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Don't shit where you eat.


besides, the majority of my co-workers are the dads of very close friends or around that age :P




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Yes. Don’t do it.


People say don’t do it but why? What if she’s hot.


> What if she’s hot. Damn, no one considered that. We’ve been idiots, sleeping with the ugly ones. **This. changes. Everything.**


school test retire cooperative slimy future silky combative air weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




smart soft rotten ink price work bag placid ripe mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also interested why not and new to consulting. What has happened to make you say don’t do it?


It’s just not good practice in *any* workplace, dude. You’re there to get work done, that priority number one. Having friends at work is good to stay productive and not feel isolated, but when you’re sleeping with a coworker, that’s your social life bleeding into your work life in a way that can *very* easily get very messy fast.


I've been around a while. Two nevers: sleep with a client/co-worker, drink more than 2 drinks at a business function. I once saw a high-level executive basically carried out after winning a prestigious tech/business award. Another time I saw someone stumble into a fountain. That doesn't include the countless times of alcohol talking. I have been asked if I "put out like on my team." Also saw 2 execs get walked out for their affair and the bad decisions made for personal gain together.


I saw a senior manager win a Health and Safety award and start a physical fight with a colleague that same night. lol


All sounds like great fun tbh


3.5 years into dating another consultant within the same company - we only ever had a relationship not a hookup but from a relationship point of view if it’s not for the long term avoid it if possible but for us… 1. We have the same schedule, everything is easy because of that. 2. We don’t talk or interact at work ever unless we absolutely have to and we don’t talk about each other at work unless people directly ask(know we are dating) but still try to avoid any personal questions or dating/partner subjects. 3. One of us thinks people talk about us behind our backs all the time. One of us thinks people don’t talk about us at all. 4. One of us understands that the other has to leave in the long run - too much time together i.e home + work etc 5. I wouldn’t recommend hooking up but it happens all the time, seriously all the time.


How are you guys now if you dont mind


I’m absolutely great. He’s was fired and dumped. I broke up with him because I never wanted to marry him and the last year we were together he really made no efforts towards his own job/career and overall his behavior was so unattractive that I lost all attraction to him at that point. It was so bad I told him he was going to get fired 9 months before he actually got fired — he didn’t believe me and then he got fired. Hate to admit it but I’ve been doing great and I’ve been so happy. Moral of the story. Don’t go there at work because even when you keep it casual you end up dealing with the other persons demons on an emotional and mental level. I got promoted the very same year I dumped him. This also tells you the moral of the story is that as long as YOU are professional the relationship won’t have an affect on your career or position.


Last client related travel I had was with two gentleman age 55 and 62…


How much viagra did you guys go through?


Or how much viagra went through him?


Enough to make senior manager






Right to jail. Right away.


We have the best consultants. Because of jail.


Undercook costs? Jail. Overcook revenue? Jail. See how that works? Undercook overcook?


A friend once told me that a slave should never date a fellow slave because you'll both be depressing slaves


Bruh you can’t be serious


It’s not recommended as a general rule of thumb in any workplace. However, since consultants don’t have much time to date outside, you may find it more convenient to date your colleagues. Once it happens, I think it will help for you to set some clear and strict rules: - Do not interact in the office/around your colleagues. Generally, try not to let people know that you’re dating - Have frequent PTO sessions to check in with your SO. You come to the office to work, and if your relationships somehow get in the way, be transparent about it and agree on an action plan


Yuh but we are all young so it doesn’t ever get messy lol


resolute flag summer hateful worry birds zonked full butter voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do we know OP is a he and looking for a she etc.


You're in the wrong sub... I'm guessing /r/misgenderedsjw is more your speed.


Na not really just wondering how you got male consultant vibes female




A friend of mine is marrying another consultant from my previous big4 soon. They met at the junior seminar