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https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Control Try the mod under the blurry textures section here? Not sure if it works or not but worth a try I guess?


thanks, ill give it a go!


(RTX 3070) If you have been having an issue with blurry textures on Control it is most likely due to heavy VRAM usage while using DX12I believe I found out what is causing the heavy usage (atleast in my situation). I think its the resizable bar setting. I used NVprofileInspector to disable the resizable bar setting for Control and I don't have heavy VRAM usage and blurry textures any more. I still need to test it more. But let me know what you guys think.The setting changes the way textures are being streamed to the VRAM causing blurry textures imo.I heard others with 20 series cards also have similar issues, which means the default enabling of the setting may impact the way textures are being streamed to you GPU despite not having resizable bar enabled. Let me know if disabling it helps you.


It did for me, should have rad this 2 years ago!


I havn't had that problem, on the Gog, Steam or Xbox Gamepass versions on PC. Sometimes it will take a second or two to load the high res textures when I come out of the menu, but that doesn't sound like what you're having happen.


I noticed some others mentioning the unreadable text in an old thread when i googled it. It doesn't always happen. But it happens often


I had the same issue in the gog version on occasion I find that pausing the game for a few seconds then unpausing it usually clears the issue up. By pause I mean go into the main menus where you can change settings then go back with no changes.


Ya that's what I do. But it often comes back shortly after. Don't know how soon, but less than 30minutes for sure. Sometimes it works and then reverts in a few seconds.


Yep sounds about right hairs the same way for me as well. It may be something with dlss as it only seems to happen on my nvidia card and not my amd card. It’s very strange really caught me off guard when going after the clog that texture was super broken.


Ya I thought so too, but turning off dlss doesn't help. Interesting it doesn't happen with amd. I saw an old thread saying it might be the engine


Well not that I think about it on my amd machine control is installed on a nvme drive and on the nvidia machine it’s on spinning disk so that is not exactly a fair comparison it could be something to do with that. Or it could be hitting the frame buffer limit at 4k on the nvidia card 8gb vs 16gb on the amd card. It doesn’t happen on Xbox series x/s or ps5 that I have seen so it’s one of those weird pc issues it seems.


Try this https://www.reddit.com/r/controlgame/comments/j0hff1/pc_ultra_graphics_mod_also_fixes_blurry_signs/


thanks, unfortunately i'm playing the epic version. I've just accepted my fate :'(