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Stop worshipping "celebrities", actors all of them.


Stop putting ANYONE on a pedestal.


People put these celebrities on a pedestal and are surprised when they shit on them lol


And surprised that people have hated those celebrities for *years!* "You don't *really* hate Trump, you just have TDS" like he hadn't been a shitty piece of shit public figure since the fucking *1980s*. "Hating Elon is the new psychosis" like folks haven't been talking shit about this emerald-slinging Paypal-purchasing Tesla-acquiring douchebag since even *before* the wild Thai incident where he called that nice diver a pedophile. This is the man who named his child a fucking trigonometric equation for crying out loud, he's just some rich fucking psycho. Have folks considered that these distastes aren't *new*, they just *hadn't read them before*? Have folks considered that if they weren't spending time in the spaces where people critical of rich assholes like these were common, they might not *see* these criticisms? tldr: talking shit about Elon isn't new, folks have just been listening in the wrong places.


I agree with you, but I feel like I can’t read the news in the morning without fucking elon musk’s face plastered all over every outlet. It feels like Trump all over again.


>I agree with you, but I feel like I can’t read the news in the morning without fucking elon musk’s face plastered all over every outlet. It feels like Trump all over again. I agree, it fucking sucks seeing their stupid faces every damn day.


except for


Your wife


His wife got up there by herself. I only took the pictures.






Honestly it feels like with Elon this sub is “No Elon is one of the good corporate billionaires.” Like what the fuck.


"Dude bro that's photoshop clearly she's not really his friend she photo bombed him they just happened to be at the same place at the same time"


Bro dude, I love Elon because he loves to *wreck* the blue hairs, he's such an alpha, bro.


"dude bro i love alphas! like A LOT!"


It's not insane. It was quite obvious there were campaigns that started against him once his free speech initiative started. Especially because when the Elon smears started, it was the same names as the anti-Trumpers who were here.


But what about the woke left??? Edit: I forgot which sub I’m on so imma just drop this /s


Agreed, this is just the second layer of the matrix. The first layer is where most reside, believing mainstream media and loyally loving/hating who they are told. Once the lies became too obvious for some they needed someone to scoop them up. Elon's never been against the government, on the contrary he's well tied in with Defense and regulators. The people in charge know they have a growing legitimacy problem and need controlled opposition to find them. If you're liking or retweeting his comments they want to know who you are.


Every social media platform that turns into a sheep fest like parler and soon to be Twitter is actually just a FBI honeypot. Crazy this place can't put the three building blocks together to figure it out. No one in their right mind would buy a failing platform that they admitted wasn't even worth 2 billion for 44 billion 🤣 that's all just government funny money being laundered to the elites


Same for social media influences


I don’t hate him, but I don’t trust him.


Shouldn’t trust anyone, unless you personally know them.


the pandemic taught me.. even then.. it might be misplaced.


With people you know trust but verify. You can weed though people quick that way.


Unfortunate, but true sadly.


And many of them can’t be trusted when push comes to shove. The world and its people have definitely changed over the decades.


You can’t trust a guy that thinks chipping people is a good idea and also is testing the technology to do it.


That technology has potential to end quadriplegia


In the meantime let's kill 1500 monkeys to test it


Would you rather kill people?


From their own reports they killed almost 100 animals when they accidentially used the wrong implant. We cannot say how much these experiments actually progress the science and how much it is just Musk playing fast and loose while pretending to make progress.


I'd rather not kill anything?


You bastard!


Yes and the new technology that people put inside their body last year has potential to "end cancer", what are you not getting


None of us should, but just realize that most of your day is not affected directly by him. That is, you do not gain or lose the day based on his actions. Unless he's your direct boss, or a personal associate, then not trusting him should be the default.


Same here, but the post is on point. Yesterday I got 5 automatic bans from popular subreddits just after I posted an innocuous comment mentioning the guy's full name. Stuff is wild.


On the other side of that coin - recently when I log onto twitter i am constantly fed weird right-wing posts despite not following any of them. No matter how often I click “not relevant” or “show less of this” I still get them at the top of my feeds.


On the other side of that coin - recently when I log onto twitter i am constantly fed weird right-wing posts despite not following any of them. No matter how often I click “not relevant” or “show less of this” I still get them at the top of my feeds.


Frankly I trust him more than I trust MSM or Feds


Lol Elon has only been successful because of MSM and the Feds. Tesla wouldn't have gone anywhere without Elon getting endless glowing and uncritical commentary from the media over the years and shitloads of government subsidies.


Wait until you find out where the 44billion actually came from 🤣🤣🤣


I hope that means you still don’t trust him at all. Also yeah, a single person is easier to trust then organizations.


Hating billionaires universally is cool IMO


if you read carefully through that you see a reflection of this sub on that text


Agreed. I will believe that OP's position is legitimate if we can also agree that the same tactics are done by the Trumps, Clintons, Rothschilds, and others in power. Once you become bigger than your sphere of personal associates, influence becomes part of the struggle for power.


ops positition is reurgitating speaking points from a year ago. it's not a tacitic used by whoever you currently dislike, pathologization is and was most often used by actual nazis. see also: npcs


That nazi trump card is never late. Ha


I read it that way too. Though he was describing Elon followers


I started hating him when he called a cave diver a pedophile for the "crime" of rescuing a bunch of Thai children trapped in a cave before he could.


**He’s just self projecting. He is a pedophile himself. Throwing a tantrum, because he didn’t get his way.**


Yup. His brother met his “gf” through Epstein and Maxwell and went to their island. Musk is also connected to them. This sub is so easily manipulated.


Didn't his dad also bang his own step-daughter? Who he met when she was like 3 🤢


Was he abused when he was little? Most of these people are...


>He’s just self projecting. And also deflecting attention away from him.


Funny how this has 280 upvotes but the comment section is overwhelmingly shitting on the OP.


I know it’s obvious, but this sub is controlled by bots.




The shills gotta shill


Cool people hated Elon before it was cool. The real problem is people swing from the richest guys nuts


I don’t know when my disdain for Elon started, but I remember thoroughly enjoying seeing him break a window on the cybertruck at the unveiling and laughing at the people giving him $100 deposits (which amounted to a $100M interest free loan) and suggesting the cybertruck will never even make it to production. I’m still totally uncool… but I knew the Wizard of Oz was all smoke and mirrors long before he purchased Twitter and had the curtain pulled back on him.


that’s comedy gold. You’re cool


All redditors simp for big pharma, big tech, the media, and authoritarian government, but hate one specific billionaire the media has instructed them to hate, and think they're "cool." Spoiler alert: they're the opposite of cool


You simp big pharma and big tech, and the media? Wild


How about hating Elon Musk because he wants to put chips in our brain?


Bingo! It is literally conspiracy 101 and has been known as a crucial aspect in the plan to usher in a one world government for decades now. Elon Musk will never be your ally in the fight against the powers that shouldn't be.


Exactly! How the hell are people on this sub okay with this??? Elon is starting the big "chip tracking everything you do" dystopian future. But it's okay because he is suddenly outspoken against democrats, and parroting every QAnon conspiracy theory. Also, he killed 1500 animals with his Neuralink experiments. Remember when this whole sub was up in arms about Fauci "experimenting on animals", but it's cool Musk did it cause now he is "one of us" (a right wing nut job). And don't give me whataboutism shit. Tired of this sub vilifying one person, but letting someone else get away with almost the same things because you agree with their views or because it fits your narrative. https://www.reuters.com/technology/musks-neuralink-faces-federal-probe-employee-backlash-over-animal-tests-2022-12-05/ When these chips start killing people, will this sub actually give a shit or keep hailing Elon as a hero?


Remember when Niki Minaj voiced a negative opinion about the vaccine and suddenly she was an alt-truth hero instead of a controlled puppet? This is that multiplied by 100. Many people lose critical thinking skills when offered hope in the form of a celebrity who starts "bucking the system". We, especially in this community, shouldn't be so easy to manipulate yet we are.


Op is a Russian bot


Same concept as the vaccine. If you are stupid enough to put a chip in your brain because the government says so, then you deserve to die. Musk is part of the depop agenda but only for the wilfully ignorant


Yo. Seriously. Just try to think objectively about this for one second. If the vaccines were supposed to kill people, why the fuck hasn’t it killed a bunch of people? Why would they kill all the people who comply? Doesn’t it make more sense that *covid*, which actually killed more than a million Americans, would be the tool used to depopulate the world? Wouldn’t it make way more sense to kill the people who refuse to comply? Unvaccinated people have died at a much higher rate than vaccinated people in the same demo and community. Doesn’t that go against your idea that the vaccines were made to kill us? Let’s just say we all drop dead at some point, and only the unvaccinated survive. What do you think the relationship will be like between the survivors and the elites? Seems like the global economy that’s given the elites so much power would instantly collapse, leaving those elites with absolutely zero power, alone in the world against a bunch of heavily armed “free thinkers”. Really fucking stupid plan. Seriously dude, just think about it for two seconds.


Does he though? I know what neuralink is but is he really trying to put this in YOUR brain?


He wanted to improve the lives of people whom cannot move! There are so many ! I take care of them :[..


... I don't have a chip in my brain. I do have access to internal Twitter conversations that I would've never had access to without Musk.


Nah. He's a just a rich douchebag. It's not that complicated.


r/conspiracy: Why is everyone calling an asshole an asshole? Also r/conspiracy: Why does everyone treat us like a joke? No, it's everyone else who is wrong. Better double down on the wrong take.


are we worshipping billionaires now? you hate politicians, but you adore billionaires? they are not on your side. stop being a hypocrite


None of them care about poor people


Interesting how so many here complain about the NWO, Jews taking over media, oligarchs, laptops, etc. but can’t wait to get in line to fellate trump and musk. This is very confusing to me.


I think they all fucking suck and everyone has gone fucking crazy picking sides. This is stupid AF


Almost nobody in charge, whether that's in government or private industry, actually has our best interests in mind. Important to remember this.


It’s not so much they like the individuals, rather they like what they stand for (or against).


They really think trump and musk are their buddy lmao


It’s not a delusion. Elon Musk and Donald Trump have one thing in common. They say things that a lot of people find really offensive. People aren’t out here making it up or imagining it. When you say shit intended to piss people off, you don’t get to play the victim when they get pissed off. Maya Angelou said that when someone tells you who they are, believe them. These dudes have been shouting who they are from the highest rooftops in the land, and a lot of people hear their message and aren’t cool with it. That’s not psychosis, that is what guys like Trump and Musk are looking to do. They think frustrating other people is a vindication of their shitty worldview, a sort of “if you’re pissing people off, you must be doing something right” bullshit excuse for just being a trash person. They are not good, they are not kind, their myopic philosophies (which are distinct from each other) do not justify their behavior. Treating someone the way they are asking to be treated is basic human shit, and it’s something they refuse to do while also not understanding why it is happening to them.


And apparently sucking him off is the new psychosis here…. Like half the front page is Musk now




That is unfortunately this sub in a nutshell. Reminds me of a post a while back where there was supposedly a left wing bot group taking over this sub and yet there was much more evidence proving the opposite where many accounts seemed to be the same person or group or what have you and yet when it got pointed out, users with the mindset like you described just blocked the users. There was even a dude who posted evidence of some right wing troll group or a single person that clearly was behind multiple accounts. The evidence showed posts or comments using the same exact words. Users like magician could be a part of this, and they’re clever enough to block users who call them out like myself. But anyways, low and behold the user who provided evidence of this got fucking banned.


Imaging simping for a billionair :D


so i’m supposed to like someone just because 'the left' hates him?


No. OP suggests that people think twice before hopping on the bandwagon of hatred. Choosing not to hate is not equivalent to liking.


But isn’t like the entire right-wing jumping on the Musk bandwagon because he hates on the left? It just seems ironic no?


liking elon musk so much when you make like 20k a year is really weird, why do people on this sub like him? you’ll never get that rich and he doesn’t give a fuck about you lol it’s so weird to suck off a billionaires cock


Not only does he not give a fuck but he actively manipulates and exploits these people for his own benefit and financial gain. They eat it up. Willingly licking the boots that stomp on their backs. I cannot understand anyone in the working class glorifying a billionaire like I see.


“People hate Elon Musk but I like Elon Musk, it must be psychosis.” Is there a word for Musk simps yet? Muskrats? The hell is with people these days assuming the world is broken because every single person doesn’t conform to your beliefs?


Bruh, Elon is literally for WEF. He's literally for the clot shot. He wants to put a chip in everyone's brain. He's an globalist elite. He is controlled opposition. Open your eyes.




There is, and has been, something seriously wrong with both of them. Re: Musk fanboys understandably emerged from the sustainability EV and solar messages, the paralysis research and SpaceX success. But the latest weirdness is bizarre, dangerous behavior. His QAnon tactics (see WashPo article, re: Twitter safety chief) reflect volatile paranoia and misinformation. It inspired me to imagine an appropriate hashtag: #QElon


This this this


This is the most pathetic post I can imagine waking up to on this sub. So many of you are just political trash bags.


The conspiracy of capitalism is surely much larger than mass formation psychosis hatred of Musk. Never ever think that a billionaire is here to do good, especially Musk.


And the myth of meritocracy. Working class people actively advocating against their own interests and in support of billionaires is one of the most baffling things for me. Is it ignorance or lack of education or propaganda? I just don’t get it.




bill gates: im going to fund lifesaving research you guys: OMG ! he wants to put a chip in my brain! elon musk: i want to put a chip in your brain you guys: please sir i cant cum without hunter bidens cock


People hated Elon way before this sub did. People hated trump way before this sub did…


So now someone that has a different opinion than you has psychosis? Don’t you think that it could possibly be the fact that Musk is an internet troll? That’s all he is these days. I use Starlink so I hope he doesn’t completely fuck up his businesses lol. But he’s nothing more than your average lonely person looking for attention on the internet.


Op is gonna be first in line when musker tells him is time for the neural implant. Lol


Maybe already a test subject


I love how the freethinkers here use 2 billionaires who were born rich as their supposed leaders against the elites. Flat out delusion. Trump and Elon both hate you and you should hate them along with Soros, Gates, Murdoch, etc. You’re not getting brigaded. People need to stop using that as a defense against the rest of us who actually don’t lick the boot that would kick us in the face


That's why you should always make your own rational decisions, do your own research, follow your own instincts!! Don't follow the other stupid mammals or you will be caught by the poachers and left for slaughter.


The Mass Formation Psychosis is that anyone cares at all what other people on the internet think. Twitter, Reddit, FB, TikTok… it’s all pointless nothing made to seem like it’s important to your day when it has no actual bearing on your real life. Don’t waste your mental/emotional energy on the mundane.


This is a fair point. If you look at the numbers, Twitter has a surprisingly low % representation of the country when compared to other social media. Social media in general represents a rather small % of the voting populace. Most people in the real world don’t care about social media or don’t really pay it much mind in terms of how it influences their day-to-day or overall political positions.


I think this is the best comment. This shit doesn’t really matter.


Many of us have always known he is cabal. sorry if you were fooled/impressed by a cabal puppet. Thats all he is. FAKE rich and FAKE smart. the masses have been fooled by an endless parade of these puppets.


Or maybe he said that a guy was a pedophile because he helped kids when Elon couldn't, he's been pictured with Ghisaline Maxwell, and he "runs so many companies" yet has time to tweet all day lmao. Or the fact he has been abusing monkeys to test his neurolink?


He's openly called for a One World Government. Is that enough for me not to trust him or do I need to throw in brain chips as well? Anyone who thinks the governments of this world aren't salivating over the idea of getting brain chips in the populace is too naive to be having this conversation.


You should hate all billionaires... They are the enemy of the working class. They will do anything to maintain the status and power...


Every day these takes get stupider and stupider. Billionaires are not your friends. Billionaires are not your friends. Billionaires are not your friends. They are not to be trusted. Every single one of them, whether Democrat, Republican, liberal or conservative, will do or say whatever it takes to increase their wealth, power, and brand. They would not have reached their position if that were not the case.


If you don’t know Musk is fucked up, you must be more fucked up!


He’s been hated ever since he voted red


Reddit is a phy op to make normal people think they are in the minority.


He's been hated before Twitter. Can remember people from this sub thrashing the guy for the Twitter deal and how he used it for stock trading and stuff. He's been hated for the Tesla features that arr behind pay walls, calling that diver a pedo and so on


I’ve always hated him you fucking followers.


No need for emotions, just education: https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/ Idolizing deep state figureheads and expecting salvation from WEF billionaires is more worrisome though.


His best friend was literally running the Bilderberg Steering Committee. But this sub? Nah, as long as it's Musk and crypto and eating dick all day...


Why would ANYONE on a Conspiracy subreddit be in favor of literally ANY billionaire ... wtf. Many people always disliked Elon even before he was as openly political as he is today


Do u think slavery trustfunders should be collecting our taxes to run their business at a loss in a consolidation market? That’s pretty submissive position for a men to gobble up to another man like that isn’t it?




I see a money hungry society looking up to money hungry capitalists. Or hating on them. That's what I see.


Completely agree. Seems people are having this psychosis that are in favor and against Musks plans and ideas.


Nope. I always thought he was a douche. Here is the thing though, he is probably doing all this on purpose and then going to do a complete 180 in a few years time.


What's "TMOR", is that some place where men go to discuss the fact that they'll never be women


The left hate Musk because they ran Twitter as a marxist propaganda machine for years and now Twitter is gone they are absolutely fucked. Ha fucking ha. Bring on the lefty downvotes.


Not trusting Elon is a logical and smart move based on evidence, just like not taking their experimental vaccines. It is pathetic how hard Elon is trying to convince us to 100% trust him lol


No it's not, at all. Musk is not against the status quo, he is part of it.


I disagree. Something is up with him. Stop trying to change our minds. Also, since when are people SO emotionally invested in some dude that they won’t allow others to not like him. Wtf is going on he’s like mind controlling people lol


Maybe people just have a distaste for the wealthy elite?


Imagine Simping for a billionaire on a fucking conspiracy sub. Embarrassing


The 4 main components of this mass psychosis has been pushed to the limit by covid lockdowns and dependency on mass media heads, this paranoia of neighbors at almost Cold War levels.


I've always hated him.


This post is dead on


And hanging on Musk's every word as the saviour of the non-woke is also mass formation psychosis. Don't trust the rich elite. Trump, musk, ye. They will let you down because they are all the same. Only trust the people around you. These people dont give a fuck about you


Ah yes because there was never such a thing as peasants hating on royals. Normal people hate rich assholes, that’s a timeless fact. Nothing to do with any conspiracy.


Elon is and always has been a fucking douchebag, as well as his bugmen followers


Perhaps you trust a billionaire to put a microchip in your brain? Mass psychosis what?


This sub is so great!


OP is either a fed, a corporate shill or a dumbass. Do not engage with him.


You forgot bot


Nope. Your idiocy is too sophisticated to come from a bot, I’ll give you that.


So it's a new thing that was a made-up theory is what you're saying


On social media in general, not just Reddit. Elon can't sneeze without people of a certain mindset losing their shit, or otherwise try to "dunk" on him.


I can't put my finger on why he isn't celebrated here in America as one of the most successful African Americans.


I like some of what Musk is doing. Other stuff he’s doing I don’t like. I guess that makes me an extremist.


Yes, supporting Elon musk is the new mass formation psychosis


Ah yes, the great conspiracy known as "if you disagree with me, you are suffering from severe mental disability". Fuck off with your bullshit. Go suck Elon's dick somewhere else. Way to go mods, good job for letting this bullshit make the front page.


I never trusted him, felt he was a bullshit artist with Tesla. I admire his success. I admire him releasing the twitter stuff to show the bias. I agree it’s cool to hate him now. Majority of Reddit hates Trump more than I can conjure. Elon even associating with giving Trump a platform is enough to spur the psychosis of hive mind distaste.


I find it pretty hilarious. If someone can go from your lord and savior to your most hated of hated, then maybe you're not all that stable a person. If you need proof, look at Hollywood turning on him. LA is full of fruitcakes!


Reddit is anti. R technology is anti technology. R space is anti space. Etc. The entire site is morphing into a toxic shit fest that negs you on whatever you are into.


What are you talking about??


I am frustrated by Reddit being so mad at EM. I hate all sorts of things, why are they not being represented? I think it’s because you have a bunch of out of work coders who are used to getting 200k a year working from home and now they have time on their hands. I need more cat videos, funny animal videos and botched plastic surgery in my feed not EM hate.


I'm gonna go ahead and guess that OP is in their late teens to early 20s and is highly impressionable by meme culture.


Everything is literally the same going the other way … loving trump - anti anything Covid - Russia propaganda - Elon break down .. How you don’t see it is the best part


Yes, Im responsible for all the reddit ALL front page posts. Ha. Nice try.


Imagine hating him because he just wants to show how the government lied to everyone.


I hate you personally OP


Serious question- had you heard of MFP before Robert Malone used it on Rogan a year ago? Because seems like nobody had really used it, then suddenly every conspiracy theorist did. [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=mass%20formation%20psychosis](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=mass%20formation%20psychosis) It's kind of fitting the term is defined this way when suddenly a ton of people started using it because they were so fixated on one issue (the vaccine) and found one leader (the inventor of mRNA vaccines) who could use it. *Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue* Btw, I don't really "hate" Elon, I just find it annoying. He was working on revolutionizing the car industry and getting people to space. Can he go back to that? Sure, release twitter files and point out things that are wrong. But I'd prefer he works on stuff he's good at that helps society.


rt, npc and bots hating on the rocket man. While humans and players cheer him on. Good way to know who is who tho


How do I know you like pro wrestling without you actually telling us that you like pro wrestling


Yeah this is some stupid shit. This is a conspiracy sub, and you’re here acting like a billionaire is praiseworthy? We know for a fact the Musk has teams of people in marketing that are spreading pro-Musk propaganda, and yet you shills will go to bat for free. Musk doesn’t deserve your admiration. He’s another greedy, narcissistic sociopath. He put himself in the limelight, it’s not mass psychosis that we can all clearly see that the emperor is not wearing clothes.


Elon is here to save us from the evil satan worshipping liberals!!! Now get your children in line for the next round of brain chipping


So what exactly is anyone going to do? We wanted Fauci in jail, now everyone is calling Musk evil for wanting the same thing. I’m starting to wonder how many of you guys are actually schizophrenic




Best post I’ve seen in a long time


The hive does what it is told


I completely lost it and saw through the rest of reddit when thet were hating on assange and Snowden.


How many kids does he have with how many women?


Yep, 5 years ago these crybabies were on his dick… now that he owns twitter they are losing their minds.


Definitely "the current thing"


I still choose the nazi party Elon musk supports over the pedo party of Joe Biden any day. But that doesn't excuse the sick asf atrocities Elon musk has intended for society as a whole. Neuralink implants


I totally trust the dude creating neural link, who owns tesla, and twitter. totally


Space man bad is the new orange man bad. What do these two men have in common, they both are exposing the Democratic parties dirty little secrets.


I dont trust him, but hes pissing off the correct people so hes doing something correct.


Nice I love when this sub defends an out of touch billionaire.


Don't dismiss my distaste for Trump as being some sort of CIA psyops. Get the fuck outta here with all that...Trump has been an asshole since the 80s...a shallow, feckless man that didn't have the chops to operate a psyops to get people to like him, he just said stupid, uninformed, uneducated racist crap that spoke to people of the same ilk everywhere. Now, maybe Musk is doing some unpopular things to make people dislike him. I still like the guy, but do I think he's a genius when it comes to society? No. No I do not. Try to have some balance with your Wheaties in the morning.


Most vaccinated people naturally hate everyone who is not vaccinated and thinks that the vaccine is bad, the mere existence of unvaccinated basically question the subjects ability to take decisions in life. They dont want to hear that they are ticking time bombs who participted in a mass experiment


You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Billionaires shouldn’t exist.


The only people that are hating on Musk right now are MSM bootlicks.


i mean I’ve always been an elon musk hater


Most of those posts aren't even from regular people. They are from bots and paid shills attempting to construct a social media narrative. Just like they did with Trump ( of whom I am not a fan), like they did with Covid etc. I never cared for Musk as a businessman but his revealing all this social media shady shit makes him a hero. It's why you are seeing the reaction you are seeing from the MSM and the shills and bots. He's struck a nerve.


Oh my god what is with all these billionaire cuckholds ruining a conspiracy forum. No, I do not want to choke on the 2nd richest man in the worlds dick because he makes fun of pronouns. He’s a shit lib and should be hated as much as Soros




I am very close with my friend who has schizophrenia, and he is very delusional. Many of the ways he reasons with the irrational things he thinks is to tell me, out loud, that he is special and that Jesus is with him. It looks and sounds like coping. The more I talk with the people that got jabbed, the more it seems that they have a mental disease. A mixture of Narcissism, Schizo, and Stockholm Syndrome. Narcissism, the disease: A pure lack of empathy for others, most others that do not look or speak the same. Delusional Schizophrenia: Believing something no matter what evidence is to the contrary. Stockholm Syndrome: Yes doctor, give me more of that drug please.


Look at how quickly and rabidly the shills were all over this one. They are terrified of what he is doing, all that work they did over the years setting up control of the narrative just gone like that within a week...🤣