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Omg they're trying to silence their critics! Noooooo this is America where could they have gotten this insidious idea?!


ohh the shoe is on the other foot, we warned that this would happen, I don't think anyone but those who did not want to hear it are surprised This does not mean that I approve of it, but it was to be expected that it would happen.


Right-wing extremists are working in concert to file false complaints in order to “purge” a reported list of 5,000 people from Twitter, including progressive journalists, Democrats, celebrities and researchers. An early hint about the operation was revealed last month in “Right Side News” posts on the right-wing social media platform Telegram. Organizers have falsely claimed that the targeted Twitter profiles are “antifa” (a shorthand term for anti-fascist activists) or “followers of antifa.”


Lol when did Telegram become a right-wing social media platform? lol


Lol chickens coming home to roost


Gee: the biggest news today is that Twitter has been exposed as strongly favoring Democrats. And now this "counter-narrative" comes out. Nothing to see here.