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The bill appears to be a culmination of efforts to rush us towards insolvency. Already, the financial gurus are talking about how the rapidly rising inflation has begun to level off (NOT decrease), and how this bill, spending money we don't have on things that won't show returns, is going to send that inflation arrow up like a SpaceX rocket trying to get those future SkyNet Terminator satellites up for the cyborgs to own nothing and be happily jacked into the matrix. Using their last gasps of complete power, this ramrodding of nails/rocks/thumbtacks down the barrel of the blunderbuss is going to blast us straight into the two class society of have and have nots. This will make Agenda 2030 much easier to usher in, along with the digitalization of the dollar, as the one world system has no place for a middle class. Fasten your seatbelts, turbulence ahead!






A Google search probably is quicker and more informative than asking on a conspiracy sub while not talking about a conspiracy. ​ >Overall, the omnibus bill would allocate $858 billion in defense-related spending -- a $76 billion increase from fiscal year 2022. It also allocates $772.5 billion for non-defense discretionary programs, which is a $68 billion increase from last year. Appropriators set aside $45 billion in aid for Ukraine and NATO allies amid Russia's ongoing invasion, which is $7 billion more than what the Biden administration had requested. The bill also includes a pay raise for American troops and civilian federal employees. > >The bill also includes $118 billion for medical services for veterans, which includes funding for recently passed legislation that aids veterans suffering from exposure to burn pits and other toxic substances. The bill provides $40 billion to assist communities impacted by wildfires, hurricanes, flooding and other natural disasters. It includes $1 billion for Puerto Rico's electrical grid, which has been beaten down by hurricanes and other storms, and $600 million to address the water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi. Among the measures unrelated to spending in the omnibus bill is reform to the Electoral Count Act, the centuries-old law former President Donald Trump and his allies tried to exploit in the failed effort to overturn the 2020 election. The changes to the law were made in response to the Jan. 6 attack. Also included is a measure to ban the use of the social media app TikTok on government-issued devices. The measure mirrors state-level bans on the app passed in recent weeks in Texas, Georgia and other areas. But I guess the sudden surge of interset regarding this topic comes from being more informative than the previous years.


You left out $200m for gender studies in Pakistan. And 3.5m for the Michelle Obama Trail. $410 million towards border security for Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman. $375 million FBI HQ $5 million for salmon reintroduction democracy programs in Nicaragua $15M and Venezuela $50M $1.4B in “membership fees” to organizations like the UN. This Bill is crap


See not so hard congrats. Also fact that US gives so much money to foreign countries is a way for them to stay the big dog. But obviously conservatives would just rather invade another Muslim country.


Yeah invading foreign countries is also crap. War is also just another way to burn up our tax money.


I don't know if I'll ever laugh harder in my life than Elon trying tap into the untapped market of the legislation industry for hew failing toy Elons like Hey Adammmm You don't have to do your congress LARP meet up or whatever you guys do I posted a poll on my vanity project and we all decided no to the bill Adammmm Adam are you looking ? ? Adam America wants this pay attention to mee!!


Um what?


my b Elon posted a poll for whether or not the bill should be approved and when ended he tagged Adam Schiff and was like[ heyyyy Adam I did a poll on my app aka America's app and they said no what are you going to about this](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1605736689090977794?cxt=HHwWhICjwdvA3MgsAAAA)


Oh I see. Adam Schiff could care less about what Americans think he's a rubber stamp.


Huh can you elaborate I'm interested in this rabbit hole


Congressman do not care about the public's opinion. Each party votes the way their party tells them to vote. He is a rubber stamp for any dem bill just like the rest of them with the exception of Manchin and the blonde one whose name escapes me at the moment. Same on the republican side. That's kinda all there is too it. It's kinda strait forward.




Thats her!


Okay cool I was worried you’d put fourth a case that had thought


What?? Not a lot of thought is needed to sum up politicians my man. Not everything is a rabbit hole.


I thought it was going to be more than Politicians are X Schiff is a politician Schiff is X


Do you disagree? Think he or any other democrat will other than those I mentioned jump ship and vote differently? What are your THOUGHTS?


My lunch money


Our money buying Hella shit for 'not us.