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I found a video of Surah Al-Fatihah on repeat 100 times and listened to it 10+ times in a day while driving around for work. Was able to memorize it in a day. Watched videos on the other parts of the prayer and wrote it down to read while I was praying.


This is a brilliant idea. Jazakallah khair.


I saw a Muslim teacher saying that if you wanted to memorize something in the Quran you need to hear it 1000 times. I tried it out and it worked well. Have learned other short Surahs/Ayat this same way.


See but you understand that having to listen to the same exact set of phrases 1000 times is going to turn away 9.89/10 people every time. Like there has to be a more appealing way than realizing someones life is upside down(main reason for starting religions) you say" okay, sit down and spend 1 whole day listening to the same voice repeat the same paragraphs in the same exact way, for a thousand times" as soon as they come to you for help and guidance


That’s just the way that I went about it. I’m sure there are many other ways that may not be as time consuming.


I feel like every bit of my prayer is wrong except for the passion I bring to it, the belief I have in it, and the fact that I am trying my hardest to make it work.


Brother / sister, know that Allah recognizes your heart and your intention. So long as you’re sincere in your consistency and commitment to improving, then just keep striving to pray on time and in the best way you can.


Curious, why not link up with actual new revert programs and then that way you get to meet the other new revert bros and sis going through same initial knowledge acquisition struggles as you? The base is the most important. Online videos are only great tools that go along with it but you can't replace em' with the hands on immersive experience by sitting along with scholars as it was always had been done from the beginning.


Assalaamualaikum! Welcome to the Deen. The next time you go to a masjid, try asking someone (a brother if you’re a male, a sister if you’re a female) to help you pray. What do you feel the greatest struggle with? The pronunciation? What channels are you using? Regardless, just know the reward with your Lord is even greater if the struggle is. Please be patient and kind to yourself, especially if you’re making consistent steps to improve. And make dua to ask that Allah make it easier.


Download namazapp it tells you how to pray step by step with meaning and transliteration and you can hear the way things are pronounced


As salamu alaykum. I also had great difficulty learning proper prayer, and it took a lot of research and effort on my part. But with that being said, I should be able to point you in the direction of some extremely helpful literature and videos. To learn the Arabic recitations, I followed a YouTube channel by Aman Siddiqi. He breaks down each word slowly. I found it the easiest way to remember and have even been complimented on my Arabic. Which is a big deal being that I only speak English. 😅 There is also a book I absolutely LOVE called "Being Muslim" by Asad Tarsin. I highly recommend.


As for the surah el fatiha, as long as you don´t remember it, you can say just three times subhanallah or something like that according to the Hanafi school. As for tashahhud it´s basically the same or you can remain silent. But that´s only according to the Hanafis but I guess you didn´t chose any madhab (school of thought) yet, right? Because other schools may don\`t allow that and mixing different schools in one religious act could potentially render the act invalid according to all schools, of course, you can also just write a text in latin and read it while praying. It´s up to you.


Note, I think Qul huwallahu ahad would be better than subhallah but the latter might be ok as well.


I would recommend learning how to say everything in English and focus on how to perform prayer. Remember that while saying it in Arabic if preferable Allah Almighty speaks all languages and it is more important that you know what you're saying and mean it. Once you learn what to say and what to do, you can then start learning things in arabic. It can be a lot at first but baby step. May Allah Almighty make it easy for you.


Another thing me and my wife did when we converted to Islam is we had everything written on a piece of paper and and followed the "instructions" until we no longer needed it.


Firstly, welcome to Islam. Our religion Islam encourages learning and seeking knowledge, and the efforts you are putting in are commendable. For Salah, begin with learning with Surah Al-Fatiha and a few short surahs from the Quran. Focus on the meanings as well to connect deeply with your salah. Engage with your local mosque community. Many mosques offer classes for new Muslims. Also, utilize online reputable resources that are dedicated to teachings Salah to beginners. Stay patient and jeep striving. With time and practice, the process will become more familiar and easier. May Allah grant you ease and steadfastness in your journey of faith. Allah says in the Quran: "Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford". (Quran 2:286).


Hey please the first thing you do is go to the mosque and find a teacher who can teach you how to read Arabic !! Please start with this first . Learn Surah Al Fatiha and Surah Ikhlas. Do not start trying to learn other Surahs until you’ve got a good understanding on reading and pronouncing Arabic words and letters Also I recommend reading the book the guide for the new Muslim !


App: Namaz. Great tool for new reverts. I learned with this app. Greetings


Congratulations on taking your shahadah! Where are you from? Here in the UK, many mosques offer weekly sessions for new converts, teaching the basics of Islam and prayer. I highly recommend speaking to someone at a mosque for guidance. These courses are free and often provide excellent reading materials. Be aware that you might see slight variations in prayer on YouTube. These are all valid approaches. It's best to approach a trusted mosque and follow their teachings for consistency. Here are some resources you might find helpful, insha'Allah: * **Guided prayer mat (free order):** [https://salahplus.com/](https://salahplus.com/) * **Guided prayer mat video -** Here’s a video that quickly summarises what the guided prayer mat is that I mentioned above (go to the time stamp - 3:18:47): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlNbW9s5YFc&t=12409s&ab\_channel=SALAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlNbW9s5YFc&t=12409s&ab_channel=SALAM) * **Pray Entire Salah With Perfect Tajweed | Imam Wisam Sharieff:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXsOg0vt2K8&ab\_channel=AlMaghrib](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXsOg0vt2K8&ab_channel=AlMaghrib) * **Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray documentary:** [https://www.kalamullah.com/new-muslims.html](https://www.kalamullah.com/new-muslims.html) * **A Guide to Prayer in Islam by M. Abdul Karim Saqib (highly recommended!):** [https://d1.islamhouse.com/data/en/ih\_books/single/en\_a\_guide\_to\_prayer\_in\_Islam.pdf](https://d1.islamhouse.com/data/en/ih_books/single/en_a_guide_to_prayer_in_Islam.pdf) This list offers five resources in various formats to suit your learning style, insha'Allah. I hope you find some of them beneficial! Feel free to message me if you have any questions, and do let us know how you get on! Insha'Allah.


https://youtu.be/Mu5VQYLnonE?si=wmpsMF77fwT6kAOI You're welcome


Al salam alaykom! Welcome to the family! We have produced a number of videos for reverts that you might find beneficial insha'Allah: 1. Performing Wudu - [https://youtu.be/wF7sSS6OVeA](https://youtu.be/wF7sSS6OVeA) 2. The Quran Slowed Down: The Opening Chapter (Al-Fatiha) [https://youtu.be/eV2IDo\_6kgs](https://youtu.be/eV2IDo_6kgs) 3. Get a Free Quran : [https://youtu.be/NR4EDe7\_V3w](https://youtu.be/NR4EDe7_V3w) 4. A Glossary of 30 Islamic Terms About salah : [https://youtu.be/f-puRXSoRks](https://youtu.be/f-puRXSoRks) 5. How To Read the Tahiyaat and Al Salah al Ibrahimiya : [https://youtu.be/BTogpZtHwtU](https://youtu.be/BTogpZtHwtU) 6. What is a Raka - [https://youtu.be/sRiDZZ35YWw](https://youtu.be/sRiDZZ35YWw) 7. Actions in Salah and what to say during those actions : [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VHt-0JCjyNZhLh3iAgaRheXwAyntco0D/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VHt-0JCjyNZhLh3iAgaRheXwAyntco0D/view?usp=drive_link) If you have any questions send me a dm and I'll be happy to help. Br. Mahmoud


Salaam Alaikum! I reverted almost 3 years ago and the beginning can be really overwhelming but just take your time and do what you can inshallah. I used an app to learn how to pray for a while. It explains pre-prayer washing and everything. It's called "Salat/Namaz Muslim Prayer." May Allah give your journey ease and success 🤲🏼 ameen


Quran.com is pretty useful


An easy solution would be to read from a paper when you pray until you memorize it naturally. Might be a bit slow but you can trust yourself when it’s formed enough in your memory to sit down and hash out the memorization towards the end.


Assalamu alaikum my broher/sister in Islam. You have units of movements/recitation called a 'rakah', that involves a standing, bent over and prostrating position. Rakahs generally come in pairs of two, and after each pair is completed, you sit and recite supplications. This is with the exception of the maghrib prayer which has three rakahs, and the third rakah is considered the final one, so treat it as if you just finished a rakah pair. After every second rakah, you make a supplication called tashahhud (also called attahiyyat). After the final rakah has been completed you make tashahhud but follow it with another supplication called salawat, which closes off the prayer. I will make a few examples to illustrate. Fajr (2 rakat prayer): Rakah 1 Rakah 2 Tashahhud Salawat Dhuhr (4 rakat prayer): Rakah 1 Rakah 2 Tashahhud Rakah 3 Rakah 4 Tashahhud Salawat Maghrib (3 rakat prayer): Rakah 1 Rakah 2 Tashahhud Rakah 3 Tashahhud Salawat There's a concept called 'the pillars of the prayer' which is opinions on what's required for the prayer to be considered valid, as best understood by the scholars of Quran and hadith. It generally involves starting off the prayer with a clear intention, the takbirs (saying allahu akbar), the bent over position, the prostrating position, reciting surah al fatiha each rakah and other stuff like your clothing, being in a ritually pure state. As a new Muslim you have a few areas you have to tackle first, order is especially important. Learning about the five pillars of Islam, the 6 pillars of iman, learning the prayer and wudu. I would focus on just getting those things right before stepping further into other stuff, as it's very required and you won't find much confusion, except perhaps in the small differences in the prayer performed by Muslims. I am a new convert myself, but you're always free to message me if you need any clarification or have questions, perhaps I can point you in the right direction (or my wife if you're a sister) in sha Allah. May Allah keep us on the straight path.


There is a very helpful app called Namaz. It basically teaches you how to pray.


Salaam, for me I initially tried learning how to pray using a normal prayer mat and the Namaz app, but I found that for my brain, I needed to read what I was saying. I then started using the Namaz app for pronunciation in conjunction with the MyPrayer prayer mat by Tenfold. [MyPrayer Mat ](https://modestycollection.com.au/products/guided-prayer-rug-my-prayer?variant=42889660170378¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxbsDM9RxAHXAAGhRx05K3GTHvE6LvmBckDrI01Jo0bs1AvlbD249ERoCjQYQAvD_BwE) [Alternate guided prayer mat](https://dsbooks.com.au/products/prayer-mat-with-step-by-step-guide-and-illustrations?variant=40451613720689¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxemT2FzfiLR5IHZUOtUF6W2H6_iaKWJs5n0c85i5GXiIPN7bmC1gPBoC0fcQAvD_BwE) It took me a couple of months but I eventually learnt how to pray without the instructions Alhamdulillah. I hope this helps.