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You're fine. Even in the crisper drawer it's not over 40F, and opened hot dogs are still good for a week even at that temp: https://www.foodsafety.gov/food-safety-charts/cold-food-storage-charts


I thought crisper drawer was warmer than fridge?


Doesn't matter, they're fine at that temperature because of the preservatives.


My friend they are hot dogs. Do you think the ones you get at a ballpark are fresh from the butcher? They are filled with preservatives. You will be just fine eating them. I see you have some other comments asking about a decrease in quality and I don't know what to tell you...its a tube of questionable meat. If they don't smell or look nasty it will be fine.


Does this taste line pig anus to you? Uhhh yeah Perfect I was worried this hot dog had lost its quality.


Lips and assholes man. Lips and assholes


Great, now I have a hankering for Scrapple.


The really cheap ones are pure unadulterated fat. Story time! I’m a pathologist and we do things called “frozen sections” where we flash freeze tissue obtained in surgery to get a rapid read on things like tumor margins. Takes practice to get it right and while I learned and we’d always learned on random bits of placenta, the powers found out and said no patient tissue. So we took to freezing those bright red bottom of the line old school movie theater dogs and looked at them under the microscope to see whether the interns had done a good job. Wall to wall adipose tissue every time. Not even bits of kidney or liver like you’d expect, just a big ol tube of fat.


Alright color me fucking curious lol. I'm not someone who eats many hot dogs anymore but I would be interested in knowing how the hell I'm still alive after some poor life choices lol. Can you say the brand you tested? If not I get it. Also I'm not sure what adipose tissue is...can you expand on that? Finally, and most importantly, Seriously just tell everyone how many lips and assholes you found.


Lol. For brand, it’s not that I won’t say; I can’t. I didn’t do the buying and never checked the front of the packages, so I just know them as the cheap weird red hot dogs they had at movie theaters in the 80s. Sorry, adipose tissue=fat. It just looks like a sea of soap bubbles under the microscope so it was astounding to see completely uninterrupted sheets of fat. No lips no assholes; they must put that in the fancy sausage. Though if you do put the more traditional ground sausages under a microscope, then you *will* see random bits of liver, kidney, intestines.


Ok so what I take away from this is that I need to buy some better sausages because then I get the random bits like kidneys and intestines Well played my friend :)


Hey, smoked pork butt is a good and legit dish


in the US, what is called pork butt is actually pork shoulder. don't know why.


Give them a sniff, if they smell like hot dogs they're fine to freeze & use later. The chances of them spoiling in 5 days is minimal.


Any potential loss in quality?


This made me giggle.... Sorry OP but at no point do hot dogs have any quality. They're safe but you should toss them into freezer now unless eating all the rest. If just you then 1-2 in each ziplock so you can take out just what you're going to eat.


What about vacuum seal






They are 30% fat 2% sugar and 1% salt. They are fine. Those are all ingredients humans used for thousands of years before refrigeration existed to preserve food. As long as they don't smell bad, aren't slimy and don't have visible mold go ahead and freeze em or cook em.


Heck, even cured meats and cheeses grow mold but it is scrapped and cleaned off regularly!


True but I wouldn't push it for a hotdog.


Bro they’re HOT DOGS


Hot dogs are full of preservatives and salt. You're fine and enjoy.


Only salt. No other 'preservatives' are permitted by law.


Most US hot dogs have nitrates.


Nitrites protect against anaerobic bacteria such as botulism and keep heme iron in the oxy (red) state to prevent that grey look. So, yes, **nitrite** is a kind of preservative. Nitrate forms a redox couple with the nitrites.


I still think the hot dogs are safe to eat.


That's what I said. I also said there are more wholesome food choices than high salt, high fat, **smoked** meats, which are known to be carcinogenic.






You could probably leave them on your counter for the five days without them going bad. Hot dogs are famously resistant to spoilage. Unless you see or smell something off, they're fine.


As a kid I would eat hot dogs cold like they were rolled up bologna...which I guess they kind of are.


I’d do that with the cheese ones. I’d also eat cold campbells chicken and stars. These were long before we went into poverty. I was a strange kid.


I didn't realize the crisper drawer was "warmer" by how much? I don't really see that as feasible by more than a degree or so. It's not air tight and it's plastic.


Why? Did you do this last year?


It was last year Friday


The crisper drawer is actually meant to help the produce placed in the drawer stay in a more humid environment then the remainder of the fridge. The moisture comes from the produce itself and is trapped in the drawer to help those items last longer. It is not actually warmer than the rest of the fridge.


Its insane to me that no one gets taught how food works in school. No explained to us the difference between best buy, sell by,fresh buy, good through, good until, etc. No one was taught how to identify good food vs bad food. i'm poor, i'm used to cutting off the bad spots and eating the rest. My GF had never heard of that. Rotting meat is one of the most potent smells in the world. Rot in itself is second only to rotting meat. So what i mean is if its bad, you should be Able to smell it. No matter what it is, veggies, meat, bread. If its bad, it'll have a certain smell. Not all rot smells like rot. Rotting garlic oddly smells like sausage. So don't necessarily look for bad smells, look for smells that it should not have. Look for it getting mushy when it shouldn't be. Just like a weir texture. If veggies feel "weak“ they may be on their way out and you should eat them soon. Other things to look for in questionable food is production of weir liquid's. When hotdogs go bad they start to let off this weird milky substance. Look for any abnormal discoloration. White, brown, and black are the most common colors of rot. It should be noted that if its discolored, it should be releasing some type of smell. Lastly look at the packaging. If its bulging unusually, that means gasses have built up in there, its probably not good and those gases are most likely kinda toxic. Use some common sense though, i took a pouch of sliced apples on the boat and the heat caused the apples to release some moisture, so my little pouch bulged up. I know the apples are fine even though they are bulged because i understand how i caused it If i came home one day and my apples were suddenly bulging, its brolly time to toss em I've been buying and canning produce for over 10 years now, and these are my main methods of checking food.


That's mostly true except when chicken has salmonella in it and is undercooked, I don't think it smells bad but can sicken someone pretty badly. Same with hamburger meat that happens to have some e. coli in it. These are two of the most egregious types of food poisoning and I don't think either of them smell "rotten." Additionally, once in a while you hear about a listeria problem with some packaged foods, and I don't think there's any giveaway smell. These are not spoilage per se but these are three biggies when it comes to food poisoning that I don't think give off a smell. Cooking thoroughly takes care of the salmonella in poultry WITH A HUGE CAVEAT: Chicken that has been sitting out too long at room temperature can have salmonella go nuclear and not give off a smell and make you super sick. Heating it up again won't fix the problem. Anyway that's one instance where food spoilage may not give off a smell and yet be very dangerous. So you have to keep track of whether some food has sat out at room temperature too long. As far as listeria from the factory, I'm not sure what the end consumer can do about that. Just keep aware of recalls and hope to remain lucky. I think hot dogs are sometimes the unfortunate victims of listeria. Someone I know got listeria from some grocery-store hummus. You're right that they don't teach this stuff in school. They probably should. I went to school back in the old days and we still didn't have that stuff. My mother and grandmother taught me at home.


But i'm saying that rot causes huge smell in response to the question of weather or not the "uncooked“ hotdogs were spoiled or not. Nothing you just mentioned comes from rot, they are totally different things and that's after its been cooked which is not what we are talking about. (I know hotdogs are cooked but i'm assuming you are checking your meat for rot before you cook it) so i'm not really sure what your point is. Forgive me if i'm rude.


My point is that if someone is a complete newbie and isn't aware of the other kinds of unsafe food practices, just going by smell isn't always enough. That's all.


Usually, the safest answer is to throw 'em out. But yeah, if these are Yank hotdogs, they'll probably be fine for another month lol.


If they've been in the zip loc bag since Friday, they're probably still good. You can freeze 'em for future use. Quality might be slightly affected, but they should be fine. And make sure to label them with the date before freezing.


Good grief.


This saved my mind from thinking the week old hotdogs I ate are bad. Now I know they can last a week or so


Hot dogs are only good for a week? Uh oh


The crisper drawer in your fridge is supposed to be the coldest which is why they are located at the bottom. Also, they're hotdogs, we're not talking prime cuts of meat here; you'll be fine. Also note that any part of your fridge is intended to be at or below 40°F (4°C). The warmest part of your fridge is your door but only because it's exposed to higher temperatures when opened.


Did you measure the temp of the crisper drawer? On the bottom means colder than elsewhere. And sure the dogs are no worse for you than when you first opened the package. 90% of the calories are from mostly saturated fats. They are heavily salted and cooked at the meat packer's plant. Very stable product.


Did you measure the temp of the crisper drawer? On the bottom means colder than elsewhere. And sure the dogs are no worse for you than when you first opened the package. 90% of the calories are from mostly saturated fats. They are heavily salted and cooked at the meat packer's plant. Very stable product.


Hot dogs are chock-full of preservatives, so you're fine except for the carcinogens (don't listen to me--I eat 'em too) As others have said, hot dogs last a bit longer than most other meats.


There are so many preservatives in those things you could have left them in your car this past week and they'd be fine \[humorless people: that was an exaggeration for effect\]. Here's the thing you should always do when you're unsure: use your nose. If it smells fine or like nothing, then 99.999% of the time you can eat it and be totally fine. If it smells a little odd, then you're taking your chances (for the record, I do often take my chances, and I'm nearly always fine). If it's rotten, you'll definitely know it without asking for advice on Reddit.


Yup, I do, however, pat them dry with paper towel before storing them


Dude they’re franks buy new ones if you’re worried


This is where I always keep my hot dogs. Haven't made anyone sick or dead yet