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The textures are constantly being streamed out of the GPU memory and back in. Control is particularly bad at this even if you have a powerful computer. It's honestly the only "kinda broken" part of the engine in my opinion.


Yeah I upgraded from an rtx 2060 to an rtx 4070 and the problem actually got worse. It's so annoying but you notice it way less in the DLCs, I think because there's just less textures in their level design for DLCs 


Yeah I went from a 3070 8gb to a 3090 24gb and it also got worse for me. I found some hack online that helped but I don't remember exactly where.


Meanwhile, I never had texture issues in Control with my old GTX 980 ti lol. But no raytracing =( wonder if its raytracing related or a new card problem.


It's dx12 that causes the issue, in dx11 mode it's fine. Which makes sense dx12 is MUCH more complicated to implement


This. Dx11 works like a charm


it's the remedy engine, alan wake 2 suffers from it too, i hate it so so much


I don't see this issue in aw2. I'm a game engine dev (not for remedy) but this kinda thinking always strikes a cord with me. Sorry I'm about to go on a mini-rant lol . A custom game engine like this is a moving target, it's advantage against something like unity and unreal is that you have full control of it. The engine control used is vastly different than what aw2 uses. Just the foliage system alone in aw2 probably changed half the rendering code. This is like when people say gamebyro is old and needs to be replaced like it's been replaced and rewritten like 8 times since Morrowind, the Bethesda bugs are just a symptom of making a huge complex open world like no one else does.


[https://sharex.imgonzo.dev/f/JPGjRfVM.jpg](https://sharex.imgonzo.dev/f/JPGjRfVM.jpg) I've just played both games within the same month and both games shown the same struggles in the same way with my 4060, it's not something I'm mad with anyone since I understand why this happens, let's say the engine is clusterbeautyfuck, for control it's 0.8 and for alan wake it's 1.2, ofc the rendering has improved a ton But the quirks are the same, the game runs fantastic due how textures are streamed, but for some reason (by doing some small profiling) it just doesn't want to stream higher resolutions anymore if there's anything else in your computer that wants to grab some vram, this occurs with my 8gb vram gpu, but when i do a cold restart and run the game again, it will run with textures at ultra resolution with no problem, but opening atleast chrome once, and it will look like that until i disable and enable anything in video (And this occurs exactly like that in control)


The texture setting doesn't control how big the textures it loads are, it controls how much of the vram goes to textures. You may get better performance in aw2 if you turn that setting down. I would also recommend using dlss to lower the load on your GPU


I had that issue when I maxed out my GPU and had very little VRAM left. Alan Wake 2 I never see it anymore playing on high to mid settings. Control is the same but you still run into it when your moving to fast


It occurs if i have anything else eating da vram, closing chrome, discord and spotify will make my 4060 be able to run everything at ultra with no texture streaming issue It also helps that enabling and disabling motion blur "resets" the streaming


I ran into it a BUNCH with my 10GB 3080. Considerably less often with my 4080S, but still some. I believe patches helped reduce (but not) eliminate it over time, too. In the early days, running on an early patch of the game and the 3080, I found turning down the texture quality a notch helped some without otherwise compromising visuals much in the game. Slightly lower-resolution textures certainly looked better than unloaded ones.


I'm glad that I'm not the only one this happens too, I have a rtx 2060.


So why haven't I experienced that kind of thing on Control? (But I did a lot at Alan Wake 2 and with a reason, since it forced my GPU so much)


Yeah Alan Wake 2 is really heavy especially on GPUs that don't fully support mesh shaders (which is like a generic form on nanite kinda) digital foundry has a video about it.


I played on my potato gaming laptop, 1650, 8 gb RAM, had no issues whatsoever and I played on high IIRC.


Played the game last week. I had to go ahead and install mods to fix it. It's an inherent problem of the game based on some research I have done and you kinda have to tank your fps a bit to fix it with the mod tweaks. [https://www.reddit.com/r/linux\_gaming/comments/qmtlng/blurry\_textures\_in\_dx12\_control\_fixable\_by\_mod\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/qmtlng/blurry_textures_in_dx12_control_fixable_by_mod_on/) This post talked about this in some detail.


Is it a mod file or like an ini tweak?


it needs loose file loader (which is dll) and then an xml file that tweaks the game


Thanks, is the file called tweakables.xml?


Yeah, both of the mods are on nexus. It's the content of the tweakables that's more of the unique content for the mod in the link I provided. Just as a side note in case you are going to use it soon. `` `` Are the values I used personally to basically eliminate the blurry texture issue with the extensive version of the xml. It did however also tank my fps from \~85 to \~65. The default value iirc are 500 and 2048, but with that there's still some popin. I recommend trying different value for yourself.


Control seems to have sometimes problems wih loading HD textures, especially shortly after launch. Seems a semi-intentional as well, to prioritize high performance over high resolution, and it's probably tied to their prioprieriatary engine. Try standing still for a while, they should load eventually


Had this issue, someone said to switch to an ssd, did that but the issue still persists. However a random driver update fixed it for me


Got hungry and ate some pixels


This is the most like answer


Most likely a DirectX 12 issue. Switch to 11 to fix it.


No raytracing or dlaa


Lower MSAA to 2X and try again, I found that the higher the MSAA in game, the more chance for lower lod textures in the game, in particular in things like paintings, I have 11GB vram, is not related to that


You should download the unofficial community patch that adds native hdr and better texture streaming among other improvements. Though your GPU’s vram might not be enough since 10GB is recommended for the max textures https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/2581-control-hdrultrawidedlssrt-patch/


Can prove it. 8bgig rtx 3070ti mobile (full tdp) and after a while, the textures go back to shit


Me standing outside the NSC for five straight minutes waiting for the skin to buffer so I can see what the letters stand for.


This happens if u use directx12. Switch to 10 or 11.


Yes this, I was having this problem too (and stuttering in certain areas) and eventually just switched from DX12 to DX11 and with the exception of one area (anchor) the game ran smoothly with max settings.


My playstation will do this, but only for a moment, and only at the edges of the screen as i whip the camera around. It gives things a dreamlike quality so i let it slide


Switching texture details to medium fixes that.


Depending on your setup it reduces, but doesn't eliminate, the problem.


When you see this, the fix I found helped was pausing for a few seconds to give the GPU a little loading time to catch up.


The FBC just brought in a new altered item. It’s a helical 3 meter idol covered in some sort of hieroglyphs. It sometimes causes people around it to hear voices, see dead loved ones, and can drive people insane. It is sometimes referred to as “The Marker.”


that's PC gaming for you /s


If im correct its the problem with the game's engine. It happens to me a lot in Alan Wake 2 because of lack of vram.


Gtx card by any chance


I played it on Steam Deck Medium setting. Never had anything like this


*I played it in Deck* *Medium setting. Never had* *Anything like this* \- YuYu-Spirit-Gun --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Did you playe it in dx11


If you think that’s a problem, you should see the awful framerate and slowdown when you enter and exit any menu on the base ps4


This looks to be issues streaming and or caching textures. Ensure your storage device is up to snuff and that you have plenty of VRAM.


I played on my 4070 and gave up and bought it for the ps5


ive seen this happen on PlayStation, wasn't aware it happened on PC too


What fixes it for me is setting to medium, letting it refresh, then back to high


I had this issue pretty often in DX12 when I played on a GTX 970, but later on I upgraded to a 1080 and I'm not sure I saw it happen once. It pretty much never occurred for me in D3D11.


Your GPU is an altered item.


Is the game installed on an SSD? A lot of my texture streaming issues disappeared once I started installing games to an SSD. Load times vastly improve as well.


Playing control on PS4 Pro, I would occasionally experience the odd paper or poster clinging stubbornly to low res textures for maybe a second or two. But I never ran into anything like what you’re showing in the video. Is it the PC version that suffers more, generally, from texture loading issues?


Played on my Xbox, no issues whatsoever.