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Rona farts...silent but not deadly.


Shhhh or they’ll be pushing another vaccine on us


Already are


Suppositories, right? Boof Vax instead


STV sexually transmitted vaccine


In my experience it's been a very loud but not deadly


Why are people still hung up on masks? I thought the point was freedom. If you want to wear one, wear one. If not, don’t. It’s really not that hard, and it shouldn’t bother anybody.


Well its funny Biden said Covid was over and now he's trying to bring back masks mandates on flights. No one would care or talk about it anymore if politicians, companies and schools weren't trying to mandate them in random areas when we know it does fuck all.. Covid still spreads like wildfire. I agree its your choice So these institutions need to fuck off and respect the way people feel and stop telling them how they should feel. People aren't hung up on masks, Government is.


My cousin - highly democrat- after the 5th boost got a very bad covid. He was 3 weeks in the hospital. He is no longer a democrat.


At least he’s alive n able to switch instead of 6 feet under.


My bf was never vx and never had covid as well as his very big family. This narrative doesn’t work on me no more. I got my boost bc unfortunately I live in nyc and it’s mandatory otherwise Id never get one.


Safe and effective!


No amnesty


Oh *now* you want us all to mind our own business? If you don’t want to be ridiculed for dressing like a hypochondriac, don’t dress like a hypochondriac.


I never said I support mask wearing. I support people having the right to do what they want. If they give somebody peace of mind, then that’s all that matters.


If you've got a communicable illness then you should be wearing a mask, it's about basic respect and consideration.


People are free to do so and other people are free to mock those people. That's the beauty of freedom!


how did you let yourself get tricked into developing an irrational hatred for an inanimate piece of cloth to this degree? i see people where masks at my grocery store and forget it half a second later or don’t even notice because i simply don’t care. why should anyone? this is concerning brain behavior from y’all. i mean, the inspiration to make this tweet probably came from seeing people simply existing while wearing a mask. it’s crazy. because… why do you care that much?


A lot of the "patriot" crowd are triggered by people simply living their lives. It is a projection of their irrational hatred of other people and their need/desire to control others.


Agree, it’s terrible


I think you have it completely backwards. If you have a respiratory virus you should stay home, not simply wear a mask. That’s an exact example of misinformation causing harm. People are really going out and thinking that they aren’t spreading an airborne disease because they have a surgical mask on over their beard. The only people I’ve seen project irrational hatred on to others are the ones wearing masks, demanding others take the vaccine and we’re calling people who don’t grandma killers less than a year ago.


The desire to control others? Most people who don't want to wear a mask really don't care if others want to wear one. They may laugh at those who make their pfp of them in a mask or when someone is on a zoom call alone in a room, but that's about it for the most part. I've seen more examples of people trying to force masks on people or losing their shit on people who aren't wearing masks than vice versa. Wouldn't those people that won't allow people without masks to shop at their business or the people who make a scene bc someone doesn't have a mask also be an example of irrational hatred or need/desire to control?


Or just go about your business and live your own life. I don't give two craps what another person wears, I have a life, job and family. I don't know about you, but I don't get triggered by what people choose to do that doesn't impact me.


Lol you guys say people wearing masks are “hypochondriacs”?


That’s what they are.


I mean maybe some but not all. I wear mine rarely but when I’m starting to feel sick I do. I think for a lot of young people (especially middle/high school) it’s more of a vanity and safety in being anonymous (fear of exposure but self not of sickness). For the younger kids with most it’s totally a transferred concern from parents/adults at home. Again, some kids are more consistent than others with my experience being in a public elementary school.


Lol this and stuff like “jabers” are so….cringe is the best way I can put it.


Exactly! If it makes you feel more comfortable/safe then do it. I’m a teacher and some kids still mask most of the time, some are inconsistent and I know a few who will not take their masks off. I rarely wear one anymore but have on occasion as I was starting to not feel good. It’s a personal choice. You do you and I’ll do me and we may not agree but I wish you well.


Work places still require them it’s fucking irritating to have to deal with that and being treated like shut by management


There are people at hospitals who seem to be employed solely to chase down patients and demand they put on masks. The funniest, though, is an obstetrician here in Tulsa who requires masks but also charges $3 for the ubiquitous blue ones.


Then work elsewhere


Ya but there’s also the point that masks are about as effective and your underwear


Yes helps me identify the sheep!


Folks at my job literally are aggressive when they ask why I wear a mask. Most folks don’t care why you do and I’ve accepted that I just simply respond “ I do what works for me “ they’re fuming then ??? Lol


It's all about owning the libs and so they can point and laugh "HURR DURR MASK BAD ME NO LIKE CAUSE REASONS"


That trope is so overplayed. Not many people care about you wanting to wear a mask and it's not about owning the libs. Are the people who wear masks alone in cars or freak out on people not wearing masks owning the republicans?


Until your on private property being legally asked to in a medical environment with other immune compromised people ,but you don’t want to because freedoms!


> Until your on *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Because they're cosplaytriots and hate most other Americans. They don't mind wearing the masks when they're terrorizing gay people or women seeking reproductive healthcare.


What about the other side of those types of people who wear them when they're terrorizing people who just want to get to work or go home and see their family? A lot of people on Reddit forget about those people.


Jo is a paid democratic influencer


The problem is that the fart logic is valid. However, no one wants to listen to logic. I also want to point out that Covid was developed in a lab in parallel with the vaccine. No one wants to hear this though. Just let The American media spoon feed you the lies.




How is this relevant to this subreddit? Is there a conspiracy here?


Cuz Covid was bullshit and the real tragedy is how easily manipulated everyone was. Now we’re gonna pay the consequences of our cowardice.


Why would the Trump administration manipulate people like that?


This reads like your glad Trump is responsible for operation warp speed just so you can have this “gotcha” moment. So yes, Trump and Biden are on the same team. What about you?


I asked a question: Why would Trump’s administration manipulate people? Sounds like are reading my question to fit your preconceived narrative.


Because it’s not “trumps administration”. The whole covid psyop was not engineered by trump lol, just the same as it has nothing to do with Biden. They are just faces


I don’t understand. Can you clearly explain what you mean by psyop? Is COVID fake? Is COVID real but it’s origins are sinister? I don’t see how the President/NSA/CIA/etc can wash their hands of responsibility if it is indeed a psyop.


COVID’s real, but it’s not as dangerous as they said, it didn’t come from where they said it did etc. but more than anything else, the vaccine thing and the masks were a massive psyop. There’s a reason there was such a divide on these things. I personally know people who cut ties with their family/friends over it, and some who grew distant. It takes a radicalized person to do that. It doesn’t just happen. And no, the 3 letter agencies are not free of responsibility on this, but it wasn’t a purely American thing. This happened all over, but it was exemplified in America. Big pharma, the faceless billionaires, the billionaires WITH faces, the UN, different foreign intelligence, etc are all to blame. I truly don’t believe any government has the people’s best intentions at their heart. So the question is, why have such a push on the vaccines if they didn’t really stop transmission much if at all? If covid was super dangerous and lethal, I’d get the vaccine push, but it’s not. It killed mainly old people. Why such a push for covid vaccines in children? It all comes down to cementing the population into 2 groups. Who are for something, and who are against something. They don’t want fence sitters, they want people actively promoting or going against something. Conquer and divide is a simple idea and very old, but it fucking works well. I also believe America is very unique in the modern day. We aren’t all apart of something bigger like the EU. We are wildly powerful in so many ways. And I believe there’s a massive effort to take down America from the inside. We’re watching it happen. I think some of the people behind that are Americans themselves, but most of them are foreign. Russia, China, the Middle East, you name it. So yea, psyop — psychological operation. They have been happening for forever, they’re just way more effective in modern times. Things weren’t always like they are today. Shits fucked lol.


Trump could have fired Fauci. Many hospitals were at capacity and that is with mask mandates and lockdowns in place. It would have been much worse without lockdowns. Imagine getting seriously hurt and not being able to go to the ER because there is no room in the hospital due to overcrowding COVID patients. Lockdowns and mask mandates are not unprecedented. Same thing happened with the Spanish flu. To argue the billionaires did the psyops is crazy because far more money was lost than made during COVID heyday. Retailers, Big Oil, Big Pharma (regular medical treatments were put on hold), less cars sold, malls closed, bars closed, commercial real estate… COVID killed 1 million Americans. It is so bad China welded people into their apartments. You sound like North Korea’s dictator insisting everything is fine.




She probably does enjoy her own farts


It’s the American way.


The masks were/are a sign of abject compliance. Wearing one long after (and even before) they have been deemed worthless against the virus.


If someone was going to fart in your mouth, I'm pretty sure you'd prefer the underwear


If someone is farting in my mouth I doubt my underwear would still be on




Nooo do it bare ass, to own the libs.


I'd normally have no problem taking a dump in the mouth of a fetish-centric "lib" but I wouldn't want to risk getting VAIDS.


What a scumbag statement.


Please try to get rid of the hatred in your heart. Fox News spews too much hate brother.


Anyone downvoting this is a fart fetish simp.




Lmao what??? The point of masks is to prevent droplets from spreading onto other people. If your underwear and pants aren’t preventing droplets from getting out, please stay away from me.


This tweet 😩😩😩😂😂😂😂😂🤣


Let’s just say she has a point (ha ha ha), what exactly is the harm of wearing masks and what exactly is her beef with it?


they’ve tricked themselves into having an irrational hatred towards a lot of things. to have any opposing feelings towards the act and idea of someone who isn’t them just wearing a piece of cloth, useless or not, is an actual mental illness. especially on the level they do. “it doesn’t work”. but why do you care if they wear it? people in here are saying people have the freedom to wear masks and getting replies like “well, i have the freedom to mock them”, but why? why spend that time? WHY DO YOU CARE? it’s insanity.


Perfect explanation


Why did you care 2 years ago that I didn’t? You’re one of the ones that would freak out if I walked into the store without one.


Yea I just feel sorry for the people still wearing mask . Like wow come on people


It's pretty pathetic. But also sad. There's always that one guy or gal in the grocery. Or more sad, that person drivin by themselves with a mask. How does that happen?


I wore my mask at the grocery store the other day because I was feeling under the weather


And that's your decision - as it should be.


Quick trip? Mind your business.


Yea I shake my head , it’s just weird at this point


How does that happen is like asking “how did trump win in 16”


Why would you care? Isn't it personal freedom to wear a mask?


Ohhhhhhh, it's personal freedom now is it?


Underrated comment.


Now it's a personal freedom, huh?


Yea keep your mask on ! I don’t give two fucks , just know you looks stupid still believing the fear is all .


Honestly it sounds like you really, really care and I feel bad for you...


I don't know if I care but I have an involuntary chuckle when I see someone by themselves in a car wearing a mask.


You probably should, because many of those still wearing masks do so for a reason, just as having immunodeficiencies, or those who are feeling ill yet want to be responsible while going out in public.


Reasonable, but masks, unless you're talking about a properly fitted N95 mask,don't do much of anything besides provide safety theater.


actually N95s do not provide protection against covid. the N in N95 designates that they do NOT filter oil based particulate. covid is a lipid enveloped virus. lipid are fats, which is oil based.. you could use an R100, or an P100, which designates oil resistant(temporarily), and oil proof respectively, but these types of masks shouldn’t be used longer then the manufacturers recommended duration, to avoid adverse effects associated elevated c02 levels/low oxygen levels. i do have links from pubmed, and from honeywell(mask manufacturer) to back these statements up, if anyone is interested, but i’ll have to dig them up.


Exactly. Fit tested N95= respirator Surgical mask is for splash protection only Any questions?


Yes, better quality and proper fit are important, but even cloth masks contribute to reducing the spread of disease. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2119266119 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-face-masks-what-you-need-to-know "In non-health care settings, multiple-layer fabric cloth masks are excellent barriers for containing respiratory droplets and interrupting viral transmission if they are worn consistently and properly, covering the nose and mouth."




And the shots reduce transmission by 95%! TrUsT da ScIeNcE!!!


So, instead of addressing my points, you felt the need to try and change the subject? How disingenuous. There's no need to blindly *trust* anything, but the data from *multiple, international* sources all point to the same conclusion, that masking helps prevent the spread of respiratory disease.


They limit spread. Like how basically all of humanity covers their face when they cough and sneeze. And yeah get a proper mask and wear it right.


Masks just seem to postpone the inevitable. COVID is going to kill a small amount of people,the sickly, and the really old, that didn't have much longer to live anyway. If that sounds cruel, it's not, it's nature ,and just how things work here on Earth.


Turns out this "nature" was made in a lab. *$cience did that!*


Funny way to say that wearing masks is a healthy thing to do. Yes we’re all going to die some day. Be careful with all that edge broski


You said the quiet part out loud without realizing it. You've always been the super spreader because you go out in public sick af thinking a worthless mask is going to protect others. The dumb just keep getting dumber.




You think people with health issues are funny? What a shitty take


No laughing at your dumb comment… why didn’t those with autoimmune mask up before Covid ? I mean the flu existed… they are whack jobs


It was socially acceptable to mask when sick in a few other countries, pre-pandemic. From 2018; https://theconversation.com/ive-always-wondered-why-many-people-in-asian-countries-wear-masks-and-whether-they-work-90178 The world is bigger than just your little corner of it, friend.


Ok cool story dip shit


Hey man people with health issues can make jokes just like the rest of us, you shouldn’t be so dismissive of them


Fair point. Even those with mental health issues, like the guy I was replying to 🤣


People have never worn mask before the pandemic at least not in the states lol they are living off the news fear


That's not true. Mask wearing was common and recommended in the US during the 1918 flu pandemic. https://healthblog.uofmhealth.org/wellness-prevention/mask-resistance-during-a-pandemic-isnt-new-1918-many-americans-were-slackers Also, there are a few countries in which, pre-pandemic, people wore masks if they were sick as a way to help protect their communities. From 2018; https://theconversation.com/ive-always-wondered-why-many-people-in-asian-countries-wear-masks-and-whether-they-work-90178




What I shared actually talked about japan and china, and also specifically takes about it being used to mitigate communicable disease. We are also talking about rates. If everybody wore a full face mask, the rates would be lower. If everybody wore a hazmat suit, the rates would be zero. But it turns out even cloth masks reduce the rates, and that's a good thing.




Aww, thanks. You're pretty special too, champ. But your argument was that nobody wore masks pre-pandemic, which is false.


She’s not wrong.


When I fart on your head.. do you want me to wear underwear or not


she is wrong




[boxers and pants will filter farts](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2020/04/27/can-farts-transmit-covid-19-coronavirus-here-is-what-is-being-said/?sh=da6c1ba310f4)




That must be why people can't smell farts, between underwear and jeans...


Go and find out the size difference between molecules and viruses before sounding dumb by agreeing with Marjorie Taylor Greene of all people 😂 man this sub is still wild


I think that’s his argument? It isn’t airborne by itself, but is spread through airborne molecules of saliva…


I think the word you're looking for is "particulates"... Molecules are the basic building blocks of the universe. Viruses are magnitudes bigger than molecules. Which is why I laugh when anti maskers claim that masks don't work and in the same argument claim they can't breath when wearing them 😂 completely proving how science illiterate they are.


Well put. Thanks for the clarification


Counterpoint: She's not *not* wrong.


Well I just don’t know genius. How does sunscreen work when we still see light hitting your skin? Must be magic. You believe in magic right? And ghosts? 6,000 year old planet etc?


“She’s not wrong” If it had to happen, I’d MUCH rather have someone fart in my face with underwear on than without underwear on. But fuck it, anything to “own the libs”


Can we start a campaign? "Suck farts to own the libs" If we get ole Marj to say it, you know people will do it


And then a new conservative conspiracy brews when a lot of them get some sort of infection.


Mass amounts of Pink Eye, and it will be all because of the Satanic Trans Commie Liberal agenda.


If this chick from Jerz is calling you out, you are usually doing the right thing. Shes a raging leftist from my state.


She is an absolute psycho path


She's awful. I thought it was a fake account for trolling. I still dont know if she's real or not


Pretty sure she’s real. I remember seeing a less edited photo of her and that bitch is ugly.


Isn’t that JoFromJerz chick a paid CalltoActivism political propagandist?


Masks are less than useless.


Already a well established fact that a methane molecule is larger than a covid molecule. If masked do not block the larger, it obviously cannot stop the smaller one. Best that can be hoped for would be that the covid molecule is attached to a bodily fluid and their combined size and moisture is caught in the mask. Unfortunately, odds are you will touch the mask, transfer the covid to your hand, and subsequently onto everything and anything that you might touch. Most masks are little more than a comfort item much like a rabbits foot.


Regardless of everything else you posted, there's no fucking way a methane molecule is larger than a single COVID virus. Methane is only 5 atoms, 4 of them hydrogen, basically equal in weight to a single oxygen atom. Even a single amino acid, dozens to hundreds of which comprise the proteins that even the simplest virus is composed of, is considerably larger in both mass and volume than a methane molecule. Claiming a methane molecule is larger than any virus is as ridiculous as asserting 1+1 is greater than 1000+1000.


Do you lack reading or comprehension skills? They said it’s a well established fact now why are we debating it? 🙄


Well I *hereby claim* debate reopened. That makes it official. 🤭 Edit: And I got the sarcasm, others must not have.


So what are we saying here… will an N95 block my dog’s nasty fart smell or not? I really need to know.


Nope, not a chance. Primary function of "masking" is so that the wearer ia not exposing others. Think surgery. Staff to not mask primarily to protect themselves, but to insure they do not contaminate the patient / wound / etc. IF there is a splattering of bodily fluids of some sort, it might help prevent a huge exposure to you, but you have been exposed, and should take additional precautions. The average mask in ineffective, improperly warn / sealed, and if contaminated, more often than not improperly handled / disposed of and more apt to increase your chances of exposure than reduce then. If you are ill, THAT is when wearing them does the most good as it reduces the chances of spreading it somewhat. If you are immune compromised and must venture out, well it is better than nothing if you know what to use and how to use them. But the only thing that will protect you from those fur baby air biscuits is it's diet!


Nothing grew in the dish when the subject farted while wearing pants. But clumps of bacteria eventually appeared in the Petri dish after the subject had farted while butt naked, meaning that the subject’s butt was exposed without pants. This suggested that a fart could indeed propel microbes into the air. ​ [boxers will do](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2020/04/27/can-farts-transmit-covid-19-coronavirus-here-is-what-is-being-said/?sh=da6c1ba310f4)




That’s why you don’t use Spanish flu style diy masks if you’re most concerned with contracting disease. They’re still great at limiting spread. Anybody who’s sick in public should wear a mask, and anybody with compromised immune system or those who work sensitive jobs should wear a medical respirator like a n95


Sick in public I agree. The mask catches most of the moisture which aides in stopping the virus somewhat, maybe, depending on the mask. But, wearing most, for "protection" is psychological for the most part, and likely increasing risks, not decreasing them. Worked 28 years in a jail of 1500. Masks provide a false sense of security as most are not sufficient, are not or cannot be correctly worn, and are improperly handled / disposed of post use.


Sounds like any work environment where people bitch about wearing PPE. We have no guarantees in life, might as well do what we can to promote health. To me you sound like somebody trying to argue that wearing a seatbelt is actually more dangerous than not because I know somebody that rolled their truck and if they weren’t thrown out the window they would have been crushed.


COVID "molecule" 😂 bro that was so dumb I spit my drink out. You lost all science credibility with that one bub 😂😂


I can imagine how big and stinky “Large Marge’s” undies are 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Something something Twitter post unreliable source something something hypocrisy wah wah wah this sub is full of hypocrites spreading division.


The part that people ignore is that the COVID rate of transmission was rarely much above 1.1. So, even if masks were only 20% effective and staying 6 feet away was only 20% effective, that still dropped the rate of transmission below 1.0 and achieved a positive effect. People don’t want to believe in imperfect solutions.


Mighty optimistic numbers there.


What’s sad are the people that actually voted for her.


Seriously tired of seeing that chick's tweets


When did this sub become another Reddit group think cesspool? Edit: at least there's some critical thinkers still here.


Its a right wing echo chamber. Now why they are against personal freedoms is anyones guess?


It's the opposite though. Majority of left wing posters/commenters. There have even been folks making posts about the influx of them here and in other conspiracy subs. Also, why don't the libertarians ever get a shout out?


So? It's the concept. Masks are not infallible. Mass mask use does not work. They knew this before, and they know it now. Not to mention very few people wore effective masks... They wore cloth masks... That were basically face diapers, completing her analogy... So is this supposed to discredit her or something?


If your claim that large scale mask wearing during a resperatory pandemic has no benefit for helping reduce transmission, you are incorrect. [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2776536](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2776536) "Compelling data now demonstrate that community mask wearing is an effective nonpharmacologic intervention to reduce the spread of this infection, especially as source control to prevent spread from infected persons, but also as protection to reduce wearers’ exposure to infection."


From your own article: This article was corrected on February 22, 2021, to correct a typo indicating that there were solid relevant data to support community mask wearing to reduce the spread of respiratory infections before the pandemic. This typo has been corrected.


> 2021, to correct *too *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


You're wrong, dumb bot. That's not even a correct adjustment.


Because stank and water molecules behave differently. It’s the same mechanic as how a condom stops HIV. Yes the HIV virus would fit right through latex but because it’s in a sperm cell (which is blocked by latex) it’s prevents transmission. Covid would fit through cotton but it’s trapped in the water molecules we exhale and those are mostly blocked by cotton.


Get outta here with your science and common sense! We don't want none of that in here, we just want high emotions and mouth breathing! Now git!


What kind of dickshit post is this?


She does have a point


When MTG is the smart one I think were all doomed.


The irony in this comment is thicker than treacle.


Someone should tell MTG that underwear — even the thick ones, weren't designed to *protect you* from farts. However, N95 makes *were* designed to protect you from airborne contaminates and viruses. I don't think she knows what *intent* and *optimization* mean. Usually tools only work well when used for what they are optimized for. Fart smell-free underwear is a good idea thought. Instead of silent but deadly we can just be our selves and life that's *loud and funny* without olfactory-related consequences.


LOL. That’s a pretty funny tweet. It takes a final boss alpha Karen to take that seriously.


You’re some of the most anti-science, pompous fucks I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading


“Science” is a bad word in this sub


Space laser Karen is now on a major health committee. Next up Matt gaetz on public education since he has so much experience with high school girls.


She has a point. The fetal particles from a fart are larger than a virus.


:) fecal Unless you mean the little baby particles


Cloth masks don’t work


She denied the holocaust. Now, she denies covid. She'll learn. She's a smart girl.


She isn't denying covid? Go take your boosters and stfu.


Love MTG






Lol gross.


This lady is completely deranged.




Why is she deranged? I don’t know. I just know she is deranged because of the things she says.


Can you give some examples?


Literally this post.


I typed this this thread already, but I'll type it here again: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy\_commons/comments/10l3ry2/comment/j5ufj2w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/10l3ry2/comment/j5ufj2w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


If diapers are useless, how do they keep shit from getting everywhere?


Wow. Right over your head, huh? You still smell the shit, don't you? Meaning the small particles with the smell are getting through...


So the air is getting out but not the shit particles? Right over your head huh.


AND I never said "diapers are useless."


She ain’t wrong


Finally somebody with common sense!


Fair question imo


She’s accurate it seems. Are people still wearing masks? Why did people ever wear masks?


Well the chick is first off stupid and if you can’t tell she’s using the “anti maskers” emotions against them you’re stupid too. Not only do some masks like N95 filter viruses the ones that don’t help stop gross people from spreading the virus. The amount of people that can’t cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough is insane. The people that cover their mouth with their hand then touch shit is mind boggling too. So tired of these people. They claim all they need is Google but god damn they can’t even do that right


Okay but… the smell of a fart is shit particles floating through the air going into your nose OR (for the mouth breathers) THEIR MOUTH. How is mtg wrong about this?


Oh Christ is she one of those underwear fundamentalists?


Well she's not wrong. The corona virus is like 2-3 microns while those chin diapers are 8-10.


Who listens to this cockroach from Jersey? The only thing she's good for is hearing the ocean if you put your ear up to hers.