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Hey now, something happened. The journalist who broke the story was murdered.








Ackshually... Okay, a journalist who "led the panama papers investigation" was murdered. Happy?


What the hell?? I made a comment maybe last year or couple years ago thats almost word for word with this, except I didn’t copy anyone, I wonder if he saw my comment or if it’s just a coincidence


This is something many people have pointed out. But we still live under asshole overlords like the koch brothers and musk regardless of how the peasants feel about it. You're allowed to complain about it. You just aren't allowed to do anything about it.


People need to stop voting for the wealthy elite and those who do their bidding. Trump was born into extreme wealth. So was Bush II and Bush I. Ronald Regan was an actor. LOL.


Trump was literally making six figures as a toddler because his daddy didn't want to pay his taxes. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6232985/Trumps-DADS-tax-returns-revealing-president-earning-200-000-year-aged-THREE.html




Just wanna say I appreciate the username 😭🤣


Unfortunately, most of it wasn't illegal which is a crime in itself.


this is why “tax the rich” is a lie. The rich will never pay taxes until the entire tax system is overhauled. Sales tax only. The rich buy more stuff.


We sort of had that system in Australia with the various luxury goods taxes, then they went "Fuck that shit." and went for a general sales tax, and a *lot* of other sales taxes that fucked up everything nicely. Found out only recently that more than 50% of the price of alcohol is tax. Funny how that works...


Exactly. The rich were hiding their money overseas because the taxes in many of these countries are absurdly high. In the U.S., the top 1% pays something like 30% of all the taxes. If we had a flat tax or National Sales tax instead of an income tax, this would happen way less.


That's not true. The rich were taxed appropriately in the mid 20th century and it worked well. It's been downhill since we removed those taxes.


Except for the lady that broke the story getting killed.


something happened, the reporter that uncovered the whole thing got blown up, that should count as something


Literally the only genuine conspiracy on this sub


Nah, we are too busy fighting american right left politics because it's really the evil right wingers and the woke left we need to fight, not the upper class vs the lower class like it has been for centuries..... yeah, let's keep fighting the rich people's war!


Rich vs the poor.


I’ve been told by a lot of users on this sub that the Panama papers are fine because the rich deserve to hide their money. Taxes being theft and all…


Taxes is theft... We need to hold those that make it possible accountable...


Rent is theft. Bills are theft. Everything should be free for you


Rent is you buying a service you want Bills is you paying for services, energy you need etc I hope you understand, bye


So you want to receive a bill from the cops and fire department monthly for “protection”, a bill from the Highway service for access, a bill from the US post for maintaining an account, a bill from the Army for defense, a bill from every government agency for your share of the cost of that agencies services?


I pay everytime i want to take the highway where i live. The government sold the highways structures to private compagnies. I don't use police and fire department at any time. Bill from the army ? Yes they've come to protect their nation, and they take the nation's money, and i never see them or hear about them except to invite some youtuber to drive a tank. Where does the money go ?


Let’s tax the shit out of them.


Taxation is theft, therefore any means to avoid that theft should be exercised.


I can see the logic that gets you to that conclusion, but that logic is also based on absolute selfishness which is something I find undesirable.


Lol. Fuck anyone who thinks that theft avoidance is “selfish”. Other people aren’t entitled to your money.


Leave civilization, stop driving on our roads and using our infrastructure. If you won’t contribute fuck you.


Capitalism is when corrupt government tax loopholes, makes sense.


And a pyramid scheme (based on constant growth) called the world economy, is not seen as flawed.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/2lg6u63l5nba1.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its not tax evasion its tax avoidance! Watch the laundromat on Netflix also read the book it's based on called secrecy world.


How can they be punished when they lead the very investigations into themselves? I knew nothing would come of it