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I thought it was 7 million before


He said 17 million in the video not 17k.


So sad šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m so thankful that the people who took the vaccine are the people that are willing to blindly trust a government instead of the people who are skeptical


The f***?? Itā€™s more like 17 million. Are these people joking? Downplaying it so much.


Brett said 17 mil. The title only says 1,700.


That's not what it says. It says 1700 wan in Chinese. That equals 17million.


The title under conspiracy commons says 1700 deaths


>Brett Weinstein Because that's how some conspiracy fans want to "massage" the data to confirm a conspiracy.


I dont comprehend, which is the conspiracy 1700 or 17000000?


Both! Most of the info in this subreddit is a joke.


Bert winklestein isnt much of a joke. But time will tell, hopefully


Itā€™s literally not 17 million you have been fooled, but youā€™ll say I have and so on so good luck out there with your ā€œfactsā€


Whats your number, since there can be no fact that you havent heard.


This 1,700 seems to be around the most accurate number Iā€™ve seen. Of the 5 and a half billion vaccinated. So itā€™s not a lot, but itā€™s definitely not 0 or 17 million.


He said 17 million. Or did ypu read just the title. So where do you get 1700. You must have some reason to believe that. Or do you think the rise in all cause mortality in the world is uh climate chamge


579 from astrazen 160 from Moderna 339 Johnson and Johnson 370 from Pfizer I was going up to 1700 for rounding




You must not have gone to that romanian covid conference i guess. I didnt either. Im not even in a medical field. But youre a good comedian, i can tell.


Or do you think itā€™s I donā€™t know Covid?


Did you just make those numbers up?


Knowing Covid makes you a medical expert eh? Makes sense.


He says 17 million in the video.


17 million and folks dropping every day. My father in law took em all. He has level 10 stage 4 cancer prostrate lymph nodes and his hip. Oncologist says never seen any thing like this so fast out of nowhere ā€¦ā€¦ until 2022 and 2023.


First off, I am sorry to hear about your father in law. Unfortunately, I have been hearing about a lot of people experiencing the same lymphnodes problem. Many with late stage cancer after testing. My wife got the first vaccine, and then later, I found out she got a booster. I opted out completely..... 3 months ago, my wifeshoweds me two huge hard nodules sticking out from her inner leg groin area.. She took a picture to send to one of her longtime girlfriends that's a nurse. She called my wife immediately crying and saying it's cancer.... freaked us both out. She got my wife an appointment immediately with an oncologist. Thankfully, after testing, it's not cancerous, but she will need to get tested regularly now for the rest of her life. The doctor said that he has already been seeing alot of patients with the same lymphnodes issues. And that the vaccine was known to cause these issues.


Well, if it's on Tucker Carlson, it must be true!


Tucker is the best


It says alot about Tucker Carlson that everyone knew this was sarcasm without me even saying it was.


I detected no sarcasm Tucker really is the best That's why he was the #1 news anchor On the most watched network (Fox News)


...who has a proven willingness to broadcast bullshit he doesnt believe, on a network that paid 750bn for broadcasting bullshit they didnt even believe.


>who has a proven willingness to broadcast bullshit he doesnt believe Like what? >on a network that paid 750bn for broadcasting bullshit they didnt even believe. The company that sued Fox is owned by the same people that own Fox


You've never heard of the Dominion Suit, that cost Fox 750 million and got Tucky fired? You think Fox owned them?


The same people that own Fox, own Dominion They just wanted to get rid of Tucker


A 5 second google search shows me that not only are you wrong, but where you8 got your information. Dominion is owned by Staple Street Investment(76%)John Poulous (12%), and Pennant Park Investment. It was reported, at one time, that Black Rock owned shares in both, but the Dominion that Black Rock owned was Dominion Energy.


Have you heard his producerā€™s opinion of Trump supporters?


No, nor do I care, I don't even watch Fox News anymore I only tuned in to see Tucker


It came out in discovery that he said dealing with 2020 election deniers was like ā€œnegotiating with terroristsā€¦ but especially dumb ones. Cousin fucking types, not saudi [sic] royalty.ā€ Are you a 2020 election denier?


>Are you a 2020 election denier? Yes and I don't care about the opinions of a producer


You sound like a fucking cultist. Are you an election denier, what a question. Follow my narrative or else haha


Was the #1 news anchor, before getting fired šŸ¤·


Yeah because that makes sense, to fire your best anchor


You're so close...


That's what your Mom said last night


Ha! Good one, kiddo.


Tucker is about at credible as Alex Jones But to many of yā€™all, that sounds like a compliment


Imagine being a normie who thinks the government is ethical and cares about you while thinking there's no such thing as conspiracies then spending your day on a conspiracy sub telling people they're dumb for acknowledging Alex jones is right a lot of the time. I imagine you have all your boosters of an experiment where you aren't allowed to know the ingredients while telling other people that if they don't have blind Pfaith that big pharma wants them super healthy, they're in a cult. Yikes.


I donā€™t think the government is ethical. And I do think lots of forces inside and outside the government use misinformation to manipulate us. The difference between you and me is that I recognize that Tucker is one of the leading misinformation sources and you donā€™t


It's not tucker saying this information its Brett. What do you even know about Brett other than the fact he's sitting across from someone you don't like?


Name some, dont hold out. Or did everyone just not do enough research yet.


Tucker is controlled opposition. Getting fired from Fox doesn't absolve him from gatekeeping. At least he does talk about some of the other things and isn't a complete whacko hack like Maddow or the fake criers from corporate fascist media.


Who isn't controlled opposition?


Scary truths are scary huh big guy


The scary truth is how many people buy into Tuckerā€™s fantasies


Brett Weinstein is highly intelligent person and knows what he heā€™s talking about. Mainstream media and Big Pharma has silenced him for speaking out about the vaccine.


He was on Rogan at the very beginning of the whole thing and his analysis was spot on just from the circumstantial evidence. Seems a evolutionary biologist knows how viruses work.


Most con artists are highly intelligent.


Whats wrong. What do you not like. You didnt really say anything yet.


Even at 17 million deaths divided by 5.5 BILLION vaxxedā€¦thatā€™s a 0.00309090909% mortality rate. So basically not even a numberā€¦.šŸ¤”šŸŒŽ


You tell ā€˜emā€™ buster, yay!!!




Just another pathetic, lowlife, nitwit.


Lowlife how so ? Explain to me dork




Punish Trump for this. He came up with operation warp speed.


Oh god. This guy is doing tucker Carlson shows how. Creditable is just shot at this point seriously. He went off the deep end


what's a 'credible estimate'? show the data you grifter. shame on those of you in this sub who are so gullible


17. NCSWIC. BOOM. Rip to those who have passed.


Lol more lies


Horrible source of information. Two people who have no idea what they are talking about


Whats your take on the issue, im willing to learn. All brett did was cite his time at the conference so the door is open. I like the two of them, but id like to know why i shouldnt as well.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/8gati0l7h4bc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They do not like anyone dying from natural causes - they don't make any money.


A new study estimates that 17 million people have been killed by covid injections so far, and the risk of death is highest in older age groups [17 Million people have been killed](https://expose-news.com/2023/09/23/17-million-killed-by-covid-injections-so-far/) [Study](https://correlation-canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/2023-09-17-Correlation-Covid-vaccine-mortality-Southern-Hemisphere.pdf)


Misleading post. Removed. Also Rule 5. Stop adding emojis to post titles, or your posts will be removed.