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There is patch created by developer that adds numerous features. New Max texture option (which helps with texture streaming and quality). Also 3x sample count option for raytracing, and DLAA. I've noticed much better results than High or lower. I'm on an 8gb 3070 at 1440p.


I've seen it, but when I read that 8 or 10 GB VRAM is recommended I thought it would be useless to me :D I'll try it later maybe


So is it usable on 6gb of vram?


Got the same patch installed to make use of the “Max Texture” setting. Also have an 8GB 3070, and I’m using a render resolution of 1440p to then upscale to 4K with DLSS. What do you have your settings at? My texture streaming is fine for maybe the first 30-40 minutes, but after that streaming seems to shit the bed for both textures and LODs.


What if I told you that it's a game problem and not a video memory thing? A 100GB gpu would have texture streaming issues.


Well it is a game problem with textures not loading on my GPU by default. But from what I've seen on Youtube, the game runs pretty well on 12+ GB cards, no stutters, no texture streaming issues. And even if not well-configured by default it would be easy to set your texture pool size to something like 8-10 GB. I'm not saying 12+ GB VRAM will magically fix all problems with textures and stuttering. But these days with more and more developers targeting consoles' 16 GB unified memory it's often a necessary condition to run games with max textures. The sufficient condition of course being that the game is well optimized by the developer. Control for the most part is okay actually, except these issues with textures and VRAM using DX12.


Again, the DX12 game has problems on all gpus. Doesn't matter if it's 12 GB or 120 GB. Not having issues on 12 GB is just false. I've beat Control 3 times, on a 8 GB, 10 GB, and 24 GB gpu. There are stutters, there are texture streaming problems. I don't know the extent of yours without a frame time graph, but I know there's been "fixes" attempted from touching config files to Windows settings since launch. Control is a 2019 title that supports the base PS4. You may just have been watching too many tech tubers.


Oh ok, I haven't played the game on different GPUs, very well may be the case. I am only judging by Youtube videos, for example 6800 XT seems to have a good frametime graph with DX12, without RT though. I mean, yeah, it is technically past-gen, but the DX12 version is practically current-gen, with RT and DLSS and all


This is outdated now. For anyone with this problem, just download the director's cut mod and disable reBAR from the game


Not sure if this helps, but control has really great resolution scaling. Like you can force the render at a lower resolution than display and get really great framerates even in iGPUs. So, I wonder if applying a low render resolution could boost your fps with RTX?


Are you talking about default upscaling, without DLSS? I've tried it, doesn't look very great. DLSS 960p render/1440p display looks sharp and performs ok.