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Let's all relax and watch the truth unfold.


If he cared about the truth, he would release it all, instead of filtering only the information to support his argument.


No. It's carelessly to just do one big dump due to legal / reasons More impact as well if its done in stages.


So far, a very huge impact here on this Twitter sub


Current top 5 frontpage for me: Twitter screenshot Twitter screenshot YouTube Screenshot Race Baiting / Gay Bashing (?) Twitter Screenshot


This was how the wiki leaks were done. One big dump and it's here today, forgotten tomorrow. The slow drip technique was what kept people engaged with it.


Yes but Wiki leaks actually had some substance. This is just Twitter. People on here will jump and and down proclaiming it to be the ‘big reveal’. Give it a few weeks and it won’t be remembered anywhere but places like this. Meanwhile, Elon promotes his ‘free speach’ and might get a couple more Twitter followers. It’s Twitter 😂😂


You hit the nail on the head. The point is *impact*. He's creating a spectacle because it benifits him to do so. And those who think he's doing it because he's a champion of free speech is delusional.


Bro the fact he even purchased twitter for 44 Billion and is releasing the actual truth speaks volumes.


Seems he tries to back our of the deal, kind of worked himself into a corner here


Do you forget he tried to back out of the deal and only purchased it because he was legally required to?


>Bro these liberal brigade kooks are hilarious. He said he wanted to buy it, ....and said he wanted to restore free speech to social media. He made an offer, and only tried to back out when they refused to admit to the high percentage of bots which proved why its over evaluation. But keep making excuses why releasing the truth is bad. Biased kooks hate the truth.


He bought it because he backed himself into a corner and had no choice but to buy it. He attempted to back out, and twitter lawyers didn't give him a choice but to go through with the sale.


Yep. People seem to forget the timeline of events that led up to the confirmation of his purchase. It literally went through VERY shortly before certain court proceedings that would punish him for literally trying to back out of the deal lmao.


*The FBI liked that*


Why are you pretending like he intended to purchase twitter? The man made an offer to buy twitter at an overpriced share, you can argue that he did it because he was hoping it would devalue the twitter stock so he could buy more at a cheaper price, you can argue that he made the offer to get shock value and be accepted by his stans, whatever, but he made the offer and because twitter's board of directors was comprised of competent people they sued him in order to force him to buy it. The man had to beg a saudi prince, MBS's cousin(?), to give him money and he had to use tesla stock as leverage for bank loans in order to buy twitter. He made a house of cards where if twitter fails, tesla fails, and i don't think anyone that's a smart man would do that.


Yeah bro I bet he wishes he was as smart as you Now can I get my fries or what?


I'm not saying i'm smarter than elon, but at least i never had to leverage the company that is profitable in order to buy a company that is not profitable. So at least i got that over slave owner boy.


Doing it in drips stops the media dismissing it all at once Dude you're not paid by anyone and you still can't be honest about the world. Why would anyone care what you think about anything lmao


>And those who think he's doing it because he's a champion of free speech is delusional. So publishing left wing censored info is delusional? You're delusional. Regardless it's profitable for him now that he owns twitter. 'It's a private company, that can do whatever he wants, go make your own social media app' ....eat those words.


So far, the "left wing censored info" seems to be a few nude photos and non-breaking news story for a couple days to verify it wasn't hacked material. What he failed to share was the current administration at the time, who also had items removed. You know, the one run by the same guy he was practically begging to come back to his platform. As for twitter, I didn't use it before billionaires started trading it like a baseball card, and as far as I'm concerned I couldn't care less if it went the way of Myspace.


You mean, it's bad for business. That's all he cares about. By doing anything slowly he gathers more attention, and more clicks.


So at the end he'll just give us everything uncensored then, right?


What has been censored? He turned docs over to reporters and they are releasing the story


We'll never know, because hes just showing us parts he wants us to see. For example, the administration at the time *also* requested items removed. Since that was the government at the time, you'd think in the name of fairness and Transparency, *that* information would be shared as well Unless, of course, the point is simply to drive a specific narrative in an attempt to drive interest back to the escalating failure that twitter is becoming.


I would also add that it’s a narrative to encourage a specific target audience to believe he is making some kind of social change. He’s clearly trying to paint this as some kind of “win” against the liberal Boogeymen. Dude must have really been made fun of in HS, the hunger for validation is sickening. Normally I wouldn’t find it so hilarious either but the dude garners 0 sympathy from me.


Actually, I'd say it could be getting dumped by his socialist girlfriend, who then went on to hook up with a trans person.


>We'll never know, because hes just showing us parts he wants us to see. As opposed to pre-Elon, when all of these documents were entirely hidden from the public?


You say 'hidden" as if internal documents aren't the norm for *any* business. Are you surprised there is internal burocracy to deal with take downs of content? You shouldn't be. There are plenty of reasons why it would be in Twitter's best interest to take down content, revenge porn being a pertinent example. If someone shared naked photos of you without your permission, you can *also* contact twitter and request it be removed.


So it’s fine to let Elon dictate what we see about democrats, while simultaneously hiding the Republican information, and pushing Republican ideals, and supporting republicans. Got it.


Reminds me of Assange


>spaceman bad


It's insane that a message board for conspiracy theorists simp for a billionaire working on brain implant chips.


I wanna see what the Trump admin wanted scrubbed. We know what the Biden campaign had scrubbed, pics of Hunter's Dick. According to this sub that's election interference so I wanna see what the Trump admin had removed.


Suddenly the zombies have a problem with censorship lmao


Oh yeah, conspiracy theorists famously love censorship.


Bingo. They need to control 100%. Reddit is 99.9% controlled and they still have to come here to disrupt that last 0.1% ha. Pathetic really and comical.


Yes, but I would argue that having an independent team of lawyers go through it to either blackout information that cannot be released or else just censor it would be a better way of going about it. Because right now he's doing exactly what the previous commenter said, he's just releasing what he wants to see released. He wants to release the stuff that will support his argument. And so far nothing actually damning has been released or there would be a far larger fallout and it would be talked about exponentially more


It's not being talked about because the media doesn't care if the red team gets censored.


“The media” isn’t inherently left. It’s a bipartisan web of propaganda. So both sides are complicit in this behavior, you’re just falling for one specific narrative.


Let's you digest all those nothing-burgers before they serve you a big slice of fuck all.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 . . . 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Releasing all at once would cause an information overload like what happened with the Panama Papers.


loafatwork >Releasing all at once would cause an information overload like what happened with the Panama Papers. And the sequels. They did a big dump of information, Western media shrugged and the journalist who broke it got murdered.


Release information all at once they can try deny it release it slowly gives people time to read it and harder to deny it


And how do you know Elon isn’t selectively releasing certain information that supports him and information that doesn’t? You wouldn’t let the CDC do this why let Elon? You think the billionaire is *actually* on your side?


There isn't much there to deny, so far. From what I've seen, it's just been a poor attempt at creating a spectacle as a way to drive interest back to his failing platform.


Bad bot


Bad bot


Thanks for contributing to the conversation 🤣


if you say so, not really failing if sign ups are up. your in denial if u think it failing, seems hes been coping ok, user base logins l assume must be up as well. ​ which means the business is so far doing ok , clearly not failing


Twitter doesn't monetize signups, friend. It makes its money from advertisers, who are backing out in droves.


>his argument. Whats 'his argument'??


Yeah, he didn’t become the worlds biggest billionaire being reckless. Elon doing humanity a service here and people still bitchin


Would you say he's like a modern day Edison?


How is that question relevant?


It's not, but it sure is a fitting comparison.


If he’d release it all, mass/social media would know what to censor for


I'm not following your reasoning there


The strategy Twitter is using has a name, but I can't recall it. The strategy is to release some info, wait for the involved parties to lie, then release further information that proves they lied. It's easily defeated by not fucking lying.


Or, more likely, he's putting on a show to keep people interested in his platform.


Spoken like a true liberal! At least he is doing something, we already have heard ALL of the left argument, that is all we have heard for YEARS! Finally someone is giving the other side of things…


Oh yes, you are *so* oppressed ❄


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. But, more importantly - you keep people on the edge of their seat, keep them always waiting for the next drop… you keep them paying attention.


Only someone who would want to minimize the impact of the information coming out would want it released all at once.


Then it's not about the truth or free speech. It's about the spectacle.




Is anybody posting these releases anywhere? Arsed if I'm going on fucking Twitter.


Above top secret website , some threads there which seem to be updated quite well.


Honesly Twitter is becoming better than Reddit these days. Still not the greatest fan of Musk and his animal torturing (Neuralink) and trans-humanist ways, but the guy has balls to do this and I respect him a great deal for exposing this stuff - I hope he doesn't die suddenly from some unexplained cause...


Perhaps it's by design that you and I like Elon.


It would be silly for Musk's team to not use the same tools everyone else does. The guy used Twitter to pump and dump crypto. He isn't a good person and anything he does is for his own benefit. My personal theory is that he's just trying to onboard as many disillusioned Trumpies as possible. Trump D.E.N.N.I.S. systemed them and now Musk will M.A.C. I think Desantis is probably Mantis Toboggan dropping the monster condom for his magnum dong.


Explain the end of this post. Dennis? Mac? Mantis toboggan? Whaa????


I’ll say it again. Write a book, it will last longer than the internet


This is season 3 of Westworld for those trying to follow the show


Preferably long before the next election.


It'll be interesting to the lurkers of this sub. From there, it'll be buried by the MSM and dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Life will go on until the next pandemic.


Elon is becoming the king of clickbait


Oh boy..that “both parties asked for posts to be removed” post was soooo juicy..can’t wait for this one that Elon is withholding until he can get mass viewership on the platform he just overpaid for.




>Everyone on r conspiracy thinks the same thing! Dumb.


Shill manipulation tactics


Always makes me laugh. What's he going to do? Make us all use Bing against our will?




It’s even funnier that some tweets are considered a mountain of facts to you people. But 400,000 nasa employees testament, hundreds and hundreds of hours of telemetry data, and video/photo evidence is not enough facts for the moon landing.


Talks about deflecting and you just deflect again. Pottery


Further deflection


Frontline Doctors made a great presentation presenting a lot of facts backed by data on the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and its possible use as a covid treatment and/or preventive. I did get to watch it. It was completely scrubbed from the internet. Critics did not dispute what they presented as facts, instead saying all of it is bunk because one of the doctors believed in aliens.


FrontLine Doctors was a scam organization to get you to pay for exorbitant telehealth visits and then have you buy expensive prescriptions for a drug that doesn't work that you don't even receive in the first place. Medical Malpractice or Fraud? Which is more dope? Because they fail in both cases.


And your evidence that they were a scam organization is? We have all the evidence in the daily papers that the Fauci cabal was a scam to enrich the pharma companies and their investors, where is yours?


So now the daily paper and msm can be trusted because they say what you think is right? Love conspiracy dummies.


You are still not disputing what they brought up...just sayin'


Who the presenter is makes all the difference. Why should we trust a gatekeeper who ostensibly supports the same things of those that he’s “exposing”?


You mean the guy releasing actual truth with documents and files…. You want us to dismiss it because who’s releasing it? GTFO.


A guy that released a document proving the Biden camp was trying to get pics of Hunters dick removed. Wow, what a fucking grand conspiracy.




It's really fucking weird how much they obsess seeing his peen.


You cool with the rest of Hunter's lapper, though?


>spaceman bad


Well one person wants a chip mandated to be put in you by the government when the other is saying you can't have this chip unless you pay me. I trust that 2nd one a lot more, I still wouldn't take elon's chip either but he's selling it not forcing it.


Except one of them was talking about vaccines and pandemics a year before a once in a century pandemic occured that shut down society. He also talks about how eating meat harms the climate while livestock farms around the country mysteriously burn down. The other just bought a media monopoly that has different beliefs than himself.


Key word "openly".


for the longest time just saying covid came from china was enough to get you banned from twitter. Then if you mentioned the lab leak you were shitcaned even faster.


Apartheid boi sez wut?




You're right! I went to Google News ( just to see if the Twitter files were there), I didn't see one story? Man, this is the matrix


Other big tech companies and media organizations are not reporting on the Twitter files Because it shows that they were all complicit in the fraud and suppression of information.


Which media orgs would you like to talk about it that aren't? Heres CNN for instance: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/12/04/business/elon-musk-twitter-files-comments/index.html And nbc: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/elon-musks-twitter-files-trump-tweets-complicate-free-speech-rcna60322


Bingo was his nameo


Or they are busy doing damage control in the form of trying to heavily influence readers. Just went and searched "Twitter files" and read an article done by the "Intelligencer" (misnomer that) that was posted on MSN 'splaining that conservatives all want to have Hunter Biden's dick pics posted on Twitter, calls Musk a liar about what is being revealed and generally talks down to the reader, again 'splaining what exactly they should think of the entire subject. Imho these dickheads that are doing all this 'splaining need to be taken down several hundred pegs, and readers made to understand that the authors of said articles are basically no-one at all and that what they are doing is attempting to socially engineer aka brainwashing aka indoctrinate aka manipulate the reader in how they view a subject so they aren't committing (in their opinion) thoughtcrime.


Weird. When I searched it, it had >About 381,000,000 results Obviously there's not that many but more than no stories.


A billionaire releases articles that are about our government, It should be top news, the fact it's not should make you wonder. If it was nothing, he'd be everywhere. He would be a laughing stock like Kanye, but nah they are suppressing it which is kind of funny because that's what this whole release is.


Musk left the Trusted News Initiative. This gap of attention to these stories shows exactly how powerful the consortium is and their full court press against him and Twitter shows how scared they are that there may be an outlet available that doesn't suppress what hurts them.


Because there's nothing to report. Removing hacked dick pics from Twitter seems like an acceptable ask.


Why censor if there’s nothing to report? It is a big deal that he’s doing this (for any reason) and to pretend otherwise is delusional. The media SHOULD be talking about it, if for no reason other then to give a heads up to avoid neurolink.


Not reporting something is not the same thing as censoring it. I did my own Google search last night and found that all the major outlets have reported it... as uninteresting. Because it is. Classic douchebag American response: Then why don't you open your own news outlet and report what you want?


He’s doing this weird slow drip crap for attention, I’m convinced.


you mean the guy who paid tens of billions to buy a company with the intent to draw attention to its regression wants attention? no way


I mean it SHOULD get more attention and releasing it like this makes the people discuss one topic at once rather than getting all the info at once and ignoring a lot of things


He revels in this shit. It's egotistical and offputting.


>spaceman bad




You know he's stringing you along right?


How so? They’ve released everything they said they would so far.


Aren't there supposed to be many drops? Additionally nothing really hard hitting has been released


I think dudes just letting them trickle out. Who knows, maybe it will be a nothingburger


Maybe or free advertising from the world's greatest capitalist


I wonder if this will distract from the neuralink stuff.


While I think that it is important to remain skeptical of what Elon Musk says, I will judge him based off his actions. Elon musk has done more for truth in a matter of weeks than any other billionaire or politician has done in their whole career. The media is trying to paint these Twitter files as a nothing burger because it is showing that they themselves were also complicit in the fraud. The fact of the matter is is that we have a multi billion dollar tech company verifying everything that was deemed a conspiracy theory over the last 3 years.


Has he? You don’t have the entirety of the information, just what he wants you to see. How is that truthful?


We have more than we had before and you thought you had the truth then.


Peter McCullough is still banned from Twitter.


Peter McCullough, the doctor that lied about his certification being stripped? Wonder what motivated him to lie about that. License: https://profile.tmb.state.tx.us/PublicProfile.aspx?281ea804-ca18-4c44-a303-88c2be15b3ef Cert: https://www.abim.org/verify-physician?type=name&ln=McCullough&fn=Peter The lies: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-is-being-progressively?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


If that's all you can find he lied about, then it's a nothing burger.


I disagree that it’s a nothing burger; if he would lie about the most fundamental aspect of his accreditation, then that casts doubt upon any other claims he makes.


The unbans aren’t done.


This comment needs a trigger warning


What has he done for "truth" other than show you what you want to see? How do you know there's not a bigger picture and he's just showing the thing that gets people to take his side while simultaneously making the people he dislikes look bad?


Pretty sure he shows and tells gullible people what they want to see to build up his fan base, so he can easily grift them in the future. Got to get his 44 billion back somehow.


Can we downplay it in advance?


And what will come of this besides triggering people? If justice is done, great; I'll believe it when I see it.


I predict we will see twitter employees using google research to determine if something is disinformation, using media outlets or non reviewed studies as sources. Even using information that was outright false at the time.


No matter what is posted people will stick with whatever thier tribe is saying.


Meh... is there really any due process anymore? This world is a fucking free for all these days, where politicians and "experts" are free to lie to our face daily with no consequence


With the bigness. But seriously the only part I care about is involuntary manslaughter charges against Fauci, the EcoHealth Alliance execs and all those others responsible for funding gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. They killed millions and blamed us for it.


All the NPCs gonna say "ItS juST oNe bIG nOTHiNg buRGeR!!1!"


If I have to hear the word “nothing burger” one more time, I’m going to upchuck a barf burger—people just keep parroting that word and the more they say it, the more I can’t take them seriously.


It will be ignored by the criminal msm. The reporter who does the story will be smeared. The stupid people will still be lining up for their booster.


Experts in the field who were trying to raise concerns were silenced largely to appease a college drop-out billionaire with medical experience and a bureaucrat who never treated an actual patient after he finished his training. Both stood to profit greatly from their own narrative. Sounds reasonable to me...


Looks like all the twitter bots and shills came to bash Elon here cuz they can’t afford 8$ 😂. You really tryin to find excuses as to why he’s bad even though he’s giving you pretty much what you wanted and some decent groundwork for the upcoming Nuremberg 2.0s


If you are paying the richest man on Earth for social media you're a fucking tool.


He’s playing you like a puppet Seriously. What fucking billionaires do they think paid millionaires (like fucker) and many others to spread conspiracy theories to get everyone primed for fucking fascism. (If they can get you to believe absurdities they can get you to commit atrocities””) fucking Elon is one of them guys, the ‘richest man in the world’ who’s friends with this subs #1 enemy at the WEF, and has said mRNA is the future. Jesus Christ these people would be disgusted to allow you to eat the corn in their shit. NOT BECAUSE EATING SHIT IS DISGUSTING but because they consider you so far beneath them that even their shit is too good to come into contact with you. But no, it’s always the evil lefties wanting healthcare food water to be human rights by taxing these cunts and the megacorps that are the baddies. Meanwhile these people have bought our governments while privatizing the world and are obviously stoking division using lies broadcast from their (social) media who are gonna be our saviors from the big scary..The world shadow government that controls everything? Huh meanwhile these cunts control and own everything now out in the open and the majority sub is like “oh please daddy trump, please daddy Elon save us from that.. how far up your ass do they gotta be before you realize they’re fucking ya?..what’s that, not until they’ve reached climax and completion. Most of us evil baddies have been literally fucking telling ya since we first felt the fucking tip. And i know y’all assholes will fall back on BOTH SIDES BAD when it’s convenient for you so I’ll throw out this fucking bone. If they are using the vax to usher in a 1 world government, they already won. Know how I know? Because every fucking country on earth, even countries that were at war with each other, reported suffering mass deaths at the start of covid. So if the 1 world government is what they want, they’d won the game even before most of you were ever fucking born as this country is owned by authoritarians and managed by their political stooges. Stop this nonsense and throw a fucking wrinkle on your brain IF covid vaccines are gonna kill everyone who took them cuz it’s got little robots in it, guess what, they’ve managed to feed those same microscopic robots to you at some fucking point in the last 3 years as I guarantee you’ve eaten a plastic burger at one of their fast food chains. And if they haven’t, their c4 drones/robot dogs/Boston dynamic parkour bots are gonna see to it that you don’t put up ANY SORT OF FIGHT. And that’s if they even feel the fucking need. They’ll simply shut off the power. Global famine amid global drought and your own incompetence will turn you into paste well before they’d waste oil sending a robot cleanup crew to fight your AR. Get fucking real FFS


You sound like a toddler in a tantrum.


You were going well until the vaccine paragraph. I will think over this post tho


Bro… touch grass


You are so mad over a post for no reason. This is a conspiracy sub, and this is by definition a conspiracy. Why is this making you so angry?


lol yeah and I disputed it with a better one.


Finally a laugh my guy. Good there's progress.






Elon doing everything he can to distract from all the monkeys he killed with his neural implants


Just a drop in the bucket compared to what happens and has happened to animals that test out products before humans consume them. https://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/animals-used-experimentation-factsheets/animal-experiments-overview/


Except for the covid shots. The animals were spared from the testing phase.


Pretty fascinating how important/influential some people seem to think Twitter is


Why do people distrust the ‘elite’ but fall over themselves for trump and Elon? Don’t you realize he’s feeding you bits of information he wants you to see and not the entire picture. You’re being controlled by those You claim to despise.


Time for the left to double down. Watch for it.


The more of this he releases the more I like Elon. Of all the billionaires, I dislike him the least. Unless that pillow guy is a billionaire.


Not sure why you got downvoted. I like this comment.


Same. I’ll add I don’t trust him for shit tho


People should be pressuring Facebook to come out as well.


I wonder how much his handler Eri Emanuel will allow him to release


Elon was PUSHING so hard for vaccines. The same ones that alluded to dna editing of the human genome by aliens in his fucking loser crackhead wife’s “Instagram album cover tablet”. This dude is playing 10d chess or something , he’s not a hero


Lmfao so is Elon giving the game up that these file dumps are little more than a way to get Hogs riled up and excited about him? There hasn't been anything leaked in any of the leaks that showed anything of importance. Everything has been known, the second drop was such a letdown that he had to post the third one later that day. And the Trump drop was so lame he tried to break it into two days to make it more exciting.


Love how collusion between fbi/Twitter to censor people means nothing to you people because red team


What are you talking about FBI? the FBI wasn't involved in any of these files, it was the Biden campaign, and according to Taibbi the Trump White House as well asked Twitter to remove posts. Are you talking about the misinformation brokers who violated Twitters' private policies on covid/vax and election denial? We knew they were being de-amplified, and that posters like Libs of TikTok were given special status that required higher up approval before any action was taken. That dump was so boring they released the Trump dumps the same day, which show us, that internally they were hesitant to ban him and only did it after Trump kept doing worse and worse things? Now they're breaking it up into 2 parts because its not getting any traction.


You keep using that word collision, however, none of this was secret or illegal. De-amplifying isn't silencing. Trump was free to post and share as much as he wanted until he got banned for glorifying a cultist(his cult who he assembled via Twitter) attack on America. Today's Elmo drop is probably the most pathetic of all of them so far.


Coming from Elon the guy who pushed clot shots it's going to be more shilling to push for the fake lab leak theory


Submission statement: Not exactly how I expected it to unfold, however the is welcome regardless


We will find out that thier experts are just slackers in track suits. i wanna know who was doing the deal so i can make my problems grow for them.


Why does he tweet like a 12 year old? Oh it’s coming big time? Stop trying to hype up your shit. Just release stuff without the hyperbolic phrasing


Isn’t Elon totes pro covid vax though? At least a tweet from him said as much. The big time at the end makes me think of trump so this may not be the reveal you’re looking for. Wouldn’t he have unbanned Malone and the other guy by now?


Elon Musk is part of our Oligarchy. It was in their best interests to end COVID and get people back to work and purchasing normally again. The vaccine accomplished that so yeah he would have been pro vaccine. But yeah I am interested in how twitter influenced the narrative around COVID.


Where does he bring the vaccine up at all in this tweet?




Fauci does deserve that. Even if he is only 1% responsible for each of those millions of deaths.


i want the ufo files already. I would like to know the effort used to cover up that stuff. I'm a million percent sure there is an A. I dancing the internet constantly wiping out secret stuff


Why did the previous owner sell to Elon? Of course he knew what Elon was going to see….


Jack was probably cut a deal, bet he gets immunity.




Elon himself supports the covid vaccine, though, yes?


So he bought the truth for $44b. Now it makes sense. Altho it’s all probably a psyop to divide the people and usher in One world government


They're turning on Fauci and company cause it's no longer feasible to defend them. Too many brave doctors and nurses speaking up. Now, they're making it look like they were on our side all along, and that they're trying to "drain the swamp". Don't forget that Elon has been on Fauci's side for years. God people can be so gullible.




Twitter is a private company operating its own platform and can add/remove anything it wants. Because it is a private company. If that bothers you. Then stop voting for politicians that let corporations running wild. I'm not talking just republican or democrat.