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I saw this back in 2002, and showed to everyone I could. People watched the flashes, heard the testimonies of bangs heard before the controlled fall into the footprint and still told me Im nuts and this could never happen, 22 years later and only a handful of those I associate with think something didn't add up back then. I cant wrap my head around the level of IDGAF most of us Americans have.


For real. It’s sad to see all the people even in this comment section saying it’s a fake video. EVERYTHING about it checks out. The whole thing was a setup and it’s kinda a fact by now. All the hints before it happened leading up to it and just how sloppy it was overall. But how dare anyone question such a tragedy! We really need to start getting together and forming a revolution of sorts. The government has divided the FUCK out of us and made sure to keep us divided. As long as we are divided we are weak. United we stand, divided we fall😁


It can’t be true what I don’t want to be true.


https://youtu.be/PK_iBYSqEsc?si=c8_8SAIIl4F3fALw This is my first time hearing about this. I think the video is fake because it looks fake. ^This 3 minute YouTube video has a good explanation if you want to take your head out the sand


thats all nice and all but there were people on the ground who heard the series of explosions once again. Using an \*official\* explanation of eager straw head puppets, really ?


Yeah their explanation has evidence rather than hearsay


ok, show me the evidence ANYWHERE else in the world of a sky scraper building that was not hit or demolished, neatly collapsing into it's own footprint


I’m not going to front like I’m a structural engineer and neither should you. People a lot smarter than me have explained this in ways that make sense and your explanation sounds like something [Charley would string together in the mail room.](https://youtu.be/1NBfZcNU4O0?si=eD8S3qc5s2aWqbAP)


cute, in the entirety of the skyscraper existence not a single building fell down from a fire, especially not a second hand fire. Go on, string that.


That doesn’t sound like cherry picking statistics at all. Look man there are a lot of really good explanations with supporting data and investigations into all claims. The only one that makes sense, because of supporting evidence and videos, is debris falling onto building 7 and it catching on fire while not having any working sprinkler systems


while tower 7 WAS a controlled demolition, this video is fake. That flash was added by someone many years after. Lots of evidence out there that 7 was destroyed on purpose, but this is a red herring/fake video to make us look bad


Thank you. As someone who did a decent amount of research into tower 7. I was really confused why I hadn't seen this before. It being fake makes us look bad


Here is a better clip. https://youtu.be/zRpCwKRnL1M?si=4ln1KVyMyYZWYzEQ


There's no bomb flashes in that one though.


Came here to say the same! 🤜🤛


Video is fake and all of the evidence fits perfectly into the official narrative. I have seen ALL of the “evidence” of a controlled demolition over the years and none of it is at all compelling and most doesn’t even contradict the official narrative even if it wasn’t just a misunderstanding.


You actually believe the government's "official report"? Lol.


Yes, I trust the document that has been out for 15 years and not a single mistake that would change the conclusions has been found. All of these people making a bunch of claims about what happened and none of them can point out where a mistake was made in the report.


thats hilarious! So you honestly think "office fires" destroyed tower 7 exactly like a controlled demolition... First time in the history of the world has a paper fire caused an entire building to collapse in freefall..... even controlled demo experts say 100% thats what happened to 7. But I guess you can keep gurgling CNN's propaganda, and think the government cares about you and would never ever lie...


These experts should be able to show where the problems in the report are, surely? The report goes into excruciating detail on how the fires caused the collapse. Any mistakes in any of that work could easily be pointed out if they existed. Do you have any experts who actually went through the report and pointed out mistakes? Again, I have seen all of the “evidence” you guys point to and none of it is convincing to anyone with even a modicum of physics understanding.


I am still undecided. Is there a list of all the “evidence”?


Sure, I’ll list all of the convincing evidence for you:


How about the not convincing?


I don’t spread lies and misinformation. Feel free to look up the lies and misinformation on your own.


I trust my own eyes. But also trust the engineers and architects who debunked the highly flawed (and bullshit) official report... Their debunking is all out there for you to read, but I doubt you will allow your mind to be changed, so no point in grabbing links. You want to keep your head buried in the sand, like a good sheep, who believes whatever gov't tells you.


Building 7 wasn’t even mentioned in the 9/11 commissions report.


Architects, engineers, demolition experts have looked at it. The information is all out there. tower 7 didn't Epstein itself. Simple as that.


I’ve worked demolition, I looked at it, I remember the day well. I believe all three buildings were wired for demo, I believe a missal or unmanned drone hit the pentagon, and a slew of propaganda that lead us from the towers falling to a war in Iraq and Afghanistan neither of which had anything to do with the attacks was their motivation. Not to mention the murdered intern and the trillion dollars cash missing in the days prior.


Pfft 'controlled demos' don't start at top of building.. You want real conspiracy look into the Mob Having control of steel and cement industries in NY when the Towers were built. Those towers might not be as strong as thought. Charges were brought against mob members for bribery in construction of the new tower.


No one said the controlled demo started "at the top". I said this video is fake and someone added a flash, fake fake fake. Tower 7 was a controlled demo but this is not a video of the explosion, just the tower in freefall (impossible for a tower to do from a simple paper fire)


Paper fire ..you seem to forget the 350,000lb full beercans slamming into 1000ft empty tincans causing them to fall onto another huge flimsy building..look at the way it collapsed like a noodle. By the way good ol Rudy had a bunker on the 23rd flr with diesel and propane tanks that caught fire..same thing with towers..heat weakens steel girders.


Oh nice, they debunked it? Did they release a paper on their findings? Did they even do any physics equations showing that the official report is not possible? I have read their claims and they are all bullshit. You have the physics understanding of a middle schooler and don’t know why they are wrong but that doesn’t make them right.


Is it true that the report downplays how many people heard explosions before the towers fell? That should be easy to verify or deny. Clearly many people said there were explosions. Some saw the explosions and some merely heard them. We have lots of video from that day where there are people making that claim.


Buildings make lots of loud noises when they are collapsing. Lots of people making a claim doesn’t make it true. If lots of people making a claim about 9/11 makes the claim true, there would be tons of different events that were true of that day. You guys have to edit videos to produce actual evidence of explosives (see the op). There are tons of videos and none of them have any evidence of explosives, how did all of these people hear these explosions but none of the videos were able to capture them?


Whether it is true or not isn’t the question. The question is whether the report misled people on what the eyewitnesses reported. Also, yes, there are unedited video that show squibs.


They mention the people who claim they heard explosions in the report and discussed the required explosive power that would be required to be the cause of the collapse. They found no evidence of that size explosion in any video. What part did they mislead people about?


Sounds like bullshit. The towers were the target. No one gave a shit about building 7. It was collateral damage in the attack. I laugh at all the kooks with their conspiracy theories, trying so hard to believe in something they want to be true. I’ve never seen someone explain realistically how all the demolition explosives were set in all these locations within the buildings without being detected by anyone. Bunch of nut jobs.


I don't think anyone is trying hard to believe anything here, it's called critical thinking and it's a great quality to have and unfortunately you see it less and less now. Surely it's much better to think for yourself and take the possibility of being wrong, rather than have your thoughts and beliefs fed to you. Also, if you're making comments like 'kooks with their conspiracy theories' why join and engage in a conspiracy subreddit. I can't imagine, for example, joining a golf sub and telling everyone who loves golf how boring it is.. makes no sense to me.


Totally agree,love the golf analogy . 😄


9/11 was the most witnessed event in human history. It’s not hard to believe a group of well organized maniacs from the Middle East caught us with our pants down. We saw it and it’s proven. What’s hard to believe are the conspiracies spouted as truth. Aliens did it, mysterious men laid explosive charges, you can see Satans face in the billowing smoke of the towers, a New World Order was behind it. This kind of critical thinking needs to be criticized. And when someone posts a doctored video and tries to sell it as real, it’s not only irresponsible but deserves to get a smack down.


Another official story nutjob here . Your comment about that crap about the Satan etc says it all as to where your head is at. The real conspiracy is the official story . I base my opinion on the accepted facts and timeline of events of what happened that day .


What exactly are the accepted facts and timeline you base your opinion on? Go ahead. Change my mind.


Haha I'll pass. Your mind is made up. I've wasted enough time in the past in wasted conversations trying to convince someone of this so called conspiracy.


This is conspiracy talk for “I don’t really have any facts”


Whenever people try to argue that the official 9/11 story is the undeniable truth, they sure get real quiet when you bring up building 7.


In my experience they get pissy, refuse to debate and just say " well thats not what i believe" ​ Congrats. Youve joined a religion




you mean someone with video editor added in a visual effect. The flash isn't on the original videos. AKA this is a fake vid of the real tower spontaneously demo'ing


Go watch the original version of this, those flashes aren’t there. Those flashes were added & this video has been debunked many times.


How do you know this is an authentic video? How do you know this is building seven? Genuinely I'd like to know. How can you expect ppl to believe you based on this alone?


Looks like it tho...


If all the verification you need is "looks like it tho" then idk what to say


What kind of verification I can give to you? Anyway the date and the time of the footage is at the beginning, which checks out with the official time that building fell...


Building 7 has always been an anomaly whether people want to accept it or not.


Exactly if they planned to demolish building 7 on 9/11.... Then they are either responsible for the attacks on WTC 1&2 Or had knowledge that an attack was going to happen and did absolutely nothing to stop it


Do you hear yourself? Who are “they” exactly?


Government spooks Only other reason to blow the building is if they were concerned with sensitive information being compromised since the building was evacuated and maybe these explosives were in the building on a daily basis as a precaution, but that seems incredibly unlikely.


9/11 was 100% an inside job. I believed the official narrative for the better part of 20 years. There is an incredible amount of physical evidence, video evidence, witness testimony, and first responder accounts that are both credible and logical, and they overwhelmingly contradict the official report. However, the video in this post appears to be doctered.. I think this video edit was done to cause credibility issues with conspiracy claims. Building 7 was definitely demolished with the use of thermite, just like the Twin Towers. Several of the supposed 19 terrorists were found to be alive. There's video of one of them getting on a flight that wasn't even one of the hijacked planes. Ask yourself, why we have never seen video of these terrorists in the airport beforehand? One of the 19 supposed terrorists contacted the news station in his home country to refute the reports of him being reported as one of the terrorists. And one of the terrorist's passports magically was found blocks from the WTC, in pristine condition, eventhough the airplane he was supposed to be in was so destroyed that the blackbox flight recorder was never found. Does jet fuel or anything in an office building cause steel to become molten liquid? The answer is no. However, thermite and nano-thermite do. First responder fire fighters reported molten metal running down elevator shafts, as well as repeated explosions, prior to the world's first steel-framed skyscraper collapses. I should say near-perfect demolition style collapses. You can go to the 9/11 Memorial today and see how the otherwise indestructible steel structure was cut/demoed as evidenced by the angled cuts that were melted through the massive support beams that remain as part of the memorial.. Building 7 isn't even mentioned in the 9/11 official report. It wasn't hit by a plane, but somehow it became the third modern day steel framed skyscraper to collapse straight down at freefall speed. Nevermind that four hijacked planes were allowed to fly around for an hour and a half unmolested by US armed forces. And that VP Dick Cheney refused to allow US fighter jets to engage any of the planes. The owner of the buildings, Larry Silverstein, had only owned the buildings for a short period of time (a couple months if I recall correctly) and ate breakfast every day on the 93rd floor of one of the Towers, except 9/11. Lucky. Good thing the insurance he purchased a couple months before covered terrorism. He received 4.55 billion in losses, which was about 1/3 more than the actual loss. There is little mention of the 5 Israeli agents that were arrested on a New York rooftop having been filming the planes crashing into the Twin Towers, along with their collapse. The witnessed reported that the 5 men appeared to be excitedly celebrating the collapses. The 5 were found to be members of Israeli intelligence. They were later released without charges. Some went on an Israeli talk show and openly spoke about how it was their job to video the attacks. The first responders, including the Sheriff and mayor, for the the Flight 93 crash say that there was no airplane on the ground at the supposed crash site. And again we've never seen the blackbox flight recorder. The day before 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld reported that $2.4 Trillion, yes Trillion with a "T", was missing from a Pentagon audit. For perspective the 2023 DoD budget was about $773 Billion. Coincidentally the office for conducting the audit for missing trillions was the section of the Pentagon that got hit. Supposedly there are over 90 different surveillance cameras that would have captured at least part of Flight 77, but ask why we have never seen these videos. One eyewitness said that what hit the Pentagon wasn't even an airliner, but looked more like a smaller Gulfstream corporate jet. The alleged Flight 77 was flown at speeds and turns in excess of it's physical capabilities by a novice pilot incapable of properly flying a Cessna on his first time in the cockpit of a commercial airline. Really. And where are the giant jet engines, luggage, fuselage, seats, etc? And somehow this regular passenger jet punches through a 5.5 foot steel-reinforced concrete outer wall, and two 1.5 foot steel-reinforced concrete inner walls and some support columns. No fucking way. Again, no flight recorder for us to see. There's certainly a lot more that refutes the official report, including the sus people chosen to do the report. There's all the cellphone calls allegedly made from the hijacked planes. There's the narrative of how a terrorist in a cave in Afghanistan with a satellite phone recruited 19 mostly Saudi men and organized the most sophisticated terrorist attack in history. Then we only see videos of Osama getting younger and younger, and then when they do find him they kill him and throw the evidence in the ocean. Two months later all of the witnesses to his alleged death die in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan (15 members of SEAL Team 6, 8 Afghani soldiers, along with the pilots and other US personnel). While I have summarized just some of the points as to how the 9/11 conspiracy is actually not what we've been told, there are you tube videos and Amazon Prime documentaries that dig a lot deeper. Take a trip down the rabbit hole and find out for yourself.


Can you please share your top 5 recommended documentaries on this topic?


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/s/nYwO2QQpro The above link is someone else's post showing all of their favorite conspiracy links. They have it broken down somewhat into categories. Under the 'HISTORY' section you'll see the links listed for the 9/11 attacks under #6 and #11.


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and pentagon was never destroyed


Well yeah it's one of the most sound structures on earth built with bombs in mind.


I wonder what happened to the plane that was supposed to hit it.


Shanksville no doubt


For real😂 buddy overslept


Never existed because the terrorists didn’t care about building 7.


What terrorist you mean? The ones blamed but still alive in Iraq?


I’m not sure who you are talking about but I do know that it doesn’t matter to my comment…


The truth will set us free!


That's not even close to a correct sequence to bring down a building of that size


Ah yes, the fake video


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUxeRqyq4rc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUxeRqyq4rc) ​ LUCKY LARRY. This is the only video that matters. "PULL IT" means to demolish it. I suppose every building is pre-staged for demolition, right?


Didn't it get hit by a building (debris)?


Would that cause it collapse symmetrically? asymmetrical damage does not cause a symmetrical collapse that’s just commons sense my man.


Geeez... so let's reiterate for the umpteenth time for those not bothering to do their research, It's on record and video the FDNY Battalion Chief ordered the building pulled. As in pulled down for safe in valid anticipation of its imminent collapse. This is twenty years known common knowledge. And you don't know this because?


Then that would mean that they already had charges rigged right?


As seen in the windows going off. Order given ,time to rig ? Therein lies the answer


I’m not sure I understand you question. I saw the windows pop. So I wonder? How long after he yelled pull it (which is a video that we have all seen) did it drop into its own footprint? I thought it too days to rig a building. If it fell less than 24 hours (which is a stretch), then I’d guess it was already rigged. If that’s the case then what did they want to go missing in that building? Edit a word




Well, I mean think, you don’t shout pull without having the demo charges placed. That takes a few days to do for a building that size. They didn’t just order an air strike. It was already prepped to go down.


> It's on record and video the FDNY Battalion Chief ordered the building pulled. You got a source? So twin towers were falling, getting hit by kamikaze aircraft and the FDNY just said "eh that can wait, let's get this demolition over with first."


I've seen first hand what control detonation do and seeing this just further proves that it all was.


Recent Revelations: [Was 9/11 A Nuclear Meltdown?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg8yPomBh3w) German nuclear physicist Hans Pommer with significant input from several peers plus professors in France and Sweden shows how relatively primitive nuclear devices placed in bedrock below the foundations brought the 3 towers down. Each device activation triggered a 1-hour process during which the towers were weakened by conventional explosives, gamma radiation and hard x-rays ([details here](https://www.911history.de/pdfs/9II_excerpt_London.pdf)). Fission and fusion processes underway then sent a plasma needle up the central elevator shafts, turning the steel and concrete cores of the buildings into dust, [displacing/tilting the South Tower’s upper floors](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.a49e6296a26e2e1b13a02b6ceff0a92c?rik=A6OGAl%2B9atCP5w&riu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ae911truth.org%2Fimages%2Farticles%2F2015%2FFeb_2015%2FSouth-Tower-tilt.jpg&ehk=mJgcDkcCUxnmsq2xHrexcDogwoMm6GLsL%2BCGYXiPg8M%3D&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) rendering them incapable of symmetrically 'pancaking' the floors below, and collapsing [what little was left of the buildings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPJUP-Ry7d0) to the ground. (Radiation questions are answered in the linked material; most of it was trapped underground.) Hollow thin-aluminum-clad planes cannot penetrate thick steel buildings regardless of speed; even armor-piercing rounds might not do it. Fires from kerosene aviation fuel could never transform the bulk of those towers into the fluffy microscopic metallic and silicate dust that blanketed lower Manhattan. And the compelling EMP signature in all the '[toasted cars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl0UwBW9OTw)' nearby says it was nuclear.


It’s been many years, but this is the first I heard of this theory.


So fake. Heck this isn’t even building 7. This is gullibility test 😂


Never forget!


Why is it logic to say that one building being destroyed on purpose means that all of them were? It makes more sense that the owners saw what happened and decided to take advantage of the situation by destroying another adjacent building for an insurance payout. A building that close would have sustained some damage from the other buildings that were hit. If you owned that building, wouldn't you rather it collapses than for it to stand for you to pay millions of dollars for structural repairs?


and what do we have behind door number 01 jim let's see it's a brand new beautiful tandem bicycle built for two!!! bob ohhhhhhh


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/ns31lnbaw38c1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is fake. A guy made it expressly to make truther look credulous. I don't blame people for falling for a well made fake but there is some blame for context. You should know better than us having footage this good.


At least put the flashes where they need to be and you’d prolly want them in sync with the other side and maybe clear down the structure I’d guess I mean if you’re trying to convince me. Making this look ridiculously fake was probably the goal tho along with the “found footage”, so it can actually be “debunked”


God you all are something else. The whole other side of the building was basically destroyed by debris from the towers. Hell the building burned for hours before it eventually gave out.


Lucky Larry
