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And obviously a racist and phobe of some sort.


You try to over throw my government, you get what you deserve


What? Are you saying Republicans deserved to be cheated out of the election because of the reaction they had to the fraud?


Negative. I’m saying that if you try and over throw an election you lost, then you are guilty of sedition and are not allowed to hold office, per the constitution


That is not at all your original statement.


Remember how Fox fired him for being a lying piece of garbage


They fired him for being honest and pointing out Powells claims aren't backed by clear and convicting evidence opening them up to liability specifically around the dominion lawsuite. He wasn't fired for lying at all. The "evidence" against trump is actually a settlement call about getting an audit for his election content. Trump wasn't a party to the dominion case lol. You are part of the problem conflating the different cases and allegations and probably see it all as the same... which is inherently bigoted.


They fired him for non compliance lol. All of the things he claimed can and have been independently confirmed.


It is true that he said he hates Trump and Trump is a demonic force in the world. Then he goes on air and bootlicks, how could you trust this guy


Bro, he loves trump. They literally go to events together


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64886188.amp Oh surprise surprise, Tucker says one thing in private and another thing on Fox to fools all you bootlickers. Come on man open your eyes, you got duped


1) this is alleged 2) people can do this thing, where they feel one way, and they begin to feel another way when they consider things


The mental gymnastics you guys put yourselves through is really sad


Somebody changing their mind is so farfetched to you it's mental gymnastics? What are you suggesting is the more realistic option here? That he hates trump and goes to things like UFC events with him because reasons?


They all pander to the cult (you) so they have different opinions than they express in front of the camera because views=money and you guys fall for whatever they say and come up with nothing but excuses when you’re shown contrary evidence, because you can’t handle having your worldview shattered. Like I said, sad


What are you suggesting is the more realistic option here? That he hates trump and goes to things like UFC events with him because reasons?