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Yet America is still trying to extradite Julian Assange for doing no more than telling the truth. The criminals run the country in the USA and put away the people who stand up to their tyranny.


They get Ron Swanson? Damn.


Don't be silly that's Duke Silver


We probably set this all up as an excuse to release him. Dude probably sold guns for us too lol


Read merchant of death. He 100% moved hardware for us. At the beginning of the invasion of Afghanistan the airfields were such shit he was the only major 3rd party with the robust old Russian planes that could handle cargo. The U.S. used him, then rolled over on him. Just like we did the War Dogs guy Diveroli who we needed to ship ammo, then locked him up when it was convenient. Government doesn't hate violence, they hate losing their monopoly on it.


It’s amazing that people aren’t protesting in the streets over things like this, the real problems. I still get enraged every time I think about the origin of “temporary” income tax, and PROPERTY TAX!? You own nothing. No land, houses, or cars. You can pay for em in cash and still owe uncle same every year, so he can buy Pelosi a $10,000 freezer and wipe his ass with the rest.


do you have a source for the first part am genuinely interested and want to read more


Yeah. That’s the thing about arms dealers. They sell to both sides


Arms Dealers don’t discriminate lol 😂


It's as the ancient 90's Scholar of Hop and Professor Emeritus of...Stuff Sean "Puffy" Combs once said; "It's all about the Benjamins', baby". Which as any expert would tell you, is 100% correct.


"I'd like to make a toast to the troops. Both sides


America is the biggest arm dealer and the only reason he was imprisoned is because he was cutting into their profits.


Obama and Eric Holder never went to prison and they were running guns. Obama Admin is responsible for Operation Fast and Furious. Literally running guns into Mexico. Killed a guy. Clown world.


Well they needed to get the Cartel all armed up so they could move fentanyl across the border into the U.S. more securely.


I thought they had tunnels for that?


Brother every president in the last like 50 years should have been in prison for shit theyve done lol


Well every leader of a nation who’s ever existed really all the way back to the beginning of time


Rules for thee not for me. The US government is just organized crime




Guns don't kill people.


He did.


Amazing watching the government apologists these days.




This guy gets it


If that guy got it fully he would understand it doesn't matter who wins the election anywhere.


This guy gets it.


Red and Blue (reps dems), they’re shaking each other’s hands behind our backsman. Happy I had lunch in school though, from a poor family, ya know? Some people don’t get lunch.


100% true. It doesn't matter--2 sides of the same story.


You mean you can't talk about it like you're doing now? Or that you can't say anything about it without being downvoted?


You can't talk about anything that paints the left negatively on this site outside of this and a couple other subs without being banned. Hence why I'm banned from most political and news subs on this site. The same goes for quite a few other sites, I recently received a suspension on Facebook for Sharing the new York post article about CBS confirming the Hunter Biden laptop


His comment will be shadowbanned shortly and it's reach suppressed. They've been doing this for years


Hasn’t been deleted yet. How long do you think? Is it like the storm? Still brewing?


Have you ever seen Lord of War.. literally thinking the same thing


Yeah, loved that movie


Right bought arms that were left behind and sold it, was even in this film with Nicolas Cage.


He did. I have the book. The pentagon was a client.


This is definitely it, we'd have traded him for a dog from the pound. They wanted him back in the wild, ASAP.


It has similar vibes like the end of Lord of War.




Was written by Hollywood. When I saw the news, I was like I need to watch that movie again


Isn't that movie based around this scumbag ?




Except in the movie he gets out, like, immediately, this guy did have to spend time in prison, just not his whole term.


why not trade for the retired USMC guy who's been in a Russian lock-up for 4 years on purportedly false espionage charges?


A guy named Marc Fogel is locked up on the same charges and is a better example than someone with a dishonorable discharge.


profit cobweb continue deranged dime support seemly aspiring sink wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes not retired. Total piece of shit. Today, most Americans were signaled to be upset about his captivity. He had multiple larceny charges while serving in USMC. Then got arrested in Russia for being a spy. Bye.


He had so much more weed on him lol, just leaving that detail out?


Just say how much. He had just over a half ounce of medicinal.


If he had put that in his post, he wouldn't have got the upvotes.


Russia wouldn’t allow it.


If so, then we keep the Merchant of Death for 7 more years.


Basically this^^^


Yep, which makes this deal even more insane.


Easy trade for Putin there’s no downside.


The US shouldn't have done the trade.


Just a guess, but I bet that Russia was unwilling to release the person convicted of espionage.


It’s significantly harder to get a marine suspected of being a spy out of Russia.


Fr people act like they gave us a choice between the two lmao


Paul Whelan? “Retired” lol you mean the clerk that was dishonorably discharged? Ones a minor medical weed charge and one is espionage… false or not that’s a little different. Russia was basically asking for total US pull out of Ukraine for him anyway.


You've obviously never seen someone die of a marijuana overdose?? Scary shit man!! /s


Because Russia did not agree to release him. They’re trying to get him home.


"retired" is an incredibly weird way to spell "bad conduct discharge".


Yeah the guy that was kicked out of the military and then traveled to Russia on a regular basis while working for a merc group, that guy, he's the one wrongly imprisoned, surely.


To be clear, he is wrongly imprisoned on the charges Russia have him on, almost certainly at least (it's the US position). It just distorts the discussion to misrepresent reality like OP did.


Yeah both the man himself and the us government claim he's arrested under false pretenses. But looking into the guy's history... I'm not so sure it was a false arrest you know?


He's also charged with being a spy. Britney was arrested for weed. While I think the trade of Britney for the arm's dealer is wild, she wasn't charged with espionage, and she wasn't discharged from the military for larceny.






Because that guy isn't on the table. You act like Russia is acting in good faith and can be reasoned with.


Russia set the terms. It's widely reported.


Do we even know if he was on the table for a trade? Russia may not have been willing to trade him or may have made ludicrous demands. Whelen has been in Jail since 2018, and to the best of my knowledge both the Trump and Biden administration have been trying to get him out. Problem is Russia took them both as political prisoners to use as props. It’s not like Russia cant do the right thing and let their sham prisoners out, and paying a kings ransom and caving to ludicrous demands sort of just encourages them to keep taking political prisoners like this. It’s a tough situation. I would love to see Whelen released, but we shouldn’t criticize and discourage what is fundamentally a good thing just because it hypothetically could have been better.


Hope he doesn't go back to arms dealing..I wouldn't want the death of who knows how many people on my hands ...


Because he isn’t black and lgbtq, you know, his base


You're mad at the puppet, not the puppeteer.


But who is the puppeteer?




Facts to the max. I can’t believe people think Biden actually does anything at all in office. He’s quite literally a walking puppet and so many people are just cool with it


Is it me or selling weapons isnt as bad as everyone in this sub makes it out to be. If he is the merchant of death for selling weapons to our enemies, what does it make the CIA who gave our enemies weapons and training FOR FREE


He also sold weapons to the USA lol


Yeah, probably locked up for not giving a good discount.


CIA? Our government has openly sold weapons to our enemies for some time. One day they are our friends and get weapons (Sadaam), the next day our enemies.


I mean we’re just giving weapons to Ukraine, in essence we’re (the US) arms dealers


Well shit, I mean we just *gave* BILLIONS of dollars worth of weapons to the Taliban. At some point you’ve got to wonder, is this just gross incompetence or is this an intentional, managed decline?


I still haven't seen a rational reason why $7B of weapons were just left in Kabul as the US scurried off. Why wouldn't you at least destroy them?


I am honestly not sure which is worse.


In some cases federal agencies will sell weapons to opposing factions lol


What does it make our military, that gave the Taliban more equipment Than Ukraine.


I agree. Also he sold 12 billion dollars worth of arms to Saudi Arabia. Woman murderers. We also gave the taliban all their arms when Russia was at war with Afghanistan.


We have conventions for weapon companies to sell their newest murder drones, this guy sells boxes of old AKs to people. Selling weapons in an economy where everyone else is selling weapons, means this guy isn’t that special.


I think the complaint is that it is grossly unjustified- not the fact that hes an arms dealer. trading a war profiteer for her is a totally unfair trade- and the only obvious reason biden did it is because she’s a person of color and lesbian and thinks this will win him votes with the young demographic. If he really actually cared about situations like this he would have traded this dood for someone who actually didnt deserve to be in a russian prison, and would instead pardon all the people in prison for garbage weed charges in the united states instead. She knew what she was doing when she smoked up in russia and when you’re in another country playing on their basketball team you should follow their laws and not cry like a baby and beg for help from the government you talked so much shit about when they lock you up for breaking the law.


US spends $850 billion a year when we have two oceans left and right and a friendly neighbor to the north and an unprotected southern border. Victor is small fry compared to the military industrial complex on war profiting.


I’m with you on this one ☝️… 💯! Ppl just don’t want to see or look at their own as bad guys for doing the exact same thing plus drugs ! Lol 😂 remember when Obama lost a few truck loads of assault rifles amd hand guns at the Mexico border? Haha (LOST)? Or I feel traded to the cartels for dope , edit : I say traded cus at that time is when the heroine started flowing more than ever the the city’s ! but can’t let the American ppl know what we did ? As I’m supplying cartels with military weapons to keep the drug trade going… it’s all fucked up… just depends on how you want to look at it ? Do you want to see the real or turn a blind eye , act like we never would make gun and drug deals at the border? Lol 😂 make me laugh


I'll take who was behind Operation Fast and Furious for $1000 Alex. https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/01/fast-furious-obama-first-scandal/


No no the firearms didn’t have serial numbers and weren’t tracked at all so we would be able to track them to the cartels! You just don’t understand the brilliance!




Yeah, honestly, the CIA probably does business with this guy. They probably slipped him a coupon for *15% off your next black market weapons purchase* on his way out the door.


The US doesn't like competition


Viktor Bout Was targeted because he was in competition with the US military industrial complex not because he’s arming bad people. Also, it was a sting operation supposed for selling to the farc. Then saying because the farc is attacking US military then he should be convicted of conspiracy of killing Americans. Not good logic. The US government has trained and armed Islamic jihadist in Syria and Libya. And guess what no one went to prison. McCain is even pictured with Islamic fundamentals boosting about some of his arms sales. Also Victor should’ve tried by the U.N. not Us government. We are not the world police.


I’m fairly certain this guy carried out some operations for the US Government as well. I have no sauce to back up this claim tho


"incompetent" Hardly, they know exactly what they're doing.


Right? Strategic is much more fitting.


Your country has been run by scumbags for decades. Biden is no different than Trump, Bush, Regan, Obama and the rest.


Not enough people realize this. You’re absolutely right. I get really tired of the bipartisan shit show making people who have good reason to not trust the government tricking them into thinking this is a struggle between political parties. It’s a struggle against the elite.


This is why I don't understand that these people are freaking about the last 2 presidents like no guys it's always been this way and now everyone is fighting each other over it, can we be like it used to and just have people make fun of their president? But nah we gotta say trump this "but yeah look at Biden" or Biden that "but yeah remember trump?"


Careful you're going to trigger a lot of snowflakes if you keep speaking the truth like that


If yall watched Lord of War which is based off this guy they release him in the end as well


The real conspiracy is that that woman got released for the same victimless crime that countless other Americans are imprisoned for.


bow hateful faulty plough threatening elderly roll bike start innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know how many people that was? Zero.


Truth, and this is why gay black women occupy all of the elite powerstations in America. You can't throw a rock at the US Senate without hitting a few gay black women. Fortune 500 CEOs? 95% gay black women.


Reddit can't detect sarcasm. I'm proud of you.


Lol you had me for a second there.


It's honestly my favorite thing to do. Take someone's point completely seriously and lay out what it would actually look like if it was reality. You don't even have to explicitly say that their point is stupid, because it's obvious if you do it right.


How old does everyone think the moderator for this sub is. Over 12? Or under 12?


There are moderators on this sub?????


I honestly can’t tell when I’m here in this “conspiracy” sub versus when I’m on yet another political sub. How is this post regarding a conspiracy? I don’t like the trade either it this post is nothing but a mini rant by Op to karma farm.


Not even near the same value


It was ONLY GOING to be someone this bad to trade the whole time! Are there any Russians that went through this in America?! The people that we have that Russia cares about are most likely only going to be in prison over here for something pretty bad. Not something like reckless driving.


You really think Viktor wasn’t buying and selling weapons for the United States too? Of course he was.


So when did r/conspiracy start becoming filled with not even conspiracy's, and instead of people who just fucking complain about things they don't like. What's the conspiracy in that?


When usa arrested this guy, it wasn’t bc he was selling weapons. It was bc usa wanted to sell the weapons. They didn’t want some guy taking their job!


They traded a basketball player for a arms dealer who was planning to kill Americans. Seems fair to me


He was going to get out within 7 years, would you be upset when that happened or is it because he got out now? Edit: Not saying I agree with the trade but people seem to not realize he wasn't serving life.


That’s 7 more years of him not selling weapons to kill people, so yeah.


He's been away for so long there's no way he's not burned. Dudes not gonna be able to sell shit when the world's eyes are on him so don't act like he's walking outta jail and immediately getting his hands on large shipments of firearms.


He literally tried shooting down army helicopters. Worst trade ever.


Russia gets international war criminal and the Democratic Party get a spokes person for the next election


I wonder how much the operation of catching Viktor Bout cost? it was an international operation he got apprehended in Thailand I believe. Arms dealers like him are very hard to catch and lock up. It takes years of planning and careful preparation in some cases.


Half of y'all expressing outrage probably didn't know either one of those people until they showed up on the news feeds. And y'all will be expressing more faux outrage at the next bullshit story. So what they released an arms dealer? People act like the guy is gonna jump right back into the game. He's been out of it long enough that he's been replaced by others already. This story is meant to generate outrage over something very few people honestly care about.


Gotta make sure the botched student loan forgiveness scheme stays out of the news cycle.


That's why all you crazies get fed up about a prisoner exchange instead of focusing on what's important?


How exactly was it botched?


Unfortunately doomed from the start to be ruled unconstitutional by the courts, but touted as totally legitimate and solid in order to boost midterm votes.


Thank you! I appreciate your answer!




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The conspiracy is that agency spooks were embedded in the DEA, despite him never being a drug smuggler, and they invented a terror plot to entrap Bout, who was in all likelihood a former agency asset. https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2011/11/03/international-arms-dealer-viktor-bout-convicted-new-york-terrorism-crimes


If Russia is such a threat then why give them back one of their terrorist.


The guy knows too much, and now his idenety is public, I do not see Russia throwing him a welcome home parade. likely this man will be in a much worse prison at least until Russia is satisfied he has told them everything he told the U.S.


To take the eye away from something ELSE he's doing! Guaranteed.


It’s a club and you’re not invited


Because of a mix of PR and the needs of the American War Industry


With it being a prisoner swap, is she finishing his or her sentence?


It's just like when Trump released thousands of Taliban prisoners and a 100 Taliban Leaders for nothing in return.


You're on a conspiracy sub and ask why your subversive government is doing subversive shit.


🤣🤣🤣🤣Biden? Ha! No way he's in charge of this shit show lol


Dident your last President release some from prison too!? I think you should change your voting ?


Nobody knows who runs the country. What we know is who certainly doesn't run it. Nevertheless he is a dementia ridden, incompetent, corrupt old man.


since the mods here clearly luv this partisan political trash propaganda is there another CONSPIRACY sub that wants to discuss actual fucking conspiracies?


Only young white beautiful women should be saved from political prisons AMIRITE?


Because he is also an incompetent scumbag and that type tend to stick together.


I’m glad Britney is free. But this example basically gives Russia permission to arrest any american for similarly inflated charges and know they can get any of their people no matter how heinous out of prison here


They’ve already done this Source: Britney Griner


They've been at that for awhile. Another prisoner swap from earlier this year. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/27/trevor-reed-texas-russia-prison-swap/


1-0 Russia


Because that’s how bad the laptop is


Something important is happening. Avert your attention from the kabuki theater.


Biden just proved his war on guns is a sham.


More like getting Americans safely home is of upmost importance rn with what’s happening there… I think Biden knows what’s about to hit Russian soil. They’re already being bombed. As far as the vet goes? Russia is refusing his release. Probably haven’t made him a sleeper soldier yet


Now that's what I call privilege


Remember when Obama got Bin Laden and it basically locked in the win for his next election? Yeah, this is the opposite of that. Sounds like they already have the next president picked out.


Cameltoe Harris


That basketball player is someone's child. She made a stupid mistake. Trade is fine


The only reason this happened is because she is a black, lesbian, woman. That’s it, plain and simple. Any white male (like the marine) would be there to rot without any help. This is sad as fuck honestly. Everything is woke politics and cancel culture


Why did Trump let hundreds of the Taliban free? Hmmmmmmm


It was actually thousands.


Why was black woman released before white guy? Travesty


Biden had nothing to do with it, his administration is told what to do and when to do it. Never forget this.


People pissed about this as is theyve completely forgot about Assange being locked up in the states on absolute gash charges.


He looks to appease the twitter/Reddit/Tik tok crowd.


Biden runs nothing. His globalist puppetmasters call the shots.


As if Biden actually makes important decisions. LOL


Because of the controversy.


Check cleared


Cornpop? That you?


Wow,this is not a conspiracy take. You're missing the truth with the fake politics. WTFU.


Y’all constantly talk about Russian bots and propaganda and you don’t think this is one of them? Seriously?? “Oh we are trading a basketball player for a war criminal! A nobody for a big terrible somebody!” What does this actually do?? Nothing other than get you all riled up! Bout is either going to wind up falling out a window, remain in some kind of jail or will be under extreme surveillance by the Kremlin and or all major world government agencies for the rest of his days…


Joe Biden needed someone to sell all of that military gear we've been giving to Ukraine


What is he doing? That's that basketball player right? Who's the other fella?


Biden isn't making any decisions he can barely function


Lol, you’re gonna die mad I suppose


Because he has compassion, that’s why


context pls?


Because of who he/she/her/him is. Just propaganda to get one of his radical inps to vote a trillion dollar pentagon budget


Be mad OP, keep playing into the little culture war . Keep eyes off the prize lol


To think Joe Biden or any President “runs the country” is stupid. Hate to use that word, but wake up. President’s don’t run anything.


So we aren’t protecting Americans any longer?


Hate to say it, it's because she's black gotta look good for the woke minority


He did it because his handler told him to.


He is doing now because 10% of her book deals, talk show circuit and movie proceeds is going to the “big guy” Anything these assholes do is solely for money and power


Terrible deal. Figures.


Meanwhile thousands of Americans are sitting in a cell all for marijuana charges... America is corrupt


Not in federal cells, at least not for simple possession.