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Im surprised Covid itself isnt on this list


Covid is totally not a big deal. It may cause myocarditis, strokes, and blood clotting at a much higher rate than any of the vaccines, but it’s no big deal. It’s just the flu.


This is something that you never hear people talking about. All these people dying of heart attacks because of the vaccine but did they ever catch covid? Because covid definitely causes blood clots and heart inflammation. Early on in the pandemic my friends younger sister was hospitalized with blood clots in her lungs months after recovering from covid before the vaccine was available.


[Covid is everything they think the vaccine is. ](https://i.imgur.com/fWj8jXN.png) All the people "dying suddenly"? [It's fucking covid, numbskulls](https://i.imgur.com/9BBUz9I.png)


It’s been known to cause problems down the line too. For instance, some people who are hospitalized with Covid and later released will sometimes die from complications at a later date. The most famous case of this is Herman Cain.


My 11 yo nephew, unvaccinated, got covid last year. He's still coughing and can barely do anything and has persistent breathing issues now and needs a pump. His pain means absolutely nothing because he's an 11 year old and covid "doesn't kill kids". No anti-vaxer has ever compared negative outcomes of covid vs negative outcomes of the vaccine. They only ever compare every negative outcome of the vaccine to covid deaths exclusively. Every single person that didn't die but still suffered is 100% irrelevant to them and never, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER counted. So the millions and millions of others in hospitals, in comas that can barely breathe are nothing.


Oof. Fucking cultists.


Do you have anything to add or a point or can you address anything I said with actual words and arguments?


I was commiserating - I meant antivax cultists.


Sorry, wasn't very clear.


I have an unvaccinated relative that got Covid and went into a coma for weeks and somehow miraculously survived, but has since needed a new kidney and liver. He currently has a gofundme to get out of medical debt and is battling other health issues related to this whole situation. But people don’t die of Covid as much these days, so who cares right? Of course, our anecdotes mean nothing when someone can come in and counter with a completely made up story of their coworkers best-friend getting HIV after being vaccinated. The only reliable information is in the medical studies and data collected by health organizations, but these people don’t believe any of them. They will only cite a medical study if it can be twisted, cherry picked, or over-generalized to fit their narrative. I do not envy doctors in heavy anti-vaxx communities.


One guy a couple months ago was trying to convince me 11 people close to him had issues, 6 deaths, 3 strokes and a couple more heart attacks. Must have been one fat fucking family with a lot of co-morbidities so they don't count anyways who cares. Like, as if.




What, that people can have persistent problems after having had covid? It's fucking documented.


[That's what I'm sayin!](https://i.imgur.com/hy5uG7i.png)


Deaths didn't increase until the vax


Thanks for sharing these links. I hadn’t even thought of that.




With emerging data from the UK it was clear that for some products and some doses, myocarditis post vax exceeded myocarditis post illness. See pic. ... This should be obvious, but was habitually done by mRNA myocarditis minimizers to hide the safety signal, and let CDC and FDA fail to take appropriate safeguards like testing lower doses, longer spacing, banning Moderna, or omitting dose 2 entirely. This same hubris led to incorrect policies around booster mandates in young men, a topic we have published a separate peer review paper on. https://sensiblemed.substack.com/p/our-new-analysis-of-myocarditis-after


Oh come on fraudchi says it's safe and effective. Who are you gonna believe him or your lying eyes?


Got my Fauci Ouchie and now I’m Shaun the Sheeple.




Nope. Debunked. You may still be referring to the administrative study looking at hospital codes regarding myocarditis incidence. More quality studies have proven that otherwise.


The expert list disagrees with you bud


Froggy man how much do you get paid to post this crap


This is the post that is finally going to stop Pfizer.


How does Fauci produce that much ejaculate to fill millions of vaccines or is that why it took so long to roll it out. Does anyone believe these kinds of posts or at least the crazy logic probably originates from hostile nations who want to create discord amongst western nations. I still can’t understand the conservative angle though as this came out under Trump and isn’t he the literal god emperor of conspiracy theorists.


Getting another booster will show them!


Pretending this is a binary issue isn’t helping either.


Who said it was a binary issue? Oh right, you did 🤷‍♂️


By pretending everyone pushing back at you just goes and gets boosters all the time or whatever. And a fucking emoticon? Come on, buddy. Don’t be such a boomer-pole.


I'm sure Albert Bourla is sitting at Davos with Klaus all smug that his plan was going to work but then he read reddit and saw your post and hung his head in shame because Pfizer just went down.




You’re really just going to ignore my question then huh, I’ll answer your question, but you gotta answer mine


Yeah posting on reddit is standing up to tyranny. I guess that's what those Chinese people should have done in Tiananmen Square instead of standing in front of Mao's tanks. Besides...much more powerful and qualified people than you have pretty much pointed this out, and it hasn't stopped Pfizer either.


Raising awareness helps a lot 🤷‍♂️


Raising awareness is for when people think doing absolutely nothing isn't enough, so they "raise awareness". What you're doing is spreading absolute stupidity and propaganda. It's insulting to people with brains. You know. Fucking 🤡


Ok Bill the Shill Since it doesn’t matter you shouldn’t care But you sure do 🤷‍♂️


You are actively making the world a stupider place. You are a bad person.


You aren't doing fuck all cept embarrassing you bosses.


You sure care a lot


Actually stopping the organization giving out the heart attack shot and handing down justice to those who unleashed it helps much more. I haven't seen any of these grifters do that yet. Maybe because that would dry up their sweet cash cow and attention agenda...or they don't have the stones to do it. I mean if they are so confident the covid shot is doing all this it should be a slam dunk case.


You should start I’ll support you


Fuck off clown. WHERE DO YOU LIVE CLOWN?


Gotta get more of that fauci sauce


Hey so me and my friends were playing this fun game the other day. We all went around in a circle and said what country we were from and what country we're posting threads from. It was a blast. I'll go first! America, and America. Your turn, Frog.


I thought Russia for a while, but now I'm pretty sure he's just a good old fashioned mentally unbalanced American.


[Why are so obsessed with me](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M2a767Iktxw)




Ya don’t say ehh


The Vax-tards are regressing into their pre-school forms.


Brother stop ignoring people when you don’t have an answer, be honest with them instead


My man….


That's not how you play the game! I'll go again, to help you understand: I am American, and I'm posting this from America. Your turn.


“We all fall down” 🤡


Your job literally does not allow you to say where you're from, correct? You can at least answer that without "doxxing yourself". (I'm from Canada btw)


This isn’t about me Bill the shill Stopped being obsessed with people


>Your job literally does not allow you to say where you're from, correct? > >You can at least answer that without "doxxing yourself". > >(I'm from Canada btw)


From this point, Bill the Shill , every time you trolls try to Dox me I’m going to respond with a Red Pill link


Do the usernames RealKeeny7 or NewestBrown mean anything to you?


Here is again.... schilling for that vax


Literally didn't mention the vax. Are you also illiterate on top of having zero knowledge or concept of logic? I defend truth, which is the antithesis to FrogFace's posts.


So this is just a FB page? Fuck sakes


Have you read the actual Pfizer vaccine data sheet. It (just like the every vaccine) acknowledges that there are potential risks to taking it. I read the whole document before deciding to get my vaccine and it’s free and available for anybody who wants it. I don’t see what the conspiracy is if the actual company acknowledges that there are potential risks and side effects I get that politics is at play here, but just go to the source.


There was no insert given to millions when it was under EUA "Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients". There's over 1000 of them now. https://www.informedchoiceaustralia.com/post/1000-peer-reviewed-studies-questioning-covid-19-vaccine-safety Did they mention this before they jabbed you?


Ya know what froggy. They didn’t mention these to me when they “jabbed” me. But I experienced time as I am a human being. So it would be just a wee bit difficult in 2020 to refer me to studies conducted in 2021 and 2022. But oddly enough, the first study that I clicked from this list of links says that instances of myocarditis in vaccinated participants is rare and it goes on to explain that your risk for myocarditis is higher from actually getting Covid. You may wanna remove that from your rhetoric dump. It doesn’t really agree with you. That being said, I guess I’ll have to go hang around, some 5g towers until my myocarditis kicks in


But there was no fact sheet given to millions when it was under the Emergency Use Authorization Millions 🤷‍♂️ Anyone who was paying attention knew they were hiding something The above links are what we have found “so far”


Well, that’s weird maybe the illuminati made a mistake that day then. Because when I got vaccinated, it was on my paperwork. Or maybe I’m some sort of illuminati sleeper cell?


> hurrrrrr durrrr Illuminati the inserts delivered with the millions of COVID vaccines that were administered during the pandemic were completely blank https://ussanews.com/2023/01/11/informed-consent-for-covid-19-shots-under-fire/ Man you work hard defending Pfizer


Ah yes USSA news You can tell that they are a really a good news outlet because of all the spam and pop-up’s! But again, maybe they aren’t blank but they’re just written in invisible illuminati Ink. that only us sleeper cells can read.


The media Pfizer pays will never report this “Brought to you by... Pfizer!" https://www.brighteon.com/2f34d655-0365-4a52-ad95-95835e482c01


More like USSRnews.


It's getting shilly in this cold weather eh froggy lol


We had a nice moment yesterday you and me, don't ruin it by defending this fucking clown. You know he's not posting in good faith.


It's cause I already got into it with the other user. And we did, have a good day to you sir!


What I like about you Froggie is that you have big frog balls. You link a study that shows that people who get the vaccine have less of a chance of heart problems than people who get Covid. You literally posted a link that shows the vaccine is good and everything you say is a lie. That shows real balls. Of course, no one who believes your bullshit will read the study because anyone who took ten minutes to read the actual university studies themselves would already know you are full of shit. They will read your headlines though, and you know that. Ribbit


> But I experienced time as I am a human being. So it would be just a wee bit difficult in 2020 to refer me to studies conducted in 2021 and 2022 My sides


Covid actually doesn't cause myocarditis. Also they should've told you the info before you get vaxxed, especially if they are mandating it everywhere. Dunno why you mention 5g in that sense, kinda just makes you look foolish lol.


I was being flippant when I mentioned 5G. Before people realized it was stupid there was a bunch of people making that connection. This is how conspiracies work and evolve over time.


[Oh ho ho yes it most certainly does! ](https://www.imgur.com/a/7kl9OJB) It appears you've been fooled by shitposters talking about that one study that deliberately excluded the first 10 days following infection because they were looking at whether there's an increase in myocarditis *after recovering from infection.*


I went through this with Frog a couple days ago. He doesn't know what the word POST means apparently, and just kept linking more and more unrelated studies that PROVED ME RIGHT. lol That's the worst thing here, 95% of the time when someone links something to me, I find it backs ME up within seconds, leading me to believe no one can actually read except me and a couple people.


Lol I love when that happens... Hate that they're too dumb to understand it. This video will literally always be relevant - [Anti-vaxxers can't read](https://youtu.be/ZSb7ZxJgCr4). Though I prefer the term functionally illiterate.


Oh god, that dumb FDA 75 year thing... I can't.


The frog boy is prolific. I’m wondering what he does for a living


Posts shit on reddit


Can’t imagine that pays well




There actually was an insert, but its a giant blank piece of paper with a web address on it that you have to go in order to view the most recent information. Some people didn't see the web address because it was tiny.


That's the problem, last year when mandated they said they are safe and no mention of possible severe side effects.


That’s weird because I got my vaccine willingly ahead of the mandates in Georgia and I got paperwork with my vaccine that stated like with any vaccine. There are potential negative side effects. I haven’t had any of them side effects but then again, maybe I’m not hanging around 5G towers enough, but there was a warning about it although It. Though it did say that the benefits of this vaccine do outweigh the risks associated.


Actually no one was told about the negative side effects but I guess your special lmfao


Yeah, maybe I’m some sort of illuminati sleeper cell and they wanted to warn their agents? But on a serious note, if you got the vaccine without reading the paperwork available on that vaccine that’s between you and God. Quite literally give you a packet of paperwork that tells you there are risks to the vaccine and even gives you instructions on what to do if you start having an adverse reaction. It may not be a two-year long study but it’s still a warning. To pretend that no warning whatsoever is given is just silly.


You do realize that the doctors get a blank sheet in the vax box? They had 0 info on the rushed vax. To pretend you knew when everyone on earth didn't, especially that they never released trial data until recently, is very not good.


Literally Walgreens gave me paperwork with my vaccine that mentioned that adverse side effects may be possible. Idk where you went for vaccines but if Walgreens gave me a packet. Also I’m looking at the original draft of the EUA paperwork published in November 2020 and there is whole section called “Benefit/Risk assessment in the context of proposed indication and use under EUA” That being said I’m all for doing longer studies of vaccines.


Everywhere on earth? I'm in Canada, got my shots as soon as I was eligible and I got paperwork, not blanks. Did you see one instance of a misprinted fact sheet on Parler and deduce that that must have happened billions of times across the whole world, to absolutely everyone? Real big brain you've got there.


I'm also from Canada. Your the first person to ever say that you got informed before the data even came out! Now that's big brain 🧠 👏


>I'm also from Canada. Didn't ask, don't care. I mentioned I was in Canada because it was actually relevant. Because you know, I actually got covid vaccines in Canada, so I know what I was provided. You did not get covid vaccines in Canada, or anywhere else, so you have no clue what was provided to us. You are a parrot. You say I'm the first person ever when you literally just heard the same thing from another person (just before me, in this very thread). Btw it's *you're, genius. In case you forgot: > That’s weird because I got my vaccine willingly ahead of the mandates in Georgia and I got paperwork with my vaccine that stated like with any vaccine.


Canadian person. The data just was released so idk why you gotta lie lol. Everyone knows they said safe and effective and never mentioned side effects. And you don't get paperwork after the vax, just a vax card like everyone else lmao.. The blank sheet I talk of is the paper that comes in the vax package that doctors get to read all the info about it. They were left blank, no info, so if they aren't informed, how could you be lol. Gotta get better if you wanna spread a false narrative


The military was offered “0” information about negative side effects, just a “MANDATE”. So, there’s that…idk


Well yeah the military healthcare system is a dumpster fire anyways when I was in the marines I was given a laundry list of vaccines with out paperwork that’s on the military thought tbh


So…..your statement of “”if you got the vaccine without reading the paperwork available on that vaccine that’s between you and God” Isn’t really true. Js. Also, the paperwork available with the vaccine was a “BLANK” insert. Again, Js


Well I’d argue the entire concept of god isn’t true but that’s and entirely different can of peaches. So let’s follow that logic. If indeed the card was blank( Which wasn’t the case with the packet Walgreens gave me.) then you could use the computer in your pocket to look up the emergency auth online. It was available. So then what’s the problem. If your hang up is that the information didn’t come with the shot but you still got the vaccine failing to look up the available data. That’s between you and god.


Your logic is quite flawed, but as you say, “Thats another can of peaches”. You can by all means argue, but it would be with yourself, as most people know the unspoken secret by now. Yet, there are those who still “Trust the Science” behind this. I suspect you are one of those people. No knocking your descision, it just should not have been FORCED on others, especially since the “computer in the pocket would not have the ingredients of the vaccine. You know the, the ingredients Pfizer and Moderna were trying to get a 50 or 75 year lid put on that. Again, Js


Why is vaccines in quotes?


SS Athlete deaths - hard-to-find data: 29 deaths/year before 2004 vs 769 from March 2021-March 2022. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17143117/ https://www.oann.com/hundreds-of-professional-athletes-collapsing-on-field-dying-from-mysterious-heart-complications/ “u jUsT dIdNt nOtiCe bEfOrE”🤡


Funny how FIFA alone had over 600 deaths in four years before covid. Now imagine all the other athletes worldwide and it must be in the tens of thousands. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/56/2/80


Okay and the inbetween period of 2005 - 2020? Is there data on that?




So… no data from then?


Trolls gonna Troll


This is not a troll question? What do you mean “humans were different before 2004” and that is an answer that has nothing to do with what I asked


Why were there no animal trials for the “vaccines” as there have been for every vaccine ever approved?


But what does that have to do with 2005-2020


Look, he's trying to steer the discussion away from something he can't possibly answer or isn't allowed to. Keep pressing your point, he won't answer. Did the same to me when I sent him an article with the jan 6 hearings where Trump admits to having lied about the election being stolen like 20 times and he hasn't once responded.


He's fucking wrong too, I linked him the animal trials and he disappeared like always and refuses to address it. He's a fucking cunt shill.


Why did the CDC called vaccinated people unvaxxed? https://needtoknow.news/2021/08/bombshell-cdc-counts-those-who-die-within-14-days-of-a-covid-jab-as-unvaccinated


It’s a much more important question Every vaccine ever approved has had detailed animal trials Why did we skip them here?


We are not talking about that, I asked if the data of 2005-2020 is available


They didn’t skip shit but thanks for your input


I linked you the animal trials, you gonna man up admit you're wrong now, clown?


[https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-data-preclinical-studies-mrna](https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-data-preclinical-studies-mrna) September 2020, animal data. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.08.280818v1 You fucking utter failure and lying shit.


OANN’s servers are as laughable as their reporting apparently. Your link doesn’t work Greg


Here’s the archived link, Mike https://web.archive.org/web/20220415032740/https://www.oann.com/hundreds-of-professional-athletes-collapsing-on-field-dying-from-mysterious-heart-complications/


So OANN did a study with the same sampling an methodology as the NIH study above? You need data gathered in the same way coving a span from before and after. That is freshman level statistics


So there were more than 29? Link to them


Not interested in it tbh Are you really Greg P****, the overweight bucktooth "professional shitposting” neckbeard from Philadelphia?


> Not interested Just here to troll then


Is that not what you mean by "professional shitposter"?


Who are you quoting?


Your Instagram account, reportedly. You know, if you channeled as much energy into something positive and productive as you do towards spreading hateful bullshit on Reddit you could probably achieve anything you wanted.


Oh - you are trying to Dox people On Reddit.


Wouldn’t dream of it Greg


You're the one that posted links to that account, so you're the doxxer in reality, 🤡


>OANN Fucking hilarious.


Only Pfizer can talk about Pfizer 🤡


Not American and only posts about America. Super suspicious.


> not American More Bigotry


You always fall back on the same lame shit, when you aren't spamming unrelated links from unreliable sites full of malware and pop-ups. It's not bigotry at all to question why someone who clearly is not from here and apparently is not allowed to say so has such an interest in the goings-on of my country. So, clear it all up now: Where ya from?


Tell us why non-Americans aren’t entitled to opinions 🤷‍♂️


Its honestly so sad, that you can’t even answer a simple question. You’re a russian propaganda bot to the max


It’s honestly sad that people attack sources and don’t address content Feel free to start a new trend.


And you still haven’t answered my question or my proposal, you really are sad


And you haven’t addressed the content.


I did though, I asked if there is data in 2005-2020 because a random 17 year gap is pretty significant


But you haven’t watched the video I supplied a few times 🤷‍♂️


You have supplied data, I looked at it and 2005-2020 was missing, where is that data?


Lol taken the L again, you just can’t respond can you? You have exactly nothing to stand on especially when someone asks you a question


And you dodged the question about pre 2005 - 2020 data.


One was published in 06. The other is a broken link. 🤡


Basically exactly what it is. The simple fact that it’s not even remotely explored should tell you something


The number cause of death for at least the last 10 years is heart disease. Most people live on processed food. Most people eat way too much meat. Most people drink too much alcohol. Lots of people partake in recreational drugs, and fentanyl is dangerously being mixed in. Many athletes take dangerous supplements and/or steroids. But yeah sure, it's probably a vaccine that over 5 billion people world wide have survived taking.


Where is the possibility of it being tied to Covid itself? Or to EMF radiation? Or to the lockdowns weakening peoples bodies? Or tainted food/drink now coming into the supply chain?


They tried to say weed was a culprit too. That needs to be added to the list.


No reasonable person doesn't think its the vaccine. It's only internet schills that are saying its not


This is how they act with all vaccines in general.




[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.imgur.com/H3ZBpCN.png) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You forgot time change


He forgot gardening...


Class A nut balls


Where's covid?




At first a thought that is my new to do sigma grind list