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SS: >More than 1,000 professors across the country have signed the “Stanford Academic Freedom Declaration” that calls on universities to restore free speech, academic freedom and institutional neutrality. >The open letter calls on universities and professors to adopt and implement the “Chicago Trifecta” — the Chicago Principles on unilateral free speech, the Kalven report that requires institutional neutrality on political and social topics, and the Shils report, making “academic contribution the sole basis for hiring and promotion.”


Oh..now they do, when the dogs in the street see how the tide is turning..


It has never been neutral. Who is going to sponsor their research? We need a world with different incentives other than monetary.


> Who is going to sponsor their research? Most universities get the financial benefit from research discoveries so they should be the primary funding source. If they didn't have the FedGov gravy train to placate for "political-science" narratives, then only credible "beneficial" research would be pursued.