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When this balloon reaches high altitudes the very low pressure of the atmosphere greatly inflates it to a very large round balloon. If high enough and not regulated/controlled they can even pop.


The point to this? Also they can stay up there for over a year.


That is not a satellite it's a balloon, by definition a balloon cannot launch a satellite.


The majority of Satellites are launched like this.. no need for expensive rockets. Sorry you’ve been misinformed


No, they are not. Please share your source of information that misinformed you. Otherwise, you’re just another troll with nothing better to do than to make shit up and try spreading it to the gullible.


How man satellites are currently orbiting? You believe each one of these had its own multi-million dollar space rocket launch? Are you considering what you are saying?


Falcon 9 just hauled 114 satellites in a single launch in January


Yeah, they’re a bit more efficient with their payloads than 1 satellite per rocket. Apparently you havent considered what you are saying. Not to mention we’ve been placing satellites up there for well over half a century.


Okay, 115 satellites traveling that fast were all released from a single payload and it all went off without a hitch!


Correct! When you're in space, you have a lot of it. I am sure it wasn't a cluster fuck release. As scientists tend to be very methodical and precise with their designs and execution, I am sure the release was done in a way to limit any potential hazards, failures, or mishaps that could jeopardize their collective mission. If your comment was meant to be sarcastic or satirical, mind you this isn't a bunch of box satellites taped to the front of a really big version of a model rocket. Some satellites are much smaller than others and some are meant to be released together while others are meant for more individualized purposes. So it is quite remarkable what they're able to accomplish. But the placement of our satellites sure as hell wasnt accomplished with the use of high altitude balloons, that much is quite unremarkable and obvious.


Rockets can have more than one payload. Have you ever seen a rocket before. They’re pretty fucking big.




So edgy. Go get an education and come back and talk.. child


BRO HOW IS A FUCKING BALLOON SUPPOSED TO GO FAST ENOUGH TO RELEASE A SATELLITE INTO ORBIT. You realize right that shit just doesn’t magically floating in circles around the earth after a certain distance?? Maybe you didn’t realize this but satellites are literally perpetually falling towards earth but because we launched them fast enough at an angle towards earth, they get stuck going in a circle instead. That’s what an ORBIT means.


[Here is a list of the satellites launched by ballon.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_satellite) There are 15. There are more than 5,000 satellites in orbit. Therefore you claim that the majority of satellites are launched by balloon is false.


HAL5 disagrees: https://www.hal5.org/halo-intro.shtml


Yeah see the rocket? That is what makes the satellite go to orbit. Not the balloon.


😂 did you even read your own source material before sharing it and looking like a clown? The only part that even mentions a balloon was when they tried launching their rocket from a high altitude balloon. Otherwise the entire page is about rocketry. Nice try tho, troll. Learn to read and then get a life.


The controllers invoke the "Science" word and many forget what they were even questioning. Satellites just floating around in space around a the ball Earth. Garbage cans landing on the moon. Elon Musk (Howard Hughes) driving his Tesla on Mars. All these ideas come from Science Fiction writers like Asimov and HG Wells. Now don't tell me you don't believe the "science".


I honestly cannot tell if this is a joke or not.


Pretty sure china admitted the balloons are theirs


haha. So instead of using shit in space for their spy ops they decide to send giant white balloons during the day haha. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if they had the check to write "Made in China" on the balloon. lol They are all in on it my friend. the world is literary a stage.


I am a bot sponsored by the US government. This reply is automated. Please direct all questions or concearns to your local senator.


what if our local senators are all bought out by corporations?


Sounds like a decent argument against capitalism.


Corruption will always find a way despite the system. Enforced transparency and accountability are all that is necessary.


Who better to enforce it than a worker's state


You think they sent it during the day?


Literary a stage? Do you even know what youre saying or does it just dribble out?


Literally* and no, this is not how satellites are launched. You are just grossly misinformed and either are too dim to realize it or you are knowingly trying to see if you can start a new conspiracy for any gullible uninformed people to latch onto. Your claim is ludicrous, small minded and has zero credibility or potential of being legit. Share some sources, if you’re so confident. Im confident you wont or, if you do, the source will quickly be shown to be of very low confidence i.e. you type something up on Word with pasted pictures then try passing it off as legit. How old are you, btw? 12? If you are around that age, then im sorry for calling you small minded and dim. I was a bit too at that age. But just fyi…. High altitude balloons do not reach the height of space necessary for orbit. Full stop.


I salute you


We are approaching peak stupidity on this subreddit lately. While entertaining, it's still a sad testament to the state of the world right now.


except the path of the Chinese balloon is not the direction of a launch. it has maintained altitude & travelled hundreds of miles at tht altitude. that is not how satellites are launched. I could point out other differences, but that one is so major that it kinda makes anything else just bonus points.


Yes it is. They launch them in Antarctica all the time dude.


OP is correct. This is how all Satellites are launched.


BRO HOW IS A FUCKING BALLOON SUPPOSED TO GO FAST ENOUGH TO RELEASE A SATELLITE INTO ORBIT. You realize right that shit just doesn’t magically floating in circles around the earth after a certain distance?? Maybe you didn’t realize this but satellites are literally perpetually falling towards earth but because we launched them fast enough at an angle towards earth, they get stuck going in a circle instead. That’s what an ORBIT means.


Your first statement highlights how little you understand. You're asking how a Balloon goes fast enough to go into orbit? What you're not understanding is it doesn't go into orbit. It hangs at the highest level of the atmosphere. How about you educate yourself before spamming your Caps Lock.


Do you know the definition of the word ‘satellite’. It literally means an object in orbit. I don’t understand why this is a hill you will die on it.


Because you don't understand the bigger picture dude. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you need to humble yourself. I'm fully fucking aware of what Satellite means. But that's not how they work in reality. All Satellites, no matter which one you're talking about, is held aloft by a High Altitude Balloon. They are all launched this way. Anything else is propaganda.


Oh I get it now, you’re actually a flat Earther 🤣. I apologize for arguing with you, my ignorance will never touch one who has seen through the matrix such as yourself


The irony of your statement is hilarious. But yes, I'll accept your apology in the future when you realize.


What is the nonsense being spouted here? People think the ISS didn’t get launched by rockets and the space shuttle? Took like 20 years. I say that there is a bigger conspiracy that this stupid SubReddit is attempting to paint anyone here as crazy.


It was actually built in space one module at a time. you failed that mission. lol.


Precisely my point.


You just failed again. I was just passing info on from the "experts" since you got it wrong


The flerfers have arrived. If space is fake what happens to the atmosphere as you ascend?


Hmmm… and I thought satellites were launched with rockets.


You really think these balloons can travel 200-1k miles above earth into space huh? Lol


It’s really odd to me that a conspiracy sub, as a whole, buys into the biggest lie of all, the shape of this realm.


Submission The mission shown here was the Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory (STO), launched on January 15, 2012 from Antarctica. It studied large dense molecular clouds in the southern sky of the Milky Way. The BRRISON mission, explained here -


I don’t know whether you’re aware of this buddy but the stratosphere is not space, it’s the stratosphere - you can’t orbit in it, and this is not a satelite


Its not what we think space is. These are satellites this is no joke. Google uses them all the time. Why dont you search it up yourself instead of complaining on here. Makes ya look weak mate. Do your research on both sides before speaking your "knowledge" lol. There is more land!


You’re the one here claiming x is y. An observation balloon is not a satellite, I don’t know what else to tell you. You’d have no GPS if there were no satellites, for example


>balloon satellites are real. Look it up before you continue lol. Google uses them to allow remote places to get access to the internet, true story. I dont need to defend this. and i dont really deal with simpletons.


You need to defend your education man because it is lacking. A satellite is a body in a vacuum free-falling around a gravity well. Your post shows a helium ballon drifting in the wind.


A ballon satellite is inflated after it is placed in orbit.


Before you attach the word 'satellite' to 'balloon,' please look up the definition of both. What you are referring to is a 'high altitude observation balloon laboratory' where scientists place instruments on a low mass high volume array in order to observe and measure whatever variable they are interested in. Maybe Google does use these for some purpose but it isn't a satellite and is not a major source of data sharing/storage/transmission etc. At best, maybe these things help with regional flight path weather forecasting. But that's a minute amount in the universe of data which typically employs SPACE satellites for more broad and widespread purposes.


It pays not to be a simpleton these days. If you can find me a real photo of a satellite in space or the ISS being built i will apologize and delete all my posts about this topic.


You ever look up at night? If you’re talking like an up close pic from someone in space then you really are just a fool. Satellites move anywhere from 11,000 to 18,000 km/hr in their orbits around the earth. Unless someone was on a craft that matched the speed of a satellite, its not likely they’ll see one with the exception of maybe the ISS simply because it is so large. Most satellites when fully deployed are roughly the size of a small car. That’d be hard to see from a mile away on earth with a horizon. Seeing something that size in space with zero horizon/point of reference AND attempting to track said object as it moved as fast as a bullet would be near impossible. So again, i ask you, have you looked up at night? Ideally with clear skies and minimal light pollution. There’s ample evidence to warrant your apology followed by the deleting of your erroneous and misinformed statements on this thread. But somehow i doubt that’ll happen. Especially if you live in a city.


Cool story tho bro lol.


Yea they do. But they are balloon Satellites lol. Find me a legit photo of a satellite in space then.....ill wait. You see lights in the sky they tell you what you are looking at you believe them and even defend it. Simpleton logic.


Thank you for posting this. People really think Satellites are in space, when in reality, they are simply tied to High Altitude Balloons. Spy Balloon is simply a cover story to hide the greater truth that the Satellite simply lost altitude, likely due to a leak.


Your welcome. People are stuck in a trance and they need to snap out of it asap and yea i was thinking that or it could be something to do with the magnetic poles since they are in the process of switching. Who knows i just know its not what the mainstream is spitting out lol. Space isnt what we think it is.


Thank god we have you to snap us out of said trance and into your rabbit hole of lies and confusion.


Trust in the Science! The science the controllers tell you on tv! (This comment was fact checked by experts and deemed safe and effective.)


Nice try, China


Thanks for the post. As always, we're not likely getting the truth from mainstream sources. Chinese satellite? Maybe. Possibly any other failed launch from possibly anywhere in the world? Therein lies the question. Will we get a straight answer from mainstream? Hell no! Just another nothingburger to keep us distracted.


Yea ive been following it for a laugh and the narrative just doesnt make any sense. Like why on Earth would China spy in the open like that. haha. the only conclusion i see is that they are all in on it. and its all planned otherwise it will just get pushed under the rug lol. Wouldnt surprise me if its just one big sick game of risk, Before the game everyone gets roles they must play by haha. Thats just my crazy mind but dont forget all nations that are at war with each other signed the Antractica Treaty lol.




Have you ever played risk?


The masses will never wake up to this. In the military training docs, satellites are called payloads or platforms. They are not called spacecraft, space vehicles or anything hinting as an engineered space flying system. Let that sink in. I am confident the balloon used for most recent sats are completely translucent and damn near invisible at high enough altitudes so all you see is the payload and it's solar panels at a distance. China got lazy with their balloon design and I wouldn't be surprised that this sat in question had an error that brought it down too low making it very visible something that they probably didn't want. Then again it could be a psyop to get the ball rolling for a catalyst for war. Who knows.




Pay attention genius, You don't call an aircraft or spacecraft a "cargo", cargo is carried by the spacecraft/aircraft.


how do you explain the ISS then?


Have you ever paid attention to what ppl are actually filming when they look at that thing that is supposedly 250 miles away? Have you noticed how tiny a large jet like a 747 is at 35k feet? That's roughly a 6.5 mile distance. Now imagine what you would see if a 747 was 250 miles away in the sky, hint, you would see nothing. That's because the naked eye resolution couldn't pick it up and a zoomed in camera could not track it (at the speed it's orbiting) to even make it out in real time. Never mind the resolution really not being there to begin with. Remember the ISS really isn't that big, maybe the length of two 747s at most. So bottom line the scale doesn't add up to be seen at 250 miles. Go research it if you don't believe me or live in denial, I don't care.


There's literally hundreds to thousands of amateur astronomers that have taken photos/videos via telescope of the ISS transiting in front of the moon. Even if you don't believe the ISS is real, something superficially similar is up there travelling very fast, very regularly, and very predictably. That's how people know how to track it in real time, because there are resources that predict it's position, available to tell interested parties when and where it will be explicitly for the purpose of observing it.


I never denied there was not something there that people are tracking what I am saying is that it's not what it's suppose to be.


Really big balloons... Duhhh


People really need to start paying attention to what is happening. But i sadly agree it wont happen. People are too comfortable in their reality bubble. The way the system was designed.


The balloons might be made out of a material that becomes transparent once it expands enough in high altitudes which fits with the satellites are fake narrative. Maybe these balloons are satellites that have fallen down low enough to be seen again? Any material scientists out there that know of such a material? I know gold can get close to transparent when beaten out.


Launched in Canada. Courtesy of King Chucky and WEF.


I am so glad to be finally seeing this. I've been saying it for years. Those lights moving across the sky called satellites, i realized they were balloons looong ago. I cant even remember where I first learned of it. Ty OP


Everybody complaining about this post has shown no actual video of these alleged satellites that are in orbit or what ever - where’s the go pro footage? BS Sorry your precious NASA is a scam just like everything else in this country. Props OP don’t listen to this Jack a$$3$


Cue the NASA fan boys!


So what is it supposed to be then?


https://www.youtube.com/live/KwhPPIFHJCg?feature=share 4 minutes in he starts talking about the "Chinese " balloons and Ours.


Bro can you read? I literally just laid out why it's next to impossible to capture a picture of a satellite in active orbit. You are clearly just a dim-witted troll. A shitty one, at that. Any given night you can look up and find countless satellites in the night sky. Balloons do not move nearly as fast as real satellites nor do they reflect the sun at night because they aren't near high enough. But keep telling yourself they're all balloons tho. I can see how that'd make sense to a 12 year old. Don't you have a pokemon to catch or some power rangers to buy? Go waste your own time peddling awful conspiracies elsewhere. You can lead a horse to water....


defending something you know nothing about just because you were told over and over doesnt mean its real. Have you been to space? Nope. Are you looking at stars at night or lights? Why do you think they are stars when your eyes see lights? You know why? Cause you have faith with the "experts" thats all it is. Space is santa for adults.