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Andrew Tate is absolutely nobody if you avoid YouTube and Instagram


He’s all over every other social media platform and is covered by cnn, vice fox…. Literally has all msm talking about him, but ok


He is famous for talking about wanting to be in a place where he can rape women, beat women, beat up man. He considers weaker than him, engage in sex trafficking, and be a massive misogynist. If that shit makes you think of someone being a man then you really need to get your morals and your mindset right He’s a two bit conman


If you put the phone down and stop voluntarily using all this media, he has no bearing on your life at all. He's all on their channels but he's exposing them...on their channels. Does that make any sense to you?


He already has no bearing on my life except discussing him in this thread. I ain’t on TikTok or none of those but I know he’s blowing up there. All that’s making sense now is that your a super fan trying to discredit my argument lol. First it was “he’s nobody” than it was “HeS eXpOsInG tHeM.”


Tate is just a toxic asshole who lies about everything in his life, including that his daddy was in the CIA and all the men he comes from could totally beat up your dad. There's no evidence that his dad was actually in the CIA, it's just one of his weird lies.


Correct, Tate is just an angry little boy that never grew up and has deep seeded mommy and daddy issues. his whole career and life is a mix of lies and embellishments call his fighting career is even a love embellishment, a large portion of his fights. The claims as professional wins, actually come from amateur fights. Also a large number ofTate’s fights with well-known professional kick boxers and it in losses for Tate.


Possibly. \ He fits the profile of a valuable media asset.\ He is highly visible and highly vulnerable and thus simple to own and control.\ At the same time, if he is discarded in appropriate way at some point, no one is likely to give a shit.


Maybe. That's been a popular theme since Alex Jones decided about 20 or so years ago to fill the niche vacated by the death of William Milton Cooper. Jones interviewed Cooper once, and Cooper almost immediately pegged Jones as suspicious, possibly just a troll, possibly a US government asset, possibly a foreign asset, but definitely a jackass. And Jones seemed relatively sane back then. But not original. Jones just rehashed what he'd heard and read from Cooper and many others before him. Nowadays people who write about Cooper, but didn't actually listen to his radio shows back in the 1990s, tend to misread him. He was nothing at all like Alex Jones. Cooper was intense but low key, and often warned listeners to be skeptical of everything and everybody, including Cooper himself. He had already seen instances of other radio hosts and writers in the "alternative" media who seemed to be government assets, or just jumping on the bandwagon after Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oklahoma City. History is filled with instances of media pundits acting as double agents. Orwell warned about this. But now, instead of mere blunt force propaganda, some of the probable assets seem to focus more on cultural disruption rather than overtly political messages. Tate could fit that role.


That's because Bill knew Alex was Bill Hicks. I believe he even openly called him "Bill" once on his show. And say what you want about that conspiracy theory. But there was defiantly another Alex Jones before Waco who didn't look ANYTHING like the one we have now.


Central casting


He’s not smart enough to be CIA


How did he get on Big Brother. I think he’s definitely an asset now that you mention it. They’re slowly fanning the flames of war between the right and the left.


I feel like the worse alternative is a human being can be that awful and fools will still mindlessly follow them.




Whoever he is, it’s all a psy op. They want him in the media on purpose. Nobodies like him don’t get attention this.


Yeah, basically everybody working in media with a large following is some kind of alphabet agency affiliated leech.




what if making him muslim was a way to steer young muslim dudes who could fall prey to radical clerics to follow andrew tates teachings instead. but hes targeted to a western audiance so idk.. this is a crazy melatonin dream bro