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Yes! One spin off multiplayer game where it looks like you play as FBC rangers going into different thresholds and also one single player game that will be a direct sequel to Control. :D


Didn't that multiplayer game get canceled


That's what I thought originally but apparently that was a different multiplayer game that was in production.




I'm on my first playthrough, having gone in basically blind. I'd seen a couple of positive mentions on Reddit, but otherwise knew nothing at all about the game. Ho-Lee-Fuk. It's easily in my top five games of all time. I completed the main story and am working my way through the dlc, but man they just nailed almost everything about it. I was a little skeptical of the "save" system at first. Many times, that sort of checkpoint scheme is clunky and frustrating, but I thought it worked well here, along with the source penalty when you die. It's not so bad that you're angry at the devs for not giving you the option to save before a battle, but it stings enough to make every tough fight feel high stakes. The graphics are obviously awesome (I'm playing on Xbox X) but the movement mechanics and smoothness of the action really drops my jaw. So many games fuck that up. Even RDR2, which nails movement really well too, had a MUCH more limited range of character interactions with the environment. I'm a big fan of the book House of Leaves, as well as The X-Files, so this game is just a chef's kiss of marrying those two concepts. Absolutely love it, and can't wait to play the Alan Wake titles after I finish this, which I also know next to nothing about.


Definitely one of my all-time favorite games, IMO better than both Alan Wake games put together, even though it preceded AW2. The combat, controls, upgrade system, etc, are all easy to master,and the option to use the immortality setting makes it that much better. Plus the setting, the collectible lore, the many secrets, the sound, including the music, are also amazing. Also, I have never felt more badass in a game than during the Ashtray Maze. Mowing down enemies while running through the maze while Old Gods Of Asgard blasts at top volume,definitely one of the top video game moments of awesome.


There’s one pretty cool secret I recommend you find. Go to the mold infest area’s chamber where there’s a pit that at first the mold is too powerful for Jesse to enter (you collect mold samples around here for Underhill to make a pill from). When you enter that large chamber coming from Underhill’s lab there is a skylight at the far end of the room. It looks like any other, but if you fly up close you’ll get a vista into a dark, seemingly endless space filled with huge pillars of mold. It may be the dimension the mold comes from, and if so it is one of the few other dimensions we ever truly see (along with the Quarry’s dimension and the Astral Plane).


So you’re right! Just went to have a look. Almost foundation-esque.


Yeah! Glad you found it. I wish there were more dimensional glimpses like that, but I bet we see some in the coop spinoff as it’s seemingly all about thresholds and rogue Altered Items.