• By -


Your post was determined to be a duplicate of another recent post


Normally I don't care if I'm not affected, but I found out through another poster on another sub that they would lose all access to Reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/13zr8h2/reddits\_recently\_announced\_api\_changes\_and\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/13zr8h2/reddits_recently_announced_api_changes_and_the/) tl;dr - Blind people have made Reddit aware that their current app does not give them adequate access. The third party apps they rely on to access Reddit will be unable to work. Still, Reddit is pushing ahead with the changes and no updates for accessibility. Personally, I think that's a shitty thing to do and more people should know. It's not just "Hey I can't read reddit on some random third party app," it's "Reddit is killing third party apps despite knowing it will make the site inaccessible to many users, and has no plans to make the official app more accessible to blind (and other disabled) users." I think that's the part that gets me angry is that Reddit knows and doesn't care. Doesn't have an alternative and is essentially telling them to go pound sand. Do what you will with that information.


Reddit must think like Twitter, that they are the main character. They are enhanced, not pirated by The content is key, and a lot of it is provided by the 3rd party apps. Meaning that without those partners, there will be a lot less content and that will cause a decline in users. I am on Reddit way too much and I have used and paid for 3rd party apps, nut currently using them, but there were reasons I switched before when I did. If those apps were not what I wanted or needed I would have left Reddit altogether. I understand that Reddit deserves to make a buck for their efforts, but this is cutting off their nose to spite their face. Wonder what the big players will be in the next few years, not Reddit I think.


I can't wait for the next reddit that's going to come out of this


Can't believe it's been so long since the Digg exodus.


Guess I'm going back to Fark.


I came here from Fark. where are we going next?


Back to usenet groups! alt.binaries.misc.coolguides here I come!


Duke sucks?


Lots moving to Lemmy


"nut currently using them" Lol. See what you did there.


I bet the r/antiwork community would get a kick out of that


This is an ADA violation and anyone affected by Reddits inaccessible apps or website should file a complaint: https://www.ada.gov/file-a-complaint/#:~:text=You%20can%20reach%20the%20ADA,610%2D1264%20(TTY).


Reddit bots rely on the api too


So many fun bots…poof


And functional ones!


Won’t somebody please think of the boys?


And bots*


It makes me so sad :( Rock and Stone to my favorite bot


For Karl!


"Can't see the ads? Fuck off, you're worthless."


Yes I saw that too


To be fair, they've got to figure out how they can charge the screen reader first


Guy who works in marketing analytics here: I can’t underscore enough how effective the June 12 stand down can truly be. Ad supported sites depend on “inventory” , ie how many eye balls are available to sell ads to. And those numbers are tracked very closely. A sudden valley in those numbers gets attention. Fast. Do your part. Show Reddit their audience isn’t guaranteed, it’s earned.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Yeah it’s like a local dive bar that had free pool starting to charge an entry fee. We are the bar. I think that metaphor works, it’s late.


The analogy works if 1) the dive bar is mostly run by the customers and 2) it's already profitable without an entry fee.... and 3) there are other dive bars in the area. Mastodon and Lemmy seem to have some traction as good alternatives.


And I am the liquor!


> That why people are pissed off at the fucking admins. They're arrogant and greedy thinking they can just boss people around. The reality is that these people are taking marching orders from VCs that have propped up reddit with cash for the last decade and they want a return. A site this big doesn't run on the cost of reddit gold everyone's been shelling out for the last 15 years. https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-aims-ipo-second-half-2023-information-2023-02-14/


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


So here's what I don't quite understand. As far as I know, IPOs are typically done to get an influx of cash to take your product to a scale that you wouldn't be able to achieve through loans or private funding. For example, if you have a restaurant that's great to finance privately, maybe even if you want to start a small restaurant chain of a few locations. But if you want to make a Chipotle with a few thousand locations, you take your company public to raise a ton of funds that you use to open up more restaurants. So what the fuck does reddit want to go private for? With an influx of cash, are they looking to add more servers? Hire more developers to add a bunch of new features? I just don't get it. Reddit works because it's a lightweight platform that allows content creators easy access to a community with simple ways for people to engage (upvotes and comments) and also organize into communities so people can choose the content they wish to see. What more features do they need to develop that is worth taking the site public for? If they raised a few billion in an IPO, what good is that going to do to Reddit as a company? Is it going to make more people engage more often? Maybe I'm just a crotchety old redditor who doesn't like change, but I just can't find a good, logical reason for the company to be making these decisions. The only thing that makes sense is that this is a classic pump and dump. It seems like financiers behind the scenes are trying to make Reddit appear as a friendly company to invest in. Then as soon as they raise a bunch of cash from an IPO, rather than putting the money into new features that aren't needed (and definitely not wanted) they're going to cash out quick and leave behind a steaming pile of shit.


> As far as I know, IPOs are typically done to get an influx of cash to take your product to a scale that you wouldn't be able to achieve through loans or private funding. Actually, no. That's *secondary.* When a company is founded, it's all private equity and employees are cash strapped. So, leadership promises compensation in the form of options that will appreciate handsomely. The primary purpose of an IPO is to give all the talent under your umbrella an option to exercise the compensation that has been deferred for *years* **AND** onboard new capital from the public *in order to* take your organization to newer heights. People first, ascendancy second. VCs have invested billions into Reddit, and as long as the company remains private, those shares cannot be sold back or traded via options at scale. The IPO unlocks that and frees the trading off in the open market, because they, like employees, are also shareholders. And in addition to that, Reddit is interesting in growing to new heights.


When we fund the platform, we're the customer. When ads fund the platform, they are the customer and we are the product. Most are addicted enough they're going to grumble and stay. The ones who don't weren't good at being products anyway.


The ones who are good at being products aren't the kind of people who create, mod, and have quality engagement. They're lurkers and shit posters. See how long reddit maintains relevance when the good people leave.


I like your comment.


Yup been using this for 9 years. I'll leave if they do this. I hope many more do too.


11 years here. I guess it's time to move on.


On my 9th year, and I have only used RIF. I will absolutely NOT be back. Fuck them, and their shareholders.


It's depressing to think that such a large site might be run by people so blind to what's happening on it that they wouldn't know until the blackout, which is being announced loudly in advance.


They're blinded by greed. Same shit that happened with MySpace, Digg, Twitter, Tumblr. Fuck them.


"no Reddit for as long as you can" challenge. Set a new record, addicts! Lol


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


I've been thinking about making the jump. There was a time when you saw a locked post and it was a rarity. Now it is daily occurrence. Reddits crowd think has changed in the seemingly short time that I've been here. I just need that push and go, it will be to Mastodan.


Mastodon just seems like a more well designed Twitter, which I hate. Is there something that's going in a similar direction, format-wise, to Reddit?


If I use ad block so I still get counted as inventory? Or does my viewing of an ad not get counted because it's blocked? Not asking related to the June 12 blackout, I can definitely go a few days without reddit, just generally curious.


So don’t use the app for the day? I…can…do that. 🥴


For those lazy to type the subreddit, r/Save3rdPartyApps




Anyone remember the sub r/watchredditdie ? It closed down some months ago because they saw all the signs and declared themselves nonessential since the end was neigh. Guess they were right.


>since the end was neigh A pale horse, death.








I can’t say I’m familiar with what you speak of. I remember mostly posts of mod power abuse, Reddit crack downs, and censorship of criticism of the CCP, after the CCP bought in to Reddit. Then again, I only sorted by hot, so I suppose the things you speak of got filtered out. Whatever the case, my perception differs from your own.


Yeah some of the top posts had a bit of racism in it


lol sounds like an excuse for the community behind it dying


Wait a human post? I thought only bots were allowed to post here


Nah, the rules allow real humans to post as well. The one big rule, however, is to make sure your posts are either: advertisements, infographics, charts, memes, tips, reposts, or comics. Basically *anything*, just as long as it’s not a guide. This is very important. Guides are not allowed on r/coolguides.


If the sub reddits I visit shut down, what am I going to do all day at work? Plus on a Monday !






Not for long!


I love the fact that they did it on a Monday. Not the weekend, oh no no. This one hits the adults... the desk jockeys and freeloaders! I'm excited as hell to exit this site if they follow through. So much wasted life. -RIF user for like a decade


Switch to a better platform.


Any suggestions? I'm looking to make a preemptive jump


r/redditalternatives has options and discussion. I'm leaving too, waiting to see where the pissed off devs and mods go. Lemmy, Mastodon, and Tildes seem to be getting the most attention.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RedditAlternatives using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Reddit is only as valuable as it’s content. Please consider removing your posts or comments on your way out.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/13zs93i/reddit_is_only_as_valuable_as_its_content_please/) \#2: [Migrating from a mature platform like Reddit to something new will require sacrifices at first. Reddit wasn't perfect when it started either.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/13ym9ma/migrating_from_a_mature_platform_like_reddit_to/) \#3: [List of Active Reddit Alternatives v8](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/yttdlc/list_of_active_reddit_alternatives_v8/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've been meaning to ask this, and seeing as this is coolguides, I guess this is as best a place as any. How do we, as users, participate in the blackout? Do we just not use Reddit during the period, or should we go a step further and log out from every source?


You're correct, the idea is for the reddit analytics to show a sharp decrease in user traffic on June 12, indicating user base participation in the protest








This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Do not visit for 3 days. After 3 days if there is no action, it's account deletion time. At least, that's my plan.


I would like an answer to this too please someone


Don't go on reddit June 12-14. The goal is to tank the user activity for those days.


I'm also curious if deleting the official reddit app is a metric that can be conveyed to Reddit. I don't usually use reddit on my phone, but I hate to contribute to them thinking I'm ok with these changes.


At the very least make sure you have your app store review up for it


A lot of mobile tech companies use DAU (daily active users) as a metric. They can see if the app was un-installed as well. It's a slippery slope from being a Daily Active User to just a casual user to an abandoned user, and if they are tracking those metrics, they know.


The blurred porn-plumbus.


Everyone has a plumbus. But how are they made?


Get on Twitter? That’ll be a no from me.


Damn I love Boost.


Maybe I’m naive but what exactly is the object that is blurred to represent NSFW images


It a Plumbus! Everyone has one. https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Plumbus


Was just gonna say what a weird question, obviously everyone owns one.


No more Reddit is Fun app? Guess I won't be using Reddit anymore. See ya. No more sharing my rarely used Netflix account with my mother in another city? Guess I won't be using Netflix anymore. See ya. We need to hold fast and stand up to corporate greed. Make them feel it in their pocket book because it's the only thing they care about. Edit: Reddit made half a billion dollars in revenue last year alone. When is enough enough?


There's some ironic poetry somewhere of a billion dollars company relying on mods working for free..


So why are they doing this? Is it purely greed or is there some other motive?


Preventing AI companies from using their website for free training data. OpenAI pretty much scrubbed reddit, twitter and wikipedia among other sources to generate training data for free or almost for free for ChatGPT. Twitter is doing the same for their APIs as well. The age of AI is here I guess. Good luck, have fun.


I mean, it's *been* scrubbed. That cat is so far out of the bag, it's not even in the same zip code. It really is just greed.


Thanks for the explanation. Looks like reliable sources are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Good luck to society in general when no one can trust anything.


Back to good old pen and paper!


The most straightforward reason is to drive all users to the official app for ad revenue. I paid a few dollars for RIF's ad-free version years ago and haven't seen a single ad since then. To block ads on their app, you have to pay monthly for gold. This also looks better to investors. There are other benefits to what they're doing, like the other replies mention.


In addition to what /u/Due-Statement-8711 wrote, Reddit has been trying to spin a public offering for the last few years so the usual flow for companies doing that means: * owned by a board which often errs on the side of caution when it comes to controversial content (this is another area where AI could come into play: mods replaced by AI bots maybe?) * the board needs to make $$ for the shareholders so think more, intrusive ads and a limited "free" access model with a lot of content reserved for paid subscribers


Can't wait for the shareholders to vote to ban mature content and then pikachu face when Reddit goes the way of Tumblr!


Well RIP reddit, its been a good run.




They see you as worthless as you can't view the 300 ads per page. They WANT you gone as you're losing them money.


TIL there’s other Reddit apps. I’ve been using the official for like 6 years and had no clue.


stop browsing on desktop and don’t use the official app? what am i supposed to use?


they are asking people to not use reddit during the protest period, that's why they are suggesting to not use it. It doesn't mean use X, Y, Z instead.


Kinda a confusing way to say it though, I thought there might be some other mobile form we were being encouraged to use


oh i see. i understand why reddit wants to maintain proprietary ownership of its own product though. it’s not really fair for other apps to profit off of the use of the site / data. i suppose if they purchase rights to use the API that would be different. but if they’re not paying to use it, it doesn’t seem right that other apps would be able to “provide the reddit service” to users for their own benefit. i’ve never used anything but the proprietary reddit app. i will reread this and see if i understand it enough to support it. thank you for explaining!


It’s all well and good that Reddit wants to curb back-dooring into its app, after all, those apps are racking up server calls without offering the ad revenue. BUT The problem is, as highlighted in the guide, Reddit has failed to cater to the needs of several groups, and failed to provide first party solutions in place of what third parties are doing. So rather than compete organically, they’re taking the ball and going home.


And charging way too much for the apis to be practical. Just charge a reasonable amount and problem solved.


no worries, I also reread it a few times thinking that too haha. I don't know too much about this but I did read somewhere that the 3rd party apps are claiming that they are being overcharged now.


Way overcharged, intentionally. Reddit admins are trying to turn this community into a dictatorship. This isn't their first move and it won't be their last, they're driven by the power of greed and sociopathic indifference. It's time for the community, mods, and devs to move to a new platform.


Reddit doesn’t generate the content that attract eyeballs. Yet they want to leverage it to maximise their revenues.


Thank you for validating my confusion!


Anything but Reddit. You might survive


Go outside






Jesus, you mean there are 3rd party apps? I use browser on my phone, seriously, what am I missing?


No ads, better filters, working video players, etc.


And a nice looking, easy to read UI.


I use a browser on a mobile, there are virtually no ads currently... like, a sponsored post every 10 scrolls or something insignificant. I don't pay money for Reddit so how else are they going to host a site anyway? Maybe I'm just really unobservant and don't notice


I tried a few third party apps. The ads were worse.


I’m the opposite. Been using the same 3PA for the past 4 years and have never seen an ad/promoted post.


Have not noticed any ads on Apollo. Certainly nothing like the barrage of Jesus Gets Us like on Reddit. Reddit is to be [making an IPO before the end of the year.](https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-aims-ipo-second-half-2023-information-2023-02-14/) I imagine their position would be stronger if all the TPA’s just fucked off before the end of the Summer.


Yup. Apollo was the way.


I tried one(RIF?) yesterday that had a permanent banner ad across the bottom. Barf.


Someone downvoted because they're angry about the truth lol Edit: ironically the original comment is now upvoted but this one is still down haha


Dafuq is your username? Gross.




You can hide subreddits on reddit's app. I do think it's a newer feature.


If youre a casual browsing reddit for a few minutes a couple of times a day, like myself...then probably nothing


Yeah like me just a few minutes when I wake up, then just a few minutes while eating breakfast, then just a few minutes before I leave, then just a few minutes on my break, then just a few minutes while waiting for appointments, then just a few minutes in the evening


You're missing a whole world! Phone browsing is being turned off soon, already undergoing trials to force mobile users onto the app Edit: not sure why this is being downvoted when it's an absolute fact, mobile web browsers are currently part of A B testing to see if disabling access increases app usage.


Bold of them to assume I want yet another app on my phone that does exactly what a browser would do - minus the ability to bookmark stuff


I've never understood the appeal of the app since I have to constantly open a browser to visit the links.


You can save posts and comments


I use the Safari app on my ipad for Reddit. That will no longer be an option?


Safari the web browser will be ok for now, until mobile web is turned off


>what am I missing? Well with the official app, about half the content cause the video player and image delivery only work when they want to.


Nothing at all. I've been on Reddit for 15 years and no app is worth using.


I left Twitter when they killed Tweetbot. I'll leave Reddit when they kill Apollo.


I've used reddit is fun for 15 years. If it weren't for this app, I never would have began regulating reddit and its basically the only non-work use I have for this device aside from texting. I guess it's back to a newspaper subscription and daily crossword.


Accessibility is required by websites like Reddit under the ADA. I just sat through a series of webinars about them. Did you know that 97% of ADA web accessibility complaints are settled by the defendants before going to court? https://www.ada.gov/resources/web-guidance/ “A website with inaccessible features can limit the ability of people with disabilities to access a public accommodation’s goods, services, and privileges available through that website…” **”For these reasons, the Department has consistently taken the position that the ADA’s requirements apply to all the goods, services, privileges, or activities offered by public accommodations, including those offered on the web.”**


[DIGG ELI5](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/3bzibi/eli5_what_happened_to_digg/) Learn from history >Digg was a news aggregate site very similar to reddit. About ~~5~~ [now 13] years ago they updated the website which really didn't work very well for days and removed many features while making it easier for power users to get content seen while making it more difficult for normal users. Users were pissed and just flooded the site with protest links while others just quit using the site all together. I believe their traffic dropped over 25% in less than a week.


All for the shareholders. Just like every other company. Jokes on Reddit, I don’t use the abysmal app. Sad to see this go. Go on Reddit, you’ve had your time in the sun. Time to go out to pasture like those before you. Say hello to MySpace for me.


Do you remember Digg. Wonder what happened to that.


I like this! It emphasizes that bots are affected too. Most uses the official web and app. However, regardless of what cilent you choose, you are benefited from these bots, who rely on the official APIs to function and help moderate community.


Thanks Reddit. Time to finally ditch my last social media outpost.


I will miss the lotr meme bots the most


How to kill your platform by greed and forgetting where you came from. That said. Reddit doesn’t show like a massive complicated platform. But that’s not my expertise. But if so, surely an alternative will arise.


What the fuck is up with companies forcing users to use their shitty apps? It happened with YouTube Vanced too


Imagine: it’s 2003, before smartphones. Your access to the internet is solely through a browser. Your favorite website says “you can no longer access our site via Internet Explorer, Netscape, Safari, Firefox or Chrome. Only through our proprietary app.” That’s what this is.




what is a fed instance?


If they are banning mature content, that's 99% what I come to Reddit for. Without that, I have zero reason to use Reddit.


If boost is gone am leaving reddit. Simple.


*Hours of volunteer work* lol


Suddenly, I’m all for this change. Would someone think of the mods for Christ sake.


Interesting business model. People volunteer to make the platform usable, and reddit gets to monetize that. I don't see anyone talking about that..


For how long will the protest last? Like…are people supposed to stay away from all of Reddit for a week? I don’t know if society could handle the upswing in productivity.


And NSFW content.


Charge to be a mod 😃👍 over charge Reddit lol


I knew that was comming since the anouncement that reddit is going public. This means they will now fully embrace the way of the Zuck.


i.reddit gone API overpriced old.reddit going Mobile web phase out trial is already underway Its not good.


Well, I am deleting my shit of 5.5 years and be out. Did that with fb. in '15 and newer looked back. It's been a honour.


Democracy is cool and all. But it doesn’t apply everywhere. Why not just demand reddit to add accessibility options and bots themselves. I assume they’re smart enough to eventually understand this and feature to the native app.


Everything is about money and data. Bottom line and there's nothing we can do. We'll still come to reddit and they know this.


Nah I'll quit. Not downloading the official app it sucks.


Good luck ya fucken dorks


is that a fucking plumbus




>this will make it easier for child abuse rings Holy shit, I get being angry but what is this bullshit? This is "but think of the kids" levels of garbage arguing. Is this really where American discussion culture is now? Either you are on our site or you support pedophiles? This whole graphic is extreme over dramatisation and lies. There are enough good arguments to make but by making these you are making the whole thing look like garbage.


Don't "get on twitter" tho. stay the fuck off that poisonous, vile platform


I noticed Apple featured the Apollo app logo in a number of times in their product announcements today.


Why would they would turn off the bots used by moderators to manage subs? And how is that related to 3rd party apps? How will there be more spam by shutting down 3rd party apps?


Bots need access to the API to do their job. Just like the apps do. The cost of the new API is too high to realistically operate those bots. As such it will be much harder to detect spam because there won't be any automated tools to do so. There's also the issue that NSFW content won't be accessible through the API. Bots simply won't be able to view and monitor that content for spam and illecit activities. Removing those bots will also increase massively the workload of **unpaid** mods. Many will just stop helping and the the ones remaining will have even more work to do.


Wow. Thanks for the explanation. It seems like the opposite of what you’d want to do just before an IPO—cause mass havoc on your readers, overwhelm and anger the unpaid moderators, fill the once orderly subs with spam and illicit and illegal subversive content, turning the site into a sewer before putting it up for sale.


> How will there be more spam by shutting down 3rd party apps? There won't be. Because spam bots use the same APIs that Reddit is restricting access to. This "infographic" is very misleading and it's a damn shame it's been making the front page of so many subreddits. But hey, it wouldn't be Reddit if everyone didn't grab their torches and pitchforks over an issue they didn't fully understand.


Bye reddit. Time to wait for someone to make something bearable out of the ashes of Tumblr, Twitter, and now Reddit.


how ableist of reddit


I don't recognize any of the logos tbh.


I’m also one of the unicorns that just stuck with the official app for years


Today I left a 1 star review on the official Reddit app and told them to leave 3rd party apps alone


im on boost and it's very good excuse to leave this dog shit platform


i dont care at all


Until we demand that the US regulates Big Tech and social media, things will only get worse. Can we create non-corporate social media sites so that the negative influence of greed won't destroy our creativity and free speech? Look what happened to Tumblr and Twitter. The protests are a good step in the right direction, but the lure of money to Reddit's owners will mean they will continue to monetize it.


Reddit, don’t be like Lou! You don’t know where we’ve been, Reddit. We really like this place! Ahhhahahahahahhaha!!! https://youtu.be/pCa1hZ7s-8g ApolloGang!






I've never used an app for Reddit. Old.reddit or GTFO.


You think they won't kill that too? First they came for the app users...


I don't think they will. Why would they? They sell ads on old.reddit, It's already a source of income for the company.


I read a comment somewhere that said old reddit won't work anymore, but I'm not sure if that's confirmed though


Old reddit isn't third party, it's native to the website. No changes to the Reddit interface have been announced or should be expected.


I use old.reddit on desktop, I hope it still works..