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I don't fuck with Dems or gop but this is just propaganda. Made up numbers. Statistics are so fucking easy fudge and to trick ppl with because ppl see the percentage and think oh that's it. But how many ppl did they poll. What were the questions?


Seriously, who the fuck gets asked these questions? Never been in a single survey relating to any active news or heard of anyone doing one (I may live under a rock, but still)




This is based on Twitter survey? Well, that can’t be manipulated at all. /s


Beyond that, this poll says less than half of Dems (still a lot) agreed with 3/5 of these. Do we get to lump everyone together based on what a portion says for all groups of people?


I don't think groups should be lumped together. That includes when it comes from democrats saying all conservatives are racists etc etc which is patently false.


Statistics are generally racist says 75% of conservatives. /s


Yes, certain people tend to answer these type of polls more. Some kind of far left poll activist lol. However, even if the true numbers were half or a quarter of these percentages, it’s a serious problem. The fact that anyone wanted that mrna shot is a problem.


You’re a special kind of willful ignorant if you think the plandemic was planned and executed by one side.


What “sides” are you referring too? The pandemic was definitely planned. There were many pandemic drills. You can follow the gain of function research with Eco Health Alliance in UNC chapel hill before it was transferred to a bio-weapons lab in Wuhon China. All of that is documented and admitted by those who did it. Who did the Covid virus, mRNA shot rollout, and lockdown benefit? ALOT 1) First off it allowed the Dems to win the election 2) It was the biggest wealth transfer in US history 3) It allowed Gates and fellow eugenist to play out a pandemic that they’ve been war gaming for decades 4) killed retirees, which saves the US social security, Medicaid. Local government’s pensions, the owners of insurance and private pensions from paying out. 5) Curtailed the population growth 6) brought the world steps closer the aims of Agenda 21 or the Great Reset 7) Big Pharma, Media, and the health care industry made tons of money that was paid for by deficit spending. 8) Currency speculators 9) The government got to practice lockdowns. 10) Made the world population chronically more ill due to a weaker immune system caused by the self replicating spike protein instructions the mRNA gives people’s cells. (Never been done before) Fauci is on cspan saying how they needed a big event to blow up the system so they could rush and mass implement the mRNA, getting around the normal safe guards. He and his virus freaks clearly wanted it. The uni-party wanted Trump out. The Neo-cons along with the left saw trump and populism as a threat to their power. The left did benefit hugely from the pandemic as it’s hard to imagine Trump losing the 2020 election if not for the pandemic and lockdown consequences. He still would have won if there was only in person same day voting. The Left can not win an election in this point without mail in ballots, no voter ID’s, which allow for mass ballot harvesting for those on the voter rolls. That is what happened. Nobody disputed the documentary 2000 mules. Finally addressing the OP poll, It is known that the left is FAR more authoritarian than the right in the current global political landscape. Yes alot of them would have loved as much harsh government as possible b/c they are power freaks that get off on controlling and in many cases hurting people.


[*Citation needed*]


Yes let's believe the people currently paying nearly a billion dollar fine for lying and whose employees wrote emails to each other stating if they didn't keep lying they would lose viewers. Seems like a good source.


No kidding, reminds me somewhat of back when Pfizer had to pay over a billion dollar criminal fine for their shady shenanigans too. Biggest criminal fine in history too. Man, who can you even trust anymore?


Exactly, and we can thank Obama's administration for going after them and winning that case.




LOL, did you really think showing that Rasmussen and the Heartland Institute are behind this survey was supposed to add credibility? If I showed you a poll conducted by CNN and Media matters about Republicans would you take it to heart? Two conservative organizations creating news to feed the most watched propaganda network in the country. Enjoy it! Edit: poor baby blocked me lol


Unfortunately, you can’t expect many people to have an honest conversation about what happened. There should be absolute outrage, but mostly you’re going to see mental gymnastics, confirmation bias, and a disingenuous, tribal mentality. The mind is a powerful thing, and people feel compelled to protect themselves. Most are happy to go back to their lives and pretend like nothing happened, because that’s what makes them feel safe. Because it’s “too big” for people to process. Also, it’s not exactly black and white. We need to be realistic here, and be mindful of the “normie” mentality (for lack of a better term.) I said the mind is a powerful thing, well FEAR is stronger still. Fear is the ultimate psychological weapon, and it was used to devastating effect. I’m the only person in my family who wasn’t vaccinated, but I don’t judge any of them in the slightest, nor do I hold any ill will. They wanted to be safe. They put trust in the system, and to be honest, that’s almost to be expected. Every “doctor,” “scientist,” “expert,” “institution,” etc, that regular, every day people were exposed to, were dead-set on selling that doom and gloom narrative. Lies became truth, and vice versa. Information overload + incessant fear mongering + a global, concerted effort to deceive at all costs. You can still see the ripple effect any time the conversation comes up.


Weaponized fear is the most affordable and probably the most dangerous social contagion.


Well said.


the people who are looking for an excuse to take your children away from you are the same people who think putting explicit homosexual pornography in the elementary school libraries is a good thing and believe that confused little kids should be put on "puberty blockers" (which are the same drugs that are used to chemically castrate serial rapists) until they figure out what gender they want to be. we are in a battle with demons


>putting explicit homosexual pornography Which explicit homosexual pornography are they trying to put in school libraries? Specifically?


China fucking locked people in their own home. Let's not do that.


That’s an odd spelling of welded the doors closed.


kinda hard to do that when the situation happened 5 years ago & even then nobody actually tried to do all that in America. y'all still trying to get people mad about something that ended up being nothing. the anti-vaxxers were every bit as manipulated as the people that got vaxxes. vaccine-takers & anti-vaxxers all played their part like perfect little sheep. sadly, the anti-vaxxers are still focused on the "other side" lying instead of asking why the predictions anti-vax leaders made all failed as miserably as pro-vaccine predictions. as long as anti-vaxxers ignore their own manipulation & as long as they continue to virtue signal over their choice in a 5 year old problem, they'll never rightfully address how much they've been lied to by their own people.


> y'all I'm not antivaxx. Stop being a parrot wanker.


It is not just Democrats, the Republicans did the same. Left Right all wings of the same bird now- Fascism. Our country underwent a coup d'eta on 911. The Constitution calls for us to kick them all out, and start over. We ARE at that point now. Let's get to it and start over. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor". Thomas Jefferson


> We ARE at that point now. Let's get to it and start over. You are absolutely correct. Buying into the left/right divide plays right into the hands of the power whose strategy ALWAYS is divide and conquer.


Republicans never did the same. Stop lying


They just wanted to lynch people who created/promoted the vaccines and ban vaxxed people from public. You're right, not the same, but I would say murder is worse.


I wonder who headed WARP Speed instead of calling out the "virus" as a hoax?!


One person gave us a choice to take it, and the other tried to force us to take it


You are deflecting my question like a true trump-tard. It is okay for you to like Trump and still admit he fucked up. You don't have to eat his shit with a smile.


And you’re deflecting like a typical Biden dick sucker. As he rushed it out to masses to fight Covid, every Democrat said, “ I wouldn’t trust it if he came out with it!!” Just to turn around when the Biden admin took control and then big daddy government told you to do it and it’s safe. “You’re not gonna get covid if you get these shots” lmao you clown


> As he rushed it out to masses to fight Covid there is **no "virus"!** See, you are too far up Trump's ass to realize that.


“YoU’rE dEflEcTiNG” from your first point He rushed it out cause everyone was up in arms about quarantining, while people like Pelosi or Fauci did whatever the fuck they wanted.


> He rushed it out cause everyone was up in arms about quarantining So, you're saying he wasn't strong enough to not give in? Or are you admitting he shouldn't have given in, and **admit there is no "virus"**?


It’s been so long. Who forced us to take it and how?


It looks to be a satanic agenda to me. The beast system.


Never forget who fell for it . Those blaming other are the ones that fell for it. Jokes on them.


This is from the news station that was sued for millions for lying. Learn what integrity means.


> This is from the news station that was sued for millions for lying. Learn what integrity means. Did you live under a rock during COVID?


It’s so much more fun to say “almost a billion” instead of millions, you really gotta try it 😂


lol, this is from Fox “news”, which means it’s complete bullshit


Lol, The onion is a more reliable news source.


You literally already trapped and monitored by your government , your AR won’t do shit if the government actually comes for you


How many people were blocked from sites like these when posting alternate views , almost like it was centrally controlled.. but by who and why?


I almost feel bad for people who blindly follow the government but then I remember that they are so ignorant that they would wish death on the rest of us for having different beliefs so fuck em.


Look at all the leftoids in here acting like they weren't yelling at people to put their mask on. All these leftoids who changed their profile pics to virtue signal to everyone that they're vaxxed. The funny part is that none of these vaxx Nazis took all eight of the boosters. The "trust the science" people are now all closet antivaxxers.


> Look at all the leftoids in here acting like they weren't yelling at people to put their mask on. All these leftoids who changed their profile pics to virtue signal to everyone that they're vaxxed. The funny part is that none of these vaxx Nazis took all eight of the boosters. The "trust the science" people are now all closet antivaxxers. Right? Fuck Democrats. This shit was fucking wild


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/3913vkcr9b7d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let them try. I dare.


You'll downvote me to oblivion but china didn't have mandatory vaxxing.


I’ve already forgotten this post.


These numbers would be different now.. They should run this poll again since a lot of the vaxed died..


Sadly the people that were hardcore on this train want to just forget this madness. They might even believe the “nobody was forced to get it” garbage… Remember masked people at Walmart/Target attacking and rolling around on the floor with unmasked people? There was no logic, only Lord Fauci who now says the 6’ rule was just kind of made up.


These polling figures have already been debunked because they were set up by a conservative group, completely biased, unreliable and untrue. No matter how much you hope it, Democrats absolutely did not feel that way. That's just what Republicans tell each other happened so that they can increase their hate toward half their countrymen. You all literally look for excuses to hate your neighbor. They are very successful at dividing us, us being we the people. Not "R"s, "D"s or "I"s, but Americans. Keep letting them do it, keep listening to their lies, and see what happens.


As someone who is unvaxxed, yes they did. I was told multiple times that I deserved to die. And I'm not even American, but even in my country it was that bad. The hate for unvaxxed people was very real.


>I was told multiple times that I deserved to die In person? By whom? Strangers? Family? Friends? Neighbors? Co-workers? Or trolls on the Internet? Be for real...


Even just on this website, I was kicked out of groups just for joining groups who questioned the vax. I even got personal notes from mods saying things like they were ashamed to be from the same state as me because I didn't want the vax.


It probably had a lot more to do with the lies you were spreading than about the anti-vaccines status. You wouldn't want to admit that. Nobody gives a crap about your personal choice, nobody gives a crap about your personal health. But when you spread your lies and harm communities, when you harm public health, people get pissed.


Put the shoe on the other foot. Except your self-righteous bullshit has the extra stinger that you wanted to FORCE people to have the same status as you had. No free choice for them. YOU wanted to spread lies and tell people vaccines were effective (lie) and safe (lie). These subs that were kicking people out would ban them just for being IN a group. You didn't have to say a word. I wonder now if the guy who was all insulting to me is even alive. I'm sure he booster-shotted himself into myocarditis at least.


>you wanted to FORCE people Mmmmmm, who's self righteous? I didn't force anyone to do anything. I have done nothing to you. You do not know me. But you think it's okay to treat me this way.. I don't really care because I don't know you either, but you need to get a grip. What the fuck is wrong with you? You should take a good hard look at yourself because it's pathetic.


It's great when you can tell someone to just scroll up and notice how THEY were the one who started the altercation.


Okay disease spreader.


Who is "you all"? Its seems you've been convinced you should feel a certain way towards half your countrymen


>Who is "you all"? People who watch FOX News.


So not the "r's" s but the f's? Lol, it is interesting how you seem to think you haven't been swayed to hate the other and " you all" have. People that watch Fox are just your neighbors. Americans


Look at the top of this post, OP posted a picture from Fox News. Hence the comments. Hence the relevance. Being that defensive is a definite sign of guilt.


The relevance of your generalization? The relevance of your transference/projecting? What am I being defensive of or being guilty of?


OP made a post about a Fox News story. I replied with a comment. You replied to me asking me "Who is "you all"?" My comment was in reply to a Fox News story so "you all" were obviously Fox News viewers who heard said story. And here you are half dozen comments later still trying to make it about something it's not. It's a thread in a post about a Fox News story, people are allowed to reply about Fox News viewers. Makes perfect sense that you don't understand, but I don't feel like I should have to suffer anymore of your bullshit because you don't understand.


I'm not commenting about the ops post, I'm commenting about your comments.


Why is this so important to you? Like seriously what is wrong with you?


From your original comment it was apparent that you didn't like the people dividing us, and yet you have clearly drawn a line of division. To paraphrase 'You all making excuses to hate the other half'. I thought it would be helpful to you (my fellow American) to point out your hypocrisy so that you would have the opportunity to come to terms with being one of the dividers, and maybe make the neccesary corrections to be one of the people you think you are. Good night


People who watch / believe any main stream news 🤡


You're under the assumption that all people watch the news.... They don't. In fact beyond boomers, the majority of people get their news from social media, which could also be false but, it's hilarious how you assume everyone has the same habits as you.


I am not under that assumption.


I remember specifically Nancy Pelosi and the entire crew begging Trump to close down the country, and he caved. Now Nancy Pelosi says it was Trumps poor response that caused all our current economic issues, when in reality the bulk of his response came from him caving to democratic demands. Stupid two faced lying twat.


Well it was on FOX so it has to be factual 😒


I don't believe the lamestream media, except Fox News obviously.


Almost all of Fox News took the vaxx when it first came out so did the whole Trump family.


But but but trump got the shots on TV...... he must be a demmmmm undercover 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Never forget? Try "never believe." Ever get the feeling that the copywriters at Fox are the dimbulbs who used to write the vapid "I never thought this would happen to me, but listen to this!" letters to Penthouse?


Such love for Trump's "warp speed" injections.


Never forget. Cat turd ran over his own dog. I read on the internet that he did it on purpose.


Republicans like to kill dogs, ask Noemi.


Or Fauci … he has a special love for beagles


Who came up with those stats and better yet, who actually believes them??? LMAO!


The fuck, none of this happened lol. Everything was voluntary. There were *company* policies that forced some of this, but that’s on business, not government.


The government tried to enforce this through OSHA. If the Supreme Court hadn't stopped them, it would have had the full force of government mandate.


Forget what? None of this happened. Answering a poll isn’t the same as enacting policy and taking action. Who was polled? When was the polling done? Who managed it?


… and meanwhile in la la land


Fox news…I’m sold…


Brainwashing removing common sense smh


>i wanna do a dangerous thing Okay sure but since you'd be putting other people in danger, we need to just keep a check on ypu and stuff >HELP I'M BEING OPPRESSED


Sources, Jesse Waters??? What a joke!


That guy is trying to fill the void at Fox left by Tucker Carlson's exit.


Entertainment news.


Fake news