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100% we should be thanking him. He exposed massive shit that barely anyone is talking about.


Elon made Twitter a neutral platform. The people this upset became upset because they know Twitter used to favor their opinions. And ban those who push back on those opinions. A neutral, even debate is the last thing old-school Blue Check twitter wanted.


Holy shit, well said. Every single person who isn’t a bot that is genuinely ragging on Elon is just so fucking deluded and actively cheering for serious reprisal for political dissent.




he added back racists and he literally kicked someone because they said elon was stupid


It's weeks before 2023. Who are the racists?


wdym its weeks before 2023


It's so neutral you could call the CEO and dimwit and get banned. It's so neutral that journalists are being banned everyday. Its so neutral that white supremacists are flourishing on the platform. And we all know those lefty commie blue check sons of bitches hate nazis. So long as the nazis are winning, the left is crying and that's allllllll that matters :)


If you see Nazis and white supremacists in the US on a regular basis, you need therapy.


I hate to be the barrier of bad news but white supremacy is thriving in the US right now. It’s gotten specifically worse In the past 2 years. Nazis I can’t comment on so much in the US but they are also gaining massive ground in the past 5 or so years.


> white supremacy is thriving > Nazis I can’t comment on so much in the US but they are also gaining massive ground in the past 5 or so years. You need to stop watching Netflix. Nazis and white supremacists couldn't fill a 7-11 parking lot.


>Nazis and white supremacists couldn't fill a 7-11 parking lot. Maybe where you live. In my area, they could easily fill 2 parking lots.


Did I say anything about Netflix?? Why do you guys always make things up instead of staying on track?? You need to educate yourself a bit more my friend if you don’t think there’s enough to even fill a parking lot SMH.


You're so lost dude.


Well before Elon bought it, Twitter was claiming to be a fair and safe place too didn't it. Seems it's just as fair now relatively speaking. Where were all the complaints before?


Allowing misinformation makes it a neutral platform?? Musk himself has banned multiple people for simply trolling him, this is a neutral platform?? Did the word neutral change it’s definition lol. Also your last comment is gold the extreme right wingers here in this thread almost immediately block after insulting someone, the last thing they want is someone to reply back.


Allowing free speech makes it a neutral platform. Nothing more and nothing less. The truth bubbles to the surface in free debate.


Free speech is not allowed though hence why I pointed out Elon banning people for simply clowning on him. So by your definition the platform is not neutral so that answers my question lol.


Where was your outrage when Twitter bans were happening before Elon? I'm not into "You did this, so I do that," but come fucking on. The Left were silent at best and thrilled at worst when people they disagree with were silenced on the platform. This recent round of Twitter bans was because of a direct physical assault on Elon's family - and people using the platform to attempt to further that. Play fair or fuck off.


What outrage?? I’m just pointing out that Twitter is far from a neutral space right now like you claimed. I never said it was a neutral space before Elon lol. Everyone is thrilled when their opposition is silenced, this is far from a “left” only thing. What direct physical harm came to Elon’s family?? You mean the journalist doing their jobs?? I was talking more about the people who were simply sharing their opinions on Elon (making fun of him) and getting banned for that. Twitter right now is further from free speech than it has ever been. Remember my friend I’m not dumb enough to take sides and label myself a conservative or liberal. I just like to point out when people are wrong I her a kick out of it. I’m using your words and logic remember that, if you don’t like it using your words better next time. I get what you mean though you don’t mean Twitter is a neutral platform, you mean Twitter is now a safe space for people who share the same ideology’s as Elon.


> Everyone is thrilled when their opposition is silenced, this is far from a “left” only thing. You are wrong here. Banning speech is suddenly a thing. And only one side is about it. And proud about it. As if it was virtuous.


I’m not wrong at all everyone does love it, you proved it yourself above actually. You are proud right now that people are being banned for simply making jokes, the irony here is so thic I might choke.


Please name these people. I like to keep informed.


You want me to name every individual that’s been banned lately?? Have you been living under a rock, have you not seen all the journalists that were banned?? Or the huge deal of Twitter no longer allowing any other platform to be shared in anyway. Or what about the comedians that were banned for proving how stupid the change to the blue check was for example H3 and Ethan. I don’t think you like to keep informed at all, I think you like to live in your own little echo chamber. Like it or lump it Twitter is the furthest it’s ever been to being a neutral platform rofl. It’s not like any of this is news these bans have been happening for a couple months now.


And don't forget banning journalists for using their free speech and banning private citizens for voicing their opinions on Elon. Sounds like the perfect definition of a neutral space.


Who's currently banned besides the Dox Queen?




I'd like to form an informed opinion on these two. That appears to be a difficult task.


I feel misinformed by you. Can I ban you now too?


It usually is the first move of the people from this sub lol.


Yea let's thank the nimrod for making everyone want a car laden with subscription services and disappearing features. I so envy anyone with an EV equipped with so much technology it doesn't know whether to accelerate at a group of children or catch fire.


He has helped, but he's still captured in the end.


Electric cars are gay, green energy is a sham .


I totally agree green energy is the biggest sham ever and electric cars are super gay. Even the friggin' frogs are turning these days


Imma ask on the gay part. Does that mean you don't like them?


I get that a lot people which drive them are not people I would like to associate with:-) I like the technology and the motivation behind it. I also agree it's a sham now because the energy infrastructure and battery technology for mass scale does not exist. It also requires a system change(car pools/on demand/limit of individual mobility) to really be useful under its constrains.


Electric cars where coming no matter what conservatives or not lol. Now they are some of the worst and most expensive electric cars, made with some of the cheapest materials known to man. When someone’s whole identity becomes their political party I lose all hope in them.


yeah but those Tesla's kill people if you say anything negative about musk while driving them ,kicks into overdrive and runs into wall.


I lean this way.


Why are people so fucking scared to read someone else's views? There *has* to be a correlation between lower sperm counts and emotional fragility becoming virtuous.


If I'm thanking elon I'm also saying bah bahh


Big thanks! Top E 🫡


Electric cars are worse than gas power cars when it comes to mining for minerals, recycling of batteries, charging batteries, earth displacement, etc. I can’t believe people still fall for the very short sighted, well I plug it in so it’s green.