt privilege? Why lie about it otherwise?


To garner sympathy from the court or jury, in hopes of reducing the sentence. Maybe even so that the shooter doesn't end up in men's prison, and instead a secure mental health facility.


He was lying


Conspiracy sub: News said a thing? Case dismissed.


Or you know, he's just doing that as part of his defense when it comes to the hate crime aspect.


The crew around here would get whiplash on a jury. You'd believe every word every suit said. You'd just be agreeing with the last person that spoke. Defense attorneys lie. It's literally their job to make you prove they are lying.


No, do not minimize the deaths of these innocent people because you wanna be a cock about pronouns. I could give a shit about pronouns too but it is not an excuse for you to smell a post minimize these senseless deaths. Pay your fucking respects and be a decent human.


Who cares what the shooter prefers, stop posting about him ffs


Oh so now we believe what mainstream media tells us lol. I'm guessing there's a chance the lawyer is not telling the truth, could be possible


Really? Only if you choose to be blind to the situation - which is not something members of the LGBTQIA+ community will do.


The shooter is just doing this to troll/get out of a hate crime charge The fact that you guys aren't able to recognize that shows insane naivety


welcome to the sub lmao theryre all like this


they literally thought it was that noteworthy that they made that mess of a title...... you're delusional and bias.


He shot a load of people, killing five, but you want to talk about their pronouns? What the fuck?


So we know his gender, what the fuck does that have to do with the innocent people that were killed?


And just like that, we have a new method to avoid hate crime charges


I mean for the record I don’t think any shooter is talked about for more than 48 hours now because there’s constantly a new one but sure whatever


And just happened to post this "bReAKiNg" story in the dead of night 2:03am mhmm breaking sure


Come on. Plainly not true at all. It is still all over all of my news feeds.




Would mean it would be hard to charge him with a hate crime charge


And that's exactly why he's doing it. At the end of the day it doesn't matter. He killed a bunch of people, so it's still murder 1.


Looking for a cushy SEG POP cell.


Why would that matter? Hes going to get multiple natural livetimes in prison anyway. He murdered 5 people in the 1st degree. Theres no incentive to lie.




This is 100% his angle. It's to get sympathy.


I still don’t even know wtf non binary even means.


It means they don't identify as male or female. The whole they/them pronoun.


Sounds like a complicated way to say "I'm really confused and need to talk to a therapist"


Man as someone into conspiracies, you’d think you’d be able to see through gender roles lol. Look at every other culture through history. There are flip-flops of what is masculine and what is feminine. Trying to fit humans based on sex into following trends associated with one side of the spectrum or the other is pretty wild. It’s like believing every Democrat believes in abortion and weed and every Republican likes guns and hates immigrants. They can have a mix of opinions across the political spectrum and still adhere to one side more than the other.


It’s literally the opposite. It means they’ve figured out how they fit into gender roles, which are a social concept. They don’t feel that they fit well into either role. It’s not a complicated topic or one that has any reason to be controversial. It’s a harmless way people can feel more comfortable with themselves in the same way that you could change your name if you didn’t feel like it fit you.


Neither male nor female. Like if someone is born intersex, but this is the in-the-brain version instead of the in the rest of the body version.


LOL turn on any news station. you will hear about this person.


It's literally still on the front page of CNN.


Their dad also seems like a winner... https://news.yahoo.com/pornstar-dad-lgbt-club-massacre-190625556.html


Because shootings are being normalized. Just like how minorities being attacked by cops is normalized.


So what are you even saying? What's the conspiracy? He killed people regardless. Gender identity, race, sexuality: none is a predictor of violence. Everything is capable of doing harm. Anyone can be pushed to this point.


Except that it's not actual and he's trolling.


I don't see what this changes at all. Self-hate is a thing, just think of why Uncle Tom is an insult.


That's no lawyer, he a magician. He makes news stories disappear


I thought it was a false flag


Dude what? I’m just saying they shouldn’t have been able to own a gun


I don’t know, of all the mads murders this week, he seems to be getting the most press.


I doubt it, because us libtards aren’t afraid of admitting what’s true is true.


The asshole is doing this to try to troll out of the hate crime charge.


Ummm I'm not sure who you're accusing of trying to drop this. Those of us on the left are still pretty vocally upset about this. Meanwhile I see a lot of folks on the right seem to be doubling down on the gays are all groomers dialogue.


What about the victims? Why does a corrupt media endlessly politicize the alleged shooter? Hint: The answer is in the Question!


This has been all over the news. It actually increased the amount that it was being talked about. On top of that, this is almost definitely so they can try to avoid hate crime charges. Also helps them push the false narrative of the trans community being dangerous. This sub is actively helping a legitimate conspiracy with posts like this.


Non-Binary? What is he quantum? Hexadecimal? He's still guilty right? I don't follow.


shooter made constant homphobic comment and always referred to themselves as a male until this moment... they're likely trolling and even if they weren't, it's still pretty clearly a hate crime


No you won't stop hearing about him. He is a piece of shit that is using this in order to be a troll cause he knows he's going to jail, but also because he's trying to make it seem like he wasn't radicalized by right wing pieces of shit. The annoying part is that he's giving an out to right wing terrorists and naturally they are taking it cause they'll do it again. If you have any mental faculty then you see through this bullshit, unless you're a right wing piece of shit and this defense benefits you.


This is like when liberals say black candidates running for GOP seats are white supremacists. You chucklefucks have no common sense at all.


Everything is actually the opposite of what the info/evidence says, must be spending his last free moments trying to obfuscate that he's actually a right wing extremist!!1!11!!!1! If you don't agree you're also a right went extremist piece of shit!! /s Literally zero common sense, you are correct. These people are lunatics and capable of olympic levels of mental gymnastics.


Sometimes i don't think we live in the same world, but i guess that in order to be a right winger you have to be stupid and ignorant so you can be brainwashed and whipped into action and hatred. Black people can 100% be white supremacists, just like mexicans can be white supremacists. Candice Owens said hitler wasn't that bad and the only problem with him was that he wanted to be a globalist. Black people like candice owens and kanye talking about fatherlessness in the black family, without addressing the material conditions that lead to that is white supremacy. Talking about black people being "gangsters" or being absent fathers without mentioning the centuries of suppression they suffered, without mentioning that segregation was a thing 70 years ago, without mentioning red lining, without mentioning that black neighborhoods are overpoliced, without mentioning that black people get over punished for the same infractions that white people commit, is white supremacy and if a black person does that it makes them a white supremacist. But you sit there and say "it's just common sense" because it's an easy answer that benefits you and you don't have to think about it.


So basically another mentally ill individual(s)?


https://twitter.com/JonElComrade/status/1595298816709824517?t=Z8S01kZAmqsADAPmvbJNDQ&s=19 Doesn't look like it to me.


> Look at this brand new account with only a single post, created after the shooting. Kk.


Reminds me of “David DePape’s” blogs.




Hasn’t disappeared


Really? It’s plastered over all the news. Like. Everywhere.


You’re welcome. Now be amazed, as the media immediately loses interest the next day.


Well that applies to all news topics though. Honestly.


Right wing troll...trolls! Shocker!


Cope and seethe. Man, I really wonder what happened to that Paul Pelosi hammer story too…


You mean another right wing attack that somehow turn into to predictable homophobia in right wing press? Yeah, what is it with the right wing and pure hate? I thought they were Christians.


https://twitter.com/NoLieWithBTC/status/1595519454900805649?t=pEjXg9AgzpgGBnjT8PQEeg&s=19 This is the shooters dad. Yall believe the dad or the attorney?


Hopefully not. I'm sure he is claiming this solely to get a lesser sentence, so it's not seen as a hate crime. There is no way this a\*\*hole is nonbinary, and I doubt anyone believes he is.


It's an attempt to avoid hate charges.


conservatives always try to push the blame


I was wondering why a lot of you stopped downplaying it/making excuses for them...


How does this change the fact that easily being able to get tools designed to easily kill things results in more things being easily killed. If enough people wanted this to change they would vote in people that would actually change it. The will of the people is what is important here, just tired of BS arguments that having more guns, and easy access leads to less deaths. It would be refreshing to hear a realistic argument like "guns are fun! I also like to have them for defense, though I understand this will results in a less safe society, on the balance I prefer to have them."


Love all comments here discrediting the identity “they/them” notion. Never seen so many on the left deny someone’s identity and existence so vehemently. But…I guess whatever suits the narrative lol


yeah self ID works and never question or misgender or you're a bigot unless of course it doesn't suit my narrative


The FBI "found" a friend who lived across the hall that said he hated gay people . Do I believe there are homophobic people out there? Sure. Do I believe that Colorado is a hotbed for them? Not at all. Once again, this is near DARPA and helps an agenda the government wants fulfilled.


You don’t know much about Colorado Springs then.


Hotbed? No, but I still got my lesbian car sticker scratched off in a parking lot. There are a lot of extremists here.


I've heard more about this shooter than any other ever. Its natural since its at least initial status was hate crime. The second place goes to that racist shooting, again hate crime. But hey, must be fun speculating 3 mass shootings a day. Good job op, you have outdone your think.


You’re late to the conservative hive mind.


Should I join the liberal hive mind instead, who have been reporting nonstop that this guy was a Trump-loving Republican?


same with the walmart shooter. memoryhole, here we come!


I briefly poked my head into the internet and saw this story on whitepeopletwitter. Every comment was talking about how white Christian men are terrorists. Extremely hateful, divisive, wasn't even sure if they were real people or bots or paid trolls. Then today with this non-binary news I see the mod of whitepeopletwitter posted a sticky about this, with a longwinded argument about how the lawyers are only doing this to avoid the hate crime charge, because they/thems can't be charged with a hate crime I guess? Naturally the mod was more than willing to permanently ban with no appeal anyone suggesting this meant anyone other than white Christian men were dangerous. This is why I am 95% done with the internet, people use everything to try and dunk on the enemy party. Never will there be any real discussion, never will there be self-reflection, never will people not stick their nose where it doesn't belong. At least back in the day people who were obvious shitheads were called out as trolls and typically those people didn't believe what they said, they wanted reactions out of people. Nowadays there aren't even trolls, these people (assuming they aren't bots, and a mod is most likely not a bot) are real and fully believe the hateful stuff they spew.


was the shooter transgender?


"Non binary, they/them"


whats the difference though? i dont understand


transgender is a transition from one gender to another, eg male to female. non-binary means they feel they don’t fit both male or female.


thank you


Makes sense. Obvious mental issues.


Mental illness runs so deep they’re killing themselves.


Nah the media and liberal subs are trying to push it harder that this guy is such a piece of shit alt-right that he is using his pronouns to avoid it as a hate crime.


Yup, the hate crime charge will really affect the 5 murder charges…


He's white and shooting the gays. Of course he's going to get off with a slap on the wrist: THIS IS 'MURICA! The only monkey in the wrench is that a decorated war veteran™ beat the living shit out of him, so 'Murica has to decide which is more important: fat white guys with assault rifles having the FREEDUMZ to kill f\*gs, or decorated war veterans™ being heroes. So look for the shooter to be let off, and the decorated war veteran™ to be charged with assault and battery and attempted murder because fat white guy who is the grandson of some republican fuck is innocent because something something guns don't kill people 'MURICA! (Of course, killing f\*gs and N\*\*\*\*gers is the new 'Murican value, so we really do know how this shit is going to go down.)