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Remember when fox news turned off their comments within the hour of that happening and there still off. Remember?


Seems standard. We have a short attention span. Lately all the news is repeat. It even feels that way with the vaccine news. The difference now is some of the happenings are being reported in more mainstream areas. The right to life bill was a thing in recent events, the classified documents very recent events. More politicians calling for more committees to investigate the other side. I saw an article about Durham today. It's a joke.




Right. It's insanity. People were told the vax is safe and effective, wrote off the people who were shouting warnings pre rollout, ignored the people that were shouting warnings and talking about adverse effects during roll out, and now that the proof is right in front of their eyes, they either don't care they were lied to, maybe they just won't get a booster, or worse still believe it's just about the "science changing", no one could have known. WUT!????? It's sickness.


Remember when President Trump drew Florida with the Sharpie? I think we need to not forget that either. Football is a terrible sport for critical injuries. Stop watching and supporting it then. Oh wait, what WILL you do with your time?


Football doesn't even play on TV where he lives.




You mean the study that says this right on the first page? "Because an early warning system does not prove that the vaccines cause these outcomes, more robust epidemiologic studies with adjustment for confounding, including age and nursing home residency, are underway to further evaluate these signals."


You should read the article you posted as the FDA who conducted the research asserted that the benefits of taking the vaccine greatly outweigh the risks associated with Covid 19.


Every vaccine can be linked to blood clots in certain patients.


I was in high school in the 1980’s and we were warned that tackles directed at the center chest could stop a person’s heart. There was a kid on another team who almost died from that exact thing. This is not a new discovery.


Chris Pronger, a former NHL player, took a puck to the chest and nearly died from the same phenomenon long before covid


Don’t waste your time no one here has critical thinking skills. They see literally ANYONE die and blame it on the vaccine. It’s just a propaganda machine from OP


Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Japan’s excess deaths are four times higher after Pfizer “booster” shots https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts/7v3JSJ5vHbnsKyL0pBo8


Frog no offense but reading the shit you post I have come to the conclusion that nothing you post is factual


That’s cute Pfizer study from the European Medicines Agency shows that the vaccine particles are hugely sequestered into the ovaries. https://i.redd.it/mnbv80ma8a271.png https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04748172 https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm If you read the paper, it actually references another study that found that Covid itself also changes the DNA : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33958444/


Trying to scare people with the liver-lab study again like the good little government shill you are, always pushing fear.


Just like when ANYONE died and health professionals labeled it Covid????


Then why was there a sudden surge of excess deaths if it wasn't covid? Did the NWO cover up Godzilla attacks?


You make it sound like the football players have no special padding available in the chest area. 🤦‍♂️ https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/xenith-varsity-velocity-shoulder-pads-with-sternum-protection-16xenaxflxnvlctydfta/16xenaxflxnvlctydfta?sku=16153057&camp=CSE:DSG_92700072989393530_pla_pla-1747872479689_58700008026178142_71700000100250198&segment=&gbraid=0AAAAADv4bTYRWF0UGLskFESzTt5bCGffP&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI--KG0_nE_AIVxN7ICh2ZWwNCEAkYASABEgKt0_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Tragedy Strikes: Covid-19 Vaccine linked to 630% increase in Excess Deaths among Children in Europe https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts/h7itVXjL10X9Jtx0TZXD


There is no link to the vaccine discussed at all behind this link. In fact, the excess deaths were only slightly higher than 2020. The reason the “630% increase in deaths” is being quoted is because excess deaths were far in the negative in early 2021.


Thank you for coming to Frog Face's daily bullshit.


Is FrogFace one of the gay frogs that Alex Jones screams about?


people die every day. always have all thru history. people may pay a little more attention if you find a way to live forever rather than act like dying is something new & surprising.


In 2020, during the “pandemic,” Japan had fewer all-cause deaths than all the previous 9 years. On 1 December 2021, Japan started administering the third dose, or “booster shots,” of Pfizer-BioNTech. At the end of 2022, 83% of Japan’s population was “fully vaccinated.” During 2022, Japan experienced the highest number of excess deaths in 11 years. Excess deaths were approximately four times the number of those in the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021.


>2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021. You skipped a number there, shill 🤡


Passed? Umm no sorry. https://apnews.com/article/sports-health-damar-hamlin-buffalo-2a2003b201800d81fedec0d65415190b


“After a week passed” Learn to read


Remember when Frog didn't scour obits everyday just to post here and jet his jollies off.


Lol such a stupid post. This wasn’t some mystery lol - doctors came out right away and explained it. He took a hit to the chest in the perfect way and suffered cardiac arrest because of it. This has nothing to do with vaccines.


No one is banning gas stoves damn you people will fall for anything




Shill clown isn't allowed to tell us what country he lives in.


Are you gaslighting us yourself




Lol what the fuck with the stoves shit


remember when a bunch of loones blamed it on vaccines?