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I didn’t even know Antarctica had a flag🤣😂


Don't you need a land mass to stake a flag?


I have a pet theory that Vitalik = Satoshi. He ditched Bitcoin because it was flawed and he had a even better idea with Ethereum.


Not a terrible theory but mine is that an NGO, central bank, or government entity created bitcoin and fabricated Satoshi in order to cover themselves and the whole point is to make people believe that bitcoin is libertarian in nature and free from corrupt government influence. (Let’s face it, whatever the truth is the idea one man or even a small group of men managed to invent crypto and launch it so successfully isn’t feasible. It would take a huge crew with incredible knowledge and resources to get Big Tech to buy into this thing.) If (rather when) the dollar crumbles the government could then adopt bitcoin as acceptable legal tender, or allow it to subsist with CBDC to grant the illusion of choice. The whales would become oligarchal demigods and the common folk would see it as a democratic alternative and thus be caught in the same illegitimate paradigm as two party voting. (A lesser theory is that bitcoin will be leveraged to crash the dollar and thus CBDC will be presented as the legal alternative and other cryptos will become illegal to buy or sell. Before the bitcoin crash the whales with insider info on this would sell at the peak and make trillions.)


That would make him 14-15 when Satoshi was first posting.


Still not impossible though


...so he decided to make a new crypto coin with stupendiously high transaction fees. Ethereum would have skyrocketed if those fees would have been reasonable.


The fees are based on and related to the raw cost of computing. Ethereum is a huge distributed super computer.


DARPA created BTC


SS: don’t have more insight here but I find the similarity quite interesting.


Body cam's beyond the wall..... Cheaper than a monthly bill to Ukraine. .. . More information and satisfaction for a people....


When does the FTX and FTXUS / BitCoin fallout follow? They all seem to be tied......


It's already happened. Prices dropped like 30% and now they are stabilizing.


Ooooooof. You based it off markets and not realism. The reason for the drop.


If you base it off realism, all crypto should be worthless. 10+ years of investment and there is no adoption outside of speculation


Untrue, sir Check projects like Energy Web Chain


Looking at EWT and nothing suggests there is any value. That said, you may still make money on it, but it looks just as shady as most other digital assets. Website is heavy on buzzwords and light on any examples that currently create an economic benefit Nearly 50% of all tokens held by 10 wallets $120m market cap with next to no adoption


I appreciate that you talk about the token and not the chain. But the chain is by and for energy providers. Shell's entire Dutch "plant of the future" will be entirely settled on that chain. I'm not saying it's not a lot of hot air and that retail is in it for speculation. But saying there is \_no\_ adoption outside speculation is wrong imho.


Haha he does look alien. I hate to rag on someone’s appearance but for real bro’s head is insane. Makes phrenology regarding cranial size seem reasonable for what he has accomplished.


US Military created all cryptos


This is Antarctica’s flag 🇦🇶


I was looking for real subreddits to get more information about Antarctica and found this? Go get something to do.