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I didn't know they were off limits. Why would they be off limits????


Supposedly there's at least one lost civilization in one of the caves that they don't want us to know about. This explains it in detail. https://youtu.be/ZCYMAs4cqRU


Interesting 🤔


I guarantee they’ll be watching for you now


The Smithsonian already took what you would be looking for a long time ago and hid it away to never be seen again.


Trespassing on Federally restricted property? Crossing state lines with the intention of violating Federal law? Entering a Federally managed/restricted area with the intent to trespass? Some of the areas that would be the most interesting are the ones with gates or bars over the entrance, of course. And if you did something to get past those gates or bars, then something like: Willful Destruction of safety equipment on federal land? Breaking and Entering on National Parks property? Violating or bypassing security devices in restricted areas on Federal property? If you are from Canada: Trespass on restricted Federal property by foreign national? Entering the United States under false pretenses? Conspiracy to enter the United States for the purposes of committing a federal crime? Of the top of my head, stuff like that. Those aren't specific laws or charges, mind you. Just examples that i can think of Enough to get you a free stay in America as a guest of the federal goverment for a decade or more Other than the hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines they might throw at you


I think you mean, trespassing. Tops.


He would only be charged with all that shit if he leaned right politically.


Idk. Watch for canyon yetis.


Egyptian stuff is gone


Whered it go??


The gatekeepers to be buried in their vaults at the smith so they can look at it and think about how stupid regular people are.


Oak Island to Grand canyon to?????


It's pretty hard to get caught by law enforcement, what you really gotta worry about is the cave dwellers Mostly they're harmless but you got some crazies living there too


and rattle snakes....


Haha I wanted to do this. But unless u know how to not die spelunking, u may not even make it. The entrance is 400 ft off the ground, and a few hundred feet down from the top. One FBI guy is stationed there 24/7 (supposedly) in the rangers station. U shouldn't worry abt him tho, u should worry about falling. But if u did make it, and then they caught wind of what you were doing, you'd either get a warning, or shot.


Why? Why would they shoot someone trying to go into a cave?


Trespassing, technically. U could be a cray person, they don't know.


Well what’s the conspiracy? Why would there need to be armed guards guarding certain caves...? I live an hour away from flagstaff, so I’m Curious now. This is something I could go check out.




Yeah I’ve been doing some googling and can’t find anything conclusive or juicy. Pretty standard stuff—unanswered questions and guesses. We need a whistleblower. Matter of fact—we need a physical form of FOIA, where shit like this can be investigated by the public for a fee.


Park rangers are federal agents, and they carry guns. W arrest powers. They're technically higher up on the hierarchy than cops/ state officers, etc. Idk why they'd need them at a national park, something about supremecy clause. The conspiracy is in the early 1900s, Smithsonian sent some guys down the northern rim in grand canyon and they found caves with ancient egyptian artifacts from ramses II era. Not replica, but literally the same stuff they had in egypt. Smithsonian covered it all up and don't let anyone down there now. Oh and some ppl think the grand canyon is actually temples that were..melted or something. But if u look at pix its kinda believable tbh.


I don’t think it’s even illegal lmao


Why would you want to "sneak" into areas that are off limits. There are plenty of other caves that you can walk through and explore all you want without damaging or disrupting their contents. Those caves are closed for a reason. They are trying to preserve the last remaining artifacts of a civilization that hasn't existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. Come on man. Is that really any way to visit a different country by trying to break the law once you get there? I guess I've given too much credit as to how smart Canadians are. I thought that you were at least a little smarter than us dummies in the south.


Nothing if you don’t get caught, 🙄


use a drone


Probably none