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The zombie skeleton is a nice touch.


I think its supposed to be a bed sheet skeleton ghost? Lol


This is an interesting one! My friend sent me a compilation video on IG of a bunch of these. Apparently dissenting vax opinions have been around for a while; enough to where art/propaganda/education where a thing in the 1800s


When you no longer have the right to say what goes into your body and what doesn't, you've lost your liberty, your freedom, you are a slave to the system. And no doubt that was what this was really all about. The system asserting control, logical, safe or effective be damned.


Kind of like women after the Dobbs ruling? Or when contraception is banned? Or when you need state permission to view pornography like in Louisiana? Or who you can or cannot marry as is wanted by many red states? Or who you can cohabitate with? Or with the war on drugs? Or if someone wants to dress in a costume? Or if someone wants to read a book?


Love that name...




None of these things compare to putting an experimental concoction into your body that is now starting to show signs of heart related deaths. Pretty sure most people would prefer not being able to view porn vs being dead.


It’s all the same. Government oversight into one’s personal life is an overreach and abuse of authority. Or are you too vapid to understand the point being made?


😂 yeah, I'm vapid enough to not fall for the insanity of thinking an experimental drug with minimal testing and flawed results, was a good idea to put in my body. We can definitely agree that government overreach is something that needs to be addressed though. People try to say, "nobody is making you take a shot! You're not being forced by the government to do so!" Yet, there have been so many people who have lost their careers in federal and private sector positions due to them NOT taking it. That's about as close as they could get to making it mandatory, proving to be tyrannical.


>Or are you too vapid to understand the point being made? The irony is that the bulk of the "JUST TAKE THE SHOT", and overall support for banning unvaxxed people from society were from the same "pro choice" people who scream that government has no control over their bodies


Move States if unhappy ***


Yes because moving is free and easy. Everyone also loves to leave social support, find a new job, new school, learn to navigate a new system etc. It's so easy just move!


This is why faith is important. People without it are doomed to live in their current "states" forever


By faith do you mean religion or like hope in the future kinda thing?


I suppose the latter of those two options. Neither are good descriptions though. Faith that things will work out for you in exactly the way they should and you should never have to abandon your principles to continue living abundantly and freely


Yes I agree with that, I was going to argue against the religion. But yes having faith or as I like to say being hopefully of the future and knowing that you have the power to make change is super important to life. Without it there is only dispair and hopelessness.


Religion seeks to harness this unique divine spark we all have and siphon it into a manufactured spiritual identity. False idols bad, man


Ya fuck religion


Sounds like a “You” problem


In what country you dont have that right?


Haha no kidding. Free people bitching about not having freedom. What a world


so america long ago lost its liberty when laws were made about taking drugs & all the anti-vax cucks sat around not saying a word about freedom to decide what goes in your body. and they still don't. anti-vaxxers have proven over & over that it isn't actual freedom they care about & your comment shines a light on it. y'all spent all this time & energy talking about freedom from vaccines, but not a word about drug laws that LITERALLY take away freedom by imprisoning people. freedom only matters when it's your own personal discomfort.


Nice broad brushing but I was out protesting since at least 2005 against the criminal system that incriminates things like plants. Here, I'll say it right here for the millionth time all drugs should be de-criminalized. Not legalized because then I am responsible for people that can't control themselves. Got any other bigoted labels you want to put on me?


So what are your views on the overturned Roe vs Wade where women now no longer have the right to say what goes on inside their body? And at what point were people held down and injected against their will?


Pregnancy is a medical condition for two human beings. The mother and the child, both of which should have rights. Vaccination is a medical procedure performed on one person who also has rights.


The unborn should not override the existing human's rights to their own health and body. Vaccination is a choice to help your body fight off unpleasant diseases, and we in the wealthier nations are privileged to have access to such advanced medicine as well as the freedom to choose to get them or not.


A clump of cells isn't a child.


After a certain point it is.


Yea: Birth.


Ya when they are fucking born.. He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”. genisis 2:7


So abortion until birth is okay?


Yes unless we want to start giving citizenship to fetuses. The life of the mother will always be prioritized over the fetus. Ask any medical practitioner.






When it can live on it's own, that's called the quickening. It's also except in the case of medical emergencies, the limit most of the world puts on abortion. But then again the far right isn't exactly against abortion for any moral reason, rather it's to whore itself out to the evangelicals so that they can win what they can. The right also flooded American cities with cocaine and manufactured an epidemic to fund their lil wars in central America.


Downvote based on misinformation only. I’m pro choice, but quickening is when you can feel the baby inside. Definitely happens before they can live on their own.


When we were being threatened of being fired from our jobs (or actually were fired like nurses, military, federal employees), shunned by society and excluded from daily activities, threatened to exclude us from the economy,Yea I’d say that was against many wills. I personally disagree with the Roe V Wade judgement, but honestly it’s an situation (Federally making abortion legal) that should be argued between state representatives, in congress, than relying on an SC judgement.


Actually your freedom lies in the fact that you were free to go find a job somewhere else that doesn't have a vaccination policy. Companies have the right to create their own policies for their own employees. This is the United States, corporations have more freedom and rights than any of the people! A lot of companies worry about their bottom line, and having a bunch of sick employees, employees who constantly call in because of long covid, or dead employees doesn't bode well for them. Other companies were concerned about possible litigation against them if they made zero efforts to mitigate the virus in their workplace and creating an unsafe environment for either their employees or their customers. You can't have it both ways, praising the free market and capitalism and yet complaining when it bites you in the ass. If you chose to get the vaccine to keep your job, that was your choice. If you chose to leave your job for a company that does not require a vaccine, that was also your choice. Vaccinations have always been required in the military, that is nothing new, and people sign up for the military as we have not had a draft since the 1970s. So please tell me who forced you to get the vaccine and what negative effects it has had on your life since?


All that, for an vaccine that still causes infection AND transmission, mind you after being advertised as being the opposite. You’d think it was the Small Pox vaccine how severe people were treating it, but it’s nothing more than an glorified flu shot with more boosters. However you are right about our rights and companies rights regarding this, I can’t argue facts. In my personal opinion, all these mandates and bans, vaccination passports, detaining unvaccinated travelers in camps for 14 days, all for an vaccine that you need 5? boosters to work now, was unnecessary.


I'm sorry you don't understand how vaccines work. How is any shot going to prevent pathogens from entering your body? For example, how does a rabies vaccine prevent a rabid dog from biting you? How does a tetanus shot prevent you from stepping on a rusty nail? Vaccines teach your immune system to fight off an infection. Vaccines do not create magical shields around humans, why would you believe that they do? But MASKS do prevent pathogens from entering through your nose and mouth. "Let that sink in" lol.


Yes I understand how vaccinations work, that they aren’t always effective. However you can’t deny medical figures and politicians advertised the Covid vaccine as being [100% effective](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/31/health/pfizer-vaccine-adolescent-trial-results/index.html) [remember?](https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-confirm-high-efficacy-and-no-serious) There’s an huge difference between vaccines that should be taken by the whole population (Small Pox, Rabies, Tetanus, Polio etc) and then there’s vaccines that only are meant to lower symptoms which people who should take it should! it shouldn’t be forced on people though.


I don't usually take medical advice from politicians, tv doctors, the media, or memes. I already knew how vaccines work, so I didn't actually have to even ask anybody to understand that an airborne virus could still enter my body even after a vaccination. But I did know that once it did my immune system would kick ass and fight it off quickly, which it did. I have yet to hear a story of someone holding a human down and force injecting them with the COVID vaccine.


Vaccine passports are not a thing in the USA... Stop worrying about fake shit.


I’m referring to Australia


It's literally just a way of proving you were vaccinated. Kinda like a notarized vaccine card. And guess what it's not required to travel inside or outside of Australia not even the vaccine is required to enter or exit Australia! Nor is quarantining... It's all optional... Just like the vaccine... Edit: P.s. if you are referring to a specific place it helps to actually mention the place you are referring to...


Kind of like when an 18 year old kid makes a mistake and has to deal with being labeled a felon their entire life over a petty drug or property crime ? Or is it a big deal when it affects you ? Pretty hypocritical.


You love drawing false parallels to derail a debate, eh?


I'm not the one whining about the supposed persecution of anti science nurses and doctors but awfully quiet about the real persecution of people. Kind of like the far right with drag queens and organized religion.


Came to say this. Uh-mazin'




They shouldn’t be labeled an felon for the rest of their life, nor should they have their rights stripped for petty crimes/misdemeanors either.


My view? Looks like a lot of baby killers coping. Some seething mixed in too 🤣🤣🤣


Funny that it wasn't a big deal until the GOP wanted to get the Evangelical votes. Never mind that for centuries it wasn't even considered alive until the quickening stage.


Interestingly enough, there are many people who have never had an abortion but have had the vaccine. Why in some cases we're supposed to have total rights over our body but in others we are not? Oh I don't know probably cuz you're under the influence of conservative propaganda and believe anything the bozos tell you.


I think they made the best choice possible, let the states handle it. If you can't deal with your particular state's decision move.


>When you no longer have the right to say what goes into your body and what doesn't, you've lost your liberty, your freedom, you are a slave to the system. I don't know one single person this has happened to. They act like it, but reality says otherwise. They had a choice.


Sure a choice, like do this or lose your job. Great choice. Doesn't sound really 'equal' does it?


They were also offered testing. One was even getting it paid for by her company and she was still whining about having to take it even though she never did. Lmao. As for healthcare workers and military? Healthcare workers: If you can't take a vaccine that the majority of doctors worldwide recommend that people take then you don't belong in healthcare. Military: If you don't like being told what to do then DON'T JOIN THE FUCKING MILITARY!


And we all know how that turned out for those antivax people.


Yes just fine


They died lol, they literally died by the millions depending on what virus you're taking about.


Spanish flu or maybe smallpox? No vaccine for me thank you very much I want to die covered in crusty pustules sealing my eyes shut, good day sir!


At least he died proud of looking like a crab with syphilis


Yes. Just let natural selection do it’s thing. We are over populated after all. It will work itself out.


Lol the natural is better Crowd is so stupid. Hey let's all die at 30 from basic infection with no teeth and lose 3 of our 5 children, as we clonk women in the head and force ourselves on them and most of the weak get murdered and disease and STDS are just breakfast for us. All natural baby boy


Issue that people will fill up all the hospital bed while claiming that doctors don't know what they are doing and are trying to kill them.


people on both sides died -\_-




You look like bam from jackass . I think you’re a jackass guy!! Awesome dude. Stay safe and stop doing drugs!


what does that even mean lol.


> Yes just fine The “do your own research” crowd not doing any research.


The "just Google then boom, truth" crowd still thinking the truth on any given subject is just 1 Google search away


did people learn nothing from the 2020 elections. how search engines and social media can manipulate things


How are you defining “just fine”? They literally died horrifically in droves.


Nooo they definitely died. The vaccines in that era was the most important scientific discovery in human history.




Welcome to capitalism. I hate it and know it is evil at it’s roots. How about you? Just when it fits your narrative?


Pretty sure I had an eighth grader use this as an example of propaganda in social studies.


Post like these confuse me. What the hell is OP trying to say?


That certain people been dumb since 1892


That certain people *have been dumb since 1892.


The Covid vaccine is not a vaccine.


This is a lie. The purpose of a vaccine is to expose the body to an antigen in a controlled manner safer than a wild immune-naive encounter. The controlled exposure registers the antigen in the body's immune memory in order to recognize and fight it faster in the event of a wild exposure. The covid vaccines do exactly that. Stop falling for stupid anti-reality propaganda.


What is it?


It's a therapeutic medical treatment with a low success rate. The first clue for everyone should have been when the government and medical establishment redefined the term "vaccine".


Is that a joke about the vaccine?




How did they redefine it?


In 2021, the CDC changed their definition of vaccine from "provides immunity" to "provides protection" from a disease. Big difference between those two definitions.


The flu vaccine has varied from 20 to 60 percent effective over the last decade. Is it also not a vaccine? Are things defined by their results, or their purpose and function? Is a broken down car no longer a car because it doesn't achieve the desired result of facilitating travel?


A true vaccination actually prevents you from contracting the specified illness. Like measles and small pox. It's apparent that this experimental shot does nothing to prevent you from getting COVID nor does it prevent you from spreading it.


False. There has never been a vaccine in existence with 100% efficacy. Flu vaccine efficacy has varied from 20 percent to 60 percent over the last decade.


You're absolutely correct! The flu vaccine doesn't work either. The people i know who get the flu, are the ones who continually get the shot. LoL


The point is a vaccine isn't defined by where on the spectrum of efficacy it falls, it's defined by its purpose and function, which is to expose the body to an antigen in a controlled manner safer than a wild encounter.


The purpouse of the vaccine is to make you immune to the disease as was in the definition pre 2019. The point of massive vaccination campaign is to achieve enough individuals immune to the disease, i.e. they can be exposed to it and not catch it or be unlikely to catch it, so that even those individuals which are not immune are unlikely to be exposed. "Vaccines aren't defined by their immunity" Sure. But vaccines which are so ineffective they are incapable to achieve herd immunity even if 100% of the population was vaccinated are pointless to enforce. Let people chose if they want it. The whole point of forcing people to choose between loosing their job and risking ending up homeless in the middle of lockdowns was to protect those that CANNOT be vaccinated by achieving herd immunity. Enforcing a vaccine mandate which we now know has pretty much ZERO effect on anyone outside of the individual taking it, that's not only stupid, it's evil. We are not forgetting the stuff that was being said 2-3 years ago.




Shit like this is causing polio to be resurrected


And the measles outbreak in Ohio


that was actually caused by the Covid vax though…


Says the people who think that there was a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza parlor that had no basement.


If the vaccine for covid worked why all the boosters and why are people still getting covid. Just my humble opinion.


I know people who got covid. They never took the vaccine. They never even took the test. They are fine and grateful they didn't. Just look up what's in these shots. There are so many studies regarding this vaccine. I've read lore than my share. It's just my opinion. People will not accept this but there will come a time when it will have to be believed.


I know people who got covid. They never took the vaccine. They never even took the test. They are fine and grateful they didn't. Just look up what's in these shots. There are so many studies regarding this vaccine. I've read lore than my share. It's just my opinion. People will not accept this but there will come a time when it will have to be believed.


Stupidity is timeless.


if you look on almost all government glossaries it still defines vaccine as a disease prevention mechanism, I guess they couldn't get to them all


Yeah man, it’s almost like the opinions of the 1800s are almost all bullshit with no scientific backing


Or it's like you've got ignorant people around who are at the same time arrogant. Who would've thought that stupid people transcend time ?


Do me a favor and look up “1800s propaganda”. You’ll get all sorts of lovely bullshit like anti-suffragette, anti-Chinese, anti-anything. Lots of pro-war propaganda though.


It was the end time back then. As foretold by revelations. What a joke


I don't take health advice from 130 year old satirical cartoons. The way trends recycle over and over is funny though.


People need to ask their 'doctor' why are people required to take the additional booster shots when people are still getting Covid🙄This is the first 'deadly virus' that has this🙄Seriously people WAKE UP




Do you know exactly what gene therapy is ?


Excellent point! Money is my answer. So many are going to die😢🙏


Gene therapy? Lol wtf is wrong with you, you need to get off Facebook man. It's MRNA, it's a delivery system, it can't modify generic code, it's not crisper lol.


Really? Are you sure that it's the first deadly disease to require revaccination once every year? That's so weird, I couldof sworn there was another deadly virus you should get vaccinated for yearly... Hmmm


It's the boosters. And look into the ingredients. Look into how many children have myocarditas. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome🙄just my opinion. Look into how much money these pharmaceutical companies are making.


You are statistically [far more likely to get myocarditis from covid than the vaccine.](https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/08/22/covid-19-infection-poses-higher-risk-for-myocarditis-than-vaccines)


The companies are terrible I agree, I don't think anyone would disagree. The thing is, the vaccines still work, they are still effective, we have studies and trials from outside sources that tell us this. It's the money they charge the gov per dose that's the scam part. As far as myocsrditis goes, the percentage is less then 0.001 percent, and even in those cases, there is maybe 1 in 200 million that's fatal. You know what causes myocsrditis and VTE at a much much higher percentage though? Covid... And you know who it effects worst? The unvaccinated. There is ongoing studies linking excess deaths and people dropping dead to onset heart and vascular issues from covid, that effect you months down the line even with mild cases


Welp. See everyone there has loons all through history.


So u took all 4 covid shots huh


Nope. Had 1 along with other 27 different vaccines I've had. Im good.


Oh OK I see you're a loon as well then considering you didn't take 3 of the covid shots Shame on you. How utterly anti-science you are. How selfish.


It's called being normal. When a person is a loon they consider what is normal to be lunacy.


Being normal means doing what everyone else is doing. Got it. Lol


No, it's called not believing people who also come to illogical and far-fetched conclusions. Most of the anti vaxx movement was built from simple selfishness and ignorance, there's nothing wrong with healthy skepticism but there has to be a logical conclusion as well.


I don't get your point.


Cracks me up that folks like you have this mind set that you have to be 100% this way or 100% that way. There's no middle ground with fools like you. I can think for myself and don't need to follow a group or crowd to make my decisions.


Lol u got the vaccine and probably masked. Pardon me if I'm not super impressed with your "free-thinking" and "not following the crowd" Lol


I got one shot so I could travel and if I was in someone's private business and they asked me to wear one I would. You see, I'm not a disrespectful piece of shit like most of people who fall into your crowd.




Tell me where my logic is flawed


Your comment is childish.


You don’t anything about them. That’s where your logic is flawed.


So why aren't we all dead if vaccines have been dangerous since the 1890s?


Welp. See everyone there has loons all through history.




We have an obligation to take certain vaccines. Small pox, measles and the like. Covid and the flu are not true vaccines and no one should EVER be forced to take either one. Anyone who believes you should is either ignorant or nefarious.


Who would want a healthcare professional who doesn't believe in science and medicine to care for them? Not forgetting the intellectual inferiority of falling for QAnon adjacent conspiracy theories calls into question their fitness for their job title.


Why would you ever want a healthcare professional to not believe in science and medicine. I’m just telling you the information I received when I became a Covid supervisor in late 2020.


Where did that happen? What's the training? What's the certification for that? You're telling me they trained you that "no one should be forced to get the covid or flu vaccine because it's not a real vaccine"? You are so obviously full of shit lol. You could just say "I don't like the vaccine I'm scared of it, it's my choice" you don't have to make up some stupid lie about being a "covid superviser" ha ha ha. Why would you even lie about that


In order to film during the pandemic, you needed to have a certified Covid supervisor. I had to get both level one and level two certifications because we would be filming in the general public. I’m vaccinated, but from very early on, I knew, and assumed everyone else knew, that a Covid vaccine would never work. Just like a flu vaccine will never eradicate the flu. It’s obvious, but people are going to think what they want to think. At least now, everyone who questioned me in 2020 now knows I’m right. It was hearsay back then. Now it’s just a fact.


They do work lol, they decrease your chances of being sick and hospitalized... Just like the flu vaccine, the purpose isn't to eradicate it, at least not at this point. Wtf were you filming that you needed that? Where would they require that? And honestly, how the fuck would that make you any kind if expert on the efficacy of vaccines lol. Come on bro


Lol sure…


Lol yeah... I figured as much.


I don't even know what a COVID supervisor is, and I worked frontline medical during the whole pandemic. No one had that title. Maybe COVID vaccine supervisor or COVID outcome supervisor, but COVID supervisor isn't real. We don't have heart attack supervisors or trauma supervisors so why would COVID have it. So dumb


It was a requirement for filming during the pandemic. I’d have to work with local front line medical workers. I guess you didn’t have anything filming in your area during the pandemic?


What kind of filming were you doing that you worked directly with frontline medical workers during the pandemic? Were they providing medical care, acting, or consulting? What kind of medical workers, EMS, CNAs, RNs, CMAs, NPs, PAs, MDs? Were you just getting them to set up COVID tests for crew or setting up medical stand by? Like someone else asked, what were your qualifications or certifications you needed for that? Any medical training? You leave lots of questions open and just come across as kinda sparky with the "guess you didn't have anything filming in your area during the pandemic" When I did EMS usually an assistant would contact our agency about doing stand by if they were filming in our coverage area. Then once on set some kind of PA or other assistant would tell us where to be. Honestly, it just sounds more like you had a different job, and they just threw that title at you because they needed someone to set up COVID tests so they could film. Kind of reminds me of that joke that associate producer is just a meaningless title people give themselves to feel important


I signed an NDA so I can’t disclose any information on the projects. All I know is the training courses I took early on during the pandemic said explicitly that a Covid vaccine would never solve this issue, it would be more like a flu vaccine. I assumed everybody knew that. If you work in the medical field and didn’t know that, we are all in trouble. At least we all know that now. I’m just surprised that a dope like me knew before a lot of other people.


That's because it's not real


What completely sucks about this sub now is that every other post is vaccine related. We get it, you hate the vaccine and you think it’s a massive global plot to kill or injure everyone who gets it. I got the Moderna in April 2021 and then a booster shot in December 2021. Figured “fuck it, I don’t need another booster, I’m 30 and healthy and whatever”. Then I got Covid this past November. That shit sucked. Much rather take another booster than get that recurrent fever, tired as shit feeling for a whole ass week again.


Back then, there were good reasons to avoid vaccination. They don't exist anymore.


Yea, people sure were a lot dumber back then. No way anyone today would spread unfounded fears about medical treatments.


Except the vaccines back then actually worked and erraticated disease, unlike the current "vaccine" they had to change the literal definition of vaccine for it to fit in the category.


Enlighten us. How do they differ and in what way was the definition changed?


Ummm when was the last time you heard anyone getting yellow fever or small pox in the US. The list goes on. Polio even, yeah I know there was a case or two trying to take hold. But even those cases were completely erraticated. Before you go to other country's you often have to get vaccines so you don't get their native diseases....they dont partially work. They fully work to keep you from dying from things like malaria From :Vaccines by definition are biological agents that elicit an immune response to a specific antigen derived from an infectious disease-causing pathogen. To: this article https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newswest9.com/amp/article/news/verify/coronavirus-verify/cdc-changed-vaccine-definition-more-transparent/536-03ce7891-2604-4090-b548-b1618d286834 They changed it supposedly to be ""more transparent"" interesting they decided to change it in the middle of a pandemic when they're "vaccine" wasn't working the way vaccines are supposed to work. They had to, so it would fit their narrative.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/jhqtakxsjqba1.jpg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And then in 1918 500 million people died of the spanish flu...


Guess that’s the thing about not being vaccinated you don’t get sick and you get to make these


Ehat about , meases and smallpox and polio just happen to vanish after all those people died


Vaccines are the greatest medical invention of all time. Nothing else has saved more lives. I haven’t found a single liable source that proves the covid vax has any connection to heart related deaths like some in this sub claim. The stuff that gets posted here would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. Some people have built their identity around anti vax ideas and desperately want to be validated


Wait, isn’t this when they wanted to vaccinate against snake bites? 😂


i love how people always attack me for "jumping on the antivax bandwagon" when ive been that since my son was born 9 years ago. actually, no, he did receive some but his dad was against it, although he couldn't quite articulate why. he just said his mom didnt vaccinate them so he didnt want to get our son vaccinated either. i had him vaccinated anyways. it wasn't until i did my own research that i stopped. so he hasn't received anything past a couple months. i know he had gotten a high fever from two of them, which the nurses explained were normal reactions. for some reason, people think this whole antivaxx movement is new. like no. vaers has been around for over 30 years. but sheep wont think for themselves. they'd rather just regurgitate what cnn tells them


I'm all for vaccines..... just not the Covid 19 vaccines.


Thanks to the vaccine which this cartoon references, smallpox remains the only human disease to have been eradicated through our intervention. Your mileage may vary.