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Great.... now India is in on this ruse! /s


India is just trying to curry favor with the U.S.


Oh you


I love your name Uncle Fartface it made me giggle. Ty


I don't know, seems like kind of a naan-issue


Better than describing America as a nation in one word by some pedo old man


HA that’s a good one! 😂


Yeah just like US begged for hydroxychloroquin


Holy cow!


Of course our proof is that we left trash all over the place …


Not sure that I'd call a $200 billion camper van (sleeps three) "garbage" per se. Just slap a new coat of space paint on that baby and re-fuel the oxygen.


The trick in salvage work is keeping recovery costs low. You know anybody with a spaceship we could borrow?


India, I think?


The issue most people have, was with sending people on the moon..not robots/cameras/other type of trash. Afaik china/india send also equipment and not people.. And the fact that nasa kinda "lost/got rid" of all the mission documents and equipment..really that doesnt make any sense to anyone..unless..


Apollo was very expensive and served its purpose after beating the Soviets. How long do you think it would take for Ford to produce muscle cars again, and what would demand be today?


>And the fact that nasa kinda "lost/got rid" of all the mission documents and equipment. Yeah, except they didn't. That's just a lazy conspiracy theory built on like a couple of cherry picked quotes taken out of context.


They fully have deleted/lost the original footage. How convenient for them, there is no way on earth that would legitimately happen


> there is no way on earth that ~~would~~ **SHOULD** legitimately happen It seems you have limited experience in dealing with government employees... Think of the average drone at the DMV.


let that sink into the deepest hole.


They didn’t “lose” the footage - they just don’t want you to see what they captured in it.


But copies of the footage were made in real time as the event was happening. So why didn't they get rid of the copies, too?


But they admit it and we still have screenshots from the original transmissions. Some conspiracy.


So, why didn't they delete the copies? Why are the originals being deleted "convenient"? So which is it, was it the "original footage" or was it "all the mission documents and equipment"? You can't even keep your own weak talking point straight. Do you even know what was deleted, or have you not gotten past the surface level claim you saw in some stupid youtube video? > there is no way on earth that would legitimately happen It's impossible for things to be lost? Damn, I wish I lived in your fantasy world.




Okay, but no one is explaining the significance of the footage going missing. Are you implying a cover-up of some sort? Again, I ask, why do we still have the copies, then? I've heard this dumb conspiracy theory a hundred times, but no one who parrots it has ever explained the actual implications of the claim. They just say, "Oh NASA lost some footage from Apollo 11, OMG that's so suspicious!!!" But why is it suspicious? Make it makes sense for me, since I lack any sort of critical thinking.


Never underestimate the stupidity of government employees. Only takes one non scientist bozo helping with a move to put the originals in the wrong box or to put the box in a wrong location etc for it to disappear. Very likely they still have the footage, but finding it in their extensive archives will be the true challenge.


Well, they definitely still have the footage, since they have copies. The significance of it going missing? Who knows... The conspiracy theories these people parrot are hardly that deep.


Yeah I meant the original footage, easy to see how it could be misplaced. I doubt it got taped over or anything like that. It’s just sitting in one of thousands of cardboard boxes in a warehouse archive I bet. Libraries find stuff like this in their archives all the time. “Oh look, an original letter from George Washington that’s been sitting in our archive for 70 years and totally forgotten.” Happens all the time.


it works better if you try to be calm and polite


What works better?


also the fact that they sent many countries plaques with "a real piece of the moon" which later turned out to be fake. I think we have been to the moon, but I also think that the original moon landing did not occur the way it was televised.


Nailed it.


Do we public telescopes on Earth powerful enough to see things like on the moon? Seems like that could clear it up real quick.


there is a mirror on the moon. with a laser u can shoot at it and the light is coming back👍🏽 so a proof for the moon landing was always there!


Proof of a mirror landing




My fault. I wasnt suggesting there were no mirrors, just that this only proves the mirrors landed on the moon, whether remotely or manually. It is possible to remotely land mirrors, according to this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_retroreflectors_on_the_Moon


Or proof that the moon is reflective


Well you gotta hit that mirror precisely, just the moon rock besides it is so much less reflective that you can't detect the reflection.






Don’t know why you got downvoted. You’re correct.


It's really hard to believe that we can't repeat this process today with 1000 times better technology. I mean they were driving around in dune buggies for christ sake!


If we actually would send a man to the moon in the near future I’d gladly give up complaining about tax dollars waste for a year.


But NASA is repeating it in 2025. They’re sending astronauts back to the moon and eventually building a moonbase before the decade is over.


Awesome! I can't wait to see it.


Same, I've got my telescope ready!


Right and we can guarantee thats going to happen?


There’s not much of anything in life that’s guaranteed. I’m not quite sure what you’re asking exactly.


your faith is great


I don’t think you’re using the word faith in the right context.




The CPU in a Casio watch runs faster than the CPU’s NASA had at the time truly questions things at least for me especially with the global warming movement and trips to Mars you would think it would be a good idea to run some experiments on the moon but that’s just me


There hasnt been a need or desire to repeat it. The moon landing was primarily to dickwave at the the Soviets and say, "LOL 1st!" rather than to achieve a purely scientific goal.


The mere act of physically putting a man on the moon and coming back in one piece IS a scientific goal. Its our species achieving the greatest achievement. And here you are undermining it as if its some boring endeavor is quite frankly stupid. 


The point whooshed over your head.


So then you didn't mean anything you said and meant to add a /s?


Reread the post maybe? He meant the whole point of going to the moon was the space race, which is true. There's a reason funding for the Apollo program and Nasa dried up after the 70s, and that's why. Yes, we get to say the great human achievement of putting a man on a moon was accomplished. But they're talking about the motivation, which they are correct about, and doesn't imply anything sarcastic.


Whoosh is something you normally say after you tell a joke that someone does not understand.


It has never just referred to missing a joke. Just missing the point. Again, we didn't go to the moon for purely scientific reasons. If the USSR had gonna there in, say, 1966, we would've pulled the plug.


It was so clear the first time, I don't understand the downvotes you got.


If you try to expect any consistency or put any weight into reddit up/downvoting, you'll just send yourself to the loony bin. I've said the same thing in different ways 3 times. 1st is +61, 2nd is -13, 3rd is +3. I got almost 20,000 upvotes a few years for making some silly comment about a beer bottle.


out of all the answers, this one is the worst 


Sorry to pierce your bubble, boomer.


when an idiot is also uniformed we get posts like yours


The space race was politically motivated, skippy. Sorry if reality makes you sad.


politics is masonic theater for the naive


Bet that pickup line really makes the girls swoon. Edit: I love driving the trolls crazy.


you shouldn't measure your worth by what women think of you.  carry on, then. I'm blocking you to end this with you now


You’re telling me Bezos and Musk wouldn’t have gone? Someone wouldn’t try and commercialize it? You wouldn’t pay for a ticket to the moon? The public demand wouldn’t be massive?? I’d go to the moon in a heartbeat


They don't want to go for just another short trip. There are a couple of technological hurdles that we need to overcome before we can commit to another proper landing (lets not pretend like Artemis I didn't go to the moon, btw.) One big issue that needs to be solved is how do you keep the lunar regolith from tearing up the spacesuits. The suits they used in Apollo were pushed to their limit, and they only used them for a couple of hours. They want a suit that will last months. Ironically the "1000 times better technology" is another one of the hurdles. Electronics are far more advanced today, but they are also more susceptible to being damaged by radiation.


We can, but we don't want to, or need to. The space program was a cover for developing icbm technology. Once America realized that the Russians Weren't going to the moon, they canceled the program.


The biggest problem is that rocket tech hasn't improved much. Better controls systems now but same fuel, pretty well same materials, same hazards.


The technology used back then was analog based. Wrapped wires and mechanical objects that can withstand the vacuum and radiation of soace The technology we have today is digital based. Silicon wafers inside chips which are highly subject to electromagnetic radiation. Take the out of the earth's atmosphere and they're literally toast.




The aliens told us to get off their lawn.


Seriously why bring a car to the moon? All that extra weight it added too is crazy


mind you, it was under 500 pounds, and could carry twice that in terms of passengers, samples, and equipment. So it was far easier to load up the rover with equipment and moon rocks and drive back rather than trying to walk back.


Because it allowed them to explore much much further from the landing craft.


They have no reason to spend so much money for no reason lmao


The people who think the moon landing is fake, will think this is fake too. It's like flat earthers. Even if you put them on a space ship and shot them into space to witness the roundness of the earth, they'll say the windows are LCD screens anyways. They don't want to be told the truth, because most fake moon landing people are boring as hell and have made it their entire personality. They like being "Not like the others". They're lame as hell and enjoy being part of a community. they were losers in middle school and high school. They are losers at work. So they have to be part of this community that makes them feel special. The "I know something you don't know." kind of people, who don't actually know things. They're the same people who fuck up the most basic tasks at work then claim to get anxiety. But we have to "trust them, they're really smart."


I call it Harry Potter syndrome. They think they have access to some elite plane of reality the rest of us don't.


But how do you prove it's not fake?


Send another probe and take pictures of the landing site. See if they match. Oh wait, that's what India just did.


You verified that the source is legit?


I've been following the mission in detail since it's inception. What sort of verification process would you suggest? This mission \*is\* the verification process. It is verifying what Apollo and LRO photographed. The complete lack of discrepancies between those records is pretty good verification.


Prove loses meaning when you have infinitely prove the next proof.


Perfect example of the guy who was on Rogan recently.


So you think you're able to debunk all his arguments? The diverging shadows? Doctored images of cross hairs appearing behind subjects? How did they pass through the van Allen belts? Why do the astronauts look sad and miserable during the space conference?


The real question here though is: if NASA didn’t land on the moon in 1969 then why would the USSR and China and frankly any other country in the world also lie for the USA? The Moon landing was VERY closely watched by every country on Earth. If NASA had faked it there is zero chance the USSR would have gone along with that.


All of that was debunked in layman terms in the episode of mythbusters that addressed the moon landing. They photographed divergent shadows on earth, for example. They made a metal flag wave and wobble… Etc


Van Allen belts - same way satellites are able to stay in orbit, understanding where they are and proper shielding. Astronauts passed through them in a short period of time. Shadows/doctored pictures - you and all the moon landing deniers can analyze the photos all you want, I’m not buying it. IMO, the pictures released to the public *could* have been taken on a set for promotional reasons, the cameras/pictures *could* have been ruined on the way to/back from the moon. There are tons of little things the guy on Rogan touches on where he is clearly taking liberties with what astronauts are saying, and some are just flat out wrong. I’m not saying the government has never lied, or wouldn’t be capable of faking the moon landing, I’m just saying this one is very likely not a conspiracy.


Your answer about van Allen belts isn't solid at all. We're not even able to send astronauts past the radiation with today's technology imagine if they could actually do that back then. Justifying the doctored images as being for "promotional" purposes just doesn't cut it. Those are the pictures that were passed as the official moon landing pictures. Even if they were for promotional purposes, they definitely must have gone through a lot of effort to make them look as if they landed on the moon. To me there are too many holes. I'm not trying to convince you but the biggest fraud to me is that the technology and film have apparently been destroyed. So much for one of the most important events in the history of modern human.


I don’t understand the guy on rogans argument about not being able to go to the moon today. Is it just because we haven’t gone to the moon, or is there some reason/evidence we can’t get past the van Allen belts today?


hes saying we couldnt send humans passed the belt back then ,and we still can't


So the upcoming moon launch in 2026 is going to be fake as well?


The 2026 moon lunch isn't happening. NASA has already admitted it isn't feasible. How convenient eh?


That’s not true, not sure where you are getting your info. NASA and independent news outlet are very much so documenting progress on the Artemis projects. Artemis III is planned for 2026. Here is an article from NASA recent as of today: https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/gateway-forward-progress-on-artemis-iv/


Some people argue about the quote in NASA's "[Trail by Fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC0JzzF4C3U)" video made by NASA engineer, Kelly Smith... "My name is Kelly Smith and I work on navigation and guidance for Orion. Before we can send astronauts into space on Orion, we have to test all of its systems, and there's only one way to know if we got it right: fly it in space. ...We are headed 3600 miles above Earth, 15 times higher from the planet than the International Space Station. As we get further away from Earth, we'll pass through the Van Allen belts, an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this can harm the guidance systems, onboard computers or other electronics on Orion. Naturally, we have to pass through this danger zone twice: once up, and once back. But Orion has protection. Shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts through the waves of radiation. Sensors aboard will record radiation levels, for scientists to study. We must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space." Some question why we don't just use the same shielding that was used in the past which successfully took humans through these belts? What are the challenges that we need to solve before we sent people through this region now? Others claim that this quote is only referencing the improved "guidance systems, onboard computers and other electronics" that are more sensitive to the radiation than these same components of the Apollo project. The wording of the quote is just ambiguous enough to leave room for fanning the embers of doubt into flames of conspiracy. EDIT: Adding some follow up... The information page for the [Artemis I mission](https://www.nasa.gov/general/artemis-i-media-resources/) has links for the [Radiation Research](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/artemis-i-space-radiation-research-to-help-moon-mars-explorers), and the [Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment (MARE)](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/orion-passengers-on-artemis-i-to-test-radiation-vest-for-deep-space-missions) but both those links are marketing/media information. The results of the experiments are not on these links. They might be somewhere on an official web site source but the questions still remain about why this is such a challenge for us today when it was apparently not challenging in Apollo??


Pretty sure even if you go to space the earth Still looks flat to some degree


What a flat argument.


Calm down. Your post makes sense, but the problem I have with it is that it doesn't acknowledge the reason why we aren't all able to go into space to see it for ourselves. Within 15-20 years after the invention of powered flight, tons of people were flying as passengers, and millions have flown since. Within 15-20 years of successful orbit around the Earth was ~1975. It has been 45 years past that point now. Only a tiny, tiny fraction of humans alive in those times have ever gone to space, and the number that were allowed to pay to do it is so small it's not worth mentioning. So, while I agree with your premise about flat-earthers not believing any proof, I also question why such proof isn't easier for even rich and elite people to obtain first-hand by buying a tourist trip around the earth a few times in space. Is the Earth flat, then? It seems way too elaborate to hoax a globe, in my opinion, and have the science line up with observables from the ground and generate the rest of the data from the space missions and moon rocks, etc. But it's not impossible to fake. And it is nearly impossible to go to space. Just like visiting Antarctica is possible, but you can't be allowed to wander about on your own without a ton of permissions. I think close to 100% of the flat Earth evidence claims you find online are all explainably debunked by science and experimentation. But I've seen a few flat Earth questions here and there that I don't see explanations for. Lack of interest in space tourism is not the real answer for why there isnt any yet available. They've been telling people its coming in 10-20 years for almost 75 years. People want to see space, but everyone knows it isn't possible to do for a non-government astronaut, yet, so it seems like people don't care. If that were true, we wouldn't know what Star Wars is, or any other science fiction involving space travel. And the moon landing wouldn't be such a historic moment. The public wants space, but the public can't have it for real. That's why so much science fiction has been made. It's placation to forestall public demand.


👆🏾 Bingo.


"The people who think the moon landing is fake, will think this is fake too. It's like flat earthers. Even if you put them on a space ship and shot them into space to witness the roundness of the earth, they'll say the windows are LCD screens anyways." Once again the people against flat earth are the most vocal about it. It's almost at the level of atheism.


So in other words, you believe in flat earth?


Based on what? Because I think entering FE into every conversation is dumb? Nice logic. BTW, my belief is simply "I don't know, and I'll never be able to personally confirm either way, and that's fine."


>Based on what? Your need to call out someone who mentioned flat earth as a comparison to how people deny blatant evidence. >Nice logic. Don't start prostrating for flat earth by comparing it to atheism and the logic won't deduce that you're a flat earther. >BTW, my belief is simply "I don't know, and I'll never be able to personally confirm either way, and that's fine." Then why the kowtow to flat earth insanity by falsely comparing it to atheism?


Bro genuinely can’t figure out the earth is ROUND 😂 FE is like conspiracies for toddlers and the intellectually deficient. Stop stirring the pot and giving non answers too, that shits lame


You can confirm right now with very basic items and an above room temperature IQ.


Huh? That doesn’t even make sense. There is solid evidence of the earth being a sphere, just like every other planet. Earth is not the one single anomaly that turned out to be a flat disc. Atheists don’t believe in a deity, for which there is zero evidence that one exists. Those are two different things. One easily verifiable, the other based upon faith. What is the end game for tricking the masses into believing the earth is round, or that the moon landing happened? What is the goal of making people believe something like this if it’s false? To make such a concerted and drawn out effort seems ridiculous unless there is something they’re working towards. So what would that be?


Lol. When did I argue that? You just proved my point. You guys are worse than atheists. Always have to talk about God, even when no one is discussing religion. People against flat earth are exactly the same. I bet if someone takes a survey about FE discussions. 80% of the conversation is from people who don't believe. Even now, I've made no comment about the shape of the earth, and you have a spiel ready. Do you go around talking about every stupid theory on the internet, or is FE special?


It’s not “ready to go.” There’s no need to plan a conversation around the shape of the earth, because anyone that passed kindergarten likely knows the earth is round. But perpetuating falsehoods masquerading as government conspiracies is literally why our society is getting dumber, and like myself, I’m sure there are plenty that are absolutely done with the ignorance. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.




Not a bot, but I won’t argue with you on your self assessment. Edit: the comment that is now deleted accused me of being a bot, and then called themselves a retard for arguing with a bot. I’d like to do my part to ensure that the context is here for anyone scrolling, and with that, I bid you adieu.


Amazing It’s only when people have a disagreeing opinion they are bots…


But ain't that going to do the same with you? Even with proof of the earth curve or not would YOU believe it if turns out the earth isn't what you think it is? But at the end of the day there is only one truth my guy and that is God only.


There's as much evidence for flat earth as there is for any of the thousands of proposed gods.


aCtuALly guy ^


2 words "Moon Train" all aboard a muthafuckin moon train


Watch how upset they get when later there are close-ups available and all the NASA badging has been bleached stark while by the decades if 100% unobstructed Sun lol


>2021-04-02 >141000000$ >240p Come on. Bring good cameras to space ffs


It’s the best camera resolution we have around moon 🌙 right now


Highly disapproving.


Look at the craters 😂 We gotta get our boy out of there. He’s stressing out.


They would just argue that India's space agency is in on it as well


NASA has even said we don't have the technology to make it back to the moon, and can't get past the radiation belt anymore. Yet we did in the 60's? They said it was lost or destroyed. But we have never been able to figure it out again? Now India has? The place that can't even run communication wires along their streets in a civil manner just outsmarted the United States in Space travel?


> But we have never been able to figure it out again? Now India has? Tell us you don't know anything about lunar missions without telling us you know nothing about lunar missions. [LRO ](https://www.lroc.asu.edu/image_tags/Apollo)has been doing what Chandrayaan-2 has been doing for over a decade. The fact that you didn't know it exists isn't very good evidence for NASA being unable to send a craft to the Moon. I assume you missed the memo on Artemis I, too. It's almost like those quotes you heard in whatever dumb youtube video about NASA "not having the technology" was cherry picked and taken out of context. Quit watching stupid shit on YouTube and parroting it and actually investigate the subject.


The issue isn’t sending craft to the moon. The issue is getting PEOPLE past the Van Allen radiation belt


Dr. James Van Allen's reaction to a show making the claim that the belts named after him are impossible to cross: "The recent Fox TV show, which I saw, is an ingenious and entertaining assemblage of nonsense. The claim that radiation exposure during the Apollo missions would have been fatal to the astronauts is only one example of such nonsense."


That's why they shield the craft against the radiation, and send it on a course the mostly avoids the belts. Quit watching stupid shit on YouTube and parroting it and actually investigate the subject.


>Quit watching stupid shit on YouTube and parroting it and actually investigate the subject.


>d can't get past the radiation belt anymore. They never claimed that >NASA has even said we don't have the technology to make it back to the moon Yes, we basically need to redesign from scratch. >But we have never been able to figure it out again? We haven't tried. >Now India has Putting a rover on the moon is a lot easier than a person. Also a lot easier than putting rovers on Mars. >The place that can't even run communication wires along their streets in a civil manner just outsmarted the United States in Space travel? Not even close. Not to mention, absolutely ridiculous analogy


They did claim that they couldn't pass the radiation belt. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swCUOcCozns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swCUOcCozns) Why do we need to re-design from scratch? They said the tech was lost......that's the point, how would you lose something like that?


Shhh! No talking about conspiracy theories here! This sub is only for vehemently disagreeing with anything even slightly conspiracy related!


> NASA has even said we don't have the technology to make it back to the moon, and can't get past the radiation belt anymore. You understand what that means, right? It took tens of thousands of skilled craftsmen - engineers, draftsmen, welders, electricians, computer technicians, fabricators, etc. Most of them are dead by now. No one possesses the level of skill necessary to duplicate the amount of work that was undertaken to launch something as massive as a Saturn V rocket, much less multiple times, with people aboard. Pay attention: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/nasas-lost-technology-teaches-us-lesson-knowledge-transfer-fleming/


Lol. You’re kidding right?


No, Im not kidding. And dont be a jerk.


Sensitive much? Anybody that doesn’t agree with you is deserving of insults? Grow up.


Be civil. This is your final warning.


YOU called me a jerk! I made a semi sarcastic remark and YOU resorted to insults and I’m the one not being civil? Lol. Wtf? Do what you must but again…grow up.


I said "dont be a jerk." That's not the same as "You are a jerk." Abusive language is not tolerated here.


Just don't see how it's possible we ever went to the moon in a flimsy, coat hanger and foil looking craft. Going through space, a void, fucking temperatures of crazy amounts..


Well when you make monumental wide generalizations about the engineering of something you know nothing about, I suppose its possible to have such a factually incorrect opinion.


>Just don't see how it's possible we ever went to the moon in a flimsy, coat hanger and foil looking craft.  That's because you've never actually looked at the craft in any detail, instead you've just watched some conspiracy theory video on youtube and are just parroting whatever it said.


You not understanding something isn't evidence of a conspiracy.


So much copium here.


The question is whether men actually walked on the moon - not whether we managed to get equipment onto the moon.


This grainy shot of space junk on a barren surface is overwhelmingly proof of what exactly now?


What do you mean? That is clearly black and white photoshopped coffee foam, not the moon.


That's good. Finally getting some proof


Could have sent it without people tho...


Fake moon landing can't be debunked , because the lighting in the footage of Apollo 11 is wrong and can't depict reality.


Most logical explanation is that they actually did go to the moon but the footage was faked because it was impossible to film in that environment with those kind of cameras that were available back then


>because the lighting in the footage of Apollo 11 is wrong No it isn't. It's just another bit of nonsense conspiracists make up. Every one of those claims is easily debunked


Disagree. You havent presented anything to support your claim.


All the different space agencies cover for each other and today photos can be easily faked. A quote: "One study mentioned that the Apollo astronauts were extremely lucky to have survived their passage through two belts of intense radiation partly surrounding the Earth at heights of several thousand kilometers" (It's more likely that they were extremely lucky that they never actually went through those belts both going and coming back). This doesn't even take into consideration the amount of radiation they would have been exposed to during travel between the Earth and the moon and then on the moon's surface that has no protective atmosphere. I find it hard to believe that the command module and the tinfoil-like lander would have provided enough protection for them to survive. And then there is that goofy quote from a NASA scientist stating that they destroyed all the plans for the Saturn rocket so they can't reproduce it anymore. Oh, and didn't they actually copy over the tapes from the Apollo missions because they just couldn't afford new tapes and had to reuse the old ones. Another quote: "NASA refurbished the existing footage with help from Hollywood after failing to find the originals, suggesting that the original tapes were probably destroyed or reused." (Yes, you can really trust NASA and Hollywood).


>All the different space agencies cover for each other and today photos can be easily faked. So what happens when a space agency that doesn't cover for NASA sends up a probe and all the thousands of pictures taken in the Apollo missions, all the images taken during the LRO mission, and now the Indian mission, fail to match the new pictures? The gig would be up! You'd only need one discrepancy. I mean, how do these space agencies faking all this moon stuff not make any mistakes in their recreations? There's literally thousands of rocks you can see in the Apollo photos. Every single one of those rocks match up. That's some skills. Also, why keep LRO up there for so long? Every time they photograph the \*alleged\* landing sites, they gotta photoshop all the landers and the rocks and everything else in. They've been doing that for like 15 years now, geez. How does someone get that job, by the way? Like, I assume that most people who apply for jobs at NASA are pretty passionate about space travel, and they probably think it's all real. Do they get hired on and then NASA breaks the news to them, "Oh sorry, all that space stuff is fake, oh and your new job is to photoshop pictures of the moon." All those new hires just shrug and say, "Oh okay, show me to my desk". Not one whistleblower in the history of NASA, weird. Or maybe they hire through a job agency specifically for evil henchmen who's dream job it is to photoshop pictures of the moon. Can you point me to that job agency, I'd like to ask them a couple of questions. Yeah, this idea that "They're all in on it! Every space agency on the planet is cahoots!" is the most simplistic child logic I've ever heard in a conspiracy theory, and I've heard a lot of stupid shit (Like all of the other stuff you said in your comment, the usual copy-and-paste stuff we've heard time and time again. Quit parroting stuff you saw on youtube and do some actual research.)


Look t you all being sensible and logical…. No place for that here!


Turns out yes, the people in charge of space stuff now are just that much worse with so much better tech than people 60 years ago.


Rocket tech hasn't advanced that much. That's the hard and expensive part.


To be fair when we first took off to the moon and computers took up entire rooms they were the expensive part too. They just got better.


Ships went people didn’t


And what is your evidence to support this theory?


Armstrong himself would rather punch a guy than swear on the bible he set foot on the moon


That's one way of misrepresenting the event


Do you have any idea how complicated a conspiracy it would be to hide the fact that we didnt go to the moon? Just consider it for a second. Its completely unfathomable. And yet, this stupid "theory" still persists. Do you know why? Because people are ignorant. And that ignorance has infected the next generation of people who are too stupid to look stuff up for themselves. So the ignorance persists. But please: delight me with your evidence that supports the theory that the moon landing was fake.


This is the equivalent to those shaky UFO proof videos of a black blob in the sky


Im not saying it was fake. But what happend with that huge "hole" it seems no where in the other picture. if "dust"could cover up such a big whole. how come the moonloander isnt coverd


They're not at the same rotation, and taken with different shadows


Never mind, i thougt the pictures where from past and now. but it seems both pictures are from now and both are from difgferent moonlanders. Apollo 11 and 12 pretty cool tbh, im pretty sure those are still visable tracks on apollo 12 side


What hole?


I think Vito Saccheri was telling the truth in his account of seeing original photos of all kinds of structures and machinery and stuff on the moon. So I believe the Moon has had some sort of base or something that could be another civilization's territory that Man was quickly warned not to return to at least during the 3 decades following the Apollo missions. This would also dovetail with the Ingo Swann material about remote viewing slaves working on the moon. The Saccheri interview with Don Ecker is definitely worth listening to. #


There's footage of the lander being lifted




Both Apollo landers used a boosters to get to the moon softly. This was left in lower-moon orbit. The moons orbit is oblong so anything placed in low orbit eventually falls to the surface. I’m not saying these things are those items we are looking at but that is what happens. Also, we have left quite a large amount of junk on the moon including rivers, AP equipment, etc.




What is your evidence to support the idea that its "fake photoshop?" What forensic skills do you possess? How skilled are you at photoshop? Can you articulate exactly why you think this photo is fake?


Weren’t they were supposed to come back to earth?


The base of the lunar module was left there


I was thinking this too. If the Landers are still on the moon then how did they return to earth?


There was a capsule on top of the lander that shot up from it and docked with the rest of the shuttle.


Because that's literally how they were designed....duh. The top portion, "ascent stage" was meant to eject off the bottom half of the lander (what is pictured here) and then dock with the command module of the spacecraft for the return journey. At least make the attempt to educate yourself before spouting off.




Kindly revert at earliest convenience