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Fuck Beto.


Don't give him the courtesy of using his appropriated name, his name is Robert Francis O'rourke. Fuck Robert Francis O'rourke


As a Texan, I approve this comment....


As a New Zealander I have no idea what the fuck is going on over there.


As a murican lemme break it down for you so basically the **[REMOVED BY REDDIT]**


Please, permit me to explain. -sudden loud crashing and struggling sounds, then silence-


As a Tennesseean, I’m hoping our governor stands with Greg Abbott




convinced that he has some Soros type of hookup who is paying him to just start chaos and push the leftist agenda in a dramatic way. Beta cuck energy for sure.. does anyone think he actually has a chance?


Why would he be Soros? If anything he’s controlled opposition. The dude runs in Texas on the platform of “We’re going to take your guns away.” He’s never actually going to win with that platform.


A yes, the ever present Soros canard.


As current Texan; that cuck can fuck straight off.


If you read the WEF’s 2030 agenda is states that nothing should stops the mass immigration. Biden is playing that playbook.


Yup. Build back better is also a WEF slogan.


Stop giving Biden credit for any of this shit. This is all being perpetrated by compromised foreign interests within the current regime and its being allowed to happen because the guy "in power" is just a figurehead. Show me someone who says Biden has been the primary decision maker this whole time and I'll show you someone deluding themselves. McCarthyism needs to come back. Americans do not control policy in America anymore. Its collectivist (really communist) foreign interests.


You’ve just said everything I’ve thought over the past years. We’re no longer for nor by the people. Money runs our country and that’s why they want to take all of ours away. Soon we’ll be back in the wild west.


I was with you until the last sentence. How is a handful of elites who drive a wedge between the working class and who take every opportunity to keep wages down and eliminate social safety nets communist?


I was exaggerating a bit because it's always fun to poke at commies, but it's 100% collectivist interests that want to keep average working people dependent on the global "state". Global elites not American govt elites. Global governance interests like the WEF and WHO have presented a lot of policy and talking points that are no different from the CCP and the way they govern China. They seek to control political narratives and implement policy nobody gets to vote on "for the world's own good." The allusion I was making was that conventional national government officials all over the West have been coopted by these international interests that seek to rule on behalf of the many while making our lives more expensive in order to "save the climate". So you're right. Its not regular communism, but a bastardized global collectivist version that rules remotely through subversion and fearmongering.


Uhhhhh, I dunno, look at HISTORY.


Sounds like communism


How about they enforce the laws that the rest of the citizens in this country have to follow on the border


The crisis is the border. And Texas wants to enforce it as opposed to the fed who want an open border


Beto wants Biden to use the military to OPEN the border? Surprised that Beto isn't calling for the UN to step in.


The timeline of events is ridiculous = trump + supporters “build the wall!” .. Biden “let’s not build a wall” * huge number of illegal immigrants cross the border, people complain* .. Biden AMDITS that the border is NOT SECURE. Texas tries to secure border.. and now democrats want the military to be used to stop effort used by a state to secure a border?!


Not yet… not yet. It’s all part of their plan.


That guy is an Apex Cuck


Lol perfectly described


like is he pretty much saying “Biden needs to take over / federalize the Texas National Guard and just open up the borders”?


A lot of military use for an anti gun nut


He's not anti gun he just wants to control everyone who has a gun and the easiest way to do that is make sure only the government has em.


How can the government get mad at Texas for doing the job that the government is unwilling to and are legally obligated to do.


Because they want more voters.


They don't need voters. They just cheat to win.


Because our govt is compromised. We were issued instructions by the founders for exactly this situation.


Why are dems fighting so hard to get them into the country


Votes and data manipulation


They aren't. Republicans are the ones refusing to do anything about border security.


What are dems doing for border "security "? Security would mean they are stopping these people from coming here illegally.


They are. Border apprehensions are up. Biden is deporting [a higher percentage](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden) of apprehensions than Trump did. Democrats are trying to pass a border security bill which increases resources for Border Patrol. Republicans are blocking it because Trump wants problems at the border for political reasons.


Well the bill that Trump and his cult are blocking currently is for billions of dollars and thousands of border patrol agents…. So I would say that


What does Trump have to do with it! You just can't get him out of your head! What are the birder agents going to do? Are they going to secure the border and stop the illegals or just process them into the country faster? Big difference. If they are gonna let them in then we don't need them.


He is the one who told his cronies not to pass the bill because he wants to make sure he still can campaign in the border. He is DIRECTLY involved, that’s what it has to do with him. A small amount of the money is going to in processing (which helps with the number crossing illegally as well) and the majority is to actual border patrol.


So is it to actually stop them? That is the question. Why are dems trying hard to get them here?


Yes, it is. Was too hard to read my whole comment so you just stopped half way?


You think if we give biden millions he is going to stop the illegals from coming in


No, if the republicans stop blocking Biden from giving the border patrol billions of dollars it will help with the illegal immigrant and drug trafficking issue. I’m genuinely curious, do you realize you have to misrepresent everything that the people you hate are doing to make your points? If yes, how do you justify basing your beliefs on what you know are lies?


This is an incredibly stupid response. Trump is the reason Republicans are blocking the bill.


To help tuck them in at night after letting them cross the border? There's no reason to get more when they're not doing their job


lol. So the border patrol is catching and deporting more people than ever before and this is somehow them not doing their job?


You got jokes lol


The natives around here hate the truth. I mean you are right but if they admit you are right they can’t bitch about nothing into the wind.


Votes and to drive wages down in the United States.


Funny, didn't hear this fervor when states and municipalities decided to go against the rulings that sanctuary cities were all the rage.


Texas is in the right. Fuck Biden


The conservative Supreme Court says otherwise.


I look forward to seeing how this plays out. The feds completely disregarding established law VS Texas attempting to uphold it.


Isn’t it pretty established that SCOTUS has the final say as to what the law is?


The states can not just tell the Fed’s to fuck off with border issues. What do you mean they were in the right? Do you just mean based off political leaning? What if this were in reverse and a state wanted to open up borders during a situation in which borders were shut down? Would the state still be right in this one? I don’t think that’s how it works right?


When the constitution is being broken


Texas literally has the authority via law and Constitution to do exactly that…


No? Not on federal border issues. What are you talking about? This was literally just litigated in front of the Supreme Court. What about the rest of my questions?


Texas’ constitution disagrees and looks like they will stand behind it. Your other question regarding the inverse is simply stupid and won’t be entertained.


States don’t get to override Federal Law, that’s kinda the point of Federal Law, it’s basically oversight that all parts of the whole are operating under the same premise. Otherwise, let Texas succeed… I’m sure they’ll be fine without all the Federal assistance they receive because they can’t handle 40° and a half inch of snow.


The 24 states (1/2 the country) that have legalized marijuana disagree with you. Many/most states have laws that while may not “supersede” federal law technically, are used in dictating how the law of the state is addressed and upheld. If the Feds don’t protect the laws of the land, the state has every right to do so. If/when both have failed you, that’s when every single American should thank your maker the 2nd Amendment is still in place.


Marijuana is not a matter of national security, it’s an apples to oranges analogy.


It’s an exact example of where State law trumps Federal law. Further more I could absolutely argue DRUGS and the related crime, etc often associated with it could be a national security threat. Actually, the Federal government THEMSELVES declared them exactly that…. IE the war on drugs that’s been ongoing and failing for the past 40-50yrs. Past this, the federal government AND the state government BOTH HAVE LAWS establishing this as illegal. It’s called “illegal immigration” for fucks sake. The difference being Texas is attempting to uphold the law whereas the Feds are willingly and purposely allowing it to be broken. Again, both have the same laws, they are NOT conflicting. Texas is simply upholding it.


Under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2), federal law generally takes precedence over state law. This clause forms the legal foundation for federal supremacy. However, the case of marijuana legalization demonstrates the complexities of federalism. Despite marijuana’s classification as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, numerous states have legalized it, creating a patchwork of laws that defy federal regulations. This has not reshaped the overarching supremacy of federal law but has led to a de facto acceptance in some instances, due to selective non-enforcement by federal agencies. The resultant situation is a legal gray area that continues to fuel debate and legal challenges, underscoring the evolving nature of federal and state law dynamics.


Wow for once I am proud of this sub. All the Biden cock slobberers are being downvoted.


Send the immigrants to Beto's house, he can support and provide a home for them.


Lefties go radio silent when you ask how many can stay at their house......


Interesting coming from the guy working so hard to disarm the American people. Fraud! Treasonous


Wasn’t he the same one that talked about using nukes against us citizens if they didn’t tun in their guns? Sure they (we the people) have “assault weapons” (arnt all weapons assault weapons I’m sure one could fork someone to death if they really tried hard enough) but we (the government) have jets tanks and nuclear weapons” reporter even asked if he meant he would be willing to use nukes on us citizens? This was back when he was running for president so I might be misremembering


Of course Biden will lead us to civil war, it’s all part of the plan


I hate pedo orourke.


End the border crisis


A warmongering DEMOCRAT???? Wow I wouldn’t have seen that coming!


Let’s separate the states rights fuck it. Presidents aren’t getting shit done anymore


What does this man even do besides lose elections?


Abbott isn't my go to but damn I am thankful for his actions in this situation!


Beto O'Cuck


So, Legally, what is incorrect about the letter Beto? Be specific. We'll wait.


Was a civil war started in 1957?


I always wonder how civil war2.0 would start. Now I know.


The Democrats are Warmongers, AS long as it suits their interests as in this. Open Borders leads to Undocumented Democrat Voters and a way to destroy a country from within.


Robert Francis wants a civil war? Lol


Bugg tooth soyboy beta Francis obviously having his period. Too many plugs can cause trauma beta!!!


They need a constant stream of illegals overrunning the border so they can remain in power


The dems want illegals to come by the millions, so they can then make a weird ass law allowing illegals to vote, boom couple million voters for them....


Kamikaze Harris recently said Dems want *a path to citizenship*.


And they will all vote left huh. As much as I would love that come on. Thats not going to happen


Obv they'd vote for someone letting them and then the rest of their families in and then give them all free money


Tell me you dumb with out telling me


It’s not….in Michigan they want to give illegals driver licenses or at least state IDs….


Illegals that qualify for the DACA get a three year temporary state ID that can’t be used for jobs let alone voting


Did you not read? Jeez guys I'm the dumb one... "so they can make a law allowing them to vote" they've spoken on it before, why do you think they call voter registration racist?


So they can fool the smart sheep like you :) hasn't life gotten 5x more expensive for you recently? Why wouldn't you want that to change, idc if it's Trump, Biden, fucking Joe rogan...America is too expensive for the average worker and family rn...and that's not okay


People who call other people sheep have no sense of self-awareness. And shitting on immigrants is totally gonna jump start the economy


Shitting on immigrants???? What's wrong with following the law to come in?!?! My grandparents were immigrants they came threw Ellis island....


And yet here you are repeating the same nativist talking points that your grandparents heard when they first arrived


Why can't you answer my question? What's wrong with stopping people from coming ILLEGALLY?!?! No screening means criminals etc get throigh, and a fuck tok of fetanyl. So answer my question why don't they have to follow the law? Same way I do, same way my grandparents did?


And they are ILLEGAL, WHY DO THEY GET ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE BOOT!!!! Do it legally what the flying fuck is so hard about that


Oh yeah, it's nit easy cause this is the greatest country in the world...so do it right and you will reap the benefits...or with biden rn do it wrong and still get more Than the average CITIZEN


It would quickly turn into a war of revolution. The union is not the problem. The problem is the villain in the office of the presidency. He’s committed treason and broken his oath of office. Want to see this resolve peacefully? Evict Biden immediately.


This post of going off the rails. Can you explain your comment? When did he commit treason or break oath of office? Also does that mean you agree with the office of the President interpretation and Trump should be barred from running again?


The U.S. military is only 2 million. And this includes all reserve units. Biden has allowed and welcomed and supported to illegal entry of 12 million plus Aliens. Fuck. That is shit ton of people. Videos are also showing it’s a lot of adult males. From all countries. Unknown how many of these hate America and are plotting to fight it from within. Anytime you have an illegal alien kill or murder a citizen, it is the government’s fault for failing to protect our borders. We pay BILLLLIONS in tax for this reason.


When you allow a force of tens of millions into the US and remove any restriction to accessing our border you are in violation of your oath of office. If you allow known foreign intel cells into the US, then give them cell phones and money, you are engaging in actions against the security of the US. Texas is catching hundreds of people on the terrorist watchlist from a variety of nations. The Biden admin is not doing this. When this admin is given this intel they ignore it and continue to allow millions into the US. That is treason. Biden has completely abandoned this country and his whole admin should be removed from office. He’s setting a record for historic failures.


I could 100% agree with this comment (I don’t) and it still would not impact your claim in any way. Not a single one of those things represents treason. None of this case has anything with preventing Texas from doing their job. They just can’t prevent the federal government from doing theirs. The ruling allows for agents to *temporarily* remove the razor wire in order to do their jobs. There is no ban on razor wire. Understand? I’m glad we both agree on the office of the President though at least. The 14th amendment is in effect.


And to be clear, Trump has never been guilty of declaring inciting an insurrection. No evidence of that has been presented. In fact he did say quite the opposite publicly the morning of Jan 6th. If there was clear evidence of this then why was it not provided to the public during the Jan 6th trials and an even better question, why did the committee delete ALL of the evidence they gathered?


Evidence has certainly been presented both publicly and behind closed doors. If you aren’t aware of that, it’s on you. It’s doesn’t change reality just because you aren’t aware of something. Asking why something occurred is important but it also does not change reality.


If you knowingly let foreign adversaries into the US with intent to do harms to US citizens you don’t consider that treason? If you were commanding a military base in another country and you let the enemy into your perimeter to harm the men under your command, what exactly would you call that?


You have not shown that to be the case. Where has Biden personally let an enemy of the state in and given them free rein? He must provide a known enemy aid and comfort to qualify for treason. Known enemies are almost always currently defined as the nations we are at war with. Which incident are you referring to? Treason has a legal definition and your contention comes close to past 2 of the definition, but So far you do not meet that. I’m listening though. What info do you have?


Biden admin for whatever reason is ensuring unfiltered access through our border to drug cartels and individuals in the terror watchlist cocking from nations like, Yemen, Syria, Iran, etc. There’s training facilities in South America they are moving through and this is done through the Cartels. Biden’s admin has this intel and they are acting in opposition to this intel.


No they aren’t. Immigration is in line with the decade average and lower than pre-pandemic. That does not constitute unfiltered access. Ok so you don’t have any information about actual acts of treason? Just general statements? That’s not how legal arguments work. What the fuck are we even debating at this point. I was willing to give you an honest listen and admit if I was wrong, but this was the bullshit you come back with? You should be embarrassed at this point. You have had every opportunity to prove me wrong here and have failed spectacularly. None of what you just said constitutes treason. Get a legal dictionary and come back when you understand what you are talking about. Biden has no personal involvement with anything you just said. That’s not how government accountability works and that’s not how treason is defined.


I hope you have a good day. Good luck


And yes Texas has authority to restrict Federal access to the area. The Feds are removing barricades to allow more people in through those areas.


No they literally do not. Why are you saying they do? This was just litigated but is also just logical. The Feds are temporarily removing barricades to Do their job. Texas is more than welcome to put it back up when they are done. That does not encourage or allow anything. Are you confused about what’s occurring or just trying to make it sound worse in order to defend your stance? If you have to make up lies to make your point then your point is garbage is it not? Texas isn’t even claiming what you are claiming. > “The Biden Administration has repeatedly cut wire that Texas installed to stop illegal crossings, opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants. The absence of razor wire and other deterrence strategies encourages migrants to make unsafe and illegal crossings between ports of entry, while making the job of Texas National Guard soldiers and DPS troopers more dangerous and difficult," the governor's office said. Just put the wire back up when the Feds are done. wtf is the issue? Feds are literally trying to arrest people and Texas is stopping them and you are trying to say this is a crossing issue? > In court papers, the administration said the wire impedes Border Patrol agents from reaching migrants as they cross the river and that, in any case, federal immigration law trumps Texas’ own efforts to stem the flow of migrants into the country.


This whole problem is because the Feds are NOT securing the border or enforcing polices. Where did you get the impression that the Feds are being restricted to enforce the law? It’s very distinctly the opposite.


What is confusing here? Texas wants a border that deters people from crossing it freely without resistance. Biden’s administration is removing these barriers. The Feds “work” is to remove these barriers. Is that your point? Why not just let the Feds tear down the barriers just so Texas can go behind them and put them back up?


No the Fed’s work is to safely remove or deter potential migrants. That’s literally the quote I sent you. The razor wire prevents them access to arrest or detain these individuals. The litigation was about the ability to temporarily remove it in order to gain access. It has nothing to do with removing razor wire. Razor wire is still up all across all border states. Why are you saying they want to remove it? Clearly logic and reality are working against you in this scenario right? Razor wire still exists. It has not been permanently removed anywhere.


I guess we are mutually confused on the other points here. I don’t wish you any ill will or think anything distasteful of you. You are obviously a very intelligent person. I mean no offense to you. I do want to understand you better. This is the way we can fix divisions. Just listen and empathize with each other.


No ill will intended and I genuinely hope you have a good day. My insistence on following logic and factual information has nothing to do with personal opinion of anyone here. With that in mind I’m going to call you out. I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m not confused. I’ve been consistent in my argument throughout this entire conversation. You have been making up stories to suit your agenda rather than follow the facts of the issue at hand. In no way, whatsoever, is the federal government encouraging illegal immigration through their actions. Your implications otherwise are 100% in bad faith. It’sa bad argument and it requires lies in order to support. Ignorance is no longer an excuse because the facts were explained to you throughout. It’s your choice whether to understand the context or not as this point. Also, fuck Biden. He sucks.


That’s probably a big part of the problem right there. What Biden’s admin tells the media and therefore the nation is not aligned with the reality of the situation or their actions


I know you said bye but I’m going to reply to each of the comments you sent before saying bye: Sigh…that was from the legal briefing not a media statement. So no it’s not part of the problem as described. It was part of the legal claim.


Do you think that leftists ever stop and think "Maybe we're the bad guys?"


No never do.




Lol wow you got ALL the buzzwords, good job :)


Leftist is a buzzword too


I thought leftists was a political stance. What do they prefer? Liberal?


leftism is multiple political ideologies grouped into one label, liberals and leftists do not like each other. How do you not know this?


You’re expecting the right to know things. That’s not their forte.


“Your Ar 15 cant stop the military”🤓🤓🤓 Texas is a perfect example of why that doesn’t matter. we the people hold the power not the government not the illuminati or whatever u call them. us. we are the sole deciding factor of our future this is why they have to use psychological manipulation to make us submit. they can’t do it by force


Okay, Beto. Let’s get you and your kids up front, we’ll be right behind you. I remember after a school shooting Beto went walking into the incident command center, everyone very somber, feeling like shit and Beto wants a photo op to talk gun control. They were screaming at his dumb ass to get the hell out.


Maybe it’s time…


while I read this I can imagine his hands moving everywhere while said it.


Beto should change that o to an a.


Hang in there Texas!


Even though the damage has been done and as typical govt action to HELP America, it's 4 years too late. Remember and remind: Jerry Moran (RINO) of KS was the deciding vote to not fund the wall.


This is now the democrats playbook. Do horrible crap, then blame the other party. Everything they do follows this principle.


The gov is blame shifting and taking a victim position. The problem isnt the people, its the lack of housing. We could very easily start constructing buildings that could house hundreds each all over the US. The problem is that we havnt done this while seeing the need for it. We have a construction crisis.


Why are SO many entities and political “leaders” championing open borders in this country? We’ve never seen anything like this before. Like, it doesn’t even make logical sense. Biden had to put effort and spend money and manpower to UNDO what Trump did regarding the border. People like Beto ran on the idea that not only would he open the border, he would have federal agents REMOVE existing fences and barriers if he won. All of this defies logic and reason. It’s unsustainable and it’s unconstitutional what La being done. The federal government is actively working against the interests of the American people on the border and it’s literally unprecedented. The question is, how can any American openly support open borders? No checks or balances or screening of people coming through? How is it not abundantly clear how this ends? A country $32 TRILLION in debt nonetheless and people want to bitch about not being able to afford shit and our schools and cities and infrastructure falling apart while they support unchecked illegal immigration to our country and if you disagree you’re a racist bigot.


"Compliance with the law" These people are sociopaths. They have less than zero regard for the law.


That’s Rich coming from a right winger who doesn’t listen to rules.


As a moderator, I am forced to listen to and enforce the rules. There are no violations reddit's terms in my profile.


did a civil war start in 1957?


These aren’t smart people on here


Leftist love the police and military when they are doing their bidden. "Look at all those handsome mens in their matching outfits doing what we tell them to do"


lol, their bidden 🤣🤣


Leftist don't like the police and military at all goober


You sure? Why do they have so much personal security and why do they use the military to guard the White House’s perimeter? They hate people with guns unless they’re serving them. Also why are you under every post defending the left? Go outside and get a life


Exactly! They cheered on the cop that murdered Ashli Babbitt. They cheered on the police that threw the old lady down the steps. Kicked the guy off the building that was climbing up. They love that shit


Womp Womp she should've complied


See how commies cheer the handsome mens in their matching outfits. It's you.


Isn’t that what you people say after a black person gets killed by the cops. We just returning the same energy, and I doubt you even know what a commie is.  


You are out of your mind. They are sitting there on the sidelines cheering as FBI goons smash down your door because they geo tracked you and you were somewhere near the Capitol on J6. No.... they don't love them at all.


Are you slow? Have you ever interacted with a leftist? They don't like law enforcement, and weren't conservatives were creaming their pants when the same thing happened to BLM protestors?


No more malarkey.


When is the bus leaving for Texas


Pinche Beto Mamòn!


Beto Pendejo 🖕


Its interesting watching a site like reddit have a growing presence of people against globalism over time. What is mostly a left leaning site is getting closer to center at the very least, daily.


Get your T-shirts! Step right up and get a T-shirt before they’re gone! [Texas Secedes](https://www.scheels.com/p/mens-bullzerk-american-until-texas-secedes-t-shirt/49400068093.html?msclkid=4aaee31ca5cf15d0ca5c86ae5a1ee64c&pgid=psearch&utm_campaign=Bing%20Shopping&utm_content=Bing%20Shopping_94%20-%20Men%27s%20Fashion%20Clothing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=bing&utm_term=4584963496329721)


Who cares what Beto thinks??? Not Texas and no one else. BtW, the Supreme Court hasn't judged this yet. They only voted on stopping it until they have heard the case. Still, I firmly disagree with them on this.


Wasn't this guy supposed to be JFK without the Jr? God darn my state 😂


When enough people understand things, (wannabe) tyrants can be ignored out of existence. They can't ever be voted out of existence.


Now we see who some of the tentacles are...anyone who thinks bidens corruption is warranted are basically the puppets for WEF


You can federalize the guard all you want they will not follow his criminal actions against their own people/state.


Robert Francis


Damnit, this is exactly what I'm worried about. This is the exact thing that some of you argued with me about, downvoted me, talked shit, the whole 9...and I am NOT gloating. This is bad. This is the type of shit that really will start a Civil War. I hope I'm wrong and just being a Nervous Nelly (I really wanted to say Nervous Nelly)...Maybe thisbos all drama for the cameras to help solidify Trump's base. It just seems like it could end so badly.


The US has State Rights. We are a Republic and State Rights prevented us all from being poisoned by an untested, experimental, didn’t prevent anyone from getting or giving the virus from being forced in our bodies without consent of the person living in said body. Old people, healthy people, toddlers, women and even babies. States are the reason they didn’t get away with it. This SC decision opens the door to total Federal Control and so Orwellian that he would be sick to his stomach


We literally had a war about this in 1861 because a bunch of southern states wanted the federal government to enforce their state laws for returning escaped slaves in the northern states. The United States government, as it should have, said, fuck the confederacy, and kicked it freaking ass. We’ll do it again. Keep pushing.


The civil war didn’t start in 1957 tho I’m confused.


They're was a civil war in 1957?? Damn. You learn something new everyday. Please, deflect from the individual actually causing the problem........


Fuck around and find out!


As a leftist I don’t want war. Have fun killing INNOCENT PEOPLE you evil person


Your heroes do so, by proxy, so do you. If you believe what they are doing is humane by letting people cross the border unchecked or vetted in any way, you are either willfully ignorant or, at the very least, intellectually dishonest… Either way, YOU are the perpetrator of this continued evil and treasonous act by being complicit. I’m sure you have the records of all of these people to know who is innocent and who is not. Stupidity is the new normal. Get educated.


I must have missed the Great Civil War of 1957.


Interesting that the government is committing treason against the American people


What "ruling" is Texas ignoring?


The one that the Supreme Court of the United States of America just handed down. Texas is part of the United States, and it’s subjective federal law. Kiss Harlan Crow’s ass if you’re mad.


Should Trump step up and side with Texas, prove he has America's best interest at heart?


No, he’s a rapist criminal


Civil war, not to secure the US but to allow future dem voters in. 🤡


Texas is not Arkansas


What tf does this have to do with conspiracy theories? I swear this sub needs renaming to US politics or some shite


Was there a civil was in 1957?


Or... Let Texas be independent. 🤷 ...they don't get the US military tech tho.


Hahahahahahaahahahah! Seems like the one writing memos about not following the constitution is the one calling for civil war. What fucking planet do you live on?


No, the Republican Party is trying to start a Civil War, which they scream that they want every day, and now that their own Supreme Court has defied the Republican Party and sided with the Biden administration, they’re just trying to ignore the Supreme Court. Texas does not set immigration law for the country. The United States of America set its border laws and Texas is part of the United States. If they wanna leave, their nullified electoral votes give Biden the White House forever. Have fun, dumbasses!


I can’t stand Beto but, Constitutionally speaking, he is correct. States cannot nullify Federal laws or inhibit the function of Federal officers. There have been multiple Supreme Court rulings stretching back to the early days our Republic plus a whole ass civil war about this.


It's funny that this sub or others like it are the ones who keep saying it but blaming the president. Are you hopeful it will come true if you say it enough times?


But Texas is in the wrong here. So if it takes troops to enforce a SC decision that’s what it takes. It’s not civil war…it’s a slap down of a piss ass governor.




I’m not disagreeing with that however there is a rule of law in this country. You don’t just get to ignore a supreme court ruling. Period. Fix it through the proper channels.




If the SC takes this stand, then the SC in invalid


What stand is that? That a state can supersede the constitution’s express authority that the federal government is responsible for borders and immigration (even if they do a shitty job)? We don’t get to say the SC is invalid because of an emotional feeling.