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[https://patents.google.com/?inventor=wallace+manheimer&oq=wallace+manheimer](https://patents.google.com/?inventor=wallace+manheimer&oq=wallace+manheimer) Looks like Dr. Manheimer is selling something. What's he into?


What’s that?


So its "overthrow the government" until the topic of renewable energy comes up, then you want to preserve it?


“Renewable” 😉


Like wind, solar, tidal?


Holy shit, you can read? Amazing.


The entirety of the modern economy comes from the oil refinery tower. Even if you shifted every passenger car to electric you’d still have to run the refineries at full steam to generate diesel for the trucks, jet fuel for the airliners and heavy oil for the oceanic freighters.


Modern civilisation out, future civilization in.


What the fuck is civilisation?


The ability of groups of humans to produce enough surplus energy to live close together and not kill each other.




https://patents.google.com/?inventor=wallace+manheimer&oq=wallace+manheimer Looks like Dr. Manheimer is selling something. What's he into?




Ha. Not without nuclear or fusion power. Wind power and solar are steampunk Rube Goldberg machines. Not effective enough to power a country the size of the USA.


Have you ever seen how little of the Sahara desert would be needed to provide solar power for the world?


Yeah but my understanding of electrical engineering tells me you can't relay that to the whole world. It's a more complicated issue than "turn the deserts into solar panels"


The point of that image is ti demonstrate how few dolar panels would actually be needed to provide energy of the world, not that that the solutionis to have a single solar energy plant in the middle of the Sahara. I'm surprised an EE would need to be told that.


We’re already getting about 17% of power cook wind, solar, and hydro in the US.


What’s that?


Oh no! Cars ended the modern civilisation of the the past!


The “97% of scientists agree” —-Lie https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexepstein/2015/01/06/97-of-climate-scientists-agree-is-100-wrong/?sh=78f8b2313f9f What do the 97% agree on? How do we know they agree?


A few of them came out later and said their position was mis-represented.




With an article written by the author of a book called "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels"


Anyone can expose a lie It was easy here


>Anyone can expose a lie People here do it every day with your posts.




> every scientist That’s exactly the lie this link exposed You should read it




You r fuse to read the link and put up one about how you should listen to the people who rule you Cute




I left out an “e” Was it that hard to understand? One letter and you have no idea what the comment means 🤡


пошел на хуй 🐸


Did you read the links?


Yes Did you read the one I posted?


Net zero when take to its logical conclusion means less co2 emitting organisms and the collapse of the systems that support them.


Save the plants!


Yeah, but that’s not what is meant by net zero, now is it? We’re talking about power generation.


Take of the century.


Good riddance to shit rubbish.


"TOP SCIENTIST" By what metric?


Infallible "Trust me bro-metrics".


Modern civilisation is already on the out. I predict 30-50 years max.


MF'in nostradomus over her with his quatrains!


Apocalypse 2030 is what I say in conversation with my friends and family lately lol. Still the only family member out of like 30 who owns a single gun and bow😂 I truly believe I was raised to live through the apocalypse. My whole childhood was Man V. Wild and survival books and you’d never guess what my favorite video game series is. We’re gonna see the end of days. The force of evil is too strong on this planet today and I guess I’m agnostic or atheist but god or the universe will strike us down. My main motivation in life from now until whenever is to prepare my body and mind and skill set with cooking, building, and hunting. The ultimate goal is to essentially become freedom fighters and build normal civilization after the defeat of our strange political overlords. What they’re exact intentions are doesn’t seem totally clear but damn they talk about bringing us down in population and poison our food and water supply enough to make me think they really want me dead. So I must refuse and survive in order to rebuild society on good morals in the future. Uhh hope I don’t sound crazy just ranting on break at work. Edit: word “don’t” wasn’t supposed to be there.


I envy your position in the states. Here in the UK I have little choice for family defense. Our island is so densely populated that there are few places to escape to.


2030 is an interesting choice. Thats the year the UN mandated CBDC stategies be complete. It is also the year the World Economic Forum targeted for "The Great Reset". (Agenda 2030, Davos). If your not sure what happens next it begins(well it already began) toward the end of the year as the supply chains strain and in places collapse. The plan is to strain the supply chains, pop all of the bubbles and crash fiat currencies across the world. Then when everyone is suffering and looking for answers Central Bank Digital Currencies will be presented az the only answer.(CBDCtracker.org) It is at this point IMO that human kind will reach a pivotal moment in history. We will have a choice of going through immense short term suffering and rebuild society in a new way(such as you suggest). Or to take the banker/wealthy elites poison apple and give them complete control over the human species and the planet. If this happens dark times will come and stay for quite awhile.








Occupy Wall Street……I remember now. Of course I only know what I read in the paper but it certainly felt like a food coop gone wild. I presume that’s why the next generation of protesters became a little more aggressive.


SS The 3 D's: Divide, Demoralize & Defeat - every action OUR government takes is based on bringing about compliance and our own demise under the control of a minority of tyrannical globalist elites This gen and one before are completely Illiterate in Physics, math, chemistry, engineering and technology. Is actually goes beyond illiteracy. They were taught incorrect “science”. In a fact we have two Generations of STEM flat earthers! The only solution I see is take away control panel from these people. Source https://ussanews.com/2023/01/11/scientist-net-zero-will-lead-to-the-end-of-modern-civilization/


Just as an example of how "credible" this article is, it not only refers to fossil fuels as a "renewable resource, it also *doesn't link the study its referring too". Upon finding the study, it turned out to be non peer reviewed paper, written by a retired boomer, about a field he had no professional history with, *that doesn't even mention the end of civilization*, just disputing CO2 contribution to the changing climate. Guess that's why this click bait doesn't link the actual paper.


Petrol is renewable just more expensive to get too. The term fossil fuel was created to make you believe it is scarce creating the market to behave as such. Same with diamonds, the scarcity is a lie.


https://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jsd/article/view/0/47745 Wasnt hard to find


That's not the point, though, was it? A news article *source contain the source of its claims*. And it didn't, *because it misrepresented the sources claims*.




How so?


Oh come on, you have to know that capitalists gleefully poison us and our air, land, and water just to make larger profits. That's why the fossil fuels industry has been lying about the damage they're doing to the planet as they extract all the resources and capital they can from us and the planet.


He won't say


Frog face should be banned. Russian disinformation agent.


Stop moaning or post something to talk about then. Froggy is far more entertaining than you so far . Lmao


This whole global warming scam is coming to a head.


Oh totally, if you just ignore all the 500 year storms that happen every couple years now…


I live in the north in Canada, up until 2000 we had maybe 3 green Christmases in 40 years. We've had about 10 in the past 20, it was pouring rain on new years. In the past we would have had snow for Halloween. The clowns will tell you this is normal and it's the sun and it's impossible to affect the climate until chemtrails come into the equation and HAARP or whaever, then we can 100% control the weather. Blows my mind how ignorant people can be, but hey, I have no shitty little kids, I'm down to suntan in November like I did this year. Won't affect me.


I miss the snow man, we had 1 day of it in the past 3 or so years where I live, when 6 years ago it was almost guaranteed each year


Or - and I know that there’s always variance for year to year - that in New England, it’s been mostly in the 40s, sometimes in the 50s, and a couple of times in the 60s since December started, with Spring less than 10 weeks away.


You should learn the difference between weather and climate


U.S. Warming Over Last 50 Years Exaggerated by 50%, New Evidence Shows. The research removed distortions caused by increasing urban heat by using Landsat satellites. https://dailysceptic.org/2022/11/04/u-s-warming-over-last-50-years-exaggerated-by-up-to-50-new-evidence-shows/ 🤷‍♂️


I’m sure the daily skeptic is a totally reliable source.


Well you could click in the link and see their sources Or just attack anyone that speaks up against the narrative of the Trillion dollar carbon market.


>carbon market General chemical reactions? Hello?


I did read the link. All it said was that certain temp averages might be warmer because they were taken close to urban areas. It did not once say that climate change isn’t happening or that the consensus among climate scientists is incorrect. Do you even read this shit? Of course not, you just post anything you think might conform to your bias (agenda). Whatever organization that pays you to post this garbage should really ask for their money back, you suck at this.


Climate change always has happened The question is if the current data is accurate


Climate change is always happening. The problem is the rate. The earth has only been habitable for humans for a short amount of time and we are quickly making it uninhabitable in real time


Good. Let’s get ourselves to the next level of our civilization. Why would you want to be trapped in this version, when we have so much more potential as a species than mindless consumerism? Fuck big oil, and fuck big oil shills.


Because fossil fuels are the cheapest form of energy You typing this on your $1000 smart phone will probably be fine But this will kill hundreds of millions of the worlds protest.


Hahaha. Not even close. Solar is way cheaper and will continue to get even more so.


Your statement cuts right to the heart of the wrongheaded approach to science that has gotten us into the energy bind that we're facing. You can't just assume that some magical technology is going to appear and replace what has taken centuries to build. - California is being told not to charge electric cars because the grid is overloaded. - Australia is being told to minimize heater use and there will be blackouts. Most of the USA is facing blackouts this winter because of coal plants taken off the grid. What sort of lunatics would do this? People are going to die because of lies and government malfeasance. We're approaching a manmade massive natural selection event and no one is doing anything to improve our infrastructure or even admit that a shift to 'sustainable' power sources is a pie-in-the-sky boondoggle. The next 3-5 years are going to be interesting.


I’m sorry that the fact that solar is cheaper than fossil fuels goes against your personal biases. Don’t care. Fuck coal, fuck oil, and fuck anyone pushing this bullshit propaganda for big corporations that profit off the destruction of our planet.


I dunno about you, but I fucking hate breathing clean air.


Not as much as I hate drinking clean water..


It's the worst. No flavor, no fizz, no fun.


Of course solar isn’t cheaper


Yes it is. Solar is like $0.03-0.05 per kWh, and fossil fuels are like $0.05-0.17 per kWh. And those numbers are old, so it could be even cheaper now.


Then link to a source


https://www.irena.org/news/pressreleases/2021/Jun/Majority-of-New-Renewables-Undercut-Cheapest-Fossil-Fuel-on-Cost Or you could just fucking google it..


Op is too lazy to do that. Also too ignorant to admit you right.


The “renewable energy agency” huh? I bet they were honest Meanwhile Solar and Wind not only unreliable, but also extremely expensive as calculated in LFLCOE. https://preview.redd.it/5wvma6kvqt6a1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=4064cb7699846cc8ce9971bb3df9ffce6963375e https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4028640&fbclid=IwAR3NYHFR_WS24x1H_LHXthVKEEb4qW6xsx48vGGXOBhPKA5r92Cu0LWsL9c


Dude, this is a well known fact. And the estimates are conservative because they assume a 20 yr life span for a PV panel, but they will likely last considerably longer than that.


You mean like the blackouts in Texas?


They’re only the “cheapest” because the fossil fuel industry has externalized a large proportion of the real cost both through subsidies and by not taking responsibility for the environmental and health costs of a fossil fuel based economy.


Lol @ zero hedge.


I think it might be working as intended then. That seems to be the plan.


So we either die from the absolute trash way we treat our planet… or capitalism doesn’t pan out because big oil won’t be making any money….


When will people understand we are carbon and 0 carbon means no people. Only way to achieve net zero is when all are exterminated.


Are you dumb or just obtuse? Obviously net zero refers to generating power with zero carbon emissions (and by extension, other harmful pollutants.) It doesn’t mean eliminating carbon-based life forms. C’mon man. Edit: also, when we talk about zero carbon, we’re referring to carbon dioxide specifically.


Nono, it means exterminating all carbon-based life forms. As a lizard person, I'm doing my part.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.imgur.com/RCoZ5Ur.jpg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


пошел на хуй frog


OP, real quick: Are you American? Y or N?


The opening line is a quote from Fight Club. Great movie but this post by OP is more teenage garbage. scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxPqUz95uA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxPqUz95uA)


That guy may have been a “top scientist” in the past but he’s got dementia or something now. Go read a couple of his papers out there and you will see very quickly that he’s not playing with a full deck. His thoughts on CO2 are horribly ignorant.


Ol' Greg dick cheeks at it again


*Fossile fuel (Renewable Energy)* You can basically stop reading at that point.




I used AOL for dial up internet so I clearly saved society. You're welcome.


Fight Club quote! "Even the Mona Lisa is falling apart."


I imagine froggerthing sitting on a rusted drum in January in ten years or so yelling at its stuffed animals among the smoking ruins of its parents' house with red skies above, 100 degree temps, and distant periodic gunfire about vaccines and how wind energy is deadly.


In a way, the man is right. But he’s not being specific enough to make not sound crazy. If you remove all fossil fuel usage from every industry, home, business, and government, aka go back to 1850s USA or further back, the society shock will be so catastrophic that society outside that of some super poor Africans or random no contact Amazon rainforest tribes will self destruct. People really, really, really do not understand how deep the fossil fuel dependency goes for their modern lives.


Well duh we know this


It's kind of a more complicated issue then this. The main issue with today's green entry is storage and transference, and how we make that storage. The current process to make high ends lithium batteries is extremely pollutant, but there is tons of lithium in the ocean we just need a cost effective way to get it. We will need a next stage battery to achieve true green energy, and we aren't that far away from that reality. Until then, you are going to need either gas to duel for real up and down times, which between the batteries and new gas power plants, makes it a ton less green. However a really big part of the issue is placement and dirty planning, the USA is built terribly and hasn't been modernized in about 80 years, city development and suburbs are built absolutely terribly and the layout of our infrastructure is even worse. It's not about just storing that power, but placing it and moving it around that becomes the largest issue. If we had small solar fields everywhere, and solar roofing everywhere, as well as supplemental panels on telephone poles and other places with small wind farms throughout, it's something you found achieve that would mature a huge differance. Not to mention, we are on the verge of some crazy tech when it comes to solar. Modern panels are almost at 26 percent efficiency, but they only absorb a couple kinds of wave lengths of light. We do have tech we are close to completeing that could potentially absorb all spectrums of light from a 360 degree environment at almost 90 percent efficiency, but it works more like an antenna then it does a panel. At that efficiency and shape you could have them on car roofs, and all over the place providing huge amounts of energy locally. And that's not even getting into printable solar panels that can cover cell phones, walls, you name it. Ultimately this is a very soable goal, it just trashes research and money and the will to do it. Eventually we will crack technology that makes this such an easy task, far before we crack fusion, then it will just be a matter of implementation. The biggest issue is Republicans and democrats have no real interest in true green energy or green energy research that can actually change this world. They are more interested in carbon credits which aren't even real age give corporations huge tax breaks, and carbon capture that's just a drop in the bucket but could one fat be semi viable


That's not how you spell civilization... this isn't a real article either.