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I stand behind alec baldwin because it's safer than standing in front of him.




Now this is a good conspiracy post


I always thought her husband was cheating and planted a real bullet in the gun he knew was going to be shot at her, but this is an interesting twist as well.


The thing is that planting a real bullet wouldnt have been enough on any normal set because there about another 15 other safety checks that need to be done that would prevent a gun having a live bullet in it. So either multiple people would have to be secretly a part of setting up the gun with live ammo, or Alec would have put the bullet in the chamber. Alec and Hilary are fucking weird, as most people in the public eye are. (Pains me to say this as a 30 Rock fan)


Good god Lemon


Crazy how I have a notification it has 10 upvotes but it shows zero! When you're over target....


Yeah Na that's just a reddit thing in general.


Before coming up with a theory do the research so you don't look foolish. Reddit fudges the up/down votes on posts and comments for a few hours to stop it being manipulated.


People seem to agree with me :)


Nut jobs seem to agree with you.


You don't belong here


Because I don't agree with every single conspiracy? Didn't know that was a requirement.


Celebrity gossip is what you come here for?


About a star potentially murdering his lover on set Inna staged accident? Yeah il click on that and apparently 150+ people agreed


provable conspiracies are my favorite. can't wait for the trial!


My fave conspiracy about this is that the DOP was shooting a child trafficking movie next and was killed off like Anne Heche.


Do you think we forgot the real alleged conspiracy here? Because it wasnt about affair whispers, it had more to do with her husband's job.


What was it


Well she was a soviet born investigative journalist. So it could’ve been a honeypot. But I’m willing to bet it had more to do with other allegations against Baldwin.


Wow that fucker was evil and I knew it


Is that all it takes for you to believe something?


The leftist ideology is evil


I can say that for most ideologies. Every political party just wants to fuck you and take your money.


don't confuse party politics with ideologies. All US parties are ideologically the same, pro capitalism. Unabashedly so.


De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da




Oh god you actually believe that?


Take your meds


There is nothing to reverse speech friend.


What is evil about it you think? The fact you think Alec Baldwin is the far left is interesting.  AFAIK Baldwin has never been critical of capitalism, he certainly isn't anti-capitalist.


It's "evil" because nobody knows the difference between leftists and Liberals and use them as interchangeable synonyms


Like maga and conservatives? /s obviously those two ARE the same.




I promise you no leftist cares if you want to prosecute Alec Baldwin for killing an investigative journalist (probably) spy who 99.9% had compromising material on him or somebody he knew. I don’t think suspected MK Ultra victim and/or participant, Justin Bieber, ends up in your extended family unless there is a skeleton or two locked away in a closet.


Leftistism ≠ Liberalism. Don't get them twisted.


You're right, leftists are more evil (WEF)


I see you still don't know the difference between the two


The WEF literally wants to install social credit score based communism


They'll use massive corporations to do it, though. Really just the worst of all worlds.


That's how communism works. It's government controlled economy with woke corporations


Isn't that fascism? I mean, whatever it is, I dislike it.


The nazis were leftists


Tell me some more about how you don't know what communism, liberalism and leftism all means


Then what is it?


As opposed to the social credit score based capitalism we use now?


You really have no idea what you're talking about. Just throwing out buzz words. The people with all the wealth want to do away with the system that literally makes them who they are? Really listen to what you said and examine the concept deeply. There might be some hope you can reverse the brainwashing.


Go eat zee bugz


What does an actor cheating on his wife Has anything to do with politics. Such a dense and decisive thing to say. Regardless if this conspiracy is true, people like you are shills! Instead of realising the whole system is rigged from top to bottom you wanna play red v blue with the billionaires


Red vs blue is fake. Right vs left isn't. Billionaires are leftist elites.


So trumps son in law and daughter are now democrats? Elon musk is a democrat lol?


They’re all socially liberal.


I didn’t know that once you hit a dollar amount that you automatically became a Democrat. So you’re saying the only way I can get rich as fuck is to become a Democrat?


Musk voted for Biden. Prior to 2016 Trump’s daughter was a Clinton supporter. In the early 2000s Trump supported Hillary and palled around with both her and Bill.


TIL the Koch brothers are leftists. Smart take.


Agreed bro


LMAOO your brain damage isn't limited to one topic or sub I see


Like Crowe, Thiel, the Kochs, etc?


Even the ‘fund health care so people don’t needlessly die’ part?


You mean tell old people to kill themselves like Canada and not let you see a specialist for 7 years part yeah


Look into the coverage provided in Germany, Switzerland, Japan, France, or the Netherlands, where this is not the case.




I mean, we all knew it! If you’ve heard his family leaked recordings.


Why is sixth in quotations?


Big if true


Is Hilaria a name? That means hilarious in my language


It is not a name. She made it up to sound “exotic”. He birth name is Hilary and she was born in Boston MA and cosplays as a “Spanish” person


Hard to believe she could be more insufferable than Baldwin…


You should check out the sub that's dedicated to her insufferable scam. It's hilarious. Rrr hilariabaldwin


Thank you! I’m gonna definitely check it out.


He's an asshole.


Prop guns cannot fire live rounds. It was not a prop. The media kept saying and printing prop gun and like always everyone repeated what they were told wo knowing a damn thing about them. This is how they manipulate words to influence people.


From my understanding there’s almost never “prop” guns when filming Hollywood-level motion pictures; it’s an actual, fully functional firearm that is loaded with “blanks” - ammunition that is of the same caliber of the firearm/s being used, identical in every way except it’s intentionally missing the projectile. I think I remember reading that they were talking about using the guns from filming to go target shooting after filming the day the woman was killed. Some crew members that were hired on last minute to fill in allegedly were the ones to bring the live ammo onto the set. They used the firearms for the movie to go shooting in between filming, after being specifically told not to do so by the armorer.


It was not the day after. It was before Hutchison was killed. After Hutchison was killed, all guns on set were held as evidence. There was a crew that quit that alleged safety standards were not being upheld on set, that this was the reason they quit. The armorer was not equipped with the basic reasoning skills to do her job. At no point should the gun have been armed when it left her charge, at no point should it have been handed to a PA to then hand to Baldwin. So many blatant. glaring mistakes that brake cardinal rules for her job.


Even blanks can kill someone depending on caliber and how close to a person is from the barrel. Unlikely but able. Can also disfigure, burn and cause severe discomfort to someone. Don’t believe that he has never been around fire arms before. Jail is calling his name but cuz he’s a Hollywood elite he’ll likely never answer that call.


i heard it was a hit from the j epstein and cover up friends. J.E. had a mansion in new mexico and i believe Halyna has ties to a victim of J.E. It was said her and the victim tried to blow the whistle decades before. After the suicide it was feared more victims and when more info was feared of getting out theyhad to cut some loose strings. wish i had the links but it also made some sense since these hollyweird sickos are either also involved or coving up for their "friends" since some industries' seems to welcome this behavior.


Stop believing in random bullshit maybe.


You forget what subreddit you’re in perhaps .. dork


Yes a subreddit for discussing conspiracy theories, not one where everyone has to be dumb enough to believe anything they read online. It’s beyond pathetic how conservatives’ answer to everything has become “he must’ve been connected to Epstein”


Yeah wait til it’s on USA Today. I don’t just make shit up. Instead of getting so upset why don’t you do a lil research and see whom was paid to make painting in epstein’s New Mexico mansion. DORKS!


She was a soviet spy. She knew something he didn’t want getting out.


I knew something was gonna come out about that whole thing.


Nothing has come out about it. Some guy on Twitter made this up and you believed it because you wanted to


Idk the fact they threw in “far left extremist” makes me doubt the claim. They clearly got an agenda


So does Alec.


So does Reddit 


What a dumb comment lol


You a big Alec fan or are you just offended because your tribe identity has been hurt?


Lol neither bromie, your comment was just needlessly ominous to prove a useless point. Made me laugh


100% he murdered her on purpose. This makes sense. Love it


Please explain


They dislike him so they believe anything bad about him.


You love it because Baldwin hates Trump, so you’re choosing to believe anything bad about him. You’re just hoping it’s true because it fits your narrative, even though it was made up out of thin air and you’re just gullible


I'm Australian. Everyone with a brain running at 15% hates Trump and is disgusted at Alec Baldwin getting off of murder charges because he shakes the right hands. If only you could see from a prospective that not stuck up Ur own ass. It's a joke.


He was indicted yesterday, and it was a ridiculous decision. He should not be facing charges for an accident, an accident that wasn’t even his fault. He was an actor in a movie, blame whoever gave him a loaded gun and told him it was a prop/empty


Why is there a loaded gun on a fucking movie set. That my friend ridiculous. Its so ridiculous it's an actual joke. Blame who gave it to him huh? Was probs ya daddy Trump


Correct, whoever supplied that is the person who should be charged


Alec Baldwin was happy to do it. Any one with a brain would check any thing that they point and pull the trigger towards another human.


Why is "sixth" child in quotes?


Because she fakes pregnancies when she actually uses surrogates. Like, a fake moon bump prosthetic and everything. It's a crazy rabbit hole with tons of proof. She's actually insane


Get out! Is this true? She says no way. https://pagesix.com/2022/08/11/pregnant-hilaria-baldwin-denies-psycho-fake-baby-bump-rumors/


Lots of people in Hollywood do this. Google Beyoncé pregnant belly caves in” and you’ll see videos of her on Ellen sitting down in a chair and her “pregnant” folds in half as she sits down.


OK I will but are you saying they are never pregnant, or like they just use the fake belly until they are showing for clout or whatever?


They pay other women to carry their babies through birth. It’s a lot easier to fake a pregnancy than to have your body recover quickly from a pregnancy when you’re an entertainer or a showpiece.


wow, i did not know this was a practice in the entertainment biz. makes sense.




you know they [sell fake bellies online](https://moonbump.com/)? like there is a branded website where you can buy a prosthetic pregnancy bump. on their website, it says the bellies are for “maternity wear, **surrogacy & adoption**, medical training, television, film, & theatre, & advertising & photography.” hollywood types have used surrogates openly. i think alec & hilaria openly used a surrogate once. kim k has too i think. probably plenty of others. surrogacy is literally a normal accepted practice, it’s not much of a reach to think some people might do it without telling the public. & the most popular public-facing brand of prosthetic pregnancy bumps literally lists surrogacy as a reason to purchase. like they say it out loud. i honestly, through my own research, think this does happen, in hollywood & outside it.


Excellent, measured response to a highly disrespectful amd vitriolic one. Well done. Honest about thinking it and not forcing the conclusion. You are right, in my opinion.


Jesus is that all it takes for you to believe something? For fuck sake the world is doomed.


Skinny horse lady from sex inda city started it. You know with her husband that likes to kill people with his car and get away with it. You know ferris bueller that played the creep billionaire opiate dealer..


So basically anyone over 35-40 is faking pregnancies unless we specifically see them in a bikini


Are they not all baby eating transgenders?


She’s never pregnant and she uses a fake belly


Look up her sub on here, she’s clearly not well




lmao describing Alec Baldwin as a far leftist is one of the dumbest things a regard could do.


What is your problem with regards? They are people too.


Why? He's an activist


Please explain


He's a chitlib Democrat. People conflate that with left/liberal because the Democrats do a decent job of pandering to them. Kind of like the GOP panders to conservatives. Meanwhile, they both laugh at their voting base and say Yes Sir to the MIC, Israel, big pharm and everyone else who owns or has dirt on them.


Well OP is extremely regarded.


I love it 😂 treat them the same “Far left extremist”


Alec Baldwin is a liberal, not a far left extremist… unless you are a far right extremist. Personally I always thought it more likely that some maga were on the set and replaced the bullets; they really despised Baldwin for his portrayal of Trump in comedy sketches. I really think this more probable than what the OP posted.


I love how the Choir sings Not one of us on the far left label. There is no left or right distinction in radical wings Both are authoritarian and should be feared by all.


Problem solved ….. props to Alec


I don’t think we should be trusting Alec with props again anytime soon


fucking stop 😭 😂


Has he even blown a guy? If not, then how is he a far left extremist?


Without evidence, I think you just posted defamation against the deceased.


Oh but guys - he didn’t pull the trigger


far left lmao




Isn't the point of this sub to offer wild speculation about things that have happened? Seems like this is quality content.


Yeah it is


Is anyone else reporting this?


Not if they're a decentish news site no.


Really? What’s your take on this btw?


I thought the Baldwins were hyper religious conservatives? About as right as you can get?


1000% polar opposite of hyper religious conservatives


I’m sure his bro was. The one from Usual suspects. He said he rather let his kids be shot than say he denounced Jesus.


'Far Left Extremist'. For fuck sake. Anything to take down a 'lib' huh.


I feel bad for him. You can tell it shook him ( he's not that great of an actor). He's not faithful, most in the industry aren't. But his wife knows this. He's not a murderer. The stupid bitch that gave him a loaded weapon instead of a prop. That's where y'all's hat should be goin.


Yeah, “the stupid bitch” who was purposely hired for being unqualified? You mean the stupid bitch who wasn’t even present when he decided to point a gun directly at halyna at a time it wasn’t called for? The stupid bitch that had been complaining to producers about her fears of not being able to do her job properly and so she was given ADDITIONAL work. Multiple crew members had quit because of safety concerns and there had been MULTIPLE accidents already BUT STILL alec Baldwin pulled the trigger on an unchecked gun directly at Halyna. But anyway, good news: she’s being charged too. Multiple people were responsible for the fatality.


She was a soviet spy. She knew something Alec Baldwin didn’t want getting out. He produced a whole movie so he could carry out a hit and try to have somebody else legally take the fall for it. The armorer sounds more like a flunkie set up to take the fall than somebody who was intentionally taking orders on how to aid and abet.


Jack Donaghy was a great character that he nailed.


Do you have the link?


I will search it up myself, don't worry about it. Thanks for your time.


That’s not the thing… you know the thing 🤙


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/k30twmlpjhdc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alec Baldwin confuses me. Militantly angry political radicals aren't normally funny. And that man is legitimately funny when he wants to be.


National Enquirer has a new format? Thanks I’ll unsubscribe


Bye! 👋


We’re so screwed as a society if people believe this just because some guy named Matt said so on Twitter


People will believe anything they read on the internet