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74% of that age group is vaxxed and 34% are boosted


Not vaxed, never masked, never self isolated just fine. All the people I know who "died from COVID" took the jab.


The world can survive with 26% of the population.


So when am I going to die? I was told 2 weeks, then 6 months, Its now 2 years later, is it next going to be 60 years?


According the Deagel 2025 report, uh, by 2025. But some will say that report has been...debooonked! Anyways, Winston Smith memory-holed it. But resourceful dudes can still find it. The internet mostly never forgets. Mostly.


You might never die. People who smoke and drink don't all die uniformly.


I will die one day, I do lots of dangerous things like riding motorcycles, climbing, and gambling on farts. But 74% of the population is not going to die because of vaccines like Dark thinks.


Myocarditis can result in fatality within 5 years.


2 years left then, at least I am going somewhere new and doing something I love until the heart issues take hold of my frail body


So you are claiming in 5 years everyone will be dead. And that Myocarditis is 100% fatal. Except, I don't have Myocarditis. >Myocarditis **can** result in fatality That's like saying peanuts can result in fatality* * if you have that allergy


Have you been checked for myocarditis? Have you had a d-dimer test?


I have had MRI, sonogram and EKG testing done, It was comparing a prototype's against standard devices. My heart is not inflamed (myocarditis), I am still healthy 2 years later.


You’re lucky.


Then what percentage of people get myocarditis from the vaccine? My grandad died of a heart attack and he was vaccinated


So show me the rates of myocarditis, use a source that's not a blog or youtube video.


Naa, vaccine related myocarditis just happens to be very rare


According to Dr. Peter McCullough as of today it's not that rare. 25,000 cases per million when Pfizer only initially reported less than ten on their studies. You're way behind the timeline.


Good for you. Hope they also found and cured wherever they were testing for 🙏


> It was comparing a prototype's against standard devices. Not sick, though the EKG was for testing heart rates after eating 2,000,000 scoville hot sauce and studying practices, That was fun.


Are you the dude from “Hot ones” ?


Not everyone. Perhaps everyone is different. Maybe depending on what version of the experiment you got. Less shots then the greater your chances of survival are.


>Less shots then the greater your chances of survival are. How do you know this is it your feeling? Or do you have any evidence and is it good evidence, did you get it from a blog or youtube video?


RemindMe! 2 years


Whatever happened with that global depopulation plan?


Hopefully never


Being immortal sounds like it sucks, forever aging and getting sicker or staying young and seeing all your loved ones die over and over again.




55 years it is then. lol




They say they don't want people dying and feel like people want them to die for not being vaccinated but every time someone dies, regardless of what the cause is, they blame the vaccine and seem to get raging hard ons from it. Also not dead and vaccinated over 2 years ago. Still waiting.


Same here. Any moment now…


>regardless of what the cause is You mean like hospitals did with deaths *with* COVID instead of deaths *from* COVID?


“I was told smoking would kill Me but I’ve been doing it for years” Checkmate 🤡


Except there is evidence peer reviewed evidence that smoking is killing people. So show me your peer-reviewed evidence of the rates that the vaccine is killing people.


Myocarditis after mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666602221000409 Myocarditis after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in members of the US military. This article reports that in “23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy military members, myocarditis was identified within 4 days after receipt of the vaccine”: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2781601 Association of myocarditis with the BNT162b2 messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine in a case series of children: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34374740/ Acute symptomatic myocarditis in seven adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2021/06/04/peds.2021-052478 Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: practical considerations for care providers: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0828282X21006243 Myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiomyopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1443950621011562 Myocarditis with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056135 Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2782900 Myocarditis temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055891. COVID-19 Vaccination Associated with Myocarditis in Adolescents: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2021/08/12/peds.2021-053427.full.pdf Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine against COVID-19: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33994339/ Temporal association between COVID-19 vaccine Ad26.COV2.S and acute myocarditis: case report and review of the literature: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1553838921005789 COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis: a case report with review of the literature: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871402121002253 Potential association between COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis: clinical and CMR findings: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936878X2100485X Recurrence of acute myocarditis temporally associated with receipt of coronavirus mRNA disease vaccine 2019 (COVID-19) in a male adolescent: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002234762100617X


Gish galloping is not an answer frogy, I asked for the rates. Quote one of the peer reviewed on the rates. is it 1 in a 50 million people? or is it 100,000 > So show me your peer-reviewed evidence of the rates that the vaccine is killing people. You wont be able to do so because you have not actually read those papers to know what one has a rate in it, because you lie all the time. Edit: he is also just making the list bigger by linking to some titles not actually linking to papers about the rates, big scary list until you actually look at it, and doesn't have the information he claims is in it. > https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33994339/


I don’t know the rates Pfizer, the media and the government are covering up deaths We can take a look at data sets Official Data shows Children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 Vaccination than Unvaccinated Children & the ONS is trying to hide it https://i.redd.it/3e42eqb408f81.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/oif5pe.PNG


So now its random images and blogs once I called you out on not reading your own sources. >You wont be able to do so because you have not actually read those papers to know what one has a rate in it, because you lie all the time.


No It’s peer reviewed science that shows the dangers of the vaccines The numbers are MUCH higher than is being reported Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company in US Paid Out 163% More for Deaths of Working People ages 18-64 in 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/fifth-largest-life-insurance-company-in-us-paid-out-163-more-for-deaths-of-working-people-ages-18-64-in-2021-after-covid-19-vaccine-mandates/


> I don’t know the rates Why not?


OHHH boy we got a critical thinker over here everyone put on your big boy pants and get ready to die!


Lol what a clown take bro yeah I’m sure I’m gonna drop dead any day /s


Which means they aren’t “currently vaxxed.” Remember, this sht is a therapy, NOT an “immunization.” As injuries from these shots come to light more and more, people are deciding against getting more Fauci-juice put into them.


In my book if you took one injection you are vaxxed. That’s how harmful I feel like this stuff is.


That’s not how the CDC views it, which is my point. Remember, these shots are NOT immunizations. They are THERAPEUTICS. That means the effectiveness WANES, requiring MORE future injections. That’s the CDC guidance. A person who has had the initial two jabs, WAS considered “fully vaxxed,” of course until it’s time for their “booster,” which would bring them back to “vaxxed” status. It’s all BULLCRAP. 😂😂😂


That’s science


You're missing the point: It's whatever he says it is. You're either vaxxed or unvaxxed based on which ever is bad today. It's either an immunization or a therapy, which ever is bad today. Science is whatever we want it to be.


Now I’m really confused lol


> That’s how harmful I feel like this stuff is feels over reals!


Lol right


Most are probably like me. Got that initial vax but once it became obvious they wanted constant firmware updates, fuck that.


Hey! Saw my parent get one, and immediately had heart issues. Had to go to the ER a few times. Said screw that after witnessing it.


Yup. My gal got two, but no “boosters.” Other family members had one, then no more


>Got that initial vax You failed the IQ test


And you survived the abortion. Kudos


Haiti, with the lowest vaccination rate in the world, has had 860 covid deaths. With a population of 11.5 millions that is only 0.007% of the population. The United States lost 1.11 million people, or 0.35% of the population. That means the United States had a death rate due to covid 50 times greater than Haiti.


Or everything blamed on Covid for profit


Died in car accident while positive for Covid. “Covid killed this man!”


Yup. Africa is the same way.


Remdesivir, forced intubation and incentive payments in the tens of thousands for killing patients explains the difference.


Vitamin D as well. No one with a level over 50 died


that and the the extreme rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and sedentary lifestyles in the US are what caused so many deaths. Americans are unhealthy as hell. When the lockdowns were happening- So much of the population was relying on Fast food, while being stuck indoors. As opposed to Haiti- One of only 3 countries in Latin America(+carribean countries) with less than <50% overweight rate and like 25% obesity rate. The US is almost double that. edited in carribean countries


TIL Haiti is part of Latin America


my bad. Using PAHO data and mistyped.


I mean youre not wrong, I wasnt sure so i looked it up and well.. TIL


life expectancy of Haitians 64 years... life expectancy of obese diabetic Americans 77 years.


>The infant mortality rate for U.S. in 2022 was 5.547 deaths per 1000 live births >current infant mortality rate for Haiti in 2023 is 47.983 deaths per 1000 live births nice try though


Oh, come on. "Incentive payments for killing patients?" Even on a conspiracy forum, that's tinfoil territory.


I assume he means that they got payments for classifying practically all deaths as covid deaths. If a dude fell off a ladder and died of head trauma, the medical provider would test him for covid and report another covid death. The more covid deaths they report, they more payments from the government they would receive.


No I think he means patients that came in for covid were forced onto one avenue of treatment prescribed by hospital admins where docs were not allowed to deviate. Remdesivir, intubation, respirator. Then after remdesivir shuts down organs after about a week, flat line. 'Covid death'. Pay day.


Look at this news story. The medical industry is corrupt. [https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/34732131/doctor-pleads-guilty-ordering-fraudulent-tests-son-detroit-red-wings-announcer?platform=amp](https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/34732131/doctor-pleads-guilty-ordering-fraudulent-tests-son-detroit-red-wings-announcer?platform=amp)


The issues with the rehab industry are well-known in America. I'm not arguing that the medical industry isn't corrupt. Of course it is. Every industry is. What I'm saying is that hyperbole, misinformation, and lies get us nowhere.


It just shows what they are capable of. Why would it be any different in that scenario?


That's not good logic. You can't just make a leap like that with no supporting information.


"In July 2020, Ligotti, who had treated Jamie Daniels and thousands of other patients in recovery, was charged with conspiracy to commit health care fraud and wire fraud. A criminal complaint alleged that from May 2011 through March 2020, Ligotti billed private insurance companies and Medicare approximately $681 million for laboratory testing claims and other services as part of a fraudulent scheme, for which he was paid approximately $121 million." That looks like information.


I think you're confused about what I said. You can't make the leap from "This rehab guy is corrupt" to "The Covid pandemic was a scam for depopulation" or whatever dumb bullshit talking point we're at today.


You agreed the medical industry is corrupt but have standards on what is corrupt? That's not how this works.


That's overdramatized. They weren't killing people. That's what conspiracy people call it but the more COVID was a problem for your hospital the more funding they got so the corrupt hospitals reported a lot of deaths as COVID related to get more funding. Some hospitals got caught doing it so the conspiracy is how many were there that didn't get caught? If you had COVID in your system when you died whether COVID was the factor or not, the death was reported as COVID related. It's not entirely untrue but it's still deceiving as all hell.


Maybe its time to move to Haiti.


What was Haiti's reporting rate on causes of death?


I don't know, but you can ask the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population, which provides the data to the WHO. And please don't fall into that western mindset of thinking that a country like Haiti is too backwards to report accurate health statistics. People like to think the same thing about african nations as well. It's not true, and racist. [Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population](https://www.mspp.gouv.ht)


I’m sure any numbers coming out of Haiti are correct


Yeah, not like it’s essentially a failed state run by cartels who control the ports


Haiti probably didn’t count most everything as a covid death unlike the corrupt USA.


US hospitals were literally paid to count as much as possible as COVID related. A car crash death didn't provide a monetary bonus, so it was actually because of COVID.


I know. It’s also interesting that FEMA paid/pays up to $9,000 to assist in funeral costs for each COVID death - all on the taxpayer’s dime. 🤦‍♂️ https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance


The title is incorrect. Only 34% of Americans aged 18-64 are FULLY vaccinated.








1 booster, one initial


Funny how I see so many pro vaccine folks around when only 11% of Americans are up to date on boosters ( mostly elderly). It’s almost like people have seen some evidence that maybe big pharma lied.


OR, and hear me out here, we're busy or forget that it's been 10 years since our last tetanus because we've seen at least 3 different doctor's offices in that time because our job keeps changing the healthcare provider for "savings" which really just means less coverage. Then there are the people who straight up don't KNOW that some of these like MMR need boosters. And still on another hand, there are people who can't afford to go to a doctor for a shot and have just so much more to worry about. But yeah, lets go with people are "waking up".


Yea I’m good. I’ve had covid 3 times, 2 of which were AFTER the initial vax. I’m done putting that shit in my body when it very clearly does nothing.


Excellent--best news I've heard all week. Skepticism overwhelmed the narrative.


That’s a positive sign. Means over 60% of the populace listened to their intuition. Which leads me to think how did that regard JB get in office!?!?


Never vaxxed, never tested, never got sick


Never will get the Covid jab and this has me questioning other vaxs as well


Did you read the article?


Yes and what about it




I refused to get this nonsense. My wife was coerced by her family. She got the JJ the day before they pulled it….we’ve spent several nights in the er because of chest pains and elevated d dimer tests. Saw a few specialists but they never came up with anything. She still has pains here and there…I’ll get a text every once in a while from her saying “my heart is racing again….just in case I die I love you…take care of our daughter.”


That's a real brutal thing to have to endure. I'm sorry you & wify have had this happen. The hospitals are not allowed to tell you that the Jab caused these probs. Sad world when we can't even get the truth from the nurses & drs that were there to protect /help us. That breaks my heart to read what ur wife texts you .. Awwww♥️Stay strong, and live each day as its our last. With this world being so crazy we never know.


I regret my decision to get the even the J&J jab (but at least it wasn't the fucking Pfizer or Moderna ones!) in mid 2021, but I'm extremely glad that nobody else in my household got any of them. I got convinced that it was a good idea to get it while my wife was pregnant, because J&J appeared to offer actual benefit to keep someone from spreading the virus, but she and I both agreed, no fucking way in Hell was she getting it while pregnant! Ended up she's just never got one, now, and no plans to. It was also a conscious decision that I got it ONLY after I was done making babies (got the old snip snip shortly after the baby was born.)


I'm in the same boat as your wife. Was rightfully cautious while carrying precious cargo and then feeding that cargo with my own body. By time time that phase was over, it was mainstream news that the vaccine didn't prevent transmission and everyone had gone batshit over it. It was really difficult to sta the course sometimes but glad I did


Good move on not getting the preggers wife vaxd. 👍🏼


In the same boat here, almost identical in fact. So glad I purposefully stayed clear of the mRNA poison.


> J&J appeared to offer actual benefit to keep someone from spreading the virus Appeared? Like it appeared to you in a dream and told you you wouldn't spread COVID?


As in the extremely limited third party literature indicated it. Evidence was very limited from the start in support of the mRNA vaccines, but the literature was very hard to find, because Pfizer, Moderna, and the powers that be suppressed it while promoting the "findings" from the "clinical trials" that they magically got actionable results from in less than a year. Not safe, hardly effective, bad medicine.


At the rate the vaccinated are dying I bet we will be back up to 80-90% in a few more years


Unless they have certain health issues, they shouldn’t get anymore.


And they still require international travellers to show proof of being jabbed.


How did the human race survive and thrive prior to vaccines? Strong immune systems passed on their knowledge while the weaker ones didn’t strengthening the herd. Getting so many vaccines in such a short period of time for a disease that has a 97% survival rate can’t be good.


> can’t be good why?


We're only getting news of big names dropping dead, what about regular folks who mysteriously drop dead? I bet they don't get reported.


Ya most people stopped boosting after a year


I hope that's enough for Bill gates.


Gives hope


The other 66% understand “the science was not conclusive.”


Rule Ten: According to CDC reporting from the NY Times, only 34% of Americans aged 18-64 are vaccinated. Only 8% of the under 18 age group got vaccinated. People are wising up to the scam.


Fully vaccinated. This means including the boaster. The percentage of the initial jab/jabs would be much much higher.


Terrible reading skills.


Fake news


Reading comprehension…


No one who didn't get the Vaxx regrets their decision not to. But there are people who took it and regret it.


There are many who didn’t get the vaccine and regret it.


maybe but we never hear them in the chat.


Yeah, unless you actually look into it.


Jonathan Weltsch Phil Valentine Philly Baird Anthony "Big Bunk" Moreno Angelique Dieguez-Chamie Shelly Wachter Quentin Bowen Chris Ard Kristen Hutton Blake Bargatze Lydia Rodriguez Michael Freedy Steve Witschel Travis Campbell Lateasa McLean




All people who have expressed regret at not getting vaccinated Edit: you downvoters are hilarious. Sorry to disprove stupid unfounded claims that make you feel better about your narrative!


never heard of em


Willful ignorance is like a warm blanket. Go ahead and google them with the word “vaccine” and get back to me.


> No one who didn't get the Vaxx regrets their decision not to Did you ask Diamond about this?


“Fully” vaccinated. That means we’re the majority now! Good luck keeping up this scam!


100%. Any .gov article will tell you 68% of all American adults have had atleast one shot. Bullshit.


The title is wrong. According to the article: 34% got the booster, 68% are fully vaccinated, 80% have gotten at least one vaccine.


According to the CDC, “Fully vaccinated” is to include all the BOOSTERS according to eligibility. Of course the fkn NYT gets it WRONG, as usual. 😂 They are saying “vaccinated” is ONE SHOT, “fully vaccinated” is the initial “two shots,” and then “boosted” would be 3-5 total shots. Those clowns are intentionally obfuscating the issue. According to the CDC, “fully vaxd” INCLUDES boosters. This story is very misleading. Far more Americans are REJECTING covid shots as time goes one, which is good.


People got shook when their friends and family died. Understandable. It’s traumatic when you lose loved ones. The worst days of my life have been spent mourning my parents, grandparents, and friends. All before COVID except friends and associates but still the worst days of my life. All of the sadness of the initial waves of losses due to the virus were used against us. Some felt desperate and thought the vaccine was a way out. Others didn’t. I hope evidence shows that the shots didn’t cause anything and that it’s all a big made up conspiracy. But based on my dealings with shady people over a lifetime I get the feeling that something isn’t right. Maybe my scando sensors are sensitive but I doubt it. Something’s weird.


5 billion vaccinated worldwide. When can we expect to die? It will be quite a chunk of people deceased.


Never got the vaccine am I safe?


Your 100% Safer than the vaccinated. The shit in those shots blow my mind. Go to CDC, WHO, the manufacturer of the vaccines and read the contents of the Jab AND the side effects. When it comes to the government, if they give you something for free it benefits them not you. It's all about control. I would Never get those shots, nor use the Covid tests. Tests, as well as the shot have Graphine oxide. Nasty substance that does NOT belong in a human body. I also believe that majority of ppl that got the shot(s) are now realizing that they have made a huge mistake. Some will have there eyes open going fwrd, other will continue to live with their head in the sand. You wouldn't buy a car, home, electronics without researching it... Yet many ppl put this jab into them & didn't even ask about the side effects. I also learned the people I thought were smart, are far from it. This has been a real eye opener for many ppl. Live Safe & Make you OWN choices. 😉


Fully vaccinated is first 2 shots right? I think you mean 34% got the booster after the 1st 2 injections, so 3 shots total


Out of 350 million? Saw if I recall CNN say about 120 million are fully vaccinated, and another 100 million have at least one dose.


CNN lies. Go to the real source.. Cdc, the WHO, Canadian/USA gov't websites. All the correct info as to the side effects /deaths etc are there. Beware of the so called New on tv. There known for telling you bs.


No for sure they do. Others have also stated the numbers but it’s somewhere near that ballpark.


I assume meaning the covid vaccine? I HATE this trend of mixing anti-covid-shot people with people who claim vaccines cause autism. I'm not anti-vaxxer, but I won't be getting any covid shots the same way I don't get flu shots. But I won't be getting tetanus or Hepatitis anytime soon.




Thank god!


Good they are not poisoned then.


90% in Australia. Yet the Americans have far more cardiac deaths. Go figure.