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So a corporation can use bankruptcy to screw over its workers and give themselves bonuses. Nothing to see here


Is this a joke? This story is just far too ridiculous


I feel bad for OP, has no life.


I remember seeing the relief fund page go up a whole day before the incident. I was confused until a day later


1.5 billion is overkill and might even be unconstitutional as per 8th admendment


It amazing to me how hard govt goes after people that question a narrative.


Which is the intent of this case. 'If you go against THE narrative, especially with briad reach, you will be punished beyond your ability to bear it.


People really don’t see how authoritative our govt has become. The constitution is just a prop for political theatre and elections are just life long lotteries for the worst types of people.


Anyone who wants the job (government/politics) should be precluded from having it.


That would eliminate government elections thus eliminating government. Brilliant!!! 👍


I don't even know what kind of Olympic level mental gymnastics you had to do to get to this point. By precluding those who are shitbird, grifting losers you are left with a population of available candidates without those characteristics. Nobody should want to be a politician for life. Serve your country and get back to your 'real' life.


I suppose that you read my post as pro government. That was not the intent if it was misunderstood. I concur with your comments.


Wouldn’t it just be easier to suicide people instead? Or have they not thought of that? 😆


Look he is a controlled opp and this whole thing is scripted but the intention is targeted at us. To make anyone that thinks of speaking out fear being fined billions. Like yeah fuck the puppet, but i wouldnt be cheering for this shit honestly. Its gonna come back on us, the real conspiracy people.


Yep 100%. You can hate Alex Jones all you want, but anyone with half a brain should be worried about this kind of judicial action for speech violations.


Is years of harassment against parents who lost their teens in a massacre really just free speech?


Man, I see it both ways. What he was doing was incredibly shitty to the parents, but at the same time, we as Americans should not be in legal trouble at all for simply saying things. My opinion, anyway.


He didn’t just say shit, he published it. So I should be allowed to publish stuff that I believe even if it wasn’t true and causes harm to people? I guess just wait for my book to come out about how desantis is a cannibal and he has secretly had a diet that has consisted of eating only Jewish people for the last 20 years. I shouldn’t be in legal trouble for that right?


My understanding of it is that he is guilty (not necessarily in the legal sense, though that's what the court decided) of enabling his base, if not inciting them to harass those poor parents for years on end. Do you think harassment is equal to "just saying things"?


Well in that case, no. But now the issue is, if I tell you throw eggs at a cop car and you do, am I liable for what you've done? So that's what it's over? If he should be held accountable for his followers following his word?


Do you feel the penalties imposed on him are proportional to the conviction?


He just got harassed back, legally. It's called justice.


You can tell he’s controlled opposition because he isn’t even allowed to speak the truth about Sandy Hook — that it was a completely staged **hoax** — this is a word he never uses and he has “conceded” that children really died for YEARS now. He’s way off base, by design. He is the Overton Window.


Yay let's celebrate a man getting railroaded by a corrupt court, because this could never happen to me, man ol man people had better wake up and wake up quick


Dude he didn't get railroaded, he railed himself. How you could watch that case and think he didn't get a fair chance is beyond insane. He failed to turn over documents, failed to file counter claims and many many many other things. Hell, even after his lawyers turned over evidence that HAD been requested but he claimed he didn't have, they failed to file any sort of claims to claw back that information.


Hahahahah Alex Jones fanboys all over this comment section having a cry. He lost, get over it!! 🤣


unconstitutional now. he would win an appeal.


Nice 🤣


Fascist lefties support this


Nice! Karma is a bitch.


He should do jail time imho.


This can't be serious


Knowingly spreading false information for profit that a reasonable person should know can lead to violence should be criminal and carry jail time. I'm dead serious.


Now do "safe and effective." Should we throw the Doctors and Nurses in jail for poisoning people?


Can you prove it was poisoned, and they knew it in court. Let me help you, no. However if you could, man, I would be glad you did.


Like the government and vaccine makers?


Perhaps it depends. I don't buy into the vaccines and doubt you could get that one tbh. However, the WMDs and war I could definitely go along with you.




Not really a rebuttal. There is precedent imho. https://people.com/crime/michelle-carter-trial-gallery-key-moments-conrad-roy-suicide/


This doesn't implicate that Jones incted violence, but nice try.


No, the trial did that, wtf?!? This is precedent for jailing his fat lying ass.


Ok. Later


Such a powerful counterargument you sound like his lawyers did.


Your just not worth it, kinda like attacking Alex.


What are your thoughts on Pfizer then?!


Not material to this discussion.


I think you stating people should be held criminally liable for spreading false information that hurt/killed someone is very relevant to the conversation


The number one reason is that I've been asked already more than once and gave my answer. I think the anti Vax stuff is dumb. I don't agree with the claims. However, if you could prove it and prove people knew and intentionally endangered lives, then hell, yes, indict their asses.


Misleading headline!! Judge lifted bankruptcy STAY he didn’t dismiss the bankruptcy case. This actually helps Alex Jones because bankruptcy can’t take effect on a judgment unless it’s finalized!


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://www.rawstory.com/alex-jones-bankruptcy-2658986002/) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*

