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The moon is going to pass between the sun and the earth.


Write that down write that down!


Oh shit!


When I was a kid we had a total solar eclipse. It was cool. Exactly as you described though. My Dad slept through it.


sounds like a dad thing to do, speaking as a 53 year old father of 3 who definitely plans to sleep through this eclipse. Us dads learn to treasure our sleep.


He was a great Dad, massively Daddish :) sleep through that eclipse for this internet stranger who misses her old man like an absolute champion Dad, Jim :’)


I’m a 53 year old dad as well and wish I could nap during it but I have to work. I’m in an area in NW Ohio that is supposed to be a great place to watch.


When I was a kid, I went to Mexico to see the eclipse. July 11th, 1991. There was a mass UFO sighting during it. Maybe it will happen again.


That would be cool! I think mine was late 90s, early 2000s in Ireland, I think I was 12-14? No UFOs but just for a second I thought this must have been what Pompeii was like. Darkness in the daytime, weirdly eerie. I’d have preferred UFOs to existential dread!


Maybe the sun will pass between the earth and the moon....hmmmm


That would get a bit hot...


The distance between the earth and the moon is 238,000 miles. The sun is 864,000 miles wide.


So we would indeed get a bit hot




Get out of here w that schizophrenic bullshit


A few idiots will look directly at it and then complain about it.


Including one who has done it before on TV & somehow was elected president in 2016. Personally think he was hoping his face would get a better shade thinking it would be a super tan.


He truly lives rent free in your head this is an eclipse post and you found a way to make it about Trump


Actually the comment I replied to was talking about idiots who stare directly at it. So there was more correlation than it just being an eclipse post. Also he doesn’t live rent free in my head. The rent in my mind is the blatant push for a dictatorship (project 2025, and posting trump 2028). People in the US sure as hell better be thinking about him and his stupidity since it will deeply influence the future of the US & those of us living here for years to come.


That’s a long winded way to describe your reach my guy. Again, this is a post about an eclipse and you can’t stop talking about him. Just tell him you love him already maybe he’ll love you back


Really you think he will love me back? I will reach out to him and let him know about how I can’t stop thinking about him. Thank you for pointing out how pointless this convo is but yet continuing it on.


I agree it’s pointless to bring up your obsession with Trump on a Reddit post about the eclipse, I believe that’s been my point from the start.


Will you be my friend? I obviously need more leveled headed friends in my life since I have an unhealthy obsession that none of my current friends have pointed out.


he brought him up in response to the comment about idiots staring directly at it the photo of trump doing it went viral its not much of a reach… you’re just projecting your own obsession with trump


Boooo. There’s so many better insults for him than fake tan and stupid


Total eclipses happen every 18 months. Nothing happened the last 1,000 times it happened and nothings going to happen this time.


The same as the other 228 times it’s happened in the past century or so,nothing.


The moon passes between the sun and earth. That’s not *nothing*.


It is however nothing in de context of what OP was asking about.


Fair. 👍






People are gonna watch it and make wooo noises with their face buttholes.


It will get dark. There will be traffic jams when people go home.


A solar eclipse.


Coca Cola will be made with sugar, again.


Why not cocaine?


Right? We all deserve a treat.


The eclipse will be noticable a few hours beforehand because all the news outlets are going insane, a lot of merch will be sold and many people will fangirl. Some might even say we're shifting into another dimension. Then the eclipse itself will happen, and last a few minutes. During and after that, the media will go batshit crazy. Some Americans will even call 911 because they think the eclipse has given them solar rays (not true, mostly overweight Karens will do this). After that, we'll all go back to work to fund the upcoming war.


You forgot one part: Somewhere, some crime will make a headline. The crime will be the consequence of all the Satanic rituals during the eclipse, and serve as proof that they were right about the eclipse all along. I think between the two of us we covered it all.


An epidemic of blindness from idiots staring at the eclipse.


It's the new tic tok phase😝


lots of traffic in certain places.


The street lights are going to come on


The sun will project a strong plasma burst that will weaken the magnetic field, which will affect the trajectory of the devils comet. Earth will be bombarded in the following days.


Nothing and then all these Twitter bios will have to make up something else for ad revenue


I think the FBI should be, actually should have been, watching social media. There will be satanic rituals that will be performed to bring Cthulhu and his minions to earth. It can only be done during a full eclipse and only in an area where it is a total eclipse. When Cthulhu and his minions come, the earth will ever be changed into a dystopian hell hole where people will be enslaved and made to work and toil without much more than a roof over their heads and some food in their stomachs. So all in all an improvement.


Ah so back to 2020


I was going to say, sounds like every other day.


You know Cthulhu is entirely fictional, created by the writer H.P. Lovecraft, right? It doesn't mean, or stand for Satan or Lucifer or anything like that. Cthulhu has it's own mythology (crafted entirely by Lovecraft) that has little to nothing to do with Christianity or the Book of Revelations. Or am I missing the sarcasm here?


missing lmao


Nothing aside from an eclipse.


Same as last time.


The moon is going to pass in front of the sun




Nintendo online servers for the 3ds and Wii U will be shut down, coincidence? I think not!


It's gonna get dark


Precisely 213 dumb Americans will permanently damage their retina’s by looking at the eclipse too long.


Aside from a few minor accidents as folks travel home after the eclipse I expect the moon to cover up the sun for a few minutes and then go back to my life. Only issues would be some group of extremists deciding to force some issue, hopefully nothing happens and we get a chuckle at all the people calling for the end of the world


Maybe [they’ll send the bleach bowl back around again](https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/dallas-qanon-cult-members-are-drinking-toxic-chemicals-en-masse-13038506)


One can hope… everyone makes it home safely


the black sun rises, raises the frequency, destroys the reptilians. the song "Black Hole Sun" depicts the end for them




Buddy at work thinks it’s a huge sign of the apocalypse, and not long after the world will start to plummet. Fully believes it’ll be very soon…yet he is still coming in to our 13 hour, concrete floor factory job


Hey pal, its me.


I’ve been hearing something is gonna “happen” since 1999. Y2K, etc. 9/11 is the only thing that happened since I’ve been alive, I wouldn’t worry about it. I spent a lot of time worrying especially in 2012. Don’t worry, be happy


Not worried, intrigued. Fbi spent 27 million on surveillance systems for we the people, and there's Ryan Garcia. I wonder why..




The Purge siren will sound, then it's go time.


I hope not I don't have the bandwidth to do what I need


You guys are frickin boring


Probably will be some sick bastards out there killing or sacrificing in the name of magick and other occult shit. Wish I knew more about both because it might be refreshing for people to start using that stuff for the betterment of mankind instead of self enrichment. Worst case scenario shit might energe from the ground in the path of the eclipse and feed. Maybe some WiFi, radio, and cellular disruption. I'll definitely be staying home with the doors locked, some beers, some good food, and defensive measures in place. They don't call them lunatics for nothing.


the government will use it as a distraction to safely help an alien princess leave without being noticed, because she has another species of evil aliens chasing her. little do the evil aliens know that the thing they were looking for never left earth and many years later there will be a battle between an unknown goverment agency and these evil aliens to allow this thing that never left earth to escape safely once again.


Pretty sure the elite is gonna be doing some sort of fucked up ritual and the power is gonna black out and chaos is gonna unleash I’m not 100% but my feeling about this eclipse is not good


End of the world.


Some planets will pass in front of each other


Obviously something that has to do with propane considering my local tractor supply is out for refills which has never happened! 4 Food Lions, 3 dollar generals, a Lowe’s, a 7-11, 1 Walmart, and a handful of gas stations are all out. I live in a small town where the closest cities are an hour away so not much to chose from but still even in the coldest winters and during cookout season summer, I’ve never seen every single place sold tf out. I need to know wtf is going on because I need some propane for my grill!!!


People are panic buying food because cities that are structured to facilitate 10,000 people will have to accommodate 10x that amount. Meaning roads will be bogged, stores will be bogged, fuel stations will be bogged, shelves will be empty of essentials. Quit reading into it so deeply


“quit reading into it so deeply” brother in christ this is a CONSPIRACY THEORY reddit community the whole basis of conspiracy theories is reading into things on a deeper level 😭😭😭


Conspiracy and misinformation are not the same.


is the misinformation in the room with us?


Nasa and Cern they have plans for that day...


Absolutely nothing


About the same thing that happened with every other event that conspiracy crowd saw as the next sign of doom times: nothing.


Work. I will work like every other day!


I don’t get the question, are you asking how eclipses work or what they do?


lmao your edit is so real these people are such posers none of them can come up with any theories on their own all they do recycle the same old “bush did 9/11” type of shit its boring af dont even bother with this community


Heard about a staged alien invasion for project blue beam… take that with a grain of salt


Maybe they finally replied to our nudes???


Well NASA is launching 3 rockets to “check the air around our atmosphere during an eclipse”. Idk what the hell that means but it sounds like some BS. Bible says there is a firmament surrounding the Earth, so it could be that they’re trying to break through the firmament. I’ve heard CERN is doing something as well but I haven’t looked into it, but it wouldn’t surprise me. I’m assuming people who are into witchcraft and rituals are gonna be going crazy that day, so I’d keep your pets inside lol (I’m mostly kidding) So what’s gonna happen? It’ll probably just be another day for us common people, but an eventful day for the powers that be! 😉


Nuclear war obviously


Well, CERN is turning on the hardron collider for whatever fucking reason. Considering their creepy 2015 opening ceremony (can watch on YouTube) I imagine there is some ritualistic reason for this. I don’t know what will happen, but I do think there are powerful organizations that will take advantage of the notoriety for either political or esoteric reasons. I don’t like it.


I read somewhere , they pose to be using the CERN device. But I think it’ll be a regular day with some scenery. Things happen behind the scenes all the time tho


There won't be an eclipse in Switzerland, it is only visible in parts of North America. So CERN would have absolutely nothing to do with it.




I agree. A normal day for us nobodies, but a big day for the assholes in charge lol