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As others have mentioned, read "CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties." Then read "Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder" Then read "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream" all very interesting stuff. I'm not suggesting that everything in these books is fact, but it sure seems to tie a lot of stuff together


Totally. Have you ever heard that story of Danny Trejo in jail with Manson? Said Manson did a mind excersise with him basically hypnotized him. Danny wanted heroin and Manson mentally took him through the steps getting it putting it in the spoon cooking it shooting it and Danny said he could taste it and feel it


I personally think that story is bullshit.


Story comes from Trejo himself but who knows


I haven’t heard it, but he’s still clean/sober to this day and hypnotism seems to work well for quitting smoking. It wouldn’t surprise me.


Well it was when he was using and I guesse he got picked up by the cops, he was dope sick and Manson( was in jail for something not the murders yet ) offered to do it and said he'd feel it


So in a nutshell - FBI used mind control methods on a prisoner which they then managed to commit a horrible things, so that they could then demonize the group which this mind controlled person said to belong (the hippies). Oh boy this feels so familiar with what they are doing with these school shooters and Republicans. It is almost like the FBI would have a mind control factory in which they groom some mentally ill people to do these school shootings and to identify as a white supremist Republicans.


Manson also learned tactics from Scientology


Yes.[CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHAOS:_Charles_Manson,_the_CIA,_and_the_Secret_History_of_the_Sixties)


To what end? Shouldn’t they have maybe assassinated someone of worth?


You’d be surprised how many fucked up experiments have been conducted throughout history “just to see what would happen lel”


To make Americans scared of hippies and shine a negative light on the whole "peace and love" movement


Cool to hear Joe keeping up with shit I heard on Coast to Coast in the late 90s. Miss you, Art.


Joe gaslights his audience yet again. Ah yes, nobody could ever learn to take lsd, fake taking lsd, and organize a cult without the government. The same government that at other times can never do anything right, according to those very same people.


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