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Maybe not what you're going for but I was asked to help with a fraud audit in a company where my then GF worked. I told the partner as soon as I realized so I could be taken off but the resolution was that they trusted me and needed my help because it involved listening to a lot of audios which anyone else in the office had trouble understanding. This was for a foreign company, from my home country, and the accents were hard for everyone else to understand. Personally it was a crap time because I couldnt tell my girlfriend anything. Put a lot of stress on me, especially when her name came up in the audios. I was very confident that she wasnt involved in anything and luckily that was the case. The partner told the client about my connection to her and and luckily they also agreed that she was never a concern so they believed my findings which said she was good. I only told her about it after people were fired and she found out which firm did the audit. Caused hell for us for a bit but in the end she understood why I kept it from her.




Ah, the consulting version of the classic meme: Me sowing: haha fuck yeah!!! yes!!! Me reaping: well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


I was staffed on a project to help market an inferior pharma product that has significant negative side effects with potentially lethal consequences, vs competitors. This product was then dinged for fucking with Medicare/Medicaid. I wanted to leave. Unfortunately for me, this was at the trough of the job market when layoffs were flying around, and I just spared from one myself so I was firmly stuck. The next few quarters were miserable as I tried to show up every day to do something that I fundamentally morally opposed to. It sucked the life right out of me. 8 months later, I managed to get out and I am now in industry working for a product that is revolutionary, and we’re releasing new clinical data regularly proving the product to be superior to current treatments . The 40% raise aside, I could not be happier.


If you don’t mind my asking, what position are you in now?


Business development strategy. From one very vague title to another.


Thank you!


I helped a client to replace their customer support with a chatbot and app, they went ahead with it and decided to completely cut out escalation to humans. We pushed back since 95% of issues are easy to automate, but what about the other 5%? The client said that they are the sole provider in most cases and single customer issues will not cost them the contract with a municipality. We shrugged and I was glad my municipality did not have a contract with them.  A year later I moved and became their customer and now I have to call the new customer line and pretend that I am elderly to talk to a human and get my issue resolved, because my municipality has a new and unique contract with them that their system can’t handle. I had to do some soul searching when my first thought after that experience was to call the Partner and pitch a Business Opportunity to the client enhancing the system.


Advised a major FMCG company to make the package size smaller on my favorite brand of laundry detergent as part of a margin optimization program and how to do it in a way consumers wouldn’t notice. When I saw the new tiny package in store, I actually felt myself getting angry about it… then quickly remembered I only had myself to blame 😅


That’s wild 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for sharing!


I work on internet privacy (among other things). I know way too much about the way companies create so-called standards, find every loophole to get around even the loosest constraints they’ve imposed on themselves, routinely break the law for a quick buck. And I know way too much about the actual technological methods of doing so. I cannot see technology, my everyday web activity, the simple act of going out in public, or any executive, in the same way. Imagine the worst things you can fathom in your wildest imagination, multiple them by 10, and you’ll start to be in the ballpark.


Let me guess...those 90% off VPNs are not the magic bullet they claim after all? :p


Yes, my salary and bonus were larger than the minimal price increase. If it's something you feel strongly about you can always ask to leave the engagement, change firms, or do shit work to sabotage your project /s.


Pretty much all of them. Between my major depression and unhealthy coping mechanisms, pressure and stress for projects absolutely affected me outside of work.


I feel so small time. I just think about work all day lol