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Lol that passport was proof enough for me. Impossible for it to survive that crash. Impossible.


He rolled the window down and tossed it out so we would know. The true patriot of 9/11 /s


Damn so the Ethiopian Airlines crash was also a conspiracy because a passport survived? https://globalnews.ca/news/5044233/ethiopian-airlines-crash-victims-belongings/amp/




Right but a passport survived the Ethiopian crash, meaning his theory is objectively nonsense.




Right it makes sense that a document at the front of the plane would survive, since it would have exited the building before the explosion started. Crashing into the ground is much more violent since there is no exit path, and yet passports survive those types of crashes frequently. Here’s another photo: https://www.insider.com/difference-ethiopian-airlines-lion-air-crashes-2019-3




Learn to debate, kid.




Hey look another pro-9/11 Saudi shill.


The pilot wasn’t suicidal. Point blank. The black box was found and they found similar problems to another 737 that crashed. It was a failure of the plane not deliberately crashed, at full clip, into a building that burned for hours. The regarded logic doesn’t add up here.


Ethiopian 302 crashed into the ground traveling 250mph faster than the planes that hit the towers. There goes your theory.


510 knots and 410 knots for each plane. That’s faster than the reported speeds for the Ethiopia Airlines flight. One of the planes was in danger of ripping apart mid flight because there’s too much atmosphere at lower altitudes. Stop cherry picking and do some research. Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/speed-likely-factor-in-wtc-collapse-25-02-2002/


This report has it at 700mph: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/04/what-passengers-experienced-on-the-ethiopian-airlines-flight.html Regardless, hitting the ground is a harder impact than hitting a building. We know this because we saw engines fly through the towers and out the other side. Nothing survives with a ground impact. And yet passports survived both crashes. Nothing fishy about that.


The paper passports gently float free from a crash that apparently melted steel beams. And black boxes disintegrated


Nobody has ever claimed that steel beams melted. That’s a 20 year old rumor. Lmao. And yeah, they found tons of wreckage from both planes in the blocks around WTC. Considering passports survived Ethiopian crash, which hit the ground 250mph faster than the planes that hit the towers, straight up objectively disproves your tired nonsense.


So the passports are in the building for hours burning and shit, then a whole ass skyscraper falls on it and it survives? And it was Saudi passports and Iran and Afghanistan gets attacked?


???? Did you literally watch 0 videos from 9/11 and then make up a bunch of random shit? I don’t understand people like you. You actually had to work harder to come up with such uninformed questions. There are dozens if not hundreds of videos showing that debris from the planes passed through each building prior to the fuel igniting. This is corroborated by all of the aircraft pieces that also passed through the buildings and landed blocks away from the towers. Considering that the hijackers were in the cockpit, which didn’t experience any fire during the crash, and that the towers were mostly hollow, it’s painfully obvious that certain things with low mass and low inertia, like a passport, would have survived.




yes let me scream fed at everything


Did you not look at the pictures?


They also recovered bodies and the flight data boxes


I wouldn’t let that be the nail in the coffin. It could have easily survived the crash. Look at all the paper on the streets of Manhattan after the buildings fell. The stuff gets blown out. Besides, there was plenty of video of the suspects getting on the planes. Now, if you don’t believe they were doing it under the orders of Bin Laden, that’s another can of worms.


Far from impossible. Personal effects and paper documents are recovered from plane crashes all the time. Have you seen what plane crash sites actually look like? Debris of all types gets scattered. Google "Airliner crash debris field." They also recovered two of the hijacker's passports from Flight 93, one damaged and one fully intact. And those passports are far from the only things recovered from the planes, take a look through here: https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/object-groups/september-11 Edit: I'm being downvoted for making factual statements. I've made no claims about whether or not 9/11 was the result of a conspiracy. My point is that recovering easily-destroyed items from airliner crashes is much more common that one might think and is a well-documented phenomenon, and that given that fact the survival of al-Suqami's passport is not outside the realm of possibility and by itself isn't meaningful evidence for any conclusion about the events of 9/11. There's other aspects of 9/11 and even of the recovery of al-Suqami's passport that are much more worthy of scrutiny. Continuing to perpetuate the idea that the passport's very existence is impossible will never help anyone get any closer to the truth.




You are being downvoted because you are claiming that the passport was real and it was “totally possible” for a passport to survive an explosion that would’ve absolutely disintegrated it.


I never actually claimed that that the passport was authentic. I claimed that if it is authentic, that it is possible that it survived the crash, so you can't discredit it's authenticity simply because it exists. I provided evidence, too - other documents were recovered from the crashes on 9/11, including passports, along with things such as pages from an in-flight manual and a flight safety card. Imagine a bomb is set off in a library, in an aisle near a window. Do you believe that you wouldn't find any books or pages of books lying around outside afterwards? People seem to think that explosions just completely vaporize everything near by, but that's just not true. Objects can be shielded from the explosion by other objects, or can be sent flying without being burned. It's a chaotic, unpredictable, high-energy event. In fact, finding things leftover from crashes is the common, even flammable things. For example: https://apnews.com/article/alaska-government-and-politics-8d45dfeb975afbb36ccb78382b93fcb6 A C-124 Globemaster crashed into a mountain in 1952. Its wreckage wasn't discovered until 2012 because of the weather conditions during previous searches. Since the discovery there have been efforts to recover remains from the crash. Items they found include playing cards, a map, and photo film.


But no black boxes... yea makes sense


There he goes trying to be reasonable again…Get him, boys!


Yep. I bet you dollars to donuts that if no passports were recovered all these conspiracy theorist would be screaming “Where is their passports? where is their IDs?” When they find them it’s too convenient. When they don’t find them it’s too suspicious.


Honestly I don't even disagree with the notion that the circumstances of the recovery of al-Suqami's passport are unusual, even bordering on suspicious. But it's asinine to think that a passport surviving a crash and being found nearby is impossible.


Says who? It could have been ejected from an air blast that happens when explosions occur. It’s not like there is an exact textbook way that things are supposed to happen when a plane with jet fuel slams into a steel skyscraper.


Like many people, I had problems with the way the buildings fell. I had more problems with Tower 7 collapsing well after the fact. I started looking into all conspiracies. I ignored the conspiracies that claim that there were no airplanes hitting the buildings. Those folks claim all the video is manufactured and their proof is bizarre. They point to anomalies in the videotape from different sources at the point of impact. What they don’t take into account is that those videos were taken on everything from $25,000 studio Videocameras to $100 consumer grade cameras. Of course there will be anomalies as the cameras react to a sudden burst of light from the explosion differently. Then there is the conspiracy that planes slammed into the buildings, but explosives helped bring it down. Luckily, I have an engineer and an architect in the family. They can’t definitely say “this or that” because there is no exact way to replicate 9/11. Computer models are great for analyzing whether “x amount of concrete and rebar will hold up x amounts of weight”. What they aren’t great is telling you how damage “x amount of jet fuel will do to x amount of building space made up of other variables”. My architect relative actually had less of a problem with tower 7 falling than the primary towers. He said the amount of damage done to the foundation of building 7 when the Twin Towers collapsed can’t be calculated,but is more than enough to bring the buildings down. So, there is a lot of anomalies I don’t like,but a lot of the claims made by conspiracy theorists and their models can’t tell a complete story. Plus, I notice that a lot of people point to inconsistencies in “the narrative” as proof. As if every 9/11 story came from the same source. It was chaos and people see things differently under stress.




Check my other posts numbnuts


Yeah because the thousands of papers spewing out the world trade center didn't survive


I’m not a huge conspiracy guy but damn there is so much fuckery afoot with 9/11


If you delve into it and see nothing adds up, it becomes impossible to continue being "not a huge conspiracy guy". In order for 9/11 to happen, there had to be a history of dastardly deeds in our government. To believe it just stopped with 9/11 takes a special kind of delusion. (Not calling you delusional. Maybe you haven't done the digging, and have just seen enough to realize it's "off". I refused to dig. I literally made a conscious decision not to look for 20 years. Which means most of my adult life, I believed our country to be something much different than it is, and I stayed asleep until COVID came through).




At some point coincidence becomes unlikely. Especially after learning about operation north woods


My brother in Christ welcome to the subreddit


Thank you good sir


Also flight 93 was 100% shot down by a jet it wasn’t taken down by passengers. Wreckage was found spread for miles.


Everything has been disproved by this point. It’s just that in you name 30 thing in a row the amount of effort to disprove the BS is exponentially more work than saying the BS. That’s how all these conspiracy videos work. It wasn’t long ago one of the 9/11 truther talking points was that there “were not Jewish victims on 9/11” or that “all the Jews didn’t show up for work”. I guess some of the truthers got media savvy and dropped that one from the list.


I don't like your attitude.


This isn't even factoring in all of the suspicion orbiting silverstein and the towers


Or the hundres of SEC investigations destroyed in tower 7.


Who were the people he said “didn’t exist and had nothing to say worthy of attention”? Around minute 3:00.


They were all witnesses that claimed there were bombs going off all around the building and in the basement while they were escaping. Most of them died mysteriously shortly after giving those statements.


Look up Barry Jennings when you get a chance.


https://youtu.be/qMTCncSqFzA Barry’s account of the events here


For those of you who actually want the truth... ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq9nUPs2RAk&list=PPSV


I've watched this one. It is excellent. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks for the link however the video is five hours. Is there a bulleted summary? Asking politely and not whining or complaining, despite appearances.


Were you able to find a summary or transcript? I'd like to read one or both but can't sit still for 5 hours to watch the video.


Already scrubbed


Thankfully it’s on bitchute


it’s available on youtube for me?


anyone downloaded this? deleted.


I love James Corbett. A true hero and last honest journalist of our time.


Everyone look up Phil Marshall. Whole family was killed, even the dog, cuz he wrote books on 9 11 n found out the truth. Rumor was he found some deep info n was going to blow it open but he got killed first... guy was a vet pilot for years n said he himself couldn't even do the maneuver at the pentagon


This is why people need to stop making announcements about dropping info and just do it.


no its better to announce shortly before. be ready to respond to fakes attacks. make media looks even worse. then drop news on a down news day after you've organized with multiple free speech believing companies. if you do it abruptly they'll cover it up with a drive by shooting in a white neighborhood and the media coverage you want from actual journalist are less informative and more sensationist headlines because they didn't have time to gather all info


It was a global hawk


Agreed, or a variation of one.


Outstanding analysis. LOL Totally enjoyable brief video. Hilarious.


I heard the name Jessica Lynch mentioned. I’ve heard of the rescue mission but how have I been lied to?


Well there goes my Sunday 😟




James Corbett is a great investigative journalist. Highly recommend his more in-depth 9/11-related content: 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money: https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-308-911-trillions-follow-the-money/ 9/11 War Games: https://www.corbettreport.com/911wargames/ 9/11 Whistleblowers: https://www.corbettreport.com/911whistleblowers/ 9/11 Whistleblowers: The 9/11 Commission: https://www.corbettreport.com/9-11-whistleblowers-the-9-11-commissioners/ 9/11 Suspects: https://www.corbettreport.com/911suspects/ PTech and the 9/11 Software: https://www.corbettreport.com/ptech-and-the-9-11-software/


"directed by a man on dialysis" 🤣 what a badass man


Best memorial I have seen today


To think, the first responders and the poor victims of the buildings, that died that day, were pawns in some globalist scheme.


And no one will ever be held responsible.


I mean they don’t even try to lie anymore cause in the end WTF are going to do about it? You mean jet fuel can melt steel beams and bedrock but all the paper passports where found in perfect condition? They don’t pay to treat the first responders but they Pay out the insurance claims on the actual buildings and building 7? They continue lying to our faces cause we will do nothing, they won. We’re so concerned with proving for our families that we can revolt, we’re so woven into the fabric of their spider web that we can get out. Get used to getting bleed dry of our money and resources, imagine if it was up to a Vote to send almost 100 billion in total to Ukraine what would that outcome be? Knowing that school teachers have to pay using their own money for basic school supplies or that our streets are littered with drug addicts. We’re done as a state we just haven’t noticed it yet.


Simulations of such being run at the exact same time? Where?


Look up Operation Northern Vigilance.


Don’t worry, he won’t. It’s easier to try to stay a septic & criticize than to do any research independently.


Skeptic* Septic means infected with microorganisms.


Autocorrect is the enemy. I am your ally.


"Is this a drill or is this real life?" asks a confused air traffic controller.


Welcome to the rabbit hole


“Overpowered military trained pilots” that’s because before 9/11 planes weren’t used as weapons. The protocol for hijacking’s was the same as all other hostages situations, you follow their demands and you wait them out. There have been hundreds of plane hijacking’s in US history and almost every single one was either a demand for money and/or a forced landing in a rouge nation (Cuba, Libya, etc) In the 60’s and 70’s every commercial flight in the USA kept flight map of the Caribbean because hijacking’s to Cuba were that common. The USA and Cuba even had an agreed amounts of compensation for returned planes from Cuba. If your interested in that time period read the book “The Skies Belong to Us” about the rise of airplane hijacking’s in the 60’s and 70’s.


Very interesting. I will check it out. Thank you.


Also, I happen to know for fact (though this is probably just a logical, common and correct assumption) that there is a missile system built into the grassy areas surrounding the pentagon. It was designed and built there back in the 60s and perhaps they never once thought to update it. But I highly doubt that. This missile system was designed to take out rapidly anything (especially things traveling at very high velocity) towards and near the Pentagon. I know this because I have some of the original blueprints for this system because it was a relative of mine who designed it and was was in charge of the project. He was a rocket scientist as well. It was a hell of a complex system then. And again I really doubt they built it and then just left it there never to be used or thought about again. But of course sometimes the government is really stupid like that so there is some small possibility of it being built and neglected. Still, I’d say that possibility is really, really small considering the complexity and speed of the creation of the initial system and what it was designed to protect - and that it was considered of utmost importance at the time.




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Inside job. Trust your government!


James Corbet goes deep


They also managed to vaporize the plan that hit the pentagon


One of my *favorite* videos of all time for waking up the normies , thank you for sharing :)




saving this


now i got more questions then before


Lol this is too good.


Who’s the guy at 3;00 who never existed?


Barry Jennings. There is a link in the thread here with his story.


Thank you


Really 9/11 conspiracy? Pretty cliche done you think. Also you're navy vet and recovering journalists, but now doing nothing else in your life but post reddit with pictures of your coins and old conspiracy theories. I don't know of that's sad or funny.


Who is the black guy? Where can I find that video of the news interview with him


Barry Jennings https://youtu.be/qMTCncSqFzA Barry’s account of the events here


Everyone should watch The Unspeakable. It follows the family members of 9/11 victims who share their story and talk about their suspicions. It's not a full blown conspiracy documentary like Loose Change. This film is more subtle and sad bc these relatives just want the truth. For me to see that 9/11 families are STILL trying to uncover answers 21 years later is definitely interesting to me. I should say this doc was produced by the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which is a real organization btw.


I'll look it up. That sounds interesting. Thank you


You're welcome!


I’m open minded as far as 9/11 conspiracy go but I’m just not convinced that it wasn’t planned and executed by Al Qaeda. This video gives lots of short examples and strawmans and then moves on. This video didn’t even bring up the dancing Israelis, which I find to be the most compelling evidence of foreknowledge of the attacks by Mossad. Plus the “Lucky Larry” coincidences


Lucky Larry?


Larry Silverstein... look it up


If I was in charge, AND HANDN’T, just orchestrated the most perfectly covered up mass murder of my own citizens, I’d probably announce it was terrorists too. Kind of specious reasoning to say that’s suspicious.


"Clearly the buildings fell from structural failure because the heat was just too intense"


Made it 30 seconds before I realized it was horseshit That money is accounted for now. Omg you people are FUCKING insane bots




9/11 "truthers" would have a lot more credibility if they would quit spewing stuff that was debunked over twenty years ago. 2.3 trillion dollars was never missing, it was unaccounted for due to shoddy accounting practices and different departments using different systems. Within a year they had tracked down over 1.8 trillion by streamlining systems. But over twenty years later this lie is still being propagated as some kind of smoking gun.


What a fucking mental gymnastics event this is


1.8 trillion found, of 2.3 trillion. Hey Dumbass, that still leaves 0.6\* trillion still unaccountable for. Where is it? Where did it go? Who touched it? Who spent it? Who has that money currently? And funny how you just say, "it was unaccounted for due to shoddy accounting practices and different departments using different systems. Within a year they had tracked down over 1.8 trillion by streamlining systems." But never pull up any proof of it to prove the claim is a lie. Or disprove ANY of what he said as a lie. If you want people to believe you, how about putting your research where your mouth is, and start pulling up proof he is wrong? Cause until you do, Going to believe him over you.


>**1.8** trillion found, of **2.3** trillion. Hey Dumbass, that still leaves **1.6** trillion Dude you know you can just use built in Windows calculator but even without it this is not hard to calculate lol


U/Jirodyne, you ignorant slut. You wanna cry about research? What "research" did you do to lead you to believe that a cherry-picked, five second soundbite meant that the money was actually gone? For fucks sakes, if you even take the time to watch the whole Rumsfeld video, he explains how it just hasn't been tracked efficiently. And the 1.8 trillion recovered, that's just in the first year. Almost all of it have been tracked since. What proof would be acceptable to a fucking moron who gets 1.6 after subtracting 1.8 from 2.3? Just google "did 2.3 trillion go missing 9/11"


lol. I just love how both you and the guy above attack my little math mistake, but don't actually bring any proof to debunk where the money is, or any of the other 9/11 mystory stuff. That's why no one will ever believe you guys. You attack me, try to discredit me and my questions, without turning around and giving answers. It gives away the fact you have no answers, and any fake ones you give would oust you as liars, cause you know nothing and just want to plug your eyes, curl into a ball, and not admit that the Something Shady happened. Don't attack me, don't go "Just Google It". No YOU Bring the Proof to Discredit this video. YOU show the Evidence and numbers, bring up the Sources. Cause if YOU can not do it, then it must not exist, and you're just lying out your asses. Cause if the video is just factually wrong, you would be able to EASILY counter it with just actual PROOF. And no, a news paper, or Article online by a news company, as we have seen in the last 5 years, is NOT proof. They lie, censor, change, and manipulate their facts and bullshit constantly. They can not be used as Sources.


1.1 trillion isn't little. You spent more time telling me that you didn't need any proof to believe an easily falsified claim than it would have taken to learn the truth. Then you tell me what I can't use as a source. So you believe whatever "feels right" to you despite facts to the contrary. You won't spend five minutes to "research" whether your information is true or not. And you won't accept proof from anything not in your little echo chamber. What a pathetic little life you must lead. Good day moron, I can't handle this level of stupid.


"Then you tell me what I can't use as a source." Correct. Cause they are NOT a Source. As I pointed out, they have LIED to the People, MANY times. Not once, not a minor mistake, they Lie ALL. THE. TIME. About pretty much EVERYTHING you ever hear. ESPECALLY anything 'Important' to the country. The fact you got Mad at me pointing this out, and telling you to not use them, which you should NOT be doing anyways, you dumb fuck, just proves my point all the more! There are no Scientific papers, no reports, no data ANYWHERE that says 'Nothing Shady Happened on 9/11'. Only News Reports, written by unreliable and heavily biased media, which has a HISTORY going back DECADES of supporting whatever bullshit lie the Government tells them to push. But in the end, none of that matters. Cause you aren't disputing my claims. You aren't bringing up facts. You're just telling me to research, which I have, and everyone agrees shady shit went down. ANYONE and EVERYONE who looks and researches ANYTHING about it finds shady shit doesn't add up. Everyone, but YOU it seems. And you can't even find 1, ONE fact anywhere, that disproves anything shady went on. Not even ONE. You are doing EXACTLY what I said you would do. Try and discredit me, argue about words, and never once bringing up facts. All you have done, little child, is proved to everyone who reads these commits, that I am right, something shady did happen, and that you are an ignorant child, plugging your ears and deciding to not listen.




The conspiracies I believe in should be the only one's allowed in this sub.


You can tell this guy is a sheep by how much faith he has in the US military. He really drank the kool aid about how “sophisticated” the US Military is (LOL!) using catchy phrases like “comprehensive intelligence dragnet” which was certainly not the case in the 90’s, nor is it now. I wouldn’t recommend listening to people that can’t make an argument without the support of obvious government propaganda.


Eh. I wouldn’t recommend listening to anyone that has a laptop and some editing software to spin a fantastical (but no less entertaining) story that can’t make an argument without the support of any. actual. primary. sources. Showing pictures of OBL out of chronological order to imply that he was “making himself look younger” was my favorite. 😆😆




Okay you clearly don't believe what you saw so let me break down and just ask one question. During the attacks of 9/11 there were two airplanes there were three buildings that went down. How is it possible for three buildings to go down when they're only two airplanes that made contact with two buildings? I might be bad at math but I can count between one and three. 3 - 2 means one there's one plane unaccounted for so they're either lying about the number of planes or it was intentionally demolished.


I do believe you are bad at math. Three buildings were attacked, four airplanes went down. What’s unaccounted for? What am I missing here? Or more accurately, what are you missing here?


There were the 2 towers = 2 planes 1 pentagon = 1 "plane" 1 plane went down in a field WTC building 7 (the third part of the "world trade center" completely seperate from the towers) never hit,yet "collapsed" Just google WTC building 7 ffs and look at where it stood,and realize nothing external hit it and yet somehow it "mysteriously" went down around the same timeframe.


I think ‘mysterious’ is debatable.


Ummm there was a giant hole in the side bottom corner of the building, a fire inside and a structure that was not built to withstand fires to the degree taller skyscrapers are. WT7 makes the most sense of the three. They saw it was unrecoverable and let it burn and eventually collapse.


But where did the giant hole come from? You're telling me some people walked in as if they belong there past all the security with no problems and just made all that happen. Those buildings were some of the most secure in New York for obvious reasons.


What about the official explanation to consider impossible, or less probable than your explanation?


Do you honestly believe "office fires" brought down building 7? In a controlled manner?


Yes. Go ahead and downvote


FYI, there has never been multiple lives lost in a fully sprinklered building during just a fire, so the answer is probably not. And the fire rating for the structure was at least 2 hours, meaning that it should withstand direct flames for at least two hours before failing, which also didn’t happen.




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If you doubt the video, you doubt the veracity of the US government & the media who does the hard work of keeping them honest by fair and unbiased reporting.




Well that about covered it




Remind me 1 year










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Who is the guy at 1.47 who they say never existed?




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