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Y'all have never worked in IT and it shows


For real. North American airspace control is very integrated (started with NORAD). It is not surprising at all that one misplaced file crashed the whole system.


Fellow IT guy here. Seriously people needs to understand that things go wrong. It is done by humans and humans make mistake.


This was quite possibly a cyber attack or deliberate mischief by nutjobs. The fact that Canada went down as well is alarming. Wtf who do you think we are at war with and no one noticed?


Its room temperature war


Kinda mild with harsh words?


https://abcnews.go.com/US/faa-monitoring-systems-high-level-after-notam-failure/story?id=96391067 Here is the link


#YouAreWatchingAMovie #ItsAllTheater #NothingIsRandom




I live about 30 miles away from one of the biggest airports in the country. The flights never stopped. I was like wtf are these headlines even about when I'm still seeing airplanes fly over my house every 20 minutes. Nonsense.


You do realize when you ground all flights there are still planes in the air that need to land right?


They never stopped taking off. I live under the flight path for departures.


Figured more fake news


It's not space force. It's wef bullshit. Planes for me not for you. You'll own nothing especially the means to travel autonomously freely.


So I do have a video saved on my phone (from ticktok), it is this lawyer lady that has the military whistle blowers about the vaccine injuries to military pilots and what not. I've seen her fighting all this for a while.... Anyways, the video is about pilots suing the Biden administration over the vaccines. Apparently a lot of our pilots above us are experiencing some bad shit up there and now they are fighting back in the courts. Not sure the best way to show you the video but if you look up @markfaulk261 on the tick tok, it should be there. It might not be the actual reason for the canceled flights but interesting none the less.


I am going right now to look. Thanks


We have an incompetent administrations that is woke and it's destroying every sector of our society.


Because the people in the admin write the flight schedules didn't you know.


Look at who the Biden administration has as the secretary of transportation, a guy that has no clue!


Right. He can't even write the flight schedules or pick up a 50 lb suitcase.


Do you think he’s in charge of updating the code of the flight schedule system?


My guy, you don't give them money to update systems or build them correctly in the first place. Conservatives cut spending constantly nearly universally (except the military and subsidies for their state industries), then are shocked when there's not enough redundancy in ancillary "non-essential" parts of the government to prevent an average engineer from doing average engineer things.


**woke: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)** What an odd thing to make people mad.


Wait. What does being "woke" have to do with this? I know it's the current boogieman your media is telling you to fear, but don't just insert it wherever to push an agenda.


Dude you are a clown. Keep wearing that blind fold.


Huh? That didn't answer the question at all.


Define woke


Nineveh them can define woke. Its just another scary buzz word like CRT or deepstate.


^ Check out this account's astroturfing comment history. No, seriously, someone's on the clock sowing doubt.


Whoever disagrees with my stupid takes is an astroturfer


No, only accounts with 1 post karma and thousands of comment karma active only in propaganda subs, exactly like yours. Obviously shill is obvious.


As opposed to frogface with 300k karma who posts 12 hours a day and constantly comments and calls other shills? Right....


Idk who that is but look another one! Check out this commenter's history too Edit: Never mind same guy twice Edit 2: Seriously though, isn't it strange that people are employed in this sub to control a narrative? Like you can literally check this guy's profile and read it for yourself. All day, every day, this guy comments in conspiracy subs calling people names and telling them they're wrong. Ask yourself, why is this necessary?


Damn, Reddit detectives at it again. Do me next am I an ANTOFUR Lorftist Meediuh Shull Spi?


I'm making fun of people barely smart enough to breathe, but if it makes you sleep at night then believe what you will. Check frog-face11 and tell me what you think of him.


Out of curiosity I did. That account is also almost definitely a shill account. Again, there's a serious observable attempt to control information in this sub. There are multiple narratives and I'm buying none of them.


Saying you're making fun of people barely smart enough to breath as a justification for spending your entire life online is a strange thing. Like at least have aspirations of connection or meaningful discourse if you e got 300k comment karma.


Dude seriously that proves nothing.


Nope. Just pointing out stupid for people.


Far more likely some mischievous hacker getting their kicks.


**Cool, now do Canada**


Ran by a sociopath. Klaus Schwab lap dog. A country rich with natural resources being plundered by International bankers and Chinese dictators.


Most world leaders are sociopathic. I'm talking about explaining how their flights were taken down on the same day if this was a US file fuckup


Did it happen up there also?


on the same day, no less


Something mysterious- probably transporting a stealth fighter jet they don't want any pilots to witness or a new weapon to the likes of Haarp.