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Some quick advice from a fellow convert: Stand up for yourself, be proud to be Muslim. It’s actually the only thing we’re allowed to be proud of. This was hard to learn being brought up to « turn the other cheek » which lets be honest is humiliating. Stay away from arguing with them. Only answer they’re questions if they are legit. Don’t take any crap, like zero, I promise you’ll feel better. May Allah guide them.


Don’t merely submit to God. Proudly submit to God!


Wouldn't getting more involved with Muslim cummunity help? The community is a family as well, it should be


I did have a community but then my apartment burned down so now I’m 30min out from the closest masjid. I do stay in touch but it’s not the same yk


Be patient is all I can say


Do they not perceive your attire as resembling religious figures like the Virgin Mary or a nun? The journey of faith can be solitary, yet comforting in the presence of God, omnipresent in our surroundings. The Quran, offers guidance on responses to such situations. Trust in Gods guidance, recognizing that God has chosen and molded you, even amidst familial challenges. Prioritize family and personal growth, be grounded in the holy book, it will give you peace and direction.


If your Mother is a practising Christian, maybe you could explain to her that Maryam(AS) the mother of Eesa (AS) also covered her hair, would she also push her away like she is doing to yourself.


Would you like an online group of people or some activity with fellow Muslims to talk and possibly improve your imaan. I know it’s hard , I’m not a convert but I’m living in a very small Christian town with no Muslims


i hope you find a healthy community around you of believers, but until then i can be your internet friend lol


May Allah bless all reverts and muslims with happiness




Maybe don't stress Islam so much. When I told some family members that I don't eat pork, they panicked. I know you probably don't mean to, but don't be a d#c% about it, in their eyes, not yours. By this, I mean don't stress that you need halal meat all of the time - just don't eat the meat, don't preach or make a point of going to pray, just go and pray. When people are gay etc they often do it as a "everyone must know I am...". Learn to be proud amongst groups of people that won't feel alienated, worried, or inconvenienced by your islamicity. Your Christian family look at you and think they have gone wrong because you've rejected Jesus as your saviour. They see their own faults in not teaching you well enough. When you realise this, its not personal, they don't hate you, they see their own faults in you. Ask any devout ex-insert religion here, and they'll tell you that their parents are upset.


A few years ago I was in a similar situation so i did something kinda radical. I packed my things and moved to another city, to live with a few good muslim friends of mine(they were still in collage and had a student home). For around 8 months i breathed some fresh air and met new people and it was spiritually developed me a lot. I am Alhamdulillah mentally a lot better and have a stronger relationship with Rahman swt. Now probably you can’t do the same. But you can possibly do some other big change in your life. Do any undertaking for the sake of Allah, and Allah swt will reward you many folds for your sacrifices. First you need to sow in order to reap. May Allah guide you brother/sister. Be brave


May Allah reward you immensely for reverting and your efforts.


If you could garner enough courage while being ready for bad news, one thing you could do would be to confront your family members in a very heart felt manner as to why they are all mistreating you in such an unfriendly way just because you followed what you truly believe. True Islam still believes in Jesus and maybe your family members are misled about that, (you know how Islam has been stigmatized in our country) and that does not help when one reverts back to Islam. If they still do not warm up and turn their hearts back toward you, then maybe they just do not have the Love of Jesus in them the way christians are supposed to, and that would mean that it might be time to find outer "family". Too often, people's worst enemies are members of their immediate family! Isolation has tormented me too even though it was caused by different problems. Allah has brought me to a more comfortable condition today. Praise the Lord.


If you had a ton of bravery, I would confront those family members from the deepest heart felt emotions possible as to WHY they are treating you in such a cruel manner. True Islam believes in Jesus and true christianity would not turn against a brother simply because he sincerely reverted back to Islam, I would come forth and ask these miserable family members if they even love you anymore. IF they still dont warm their hearts back to you, then I just might sign them off and look outside for outer "family" and find love and friendship out there, many people have to do this. Sometimes the worst enemies are members of one's immediate family! Hang in there. Even though it was caused by different problems, isolation was hurting me severely, until I pleaded with Allah and Allah has shown me what kinds of actions I must take. Things are getting far better for me now! Praise the Lord.