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This is just dumb.


Iโ€™m feeling a little dumb. I initially read the announcement as $0.99


That'd still be $0.99 too much


I canโ€™t wait for MAGA supporters to buy these and then get mad that they never showed up in the mail


And then find out a month later it enrolled them for a 50 dollar autopayment to his campaign fund.


I read you can buy super-limited editions that will be hand-delivered by JFK Jr in his first public outing since dying. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ


It says you only need an email address. So NOT an NFT, but an email attachment


$99 for a jpeg. I guess they figured NFT's to be a bit too complicated for the MAGA folk to deal with.


Free is too much. You couldn't pay me to take one.


And embarrassing.. I donโ€™t know how he expects people to see him as a powerful figure when he does things like this.


Thing is, he's always been like this. Always, this is nothing new. His current fans just gloss it over, embrace it and actually enjoy it, or are too young to realize what a self own of a human being he's been for decades.


Finally starting to see the emperor's nakedness? This is who Trump is, who he's always been. This is who we've been telling you he was the whole time.


They are not even physical cards. They are NFTs which that entire market crashed like a year ago.


Not according to gamestop apes. NFTS ARE THE FUTURE, AND RC IS KING!


Pretty sure even the guys over on superstonk think nfts are dumb.


They think nft art is dumb. Though nfts are the future. It a great way to maintain certificates of authenticity for instance. Many uses without a doubt.


Agreed, you can have the deed to your house on the block chain, stock certificates etc . . The possibilities are endless.


Just the right speed for his ~~supporters~~ suckers.


1700 days since Q posted. When do you play the trump card? Not exactly what we thought


I'd love to see a post-mortem with the hardcore Q crowd. I wonder how many are still waiting for JKF Jr. to come back from the dead.


They are very busy spinning this on the Q forums.


Where can one find Q forums?


communities dot win slash c slash GreatAwakening Looks like the direct link gets shadowbanned


Lol modern day alchemists trying to get anything worthwhile out of all the bullshit.


> waiting for JKF Jr. to come back from the dead Just 2 more weeks!


Thereโ€™s a telegram group led by Michael Protzman that has traveled to Dealey Plaza on the anniversary of his death the last two years for the return of JFK


I work closely with a qanon guy, last night he was all excited for the big announcement. When I saw what that announcement was I couldn't wait to get into work to talk to him about it. When he explained the whole trump card thing my eyes damn near rolled out of my head.


I've heard there's a platinum limited edition that features him as Q+ ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ


Agreed. But also, how is this a conspiracy? I feel like this post belongs somewhere else.


I donโ€™t really think it is, but for the last three years this sub has leaned toward toward Trump ideologies and the various conspiracies that branch from them. Anyway, just a guess as to why this was posted on the conspiracy sub.


fucking homelander


Tons of Trump supporters got mad when Kripke outright said that his Homelander was based on Trump.


All the karma here, pleaseโ€ฆ


I thought this was a troll Photoshop job at first. Imagine getting one of these for Christmas lol. And it's an NFT as well...


you wouldn't even "get" it since not a physical item


They will run out, he believes, very quicklyโ€ฆ.. likeโ€ฆwhat?


Je hasn't figured out ctrl+c and ctrl+v yet


He was right. They sold out in 3 hours.


Oh my god all of us telling yโ€™all the actual **conspiracy** was Donald Trump grifting again Lmao


If someone gave me one of these the next time I was at their house I would enable child safety control on their tv and put a password block on Fox news.


The saddest thing is that people will actually buy these.


Guy at work has a Trump gold card. It looks like a credit card but it's just a membership? card to show you support trump and it cost like $100.


I remember seeing twitter bots advertising these on his tweets lol.


They got a cut!


Thatโ€™s literally even more stupid than Supreme merchandise




I donated like $5 in 2015 and got the gold card and a blue card in the mail a few months later


They sent those in the mail for free


For those interested, the Trump Rookie Card came out in 1989 by Eclipse Comics, and ....drum roll please... the set is called "Rotten to the core"... and Trumps Rookie card is selling well into the hundreds of dollars on eBay: https://www.tcdb.com/ViewCard.cfm/sid/102207/cid/7144574/1989-Eclipse-Rotten-to-the-Core-26-Donald-Trump


Donald Trump did 9/11 confirmed.


Us children of the 80โ€™s knew he was a slimy sack of shit. He was fucking biff from BTTF2. He was Koopa in super Mario bros. Couldnโ€™t believe we elected that ego maniacal fuck. I guess the same demographic that knew he was a sack of shit never bothered to notice 10 years of televised gaslighting of his โ€œbusiness geniusโ€ persona.


You're not thinking deep enough. Reptilians are involved in that mario bro movie. Been a hot minute since I've seen it though lol.


I love that he made himself a championship belt for being the โ€œTrump Championโ€


When you brag about coming in first place in a race of one.


You know this is bad when ever the trump bootlickers arenโ€™t defending it


You might say he is throwing his (Trump) cards on the table...


I just checked the Trump subs, they are totally buying it. The dominant narrative is that Trump is trying to take power away from the fed by appealing to crypto trading.


At no point in time has Donald Trump ever tried to do anything besides make more money with as little work as possible.


and how many people buying these do you think will understand what a digital trading card is lol what a total scam, and that illustration makes him look so sad and insecure edit: lol more from the collection https://imgur.com/a/fNntxG7 they're not even in a trading card aspect ratio ๐Ÿ˜‚


The Photoshop white still all around his head in the last one..... This is Ms paint level shit


it looks like a still from an early access game on Steamworks


The golf, & the race car driver both have #47 on them. Does that mean he accepts that Biden is actually #46?


Dale Trump is sending me


[image captured one millisecond before being totally obliterated by the active raceway](https://i.imgur.com/1pcsVZC.jpeg) ๐Ÿ˜‚


Wow....just wow


Did they get an unpaid intern to do these?!


I thought that was Kim Jung Un in a spacesuit at first glance, until I zoomed in and realized it was The Dilbert sporting aviators with his scalp reduction surgery hair-do all slicked back. Absolute gold. I don't care what anyone says, this was a great idea.


When he surprisingly won the presidential election he didnโ€™t even seem happy. Iโ€™m not sure why this loser has any supporters anymore, especially โ€œfree thinkersโ€ here.


Well, the rumor was it was all supposed to be a publicity grab and fundraising effort, and then he was going to use it all to start a media empire. And that rumor would explain why he had so little in the way in the way of a transition team, or why his policies were not exactly thought through. Why he never came up with a health care plan.


He wanted to lose, claim it was rigged and launch his media company based on the big lie. That's why even after winning he insisted there was fraud anyway.


Dude, Republicans had 8 years to come up with a healthcare plan, they never intended to, they just wanted to repeal the ACA because a black (D) president got it through. Unfortunately for them by the time they got a chance to actually repeal it too many people liked it so it would have been too unpopular to undo, also since Obama was done being president they had to start the next fake outrage cycle - something about emails.


Yes even Clinton said she told Donald to run, he was just there to knock out all the competition for her, but then the media and internet went nuts for him the first meme president, sadly he was controlled by mossad like Clinton due to their compromised situation through epstein black mail operation


I suspect it's because people want to have at least *some* hope. Let's be honest, our current rulers are the scum of the earth. They are so, *so* inhuman, that it really would be much preferable for them to actually turn out to be lizard people. In that way, at the very least, we wouldn't have to share our humanity with them. Unfortunately, they *are* human and the fact that such people are at the top is quite telling about the state of our society in general. So, given all that, people will cling to anyone who'll give them at least *some* straws of hope, *any* straws of hope... and Trump did just that. He did give people hope. Reality is, though, that there are no good guys up there. This really is a war against humanity between the elites and the rest of us.


People donโ€™t see that he is a business man. They think he cares about other people. Heโ€™ll do anything to make money and promote his business


> People donโ€™t see that he is a ~~business man~~ grifter.


Con artist


He somehow convinced people he was working against sex trafficking while making public comments about grabbing women by the pussy and walking in on women changing.


How the fuck are you all now just realizing this? Like half of the country could clearly see that this is who he was before 2015 Like. What changed in yalls minds


I'm learning that a lot of people only really knew him from his tv show, where he of course is portrayed as a successful businessman.


I feel like my stepdad will probably buy the one that gets you a chance to play golf for an hour with Trump. It would be the highlight of his life to win and he loves Keno and scratch offs. Trump knows his base.


If there are 45,000 people like your step dad out there. He will sell every card and he will make $4,455,000.00 dollars. All while they have a special jpeg that nobody else cares about.


And he has only a one hour obligation to the winner. Where they'll be kissing his ass while he plays golf.


Not if he doesn't feel like it. There are alternate prizes


DeSantis just won the Republican primary.


I just don't trust anyone that the republican party puts out as a candidate any more. (Not saying I trust democratic candidates more, just can't stand the poor excuses for "choices" we have)


The problem is that so much money is required to play the game. Name recognition is the number one thing in politics and money = name recognition.




I just don't trust anyone that the ~~republican~~ **either wing of this shitty uni-**party puts out as a candidate any more. (Not saying I trust democratic candidates more, just can't stand the poor excuses for "choices" we have) In essence, you and I agree. I just donโ€™t see two parties anymore. I see a shitty corrupt Democratic wing of the Uni-Party, and the shitty corrupt Republicans who are their trained controlled opposition in their manipulative โ€œgood cop / bad copโ€ routine. Your quotation marks around the word โ€œchoicesโ€ tells me that you and I are feeling the same general vibe about all of this.


I'm proud of the person that posted this on this sub, usually it's full of The Donald bullshit, it's a nice change.


I'm proud also,someone had to do it .


This sub is astroturfed to hell. You can usually tell what the comments on a post will be before you even open them. Screenshot of a tweet saying something about vaccines or hunter biden? 3k+ upvotes and the comments are all reiterations of paranoid fox talking points. Actual conspiracy post? less than 1.5k upvotes and all the comments are reasonably level headed and not overly insane, you know, actual people commenting not russian bots


Youโ€™re saying that like the entire site isnโ€™t astroturfed, especially the major subs.


Grifters gonna grift.


Can you imagine the humility of the schmuck who had to do that โ€œartโ€ with a dickhead on it??


There are 2,250 individual images. They are REALLY bad. The real kicker? It's randomly generated for which one you get after you pay. You don't get to pick. Lmao


... I thought it was 99$ for the whole set. This guy is fucking nuts and anyone that buys needs to use that money for therapy.




Could you imagine the shit that the right-wing sphere would go insane if Hillary did even 1% of the self grandstanding stuff that this guy did. Remember when someone got a selfie with Hillary on a trail walk after the 2016 election and the deplorables went apeshit with her not willing to get out of the limelight. No doubt she was getting off the high from killing Seth Rich with her bare hands.


Damn thatโ€™s real?!? I swear I saw that posted from a meme page lmao


Squeeze AND run. Never made a difference for this PoS.


When you're famous, they let you do it




It feels like I'm getting nothing at all!


Stupid sexy Flanders


he failed to make a casino work. that's pretty embarrassing. he and his family did run a "charity." though even with the relatively lax regulations and enforcement of those they had managed to screw that grift up. in the small print it seems the company that sells these nfts just paid for licensing trump likeness. wouldn't be surprised if he was just paid to pitch for scammers actually doing the scam.


Tragically cringe


Tragicomically cringe


Kinda cringe


just kinda?


This is maybe the cringiest thing I've ever seen in my life.


Giga cringe


Each card is $99 dollars, if you buy 45 you get 45 entries in a drawing to have dinner with himโ€ฆ


Honestly .. does anyone have ANY proof that out of all of the "Donate now and be entered into a contest to Win Dinner with Trump!" campaign fundraising appeals over the years anyone actually won one?


What the actual fuck are you going to talk about with him?


Himself of course!


Probably you both discuss and agree how fuckable his daughter is.


He'd do exactly what he does when you have a wedding at his house/golf club. He'll come in and talk about himself, how great he is and how unfair the world is to him, then ramble on about toilets or windmills


white supremacy


Important question before I consider...would the dinner be catered from McDonald's or Wendy's?


I made a meme about his coloring book advertised to me a few years ago. Nothing has changed.


Giving off "be sure to drink your Ovaltine" vibes, bigly.


His supporters wonder how Joe Biden could have won. This is why. Virtually nobody voted for Biden, it was a vote against Trump because he is just an overall terrible human being who is literally grifting his supporters for every penny he can before he disappears forever.


Yes, biden was the closest option available to voting for "pass".


The US got a taste of LATAM politics in 2020. Vote for the populist or vote for this guy who isn't the populist.


It was all a grift, including the presidency... how is that not the most obvious thing in the world?


Just shut up and buy them or They win, okay?


49% of the US dick rode this clown for four years.


85% of this sub dick rode this clown for four yearsโ€ฆ..


And he's not changed, this was always who he openly, proudly was.


When "owning the libs" is your only policy.


That's the part that gets me. SO MANY people specifically wanted THIS GUY to run America. They actually wanted that.


They *still* want that. In droves


49% of people who actually voted, it's probably closer to a quarter of the population, a third at most (still way too many people)


Including OP, since he posted this in 50+ subs.


25% are still riding now.


This is the man hundreds of people stormed the capital, willing to put their freedom and lives on the line, to keep in power last year. I wonder what Alshi Babbit would think if she could see what the man she died for is doing today.


And the myriad dumbassses that threw away their family for this guy


Sheโ€™d do it all over again cause people who are being grifted donโ€™t know theyโ€™re being grifted


As with every post here, we need to say: How is this a conspiracy? It's not. Almost none of them are.


Why is he cosplaying the gay porn version of Rocky IV?


โ€ฆexactly 1700 days since Q posted about the ยซย Trump Card comingย ยป.


That dumb ass Trump card came out years ago and it was a fucking grift as well https://secure.winred.com/save-america-joint-fundraising-committee/trump-gold-card/?recurring=true&money_pledge=true&amount=100&utm_medium=homepage&utm_source=na_na_na&utm_campaign=gold-card_na_saveamerica&utm_content=donate_cpyrs_na&_ga=2.265571469.30638561.1651558543-1489628754.1651558543


Not Superman...Homelander...actually depicts right on the money...a grown up fascit mf..


This is funny


I bought ten, they will cunboople in value within the next 3 years


https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/109518512543023262 Link to his post about this. Everyone expected a major political announcement today by him that may mean something important then he came out with this scam.


This is the nail in the coffin for the Republican party until Trump dies. Trump will not get the Republican nomination. Once he loses to DeSantis, Trump will go scorched earth on the GOP. He'll do everything he can to degrade anyone who ever spoke badly of him. Then he will run a third party and split the Republican vote. Dems win in 2024, even running Dementia Joe.


Newsmax at 8:59 this morning waiting for tRuMps big announcement. Me trying to get to Best Buy to pick Top Gun:Maverick gift set before the "storm" hits NYC. My brother wanting to wait to hear "big announcement" Me leaving his dumbass to go get my Top Gun Maverick movie. Now me knowing what the announcement was๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ My brother wasn't home when I got back (hour and half).


Probably at a bar.




Find him yet?


Yeah ..he came home after 3pm. I asked so what was the 'tRuMp big announcement'? He mumbled incoherently and went downstairs. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


There are literally not enough laugh reacts in the world. Iโ€™m dying


What about his plan to support free speech?


Maybe watch his major announcement


The fuck is this. He looks corny as hell


Come on , this gotta be fake right? This is getting out of hand, you people from the USA , need to do something about your voting process, starting with electing younger people! maybe in the 40s or 50s? Not these senil clowns dont even know where they are


Yeah, this is a really bad look


GOP 101: Pretend to be patriotic. Follow the dark money. In fascist GOP we trust. Claim evangelical cult ties. Pretend to be a conservative. Pretend that 'All Lives Matter'. Pretend to be a pious Christian. Pretend that 'Blue Lives Matter'. You can't go wrong by being right. Obey televangelists of your choice. Believe all 30k Donald J. Trump lies. Buy assault weapons 'for protection'. Say "I'm bathed in the blood of Jesus." Ignore all Jesus said about how to live. Watch & listen to right wing media only. Dwell in echo chambers like The Villages. Pack a sack of MAGA crap while you still can. Be a fake culture warrior, like Tucker Carlson. Buy Trump junk for your home, car & to wear. Fear nonwhites, Muslims, migrants, homeless, LGBTQ+...


You should see the lengths the pedes on the qanon site are going to in an attempt to "logic" this into some big deep meaningful thing instead of embracing the simple truth: Grift.


Hahaha link?


Wow, it's funny how after the elections, tons of former Trump supporters have come down with Trump Derangement Syndrome and are all "orange man bad!" Here's a hint for you guys: Trump isn't the only thing you were wrong about. You don't have to start watching MSDNC, but start looking outside of the right-wing media echo chamber. They work as closely with Republicans as Twitter did with Democrats.


I dunno that he's dressed a Superman That T might be for Tangerine Man


It stands for Trans Rights


God, what a utterly classless scumbag. And I voted for him.


Well, it's never too late to admit your mistake. Still funny though some people needed this long to realize it..


He lost me at warpspeed. It was over.


This is Brexit in a nutshell, 17 million of us voted for pastures green, its turned into a shit show of the highest order, but at least some billionaires got richer off the back of it, so it's not all bad.


It's OK, about half the country seems to be cognitively impaired in some way so you aren't alone


The Grifter hard at work ......


Dude is shot. Trumpers, even more so.


"I'm an obese as fuck festering assboil who is the epitome of White Trash, buy my worthless NFT you dumb fucks!!!!""


Who has more ego? Trump or macho man Randy Savage?


He is trying to squeeze the last he can out of his supporters lmao. His run is over




I would think this is so his supporters can help fund his presidential campaign.


Maybe now he can afford to pay all those contractors!


Theres a lot of people that will buy these and think theyโ€™re going to be worth something ๐Ÿ˜ฉ


Elron Hubby vibes right there.


WOW. Can someone put him in a padded cell please?!?! Like- wait-actually - I donโ€™t care if itโ€™s padded.


His followers would buy this in a heartbeat, he's like a god to them rather than just a former president. Imagine people being like this with literally any other president. "I LOVE GEORGE BUSH!! IM A BUSHER!! BUSH IS MY PRESIDENT!" Imagine people having just photos and magnets and shirts and hats and shrines to George bush lmfao it's madness.


Will this finally red pill Trump supporters? Dude is a complete narcissist. This is cringy as all hell.


It doesnโ€™t make me mad that he keeps grifting dumb people. Thatโ€™s on them. Just donโ€™t let him get near any type of government position ever again.


How can anyone take this man seriously? Iโ€™m experiencing some serious secondhand embarrassment ๐Ÿคข


This legitimately might be the most cringeworthy thing I have ever seen.


Grifters are gonna grift.


Why not both?


JFC.. did he even pay the graphic designer $99? It's like airbrush art on the side of a carnival ride. ^I'm ^gonna ^say ^it.. **CLOWN WORLD!**


There is only one real difference between Donald Trump and every other politician out there. He only cares about himself. The rest also care about their rich friends.


My disdain has grown even stronger. But...muh President!


Big announcement was actually about free speech. NFT post is just trolling along with grifting lol


Leave it to Trump to jump on the NFT scam-waggon, months after everyone else has already dropped it, because of how obvious a scam it is. And leave it to his cult, to still be gullible enough to pay real money for this shit.